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  • worse luck — (informal) Unfortunately • • • Main Entry: ↑luck * * * worse luck british phrase used for saying that you wish a situation was different We’ve got maths this morning, worse luck. Thesaurus: ways of saying you are sorry or regret somethingsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • worse luck! — ˌworse ˈluck! idiom (BrE, informal) used to show that you are disappointed about sth • I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! Main entry: ↑worseidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • worse luck — ► worse luck informal unfortunately. Main Entry: ↑luck …   English terms dictionary

  • worse luck — British used for saying that you wish a situation was different We ve got maths this morning, worse luck …   English dictionary

  • worse luck — informal unfortunately (used to express regret). → luck …   English new terms dictionary

  • worse luck —  So much the worse …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • luck — ► NOUN 1) success or failure apparently brought by chance. 2) chance considered as a force causing success or failure. 3) good fortune. ► VERB informal 1) (luck into/upon) chance to find or acquire. 2) (luck …   English terms dictionary

  • luck — [luk] n. [ME lucke, prob. < MDu luk, contr. < gelucke < ODu * gilukki (> Ger glück, fortune, good luck) < ? IE base * leug , to bend (> LEEK, LOCK1): basic sense “what bends together,” hence, “what occurs, what is fitting, lucky …   English World dictionary

  • luck — luck1 W3S2 [lʌk] n [U] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(success)¦ 2 bad luck 3¦(chance)¦ 4 with (any) luck/with a bit of luck 5 wish somebody (the best of) luck 6 good luck/best of luck 7 good luck to somebody 8 any luck?/no luck? 9 be in luck …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • worse — 1 adjective 1 (the comparative of bad) not as good as someone or something else, or more unpleasant or of a lower standard: The meal couldn t have been much worse. | worse than: The weather was worse than last year. | there s nothing worse than… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • worse — worse1 [wə:s US wə:rs] adj [: Old English; Origin: wiersa, wyrsa] 1.) [the comparative of bad] more unpleasant, bad, or severe →↑better worse than ▪ The violence was worse than we expected. ▪ The traffic is much worse after five o clock. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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