1 ♦ wound
♦ wound (1) /wu:nd/n.1 ferita; piaga: a knife wound, una ferita di taglio; a mortal wound, una ferita mortale; a gaping wound, una ferita aperta; to dress a wound, medicare una ferita; to heal a wound, sanare una ferita; gunshot wound, ferita d'arma da fuoco; stab wound, ferita di punta2 (fig.) ingiuria; offesa: a wound to sb.'s pride [vanity], un'offesa all'orgoglio [alla vanità] di q.● (med.) wound shock, shock traumatico □ (fig.) to leave a wound, lasciare il segno (fig.).wound (2) /waʊnd/ (to) wound /wu:nd/v. t.ferire; (fig.) offendere: They were wounded in a riot, furono feriti in una sommossa; You've wounded his feelings, l'hai ferito nei suoi sentimenti● seriously wounded, gravemente ferito □ (fig.) willing to wound, malevolo; maligno. -
2 wound
flesh \wound Fleischwunde f;a gaping/open \wound eine klaffende/offene Wunde;a nasty \wound eine schlimme Wunde;to reopen old \wounds [or an old \wound] alte Wunden wieder aufreißen vtto \wound sbto be \wounded in the leg am Bein verletzt [o verwundet] werden;to \wound sb's heart jdn [o jds Gefühle pl] verletzen;to \wound sb deeply jdn tief verletzen -
3 wound
Ⅰwound [wu:nd]1. n1) ра́на; ране́ние2) оби́да, оскорбле́ние; уще́рб3) поэт. му́ки любви́2. v1) ра́нить2) причиня́ть боль, заде́ть;to wound smb.'s feelings заде́ть чьи-л. чу́вства
;he was wounded in his deepest affections он был оскорблён в свои́х лу́чших чу́вствах
ⅡⅢ -
4 wound
5 wound-up
wound-up adj. заведённый (о часах и т. п.) -
6 wound up
7 wound up
8 wound
wound gewickeltEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > wound
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10 wound-up
wound-up [waʊnd-] -
11 wound
1. сущ.
1) рана;
ранение to receive a wound ≈ получить ранение to clean a wound ≈ промыть рану to dress a wound ≈ перевязать рану to lick one's wounds ≈ зализывать раны (приходить в себя, восстанавливаться после душевной или физической травмы) to suture a wound ≈ зашивать рану to stop the wound ≈ остановить кровь из раны to swab a wound ≈ накладывать тампон на рану the lips of the wound ≈ края раны bullet wound fatal wound festering wound flesh wound gaping wound knife wound light wound mortal wound self-inflicted wound serious wound severe wound slight wound superficial wound
2) обида, оскорбление;
убыток, ущерб to inflict a wound on/upon ≈ нанести оскорбление
2. гл.
1) ранить
2) причинить боль, задеть to wound smb.'s feelings ≈ задеть чьи-л. чувства he was wounded in his deepest affections ≈ он был оскорблен в своих лучших чувствах Syn: bruise, cut, lacerate, scar рана, ранение - green * свежая /незажившая/ рана - * in the arm ранение в руку - * of exit (медицина) выходное отверстие раны - * healing заживление раны - * shock травматический шок душевная боль;
обида, оскорбление - to reopen a * бередить старую рану - to inflict a * upon smb.'s honour оскорбить чью-л. честь - lover's * муки любви - a * to one's vanity удар по самолюбию - it was a * to my pride это задело мою гордость порез, разрез, насечка( на дереве и т. п.) > to lick one's *s зализывать раны > our team is still licking its *s after its unexpected defeat наша команда все еще приходит в себя после неожиданного поражения > to rub salt into smb.'s *s сыпать соль на раны ранить - *ed in the head раненный в голову причинить боль;
уколоть, задеть - to * the ear резать слух - *ed in his deepest affections оскорбленный в своих лучших чувствах (сельскохозяйственное) скарифицировать (семена) past и р.р. от wind he was wounded in his deepest affections он был оскорблен в своих лучших чувствах wound past & p. p. от wind ~ обида, оскорбление;
ущерб ~ рана;
ранение ~ ранить ~ причинить боль, задеть;
to wound (smb.'s) feelings задеть (чьи-л.) чувства -
12 wound
I [wuːnd] nрана, ранение- light wound- festering wound- superficial wound- flesh wound
- knife wound
- self-inflicted wound
- wound in the leg
- lips of the wound
- tie up dress a wound
- sew up a wound
- die of wounds
- receive a wound
- clean a wound
- suture a wound
- stop the wound
- swab a wound II [wuːnd] v1) ранить2) оскорблять -
13 wound
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be wounded[Swahili Word] -athiriwa[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] Arabic[Swahili Definition] kupigwa risasi [Masomo 165][English Example] She was wounded in two places, in the head and in the chest.[Swahili Example] Aliathiriwa sehemu mbili, kichwani na kifuani [Masomo 165]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be wounded[Swahili Word] -jeruhiwa[Part of Speech] verb[Class] passive[Derived Word] jeraha n------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] small wound (left after removing a thorn etc.)[Swahili Word] chomeo[Swahili Plural] machomeo[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] superficial wound[Swahili Word] para[Swahili Plural] para[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] surface wound[Swahili Word] mkwaruzo[Swahili Plural] mikwaruzo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] kwaruza V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] surface wound[Swahili Word] mpapuro[Swahili Plural] mipapuro[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] papura------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] athari[Swahili Plural] athari[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] cheraka[Swahili Plural] macheraka[Part of Speech] noun[English Example] be wounded[Swahili Example] pata cheraka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[English Plural] wounds[Swahili Word] jeraha[Swahili Plural] majeraha[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] jeruhi, majeruhi[English Example] he laughs at a scar who has received no wound (proverb)[Swahili Example] hucheka kovu asiye kuwa na jeraha (methali)------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[English Plural] wounds[Swahili Word] kidonda[Swahili Plural] vidonda[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[English Example] you shouldn't put a hot nail on the wound[Swahili Example] usitueleke msumari wa moto juu ya kidonda [Sul][Terminology] medical------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] mchanjo[Swahili Plural] michanjo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] chanja V, chanjo N------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] mchanjo[Swahili Plural] michanjo[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Derived Word] -chanja V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -cheruhi[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -dondoa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -jeruhi[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] jeraha, majeruhi------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -jeruhi[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] jeraha n------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -onza[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound[Swahili Word] -wanga[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound (large)[Swahili Word] bandguzi[Swahili Plural] mabanguzi[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wound (superficial)[English Plural] wounds (superficial)[Swahili Word] mtai[Swahili Plural] mitai[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4------------------------------------------------------------ -
14 wound
I. 1. рана, контузия
a knife/bullet WOUND рана от нож/куршум и пр.
operation WOUND (незаздравяла) рана от операция
2. наранено/ожулено място на растение, дърво и пр
3. прен. рана, болка, обида
a WOUND to one's pride/feelings, etc. наранена гордост, засегнати чувства и пр
II. v ранявам, наранявам (и прен.), засягам, уязвявам, накърнявам (чест, гордост, самолюбие и пр.)
III. вж. wind* * *{wu:nd} n 1. рана; контузия; a knife/bullet wound рана от нож/куршу(2) {wu:nd} v ранявам, наранявам (и прен.); засягам, уязвявам, {3} вж. wind.* * *уязвявам; увреждане; рана; ранявам; обидa; вреда; наранявам;* * *1. a knife/bullet wound рана от нож/куршум и пр 2. a wound to one's pride/feelings, etc. наранена гордост, засегнати чувства и пр 3. i. рана, контузия 4. ii. v ранявам, наранявам (и прен.), засягам, уязвявам, накърнявам (чест, гордост, самолюбие и пр.) 5. iii. вж. wind 6. operation wound (незаздравяла) рана от операция 7. наранено/ожулено място на растение, дърво и пр 8. прен. рана, болка, обида* * *wound [wund] I. n 1. рана; festering ( running, mortal, green) \wound гнойна (жива, смъртоносна, прясна) рана; incised ( punctured, contused, lacerated) \wound срезна (пробита, натъртена, разкъсана) рана; operation \wound оперативна рана; bullet \wound рана от куршум; to inflict a \wound нанасям рана, наранявам (on); to receive a \wound бивам ранен; to rub salt into the \wound слагам сол в раната; to lick o.'s \wounds ближа си раните (прен.); 2. прен. рана; обида, оскърбление; вреда, увреждане, накърняване; 3. поет. любовни мъки (страдания); II. v ранявам, наранявам (и прен.), засягам; to \wound to death ранявам смъртоносно; to \wound s.o.'s feelings уязвявам, засягам (дълбоко); the killed and \wounded убитите и ранените; III. wound pt, pp от wind I. -
15 wound
I 1. noun(lit. or fig.) Wunde, die2. transitive verbverwunden; (fig.) verletzenIIbe wounded in the thigh/arm — am Oberschenkel/Arm verwundet werden
see academic.ru/82394/wind">wind II 1., 2.* * *past tense, past participle; = wind II* * *wound1[wu:nd]I. nflesh \wound Fleischwunde fgunshot/stab/war \wound Schuss-/Stich-/Kriegsverletzung fa gaping/an open \wound eine klaffende/offene Wundea nasty \wound eine schlimme Wundeto reopen old \wounds [or an old \wound] alte Wunden wieder aufreißenII. vt▪ to \wound sb1. (physically) jdn verletzen [o verwunden]to be \wounded in the leg am Bein verletzt [o verwundet] werdento \wound sb badly/fatally/mortally jdn schwer/schlimm/tödlich verletzen [o verwundento \wound sb's heart jdn [o jds Gefühle] verletzento \wound sb deeply jdn tief verletzenwound2[waʊnd]* * *I [wuːnd]1. n (lit)Wunde f; (fig also) Kränkung fSee:→ lick2. vt (lit)verwunden, verletzen; (fig) verletzen3. nII [waʊnd] pret, ptp See: of windthe wounded pl — die Verwundeten pl
* * *wound1 [wuːnd]A s1. Wunde f, Verletzung f (beide auch fig), Verwundung f:the (Five) Wounds of Christ die (fünf) Wundmale Christi;2. fig Kränkung f (to gen)B v/t verwunden, verletzen (beide auch fig kränken):wounded veteran Kriegsversehrte(r) m;the wounded die Verwundeten pl;wounded vanity verletzte Eitelkeitwound2 [waʊnd] prät und pperf von wind2, wind3* * *I 1. noun(lit. or fig.) Wunde, die2. transitive verbverwunden; (fig.) verletzenIIbe wounded in the thigh/arm — am Oberschenkel/Arm verwundet werden
* * *v.anschießen v.verwunden v. (injury) n.Verletzung f. n.Wunde -n f. -
16 wound
I [wuːnd] 1. сущ.1) рана; ранениеfatal / mortal wound — смертельная рана
flesh / gaping wound — зияющая рана
light / slight wound — лёгкое, незначительное ранение
- festering woundserious / severe wound — тяжёлое ранение
- knife wound
- self-inflicted wound
- superficial wound2) обида, оскорблениеto inflict a wound (up)on smb. — нанести кому-л. оскорбление
••2. гл.to lick one's wounds — зализывать раны (приходить в себя, восстанавливаться после душевной или физической травмы)
1) ранить2) причинять боль, задеватьto wound smb.'s feelings — задеть чьи-л. чувства
He was wounded in his deepest affections. — Он был оскорблён в своих лучших чувствах.
Syn:II [waund] прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. от wind II -
17 wound
I1. n1) рана; поранення2) перен. образа; кривда; душевна рана; шкода3) поріз, розріз, насічка, зарубка (на дереві)wound dressing — мед. перев'язування рани
wound fever — мед. ранова гарячка
wound suture — мед. шов на рану
wound treatment — мед. лікування ран
2. v1) поранити2) перен. завдати болю; уразити; образити3) с.г. скарифікувати (Грунт)IIpast і p.p. від wind* * *I [wuːnd] n1) рана, пораненняwound or exit [of entry] — мeд. вихідний [вхідний]отвір рани
2) душевний біль; образаto inflict a wound upon smb 's honour — образити чию-н. честь
3) поріз, розріз, надсічка ( на дереві)our team is still licking its wounds after its unexpected defeat — наша команда все ще приходить до тями після неочікуванної поразки
II [wuːnd] vto rub salt into smb 's wounds — сипати сіль на рани
1) ранити2) завдати болю; вколоти, зачепити3) c-г. скарифікувати ( насіння)III [waund] past, р. р. від wind I IV [waund] past, р. р. від wind II -
18 wound
1. III1) wound smb. wound a soldier (a prisoner, etc.) ранить солдата и т.д., нанести рану солдату и т.д.2) wound smth., smb. wound smb.'s feelings (smb.'s pride, smb.'s vanity, etc.) задевать чьи-л. чувства и т.д.; your remark wounded him ваше замечание задело /обидело/ его2. IV1) wound smb. in some manner wound smb. severely (dangerously, mortally /fatally/, etc.) серьезно и т.д. ранить кого-л., нанести кому-л. серьезную и т.д. рану2) wound smb., smth. in some manner wound him (his pride, her vanity, etc.) deeply глубоко задеть его и т.д.3. XI1) be wounded in some part of the body he was wounded in the arm (in the leg, in the head, etc.) его ранило в руку и т.д.; be wounded in smth. several men were wounded in the explosion во время взрыва ранило несколько человек; he was wounded in the war его ранило на войне; be wounded by smth. he was wounded by a stray bullet в него попала случайная /шальная/ пуля2) be wounded by smth. she was wounded by his indifference (by her remark, etc.) его равнодушие и т.д. обидело /задело/ ее4. XXI11) wound smb. in some part of the body wound smb. in the shoulder (in the head, in the arm, etc.) ранить кого-л. в плечо и т.д.; wound smb. with smth. wound smb. with a knife ранить кого-л. ножом2) wound smb. in smth. wound smb. in his honour (in his pride, in his self-esteem, in his affections, etc.) задеть чью-л. честь и т.д. -
19 wound
1. n рана, ранение2. n душевная боль; обида, оскорбление3. n порез, разрез, насечкаour team is still licking its wounds after its unexpected defeat — наша команда всё ещё приходит в себя после неожиданного поражения
4. v ранить5. v причинить боль; уколоть, задеть6. v с. -х. скарифицироватьСинонимический ряд:1. injury (noun) bruise; cut; damage; hurt; injury; laceration; lesion; stab2. blew/blown (verb) blew/blown; fanned; ruffled; winnowed3. deformed (verb) contorted; deformed; distorted; misshaped; tortured; warped4. injure (verb) cut; damage; harm; hurt; injure; lacerate; stab5. shock (verb) shock; traumatise6. upset (verb) bother; disturb; trouble; upset7. wormed (verb) edge in; foisted; infiltrated; insinuated; wormed8. wound (verb) coiled; curled; entwined; meandered; snaked; spiraled or spiralled; spiralled; twined; twisted; wound; wove; wreathed -
20 wound
past tense, past participle; = wind IIwound1 n heridawound2 vb herirwound3 vbtr[waʊnd]1→ link=wind wind{————————tr[wʊːnd]1 herida1 herir\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto open old wounds reabrir viejas heridaswound ['wu:nd] vt: herirwound n: herida fv.• herir v.• llagar v.n.• golpe s.m.• herida s.f.• lesión s.f.• llaga s.f.pret., p.p.(Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to wind")
I wuːndnoun herida fto reopen old wounds — abrir* viejas heridas
II wuːndtransitive/intransitive verb herir*
III waʊnd
I [wuːnd]1.N herida fa bullet/knife wound — una herida de bala/cuchillo
a chest/head wound — una herida en el pecho/la cabeza
- lick one's wounds- open up old woundssalt 1., 1)2.VT herirto wound sb's feelings — (fig) herir los sentimientos de algn
she was deeply wounded by this remark — (fig) su comentario la hirió profundamente
[waʊnd]PT PP of wind II, 1., 1)* * *
I [wuːnd]noun herida fto reopen old wounds — abrir* viejas heridas
II [wuːnd]transitive/intransitive verb herir*
III [waʊnd]
См. также в других словарях:
wound — n Wound, trauma, traumatism, lesion, bruise, contusion are comparable when they mean an injury to one of the organs or parts of the body. Wound generally denotes an injury that is inflicted by a hard or sharp instrument (as a knife, a bullet, or… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Wound — Wound, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wounding}.] [AS. wundian. [root]140. See {Wound}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. To hurt by violence; to produce a breach, or separation of parts, in, as by a cut, stab, blow, or the like. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wound — wound1 [wo͞ond] n. [ME wunde < OE wund, akin to Ger wunde < IE * wen , var. of base * wā , to hit, wound > WEN1] 1. an injury to the body in which the skin or other tissue is broken, cut, pierced, torn, etc. 2. an injury to a plant… … English World dictionary
Wound — (?; 277), n. [OE. wounde, wunde, AS. wund; akin to OFries. wunde, OS. wunda, D. wonde, OHG. wunta, G. wunde, Icel. und, and to AS., OS., & G. wund sore, wounded, OHG. wunt, Goth. wunds, and perhaps also to Goth. winnan to suffer, E. win.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wound — [n] injury anguish, bruise, cut, damage, distress, gash, grief, harm, heartbreak, hurt, insult, laceration, lesion, pain, pang, shock, slash, torment, torture, trauma; concept 309 wound [v1] cause bodily damage bruise, carve, clip*, contuse, cut … New thesaurus
wound´ed|ly — wound|ed «WOON dihd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. suffering from a wound or wounds: »Kay near him groaning like a wounded bull (Tennyson). 2. Figurative. deeply pained or grieved: »The quiet of my wounded conscience (Shakespeare). –n. the wounded,… … Useful english dictionary
wound|ed — «WOON dihd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. suffering from a wound or wounds: »Kay near him groaning like a wounded bull (Tennyson). 2. Figurative. deeply pained or grieved: »The quiet of my wounded conscience (Shakespeare). –n. the wounded, those who … Useful english dictionary
wound´i ly — wound|y «WOON dee», adjective. Especially British Dialect. very great; extreme; excessive. ╂[< (God s) wound(s), an oath, swounds + y1] –wound´i ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
wound|y — «WOON dee», adjective. Especially British Dialect. very great; extreme; excessive. ╂[< (God s) wound(s), an oath, swounds + y1] –wound´i ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
Wound — Wound, imp. & p. p. of {Wind} to twist, and {Wind} to sound by blowing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wound up — [ˌwaund ˈʌp] adj [not before noun] anxious, worried, or excited ▪ I was too wound up to sleep … Dictionary of contemporary English