1 crèche
[kreʃ, kreɪʃ]1) BE (nursery) asilo m. nido; (in shop etc.) baby-parking m.2) (Christmas crib) presepio m.* * *[kreʃ]1) (a nursery for babies whose mothers are at work etc: Some factories have creches for the children of their workers.) asilo2) (a miniature stable with figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus etc.) presepio, presepe* * *crèche /krɛʃ/ (franc.)n.3 (GB) asilo infantile; nido d'infanzia.* * *[kreʃ, kreɪʃ]1) BE (nursery) asilo m. nido; (in shop etc.) baby-parking m.2) (Christmas crib) presepio m.
См. также в других словарях:
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