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См. также в других словарях:

  • Wretch — Wretch, n. [OE. wrecche, AS. wrecca, wr[ae]cca, an exile, a wretch, fr. wrecan to drive out, punish; properly, an exile, one driven out, akin to AS. wr[ae]c an exile, OS. wrekkio a stranger, OHG. reccheo an exile. See {Wreak}, v. t.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wretch — Studioalbum von Kyuss Veröffentlichung 23. September 1991 Aufnahme 1989 1991 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • wretch — wretch; wretch·ed; wretch·ed·ly; wretch·ed·ness; wretch·less; wretch·less·ness; …   English syllables

  • Wretch — Album par Kyuss Sortie 23 septembre 1991 Enregistrement Palm Springs, Californie Durée 46:36 Genre Rock alternatif, Stoner rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wretch — Álbum de Kyuss Publicación 23 de septiembre de 1991 Género(s) Heavy metal Stoner metal Duración 46:36 Discográfica …   Wikipedia Español

  • wretch — [retʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: wrecca person driven out ] 1.) someone that you feel sorry for ▪ He was a lonely, miserable wretch. 2.) someone you are annoyed with ▪ Stop pulling my hair, you wretch! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wretch — [ retʃ ] noun count 1. ) someone who is in a difficult situation and who you feel sorry for: The poor wretch lay crying by the side of the road. 2. ) HUMOROUS someone you do not like or who annoys you: Why did you marry that wretch? a ) LITERARY… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wretch´ed|ly — wretch|ed «REHCH ihd», adjective. 1. very unfortunate or unhappy. 2. very unsatisfactory; miserable: »a wretched hut. SYNONYM(S): pitiful, shabby. 3. very bad: »a wretched traitor. SYNONYM(S): despicable, base, mean …   Useful english dictionary

  • wretch|ed — «REHCH ihd», adjective. 1. very unfortunate or unhappy. 2. very unsatisfactory; miserable: »a wretched hut. SYNONYM(S): pitiful, shabby. 3. very bad: »a wretched traitor. SYNONYM(S): despicable, base, mean …   Useful english dictionary

  • wretch — (n.) O.E. wrecca wretch, stranger, exile, from P.Gmc. *wrakjan (Cf. O.S. wrekkio, O.H.G. reckeo a banished person, exile, Ger. recke renowned warrior, hero ), related to O.E. wreccan to drive out, punish (see WREAK (Cf. wreak)). Sense of vile,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • wretch — ► NOUN 1) an unfortunate person. 2) informal a contemptible person. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

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