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  • 101 метод

    approach, device, manner, mean, method, mode, practice, procedure, system, technique, technology, theory, way
    * * *
    ме́тод м.
    method; procedure; technique
    агрегатнопото́чный ме́тод — conveyor-type production [production-line] method
    аксиомати́ческий ме́тод — axiomatic [postulational] method
    ме́тод амплиту́дного ана́лиза — kick-sorting method
    анаглифи́ческий ме́тод картогр.anaglyphic(al) method
    ме́тод аналити́ческой вста́вки топ. — cantilever extension, cantilever (strip) triangulation
    ме́тод быстре́йшего спу́ска стат.steepest descent method
    вариацио́нный ме́тод — variational method
    ме́тод Верне́йля радиоVerneuil method
    весово́й ме́тод — gravimetric method
    ме́тод ветве́й и грани́ц киб.branch and bound method
    ме́тод взба́лтывания — shake method
    визуа́льный ме́тод — visual method
    ме́тод возду́шной прое́кции — aero-projection method
    ме́тод враще́ния — method of revolution
    ме́тод вреза́ния — plunge-cut method
    ме́тод вре́мени пролё́та — time-of-flight method
    вре́мя-и́мпульсный ме́тод ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — pulse-counting method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод встре́чного фрезерова́ния — conventional [cut-up] milling method
    ме́тод вы́бега эл.retardation method
    ме́тод вымета́ния мат.sweep(ing)-out method
    ме́тод гармони́ческого бала́нса киб., автмт.describing function method
    ме́тод гармони́ческой линеариза́ции — describing function method
    голографи́ческий ме́тод — holographic method
    гравиметри́ческий ме́тод — gravimetric(al) method
    графи́ческий ме́тод — graphical method
    ме́тод графи́ческого трансформи́рования топ.grid method
    графоаналити́ческий ме́тод — semigraphical method
    ме́тод гра́фов мат.graph method
    группово́й ме́тод ( в высокочастотной телефонии) — grouped-frequency basis
    систе́ма рабо́тает групповы́м ме́тодом — the system operates on the grouped-frequency basis
    ме́тод двух ре́ек геод., топ. — two-staff [two-base] method
    ме́тод двух узло́в ( в анализе электрических цепей) — nodal-pair method
    ме́тод дирекцио́нных угло́в геод.method of gisements
    ме́тод запа́са про́чности ( в расчетах конструкции) — load factor method
    ме́тод засе́чек афс.resection method
    ме́тод зерка́льных изображе́ний эл.method of electrical images
    ме́тод зо́нной пла́вки ( в производстве монокристаллов полупроводниковых материалов) — floating-zone method, floating-zone technique
    ме́тод избы́точных концентра́ций ( для опробования гипотетического механизма реакции) — isolation method (of the testing the rate equations)
    ме́тод измере́ния, абсолю́тный — absolute [fundamental] method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, конта́ктный — contact method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, ко́свенный — indirect method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, относи́тельный — relative method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния по то́чкам — point-by-point method
    ме́тод измере́ния, прямо́й — direct method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния угло́в по аэросни́мкам — photogoniometric method
    ме́тод изображе́ний эл. — method of images, image method
    ме́тод изото́пных индика́торов — tracer method
    иммерсио́нный ме́тод — immersion method
    и́мпульсный ме́тод свар.pulse method
    ме́тод и́мпульсов — momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод инве́рсии — inversion method
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа, основно́й вчт. — basic indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа с очередя́ми вчт. — queued indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    интерференцио́нный ме́тод — interferometric method
    ме́тод испыта́ний — testing procedure, testing method
    ме́тод испыта́ний, кисло́тный — acid test
    ме́тод испыта́ний, пане́льный — panel-spalling test
    ме́тод испыта́тельной строки́ тлв.test-line method
    ме́тод иссле́дований напряже́ний, опти́ческий — optical stress analysis
    ме́тод истече́ния — efflux method
    ме́тод итера́ции — iteration method, iteration technique
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges to a solution
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к (бы́строй или ме́дленной) сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges quickly or slowly
    ме́тод картосоставле́ния — map-compilation [plotting] method
    ме́тод кача́ющегося криста́лла ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — rotating-crystal method
    ка́чественный ме́тод — qualitative method
    кессо́нный ме́тод — caisson method
    коли́чественный ме́тод — quantitative method
    колориметри́ческий ме́тод — colorimetric method
    ме́тод кольца́ и ша́ра — ball-and-ring method
    комплексометри́ческий ме́тод ( для определения жёсткости воды) — complexometric method
    кондуктометри́ческий ме́тод — conductance-measuring method
    ме́тод коне́чных ра́зностей — finite difference method
    ме́тод консерви́рования — curing method
    ме́тод контро́ля, дифференци́рованный — differential control method
    ме́тод контро́ля ка́чества — quality control method
    ме́тод ко́нтурных то́ков — mesh-current [loop] method
    ме́тод ко́нуса — cone method
    ме́тод корнево́го годо́графа киб., автмт.root-locus method
    корреляцио́нный ме́тод — correlation method
    ко́свенный ме́тод — indirect method
    ме́тод кра́сок ( в дефектоскопии) — dye-penetrant method
    лаборато́рный ме́тод — laboratory method
    ме́тод ла́ковых покры́тий ( в сопротивлении материалов) — brittle-varnish method
    ме́тод лине́йной интерполя́ции — method of proportional parts
    ме́тод Ляпуно́ва аргд.Lyapunov's method
    ме́тод магни́тного порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — magnetic particle [magnetic powder] method
    магни́тно-люминесце́нтный ме́тод ( в дефектоскопии) — fluorescent magnetic particle method
    ме́тод ма́лого пара́метра киб., автмт. — perturbation theory, perturbation method
    ме́тод ма́лых возмуще́ний аргд.perturbation method
    ме́тод мгнове́нной равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — simultaneous lobing [monopulse] method
    ме́тод механи́ческой обрабо́тки — machining method
    ме́тод ме́ченых а́томов — tracer method
    ме́тод микрометри́рования — micrometer method
    ме́тод мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод моме́нтных площаде́й мех.area moment method
    ме́тод Мо́нте-Ка́рло мат.Monte Carlo method
    ме́тод навига́ции, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] navigation
    ме́тод навига́ции, угломе́рный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] navigation
    ме́тод наиме́ньших квадра́тов — method of least squares, least-squares technique
    ме́тод наискоре́йшего спу́ска мат.method of steepest descent
    ме́тод нака́чки ( лазера) — pumping [excitation] method
    ме́тод накопле́ния яд. физ. — “backing-space” method
    ме́тод наложе́ния — method of superposition
    ме́тод напыле́ния — evaporation technique
    ме́тод нару́жных заря́дов горн.adobe blasting method
    ме́тод незави́симых стереопа́р топ.method of independent image pairs
    ненулево́й ме́тод — deflection method
    ме́тод неопределё́нных мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод неподви́жных то́чек — method of fixed points
    неразруша́ющий ме́тод — non-destructive method, non-destructive testing
    нерекурси́вный ме́тод — non-recursive method
    нето́чный ме́тод — inexact method
    нефелометри́ческий ме́тод — nephelometric method
    ме́тод нивели́рования по частя́м — method of fraction levelling
    нулево́й ме́тод — null [zero(-deflection) ] method
    ме́тод нулевы́х бие́ний — zero-beat method
    ме́тод нулевы́х то́чек — neutral-points method
    ме́тод обеспе́чения надё́жности — reliability method
    ме́тод обрабо́тки — processing [working, tooling] method
    ме́тод обра́тной простра́нственной засе́чки топ.method of pyramid
    обра́тно-ступе́нчатый ме́тод свар.step-back method
    ме́тод объединё́нного а́тома — associate atom method
    объекти́вный ме́тод — objective method
    объё́мный ме́тод — volumetric method
    ме́тод одного́ отсчё́та ( преобразование непрерывной информации в дискретную) — the total value method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    окисли́тельно-восстанови́тельный ме́тод — redox method
    опера́торный ме́тод — operational method
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рно-пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение прямой и окружности) — rho-theta [r-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния отбе́ливаемости и цве́тности ма́сел — bleach-and-colour method
    ме́тод определе́ния положе́ния ли́нии, двукра́тный геод.double-line method
    ме́тод опти́ческой корреля́ции — optical correlation technique
    ме́тод осажде́ния — sedimentation method
    ме́тод осо́бых возмуще́ний аргд.singular perturbation method
    ме́тод осредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод отбо́ра проб — sampling method, sampling technique
    ме́тод отклоне́ния — deflection method
    ме́тод отопле́ния метал.fuel practice
    ме́тод отраже́ния — reflection method
    ме́тод отражё́нных и́мпульсов — pulse-echo method
    ме́тод отыска́ния произво́дной, непосре́дственный — delta method
    ме́тод па́дающего те́ла — falling body method
    ме́тод парамагни́тного резона́нса — paramagnetic-resonance method
    ме́тод пе́рвого приближе́ния — first approximation method
    ме́тод перева́ла мат.saddle-point method
    ме́тод перено́са коли́чества движе́ния аргд.momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод перераспределе́ния моме́нтов ( в расчёте конструкций) — moment distribution method
    ме́тод пересека́ющихся луче́й — crossed beam method
    ме́тод перехо́дного состоя́ния ( в аналитической химии) — transition state method
    ме́тод перпендикуля́ров — offset method
    ме́тод перспекти́вных се́ток топ.grid method
    ме́тод пескова́ния с.-х.sanding method
    пикнометри́ческий ме́тод — bottle method
    ме́тод площаде́й физ.area method
    ме́тод повторе́ний геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    ме́тод подбо́ра — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод подо́бия — similitude method
    ме́тод подориенти́рования топ.setting on points of control
    ме́тод по́лной деформа́ции — total-strain method
    ме́тод полови́нных отклоне́ний — half-deflection method
    ме́тод положе́ния геод. — method of bearings, method of gisements
    полуколи́чественный ме́тод — semiquantitative method
    ме́тод поля́рных координа́т — polar method
    ме́тод попу́тного фрезерова́ния — climb [cut-down] milling method
    порошко́вый ме́тод ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — powder [Debye-Scherer-Hull] method
    ме́тод посе́ва — seeding technique
    ме́тод после́довательного счё́та ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — incremental method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод после́довательных исключе́ний — successive exclusion method
    ме́тод после́довательных подстано́вок — method of successive substitution, substitution process
    ме́тод после́довательных попра́вок — successive correction method
    ме́тод после́довательных приближе́ний — successive approximation method
    ме́тод после́довательных элимина́ций — method of exhaustion
    ме́тод послесплавно́й диффу́зии полупр.post-alloy-diffusion technique
    потенциометри́ческий компенсацио́нный ме́тод — potentiometric method
    пото́чно-конве́йерный ме́тод — flow-line conveyor method
    пото́чный ме́тод — straight-line flow method
    ме́тод прерыва́ний ( для измерения скорости света) — chopped-beam method
    приближё́нный ме́тод — approximate method
    ме́тод проб и оши́бок — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод программи́рующих програ́мм — programming program method
    ме́тод продолже́ния топ.setting on points on control
    ме́тод проекти́рования, моде́льно-маке́тный — model-and-mock-up method of design
    ме́тод простра́нственного коди́рования ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — coded pattern method (OF analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод простра́нственной самофикса́ции — self-fixation space method
    прямо́й ме́тод — direct method
    ме́тод псевдослуча́йных чи́сел — pseudorandom number method
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — lobing, beam [lobe] switching
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны, мгнове́нный рлк. — simultaneous lobing, monopulse
    ме́тод ра́вных высо́т геод.equal-altitude method
    ме́тод ра́вных деформа́ций ( в проектировании бетонных конструкций) — equal-strain method
    ме́тод ра́вных отклоне́ний — equal-deflection method
    радиацио́нный ме́тод — radiation method
    ме́тод радиоавтогра́фии — radioautograph technique
    ме́тод радиоакти́вных индика́торов — tracer method
    радиометри́ческий ме́тод — radiometric method
    ме́тод разбавле́ния — dilution method
    ме́тод разделе́ния тлв.separation method
    ме́тод разделе́ния переме́нных — method of separation of variables
    ме́тод разли́вки метал. — teeming [pouring, casting] practice
    ме́тод разме́рностей — dimensional method
    ра́зностный ме́тод — difference method
    ме́тод разруша́ющей нагру́зки — load-factor method
    разруша́ющий ме́тод — destructive check
    ме́тод рассе́яния Рэле́я — Rayleigh scattering method
    ме́тод ра́стра тлв.grid method
    ме́тод ра́стрового скани́рования — raster-scan method
    ме́тод расчё́та по допусти́мым нагру́зкам — working stress design [WSD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та по разруша́ющим нагру́зкам стр. — ultimate-strength design [USD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та при по́мощи про́бной нагру́зки стр.trial-load method
    ме́тод расчё́та, упру́гий стр.elastic method
    резона́нсный ме́тод — resonance method
    ме́тод реитера́ций геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    рентгенострукту́рный ме́тод — X-ray diffraction method
    ме́тод реше́ния зада́чи о четвё́ртой то́чке геод.three-point method
    ме́тод решета́ мат.sieve method
    ру́порно-ли́нзовый ме́тод радиоhorn-and-lens method
    ме́тод самоторможе́ния — retardation method
    ме́тод сви́лей — schlieren technique, schlieren method
    ме́тод сдви́нутого сигна́ла — offset-signal method
    ме́тод секу́щих — secant method
    ме́тод се́рого кли́на физ.gray-wedge method
    ме́тод се́ток мат., вчт.net(-point) method
    ме́тод сече́ний ( в расчёте напряжений в фермах) — method of sections
    символи́ческий ме́тод — method of complex numbers
    ме́тод симметри́чных составля́ющих — method of symmetrical components, symmetrical component method
    ме́тод синхро́нного накопле́ния — synchronous storage method
    ме́тод скани́рования полосо́й — single-line-scan television method
    ме́тод скани́рования пятно́м — spot-scan photomultiplier method
    ме́тод смеще́ния отде́льных узло́в стр.method of separate joint displacement
    ме́тод совпаде́ний — coincidence method
    ме́тод сосредото́ченных пара́метров — lumped-parameter method
    ме́тод спада́ния заря́да — fall-of-charge method
    спектроскопи́ческий ме́тод — spectroscopic method
    ме́тод спира́льного скани́рования — spiral-scan method
    ме́тод сплавле́ния — fusion method
    ме́тод сплошны́х сред ( в моделировании) — continuous field analog technique
    ме́тод сре́дних квадра́тов — midsquare method
    статисти́ческий ме́тод — statistical technique
    статисти́ческий ме́тод оце́нки — statistical estimation
    ме́тод статисти́ческих испыта́ний — Monte Carlo method
    стробоголографи́ческий ме́тод — strobo-holographic method
    стробоскопи́ческий ме́тод — stroboscopic method
    стру́йный ме́тод метал.jet test
    ступе́нчатый ме́тод ( сварки или сверления) — step-by-step method
    субъекти́вный ме́тод — subjective method
    ме́тод сухо́го озоле́ния — dry combustion method
    ме́тод сухо́го порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — dry method
    счё́тно-и́мпульсный ме́тод — pulse-counting method
    табли́чный ме́тод — diagram method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной аэросъё́мки — television method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной фотограмме́трии — television method
    тенево́й ме́тод — (direct-)shadow method
    термоанемометри́ческий ме́тод — hot-wire method
    топологи́ческий ме́тод — topological method
    ме́тод то́чечного вплавле́ния полупр.dot alloying method
    то́чный ме́тод — exact [precision] method
    ме́тод травле́ния, гидри́дный — sodium hydride descaling
    ме́тод трапецеида́льных характери́стик — Floyd's trapezoidal approximation method, approximation procedure
    ме́тод трёх баз геод.three-base method
    ме́тод триангуля́ции — triangulation method
    ме́тод трилатера́ции геод.trilateration method
    ме́тод углово́й деформа́ции — slope-deflection method
    ме́тод углово́й модуля́ции — angular modulation method
    ме́тод удаля́емого трафаре́та полупр.rejection mask method
    ме́тод удаля́емой ма́ски рад.rejection mask method
    ме́тод узло́в ( в расчёте напряжении в фермах) — method of joints
    ме́тод узловы́х потенциа́лов — node-voltage method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по направле́ниям геод. — method of directions, direction method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по угла́м геод. — method of angles, angle method
    ме́тод уравнове́шивания — balancing method
    ме́тод усредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод фа́зового контра́ста ( в микроскопии) — phase contrast
    наблюда́ть ме́тодом фа́зового контра́ста — examine [study] by phase contrast
    ме́тод фа́зовой пло́скости — phase plane method
    ме́тод факториза́ции — factorization method
    флотацио́нный ме́тод — floatation method
    ме́тод формирова́ния сигна́лов цве́тности тлв.colour-processing method
    ме́тод центрифуги́рования — centrifuge method
    цепно́й ме́тод астр.chain method
    чи́сленный ме́тод — numerical method
    ме́тод Чохра́льского ( в выращивании полупроводниковых кристаллов) — Czochralski method, vertical pulling technique
    ме́тод Шо́ра — Shore hardness
    щупово́й ме́тод — stylus method
    ме́тод электрофоре́за — electrophoretic method
    эмпири́ческий ме́тод — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    энергети́ческий ме́тод
    1. косм. energy method
    2. стр. strain energy method
    ме́тод энергети́ческого бала́нса — power balance method
    эргати́ческий ме́тод ( при общении человека с ЭВМ) — interactive [conversational] technique

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > метод

  • 102 Coolidge, William David

    SUBJECT AREA: Electricity, Metallurgy
    b. 23 October 1873 Hudson, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 3 February 1975 New York, USA
    American physicist and metallurgist who invented a method of producing ductile tungsten wire for electric lamps.
    Coolidge obtained his BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1896, and his PhD (physics) from the University of Leipzig in 1899. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Physics at MIT in 1904, and in 1905 he joined the staff of the General Electric Company's research laboratory at Schenectady. In 1905 Schenectady was trying to make tungsten-filament lamps to counter the competition of the tantalum-filament lamps then being produced by their German rival Siemens. The first tungsten lamps made by Just and Hanaman in Vienna in 1904 had been too fragile for general use. Coolidge and his life-long collaborator, Colin G. Fink, succeeded in 1910 by hot-working directly dense sintered tungsten compacts into wire. This success was the result of a flash of insight by Coolidge, who first perceived that fully recrystallized tungsten wire was always brittle and that only partially work-hardened wire retained a measure of ductility. This grasped, a process was developed which induced ductility into the wire by hot-working at temperatures below those required for full recrystallization, so that an elongated fibrous grain structure was progressively developed. Sintered tungsten ingots were swaged to bar at temperatures around 1,500°C and at the end of the process ductile tungsten filament wire was drawn through diamond dies around 550°C. This process allowed General Electric to dominate the world lamp market. Tungsten lamps consumed only one-third the energy of carbon lamps, and for the first time the cost of electric lighting was reduced to that of gas. Between 1911 and 1914, manufacturing licences for the General Electric patents had been granted for most of the developed work. The validity of the General Electric monopoly was bitterly contested, though in all the litigation that followed, Coolidge's fibering principle was upheld. Commercial arrangements between General Electric and European producers such as Siemens led to the name "Osram" being commonly applied to any lamp with a drawn tungsten filament. In 1910 Coolidge patented the use of thoria as a particular additive that greatly improved the high-temperature strength of tungsten filaments. From this development sprang the technique of "dispersion strengthening", still being widely used in the development of high-temperature alloys in the 1990s. In 1913 Coolidge introduced the first controllable hot-cathode X-ray tube, which had a tungsten target and operated in vacuo rather than in a gaseous atmosphere. With this equipment, medical radiography could for the first time be safely practised on a routine basis. During the First World War, Coolidge developed portable X-ray units for use in field hospitals, and between the First and Second World Wars he introduced between 1 and 2 million X-ray machines for cancer treatment and for industrial radiography. He became Director of the Schenectady laboratory in 1932, and from 1940 until 1944 he was Vice-President and Director of Research. After retirement he was retained as an X-ray consultant, and in this capacity he attended the Bikini atom bomb trials in 1946. Throughout the Second World War he was a member of the National Defence Research Committee.
    1965, "The development of ductile tungsten", Sorby Centennial Symposium on the History of Metallurgy, AIME Metallurgy Society Conference, Vol. 27, ed. Cyril Stanley Smith, Gordon and Breach, pp. 443–9.
    Further Reading
    D.J.Jones and A.Prince, 1985, "Tungsten and high density alloys", Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society 19(1):72–84.

    Biographical history of technology > Coolidge, William David

  • 103 Godowsky, Leopold Jr

    b. 27 May 1900 Chicago, Illinois, USA d. 1983
    American musician and photographic experimenter whose researches, with those of his colleague Mannes, led to the introduction of the first commercial tripack colour film, Kodachrome.
    Both from distinguished musical families, Godowsky and Leopold Damrosch Mannes met at Riverdale School in New York in 1916, and shared an interest in photography. They began experiments in methods of additive colour photography, gaining a patent for a three-colour projector. Godowsky went to the University of California to study chemistry, physics and mathematics, while working as a professional violinist; Mannes, a pianist, went to Harvard to study music and physics. They kept in touch, and after graduating they joined up in New York, working as musicians and experimenting in colour photography in their spare time.
    Initially working in kitchens and bathrooms, they succeeded in creating a two-layer colour photographic plate, with emulsions separately sensitized to parts of the spectrum, and patented the process. This achievement was all the greater since they were unable to make the emulsions themselves and had to resort to buying commercial photographic plates so that they could scrape off the emulsions, remelt them and coat their experimental materials. In 1922 their work came to the attention of C.E.K. Mees, the leading photographic scientist and Director of the Eastman Kodak Research Laboratory in Rochester, New York. Mees arranged for plates to be coated to their specifications. With a grant from Kuhn, Loeb \& Co. they were able to rent laboratory space. Learning of Rudolf Fischer's early work on dye couplers, they worked to develop a new process incorporating them. Mees saw that their work, however promising, would not develop in an amateur laboratory, and in 1930 he invited them to join the Kodak Research Laboratory, where they arrived on 15 June 1931. Their new colleagues worked on ways of coating multi-layer film, while Mannes and Godowsky worked out a method of separately processing the individual layers in the exposed film. The result was Kodachrome film, the first of the modern integral tripack films, launched on 15 April 1935.
    They remained with Eastman Kodak until December 1939; their work contributed to the later appearance of Ektachrome colour-reversal film and the Kodacolor and Eastman Color negative-positive colour processes. Mannes became the Director of his father's Music Academy in New York, remaining as such until his death in 1964. Godowsky returned to Westport, Connecticut, and continued to study mathematics at Columbia University. He carried out photographic research un his private laboratory up until the time of his death in 1983.
    Further Reading
    C.E.K.Mees, 1961, From Dry Plates to Ektachrome Film, New York.

    Biographical history of technology > Godowsky, Leopold Jr

  • 104 Memory

       To what extent can we lump together what goes on when you try to recall: (1) your name; (2) how you kick a football; and (3) the present location of your car keys? If we use introspective evidence as a guide, the first seems an immediate automatic response. The second may require constructive internal replay prior to our being able to produce a verbal description. The third... quite likely involves complex operational responses under the control of some general strategy system. Is any unitary search process, with a single set of characteristics and inputoutput relations, likely to cover all these cases? (Reitman, 1970, p. 485)
       [Semantic memory] Is a mental thesaurus, organized knowledge a person possesses about words and other verbal symbols, their meanings and referents, about relations among them, and about rules, formulas, and algorithms for the manipulation of these symbols, concepts, and relations. Semantic memory does not register perceptible properties of inputs, but rather cognitive referents of input signals. (Tulving, 1972, p. 386)
       The mnemonic code, far from being fixed and unchangeable, is structured and restructured along with general development. Such a restructuring of the code takes place in close dependence on the schemes of intelligence. The clearest indication of this is the observation of different types of memory organisation in accordance with the age level of a child so that a longer interval of retention without any new presentation, far from causing a deterioration of memory, may actually improve it. (Piaget & Inhelder, 1973, p. 36)
       4) The Logic of Some Memory Theorization Is of Dubious Worth in the History of Psychology
       If a cue was effective in memory retrieval, then one could infer it was encoded; if a cue was not effective, then it was not encoded. The logic of this theorization is "heads I win, tails you lose" and is of dubious worth in the history of psychology. We might ask how long scientists will puzzle over questions with no answers. (Solso, 1974, p. 28)
       We have iconic, echoic, active, working, acoustic, articulatory, primary, secondary, episodic, semantic, short-term, intermediate-term, and longterm memories, and these memories contain tags, traces, images, attributes, markers, concepts, cognitive maps, natural-language mediators, kernel sentences, relational rules, nodes, associations, propositions, higher-order memory units, and features. (Eysenck, 1977, p. 4)
       The problem with the memory metaphor is that storage and retrieval of traces only deals [ sic] with old, previously articulated information. Memory traces can perhaps provide a basis for dealing with the "sameness" of the present experience with previous experiences, but the memory metaphor has no mechanisms for dealing with novel information. (Bransford, McCarrell, Franks & Nitsch, 1977, p. 434)
       7) The Results of a Hundred Years of the Psychological Study of Memory Are Somewhat Discouraging
       The results of a hundred years of the psychological study of memory are somewhat discouraging. We have established firm empirical generalisations, but most of them are so obvious that every ten-year-old knows them anyway. We have made discoveries, but they are only marginally about memory; in many cases we don't know what to do with them, and wear them out with endless experimental variations. We have an intellectually impressive group of theories, but history offers little confidence that they will provide any meaningful insight into natural behavior. (Neisser, 1978, pp. 12-13)
       A schema, then is a data structure for representing the generic concepts stored in memory. There are schemata representing our knowledge about all concepts; those underlying objects, situations, events, sequences of events, actions and sequences of actions. A schema contains, as part of its specification, the network of interrelations that is believed to normally hold among the constituents of the concept in question. A schema theory embodies a prototype theory of meaning. That is, inasmuch as a schema underlying a concept stored in memory corresponds to the mean ing of that concept, meanings are encoded in terms of the typical or normal situations or events that instantiate that concept. (Rumelhart, 1980, p. 34)
       Memory appears to be constrained by a structure, a "syntax," perhaps at quite a low level, but it is free to be variable, deviant, even erratic at a higher level....
       Like the information system of language, memory can be explained in part by the abstract rules which underlie it, but only in part. The rules provide a basic competence, but they do not fully determine performance. (Campbell, 1982, pp. 228, 229)
       When people think about the mind, they often liken it to a physical space, with memories and ideas as objects contained within that space. Thus, we speak of ideas being in the dark corners or dim recesses of our minds, and of holding ideas in mind. Ideas may be in the front or back of our minds, or they may be difficult to grasp. With respect to the processes involved in memory, we talk about storing memories, of searching or looking for lost memories, and sometimes of finding them. An examination of common parlance, therefore, suggests that there is general adherence to what might be called the spatial metaphor. The basic assumptions of this metaphor are that memories are treated as objects stored in specific locations within the mind, and the retrieval process involves a search through the mind in order to find specific memories....
       However, while the spatial metaphor has shown extraordinary longevity, there have been some interesting changes over time in the precise form of analogy used. In particular, technological advances have influenced theoretical conceptualisations.... The original Greek analogies were based on wax tablets and aviaries; these were superseded by analogies involving switchboards, gramophones, tape recorders, libraries, conveyor belts, and underground maps. Most recently, the workings of human memory have been compared to computer functioning... and it has been suggested that the various memory stores found in computers have their counterparts in the human memory system. (Eysenck, 1984, pp. 79-80)
       Primary memory [as proposed by William James] relates to information that remains in consciousness after it has been perceived, and thus forms part of the psychological present, whereas secondary memory contains information about events that have left consciousness, and are therefore part of the psychological past. (Eysenck, 1984, p. 86)
       Once psychologists began to study long-term memory per se, they realized it may be divided into two main categories.... Semantic memories have to do with our general knowledge about the working of the world. We know what cars do, what stoves do, what the laws of gravity are, and so on. Episodic memories are largely events that took place at a time and place in our personal history. Remembering specific events about our own actions, about our family, and about our individual past falls into this category. With amnesia or in aging, what dims... is our personal episodic memories, save for those that are especially dear or painful to us. Our knowledge of how the world works remains pretty much intact. (Gazzaniga, 1988, p. 42)
       The nature of memory... provides a natural starting point for an analysis of thinking. Memory is the repository of many of the beliefs and representations that enter into thinking, and the retrievability of these representations can limit the quality of our thought. (Smith, 1990, p. 1)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Memory

  • 105 búsqueda

    1 search, quest, pursuit, research.
    2 chase, hunting.
    3 data search, lookup, look-up.
    * * *
    1 search
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF search (de for)

    a o en búsqueda de algo — in search of sth

    búsqueda y sustitución — (Inform) find and replace

    * * *
    femenino search

    búsqueda de algo/alguien — search for something/somebody

    * * *
    = chase, look-up [lookup], search, search request, searching, hunt, hunting, reaching, trawl, querying.
    Ex. Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.
    Ex. With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.
    Ex. Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind, may be seeking a specific subject which does not quite match requirements.
    Ex. The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.
    Ex. Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
    Ex. If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.
    Ex. It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.
    Ex. 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.
    Ex. 'Systematic review' is the process whereby similar studies, identified from a comprehensive trawl of numerous databases, are summarized in digestible form.
    Ex. The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
    * acotador de búsqueda = search qualifier.
    * acotar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * agente de búsqueda = intelligent search agent, search agent.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * anterior a la búsqueda = pre-search.
    * árbol de búsqueda binario = binary search tree.
    * búsqueda a terceros = third party searching.
    * búsqueda a través de ficheros de identificación documental = signature-based search.
    * búsqueda automatizada = computer searching, computer search, automated searching.
    * búsqueda avanzada = advanced search.
    * búsqueda bibliográfica = literature searching, literature search, bibliographic search.
    * búsqueda booleana = Boolean searching.
    * búsqueda con anterioridad al pedido = preorder searching.
    * búsqueda contextual = contextual searching.
    * búsqueda cruzada = federated search.
    * búsqueda cruzada de ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda de citas = citation search.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * búsqueda de documento conocido = known-item search.
    * búsqueda de documentos concretos = item search.
    * búsqueda deductiva = heuristic search.
    * búsqueda de empleo = job searching, job hunting.
    * búsqueda de información = fact-finding, quest for + information, information seeking.
    * búsqueda de la verdad = truth-seeking.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * búsqueda del tesoro = treasure hunt, scavenger hunt.
    * búsqueda de nuevos genes = gene-harvesting.
    * búsqueda de oro = gold digging.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda de pareja = mate finding.
    * búsqueda de proximidad = proximity searching.
    * búsqueda de recursos = resource discovery.
    * búsqueda de secuencias de caracteres = string search, string searching.
    * búsqueda de tesoros = treasure-seeking.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * búsqueda de títulos = title search.
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * búsqueda difusa = fuzzy match, fuzzy matching.
    * búsqueda documental = document search.
    * búsqueda eficaz = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda en el índice = index searching.
    * búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.
    * búsqueda en línea = online searching, online search.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * búsqueda en múltiples ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.
    * búsqueda en texto completo = full text search.
    * búsqueda en vano = wild goose chase.
    * búsqueda evolutiva = berrypicking.
    * búsqueda exacta = exact match.
    * búsqueda global = comprehensive search.
    * búsqueda inteligente = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda interactiva = interactive searching, interactive search.
    * búsqueda inversa = backtracking search.
    * búsqueda iterativa = iterative searching.
    * búsqueda lateral = lateral searching.
    * búsqueda manual = manual searching.
    * búsqueda mecánica = machine searching.
    * búsqueda parcial = partial match.
    * búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunting, executive search.
    * búsqueda ponderada = weighted query.
    * búsqueda por autor = author searching.
    * búsqueda por autor/título = author/title search.
    * búsqueda por campos = field searching.
    * búsqueda por descriptores = descriptor searching.
    * búsqueda por el usuario final = end-user searching.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * búsqueda por máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de órdenes = command search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * búsqueda por rangos = range searching, ranged search.
    * búsqueda por secuencia de caracteres = character-string search.
    * búsqueda por términos ponderados = weighted term search.
    * búsqueda rápida = scanning.
    * búsqueda repetitiva = iterative search.
    * búsqueda retrospectiva = retrospective search, retrospective searching.
    * búsquedas de secuencias de caracteres = text-string searching.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheros = cross-searching [cross searching].
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * Búsqueda Simultánea Remota (SRS) = Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS).
    * búsqueda tabú = tabu search.
    * búsqueda truncada = truncated search.
    * búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue (SAR).
    * capacidad de búsqueda = searching power.
    * clave de búsqueda = search key.
    * clave de búsqueda derivado = derived search key.
    * clave de búsqueda por el título = title key.
    * clave de búsqueda por nombre de autor = author key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada = truncated key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada derivada = truncated derived search key.
    * código de búsqueda = searchable code, search code.
    * coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsqueda = case sensitivity.
    * comportamiento de búsqueda de información = information-seeking behaviour.
    * condición de búsqueda = search requirement.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda = information literacy.
    * construir una búsqueda = construct + search.
    * construir un enunciado de búsqueda = state + search topic.
    * criterios de búsqueda = search criteria.
    * cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.
    * cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * delimitar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * detener búsqueda = discontinue + search.
    * donde se pueden hacer búsquedas = queriable.
    * durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.
    * ecuación de búsqueda = search argument, search expression, search formulation.
    * elemento de búsqueda ficticio = rogue string.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en la búsqueda de = in the quest for.
    * enseñanza en la búsqueda de información = information instruction.
    * enunciado de búsqueda = search prescription, search statement, search query, query statement.
    * enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimedia = multimedia query.
    * enunciado de búsqueda en texto libre = free-text search statement.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * estadísticas de búsqueda = searching statistics.
    * estrategia de búsqueda = search strategy, search process.
    * estrategia de búsqueda de información = information seeking pattern.
    * expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro = thesaurus expansion.
    * explosión de las búsquedas = explosion of searches.
    * expresión de búsqueda = access vector, search expression.
    * facilidad de búsqueda = scannability, soughtness, searchability, findability.
    * formulación de una búsqueda = query formulation.
    * formular una ecuación de búsqueda = formulate + search strategy.
    * grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsqueda = topicality.
    * guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero = store + search results + in disc file.
    * guardar una búsqueda en disco = save + Posesivo + search + to disc.
    * hábito de búsqueda de información = information-seeking habit.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda = look up, submit + search, do + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda en Google = google.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O = OR together.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador Y = AND together.
    * herramienta de búsqueda = search aid, finding aid, search tool.
    * herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.
    * historial de búsqueda = search history.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados = explode.
    * interfaz de búsqueda = search interface.
    * juego de búsqueda bibliográfica = library scavenger hunt.
    * lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.
    * limitar búsqueda = limit + search.
    * línea de búsqueda = query line.
    * lista de búsqueda = finding list.
    * lógica de búsqueda = search logic.
    * lógica de búsqueda por ponderación = weighted-term search logic.
    * método de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * misión de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue mission.
    * motor de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler.
    * número de búsquedas fallidas = failure rate.
    * número de la búsqueda = set number.
    * opción de búsqueda = search option.
    * opciones de búsqueda = search capabilities.
    * operación de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue operation, search and rescue mission.
    * ordenación jerárquica del resultado de la búsqueda = output ranking.
    * orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relaci = explode command.
    * papeleta de petición de búsqueda en línea = online search request form.
    * paradigma de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * petición de búsqueda = search request.
    * ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda = query term weighting.
    * posibilidades de búsqueda = searching capabilities, searchability, retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * posterior a la búsqueda = post-search.
    * precisar una búsqueda = focus + Posesivo + search.
    * proceso de búsqueda = searching process, search process.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * realizar una búsqueda = conduct + search, execute + search, perform + search, run + search, undertake + search, carry out + search.
    * recuadro de búsqueda = search box.
    * reformulación de la búsqueda = query reformation.
    * restringir una búsqueda = limit + selection, narrow + search, qualify + search, qualify + selection.
    * resultado de la búsqueda = posting, search output, search result, searching result.
    * resultado de una búsqueda = set.
    * robot de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler, Web crawler.
    * servicio de búsqueda = search service.
    * sesión de búsqueda = search session.
    * sistema de búsqueda = paging system.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * tema de búsqueda = search topic.
    * término de búsqueda = search term, search word.
    * término de la búsqueda = query term.
    * tiempo de búsqueda = search time.
    * tipos de búsqueda = retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * vector de búsqueda = query vector.
    * velocidad de búsqueda = search speed.
    * ventana de búsqueda = search box.
    * * *
    femenino search

    búsqueda de algo/alguien — search for something/somebody

    * * *
    = chase, look-up [lookup], search, search request, searching, hunt, hunting, reaching, trawl, querying.

    Ex: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.

    Ex: With online display, the alphabetical arrangement can become less significant, since all look-ups can be achieved with the computer, and there is less need for the scanning of alphabetical lists.
    Ex: Even a user who starts a search with a specific subject in mind, may be seeking a specific subject which does not quite match requirements.
    Ex: The search request is displayed on the screen and assigned a number in the extreme left column.
    Ex: Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
    Ex: If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.
    Ex: It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.
    Ex: 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.
    Ex: 'Systematic review' is the process whereby similar studies, identified from a comprehensive trawl of numerous databases, are summarized in digestible form.
    Ex: The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
    * acotador de búsqueda = search qualifier.
    * acotar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * agente de búsqueda = intelligent search agent, search agent.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * anterior a la búsqueda = pre-search.
    * árbol de búsqueda binario = binary search tree.
    * búsqueda a terceros = third party searching.
    * búsqueda a través de ficheros de identificación documental = signature-based search.
    * búsqueda automatizada = computer searching, computer search, automated searching.
    * búsqueda avanzada = advanced search.
    * búsqueda bibliográfica = literature searching, literature search, bibliographic search.
    * búsqueda booleana = Boolean searching.
    * búsqueda con anterioridad al pedido = preorder searching.
    * búsqueda contextual = contextual searching.
    * búsqueda cruzada = federated search.
    * búsqueda cruzada de ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda de citas = citation search.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * búsqueda de datos = fact-finding.
    * búsqueda de documento conocido = known-item search.
    * búsqueda de documentos concretos = item search.
    * búsqueda deductiva = heuristic search.
    * búsqueda de empleo = job searching, job hunting.
    * búsqueda de información = fact-finding, quest for + information, information seeking.
    * búsqueda de la verdad = truth-seeking.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * búsqueda del tesoro = treasure hunt, scavenger hunt.
    * búsqueda de nuevos genes = gene-harvesting.
    * búsqueda de oro = gold digging.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda de pareja = mate finding.
    * búsqueda de proximidad = proximity searching.
    * búsqueda de recursos = resource discovery.
    * búsqueda de secuencias de caracteres = string search, string searching.
    * búsqueda de tesoros = treasure-seeking.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * búsqueda de títulos = title search.
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * búsqueda difusa = fuzzy match, fuzzy matching.
    * búsqueda documental = document search.
    * búsqueda eficaz = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda en el índice = index searching.
    * búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.
    * búsqueda en línea = online searching, online search.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * búsqueda en múltiples ficheros = cross-file searching.
    * búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.
    * búsqueda en texto completo = full text search.
    * búsqueda en vano = wild goose chase.
    * búsqueda evolutiva = berrypicking.
    * búsqueda exacta = exact match.
    * búsqueda global = comprehensive search.
    * búsqueda inteligente = savvy searching.
    * búsqueda interactiva = interactive searching, interactive search.
    * búsqueda inversa = backtracking search.
    * búsqueda iterativa = iterative searching.
    * búsqueda lateral = lateral searching.
    * búsqueda manual = manual searching.
    * búsqueda mecánica = machine searching.
    * búsqueda parcial = partial match.
    * búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunting, executive search.
    * búsqueda ponderada = weighted query.
    * búsqueda por autor = author searching.
    * búsqueda por autor/título = author/title search.
    * búsqueda por campos = field searching.
    * búsqueda por descriptores = descriptor searching.
    * búsqueda por el usuario final = end-user searching.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * búsqueda por máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * búsqueda por medio de órdenes = command search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * búsqueda por rangos = range searching, ranged search.
    * búsqueda por secuencia de caracteres = character-string search.
    * búsqueda por términos ponderados = weighted term search.
    * búsqueda rápida = scanning.
    * búsqueda repetitiva = iterative search.
    * búsqueda retrospectiva = retrospective search, retrospective searching.
    * búsquedas de secuencias de caracteres = text-string searching.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios ficheros = cross-searching [cross searching].
    * búsqueda simultánea en varios sitios = cross-search [cross search].
    * Búsqueda Simultánea Remota (SRS) = Simultaneous Remote Searching (SRS).
    * búsqueda tabú = tabu search.
    * búsqueda truncada = truncated search.
    * búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue (SAR).
    * capacidad de búsqueda = searching power.
    * clave de búsqueda = search key.
    * clave de búsqueda derivado = derived search key.
    * clave de búsqueda por el título = title key.
    * clave de búsqueda por nombre de autor = author key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada = truncated key.
    * clave de búsqueda truncada derivada = truncated derived search key.
    * código de búsqueda = searchable code, search code.
    * coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsqueda = case sensitivity.
    * comportamiento de búsqueda de información = information-seeking behaviour.
    * condición de búsqueda = search requirement.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda = information literacy.
    * construir una búsqueda = construct + search.
    * construir un enunciado de búsqueda = state + search topic.
    * criterios de búsqueda = search criteria.
    * cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.
    * cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * delimitar una búsqueda = narrow + search, qualify + search, refine + search.
    * desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.
    * destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.
    * detener búsqueda = discontinue + search.
    * donde se pueden hacer búsquedas = queriable.
    * durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.
    * ecuación de búsqueda = search argument, search expression, search formulation.
    * elemento de búsqueda ficticio = rogue string.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en la búsqueda de = in the quest for.
    * enseñanza en la búsqueda de información = information instruction.
    * enunciado de búsqueda = search prescription, search statement, search query, query statement.
    * enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimedia = multimedia query.
    * enunciado de búsqueda en texto libre = free-text search statement.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * estadísticas de búsqueda = searching statistics.
    * estrategia de búsqueda = search strategy, search process.
    * estrategia de búsqueda de información = information seeking pattern.
    * expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro = thesaurus expansion.
    * explosión de las búsquedas = explosion of searches.
    * expresión de búsqueda = access vector, search expression.
    * facilidad de búsqueda = scannability, soughtness, searchability, findability.
    * formulación de una búsqueda = query formulation.
    * formular una ecuación de búsqueda = formulate + search strategy.
    * grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsqueda = topicality.
    * guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero = store + search results + in disc file.
    * guardar una búsqueda en disco = save + Posesivo + search + to disc.
    * hábito de búsqueda de información = information-seeking habit.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda = look up, submit + search, do + search.
    * hacer una búsqueda en Google = google.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O = OR together.
    * hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador Y = AND together.
    * herramienta de búsqueda = search aid, finding aid, search tool.
    * herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.
    * historial de búsqueda = search history.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados = explode.
    * interfaz de búsqueda = search interface.
    * juego de búsqueda bibliográfica = library scavenger hunt.
    * lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.
    * limitar búsqueda = limit + search.
    * línea de búsqueda = query line.
    * lista de búsqueda = finding list.
    * lógica de búsqueda = search logic.
    * lógica de búsqueda por ponderación = weighted-term search logic.
    * método de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * misión de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue mission.
    * motor de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler.
    * número de búsquedas fallidas = failure rate.
    * número de la búsqueda = set number.
    * opción de búsqueda = search option.
    * opciones de búsqueda = search capabilities.
    * operación de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue operation, search and rescue mission.
    * ordenación jerárquica del resultado de la búsqueda = output ranking.
    * orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relaci = explode command.
    * papeleta de petición de búsqueda en línea = online search request form.
    * paradigma de búsqueda = search paradigm.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * petición de búsqueda = search request.
    * ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda = query term weighting.
    * posibilidades de búsqueda = searching capabilities, searchability, retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * posterior a la búsqueda = post-search.
    * precisar una búsqueda = focus + Posesivo + search.
    * proceso de búsqueda = searching process, search process.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * proveedor de servicios de búsqueda en línea = online search service supplier.
    * realizar una búsqueda = conduct + search, execute + search, perform + search, run + search, undertake + search, carry out + search.
    * recuadro de búsqueda = search box.
    * reformulación de la búsqueda = query reformation.
    * restringir una búsqueda = limit + selection, narrow + search, qualify + search, qualify + selection.
    * resultado de la búsqueda = posting, search output, search result, searching result.
    * resultado de una búsqueda = set.
    * robot de búsqueda = portal, search engine, crawler, Web crawler.
    * servicio de búsqueda = search service.
    * sesión de búsqueda = search session.
    * sistema de búsqueda = paging system.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * tema de búsqueda = search topic.
    * término de búsqueda = search term, search word.
    * término de la búsqueda = query term.
    * tiempo de búsqueda = search time.
    * tipos de búsqueda = retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * vector de búsqueda = query vector.
    * velocidad de búsqueda = search speed.
    * ventana de búsqueda = search box.

    * * *
    search búsqueda DE algo/algn search FOR sth/sb
    treasure hunt
    ( Inf) wordsearch
    web search
    ( Inf) search and replace
    * * *


    búsqueda sustantivo femenino búsqueda (de algo/algn) search (for sth/sb)
    búsqueda sustantivo femenino search
    ' búsqueda' also found in these entries:
    - consulta
    - busca
    - cuidadoso
    - minucioso
    - fruitless
    - hunt
    - job hunting
    - look
    - pursuit
    - scouting
    - search
    - warrant
    - wild-goose chase
    - quest
    - treasure
    * * *
    a la búsqueda de algo in search of sth;
    (ir) en búsqueda de (to go) in search of
    * * *
    f search;
    búsqueda en el texto INFOR search o find in the text
    * * *
    : search
    * * *
    búsqueda n search

    Spanish-English dictionary > búsqueda

  • 106 seguir

    1 to follow.
    tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behind
    seguir algo de cerca to follow o monitor something closely (desarrollo, resultados)
    Ellos siguen la caravana They follow the convoy.
    Eso es lo que sigue That is what follows.
    2 to follow.
    me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed
    3 to continue, to resume.
    Me sigue el dolor My pain persists.
    4 to continue, to go on.
    ¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!
    aquí se baja él, yo sigo he's getting out here, I'm going on (al taxista)
    sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factory
    debes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing it
    sigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrong
    sigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital
    ¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?
    5 to keep on, to go along, to carry on, to continue.
    María se sigue haciendo daño Mary keeps on hurting herself.
    6 to continue to be, to continue being, to keep, to keep being.
    Las chicas siguen testarudas The girls continue to be stubborn.
    7 to obey, to keep.
    Las chicas siguen las reglas The girls obey the rules.
    8 to imitate, to follow.
    Los fanáticos siguen al cantante The fans imitate the singer.
    9 to come afterwards, to come next, to come after, to come along.
    Algo bueno sigue Something good comes afterwards.
    * * *
    (e changes to i in certain persons of certain tenses; gu changes to g before a and o)
    Present Indicative
    sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguís, siguen.
    Past Indicative
    seguí, seguiste, siguió, seguimos, seguisteis, siguieron.
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    sigue (tú), siga (él/Vd.), sigamos (nos.), seguid (vos.), sigan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=perseguir) [+ persona, pista] to follow; [+ indicio] to follow up; [+ presa] to chase, pursue

    ella llegó primero, seguida del embajador — she arrived first, followed by the ambassador

    2) (=estar atento a) [+ programa de TV] to watch, follow; [+ programa de radio] to listen to, follow; [+ proceso, progreso] to monitor, follow up; [+ satélite] to track
    3) (=hacer caso de) [+ consejo] to follow, take; [+ instrucciones, doctrina, líder] to follow
    4) [+ rumbo, dirección] to follow

    siga esta calle y al final gire a la derechacarry on up o follow this street and turn right at the end

    seguir su curso, el proyecto sigue su curso — the project is still on course, the project continues on (its) course

    5) (=entender) [+ razonamiento] to follow

    ¿me sigues? — are you with me?

    6) (Educ) [+ curso] to take, do
    7) [+ mujer] to court
    2. VI
    1) (=continuar) to go on, carry on

    ¿quieres que sigamos? — shall we go on?

    ¡siga! — (=hable) go on!, carry on; LAm (=pase) come in

    ¡síguele! — Méx go on!

    "sigue" — [en carta] P.T.O.; [en libro] continued


    seguir adelante[persona] to go on, carry on; [acontecimiento] to go ahead

    adelante 1)
    3) [en estado, situación] to be still

    ¿cómo sigue? — how is he?

    que siga usted bien — keep well, look after yourself

    seguimos sin teléfono — we still haven't got a phone


    seguir haciendo algo — to go on doing sth, carry on doing sth

    siguió mirándolahe went on o carried on looking at her

    el ordenador seguía funcionando — the computer carried on working, the computer was still working

    5) (=venir a continuación) to follow, follow on

    entre otros ejemplos destacan los que siguen — amongst other examples, the following stand out

    seguir a algo, las horas que siguieron a la tragedia — the hours following o that followed the tragedy

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to follow

    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again

    2) <camino/ruta>

    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puentego along o follow this road as far as the bridge

    3) ( en el tiempo) to follow

    seguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody

    a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to follow
    b) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow
    a) <trámite/procedimiento> to follow
    b) (Educ) < curso> to take

    estoy siguiendo un curso de fotografíaI'm doing o taking a photography course

    a) <explicaciones/profesor> to follow

    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    ¿me siguen? — are you with me?

    no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program

    seguir vi
    a) ( por un camino) to go on

    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street

    seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past

    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)

    siga por favor — come in, please

    2) (en lugar, estado)

    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?

    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever

    si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...

    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way

    a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persist

    seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)

    a) (venir después, estar contiguo)
    b) historia/poema to continue

    ¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?

    seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)

    de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...

    * * *
    = accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.
    Ex. So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.
    Ex. Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex. Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.
    Ex. These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
    Ex. Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex. Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
    Ex. An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.
    Ex. Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.
    Ex. It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.
    Ex. All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.
    Ex. Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.
    Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex. It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.
    Ex. Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.
    Ex. There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.
    Ex. If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex. A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.
    Ex. Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.
    Ex. In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.
    Ex. The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.
    Ex. The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.
    Ex. He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.
    Ex. But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    * camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * debate + seguir = debate + rage.
    * difícil de seguir = heavy going.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.
    * indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.
    * seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.
    * seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.
    * seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.
    * seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.
    * seguir al día = remain on top of.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.
    * seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.
    * seguir como antes = go on + as before.
    * seguir como modelo = pattern.
    * seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.
    * seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir con el control = stay in + control.
    * seguir con el mando = stay in + control.
    * seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.
    * seguir considerando = consider + further.
    * seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.
    * seguir desarrollando = develop + further.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.
    * seguir el debate = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.
    * seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.
    * seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.
    * seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.
    * seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).
    * seguir en existencia = remain + in being.
    * seguir en la brecha = soldier on.
    * seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.
    * seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.
    * seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * seguir este camino = go along + this road.
    * seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.
    * seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.
    * seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.
    * seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.
    * seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.
    * seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.
    * seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.
    * seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.
    * seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.
    * seguir la marcha de = monitor.
    * seguir la moda = catch + the fever.
    * seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.
    * seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.
    * seguir la pista de = keep + track of.
    * seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.
    * seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguir levantado = stay up.
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.
    * seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguirse = ensue.
    * seguir siendo = remain.
    * seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.
    * seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.
    * seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.
    * seguir una estrategia = take + tack.
    * seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * seguir una táctica = take + tack.
    * seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.
    * seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.
    * seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * seguir un consejo = take + advice.
    * seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.
    * seguir un método = take + approach.
    * seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.
    * seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.
    * seguir un patrón = conform to + image.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.
    * seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * seguir viviendo = live on.
    * seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.
    * siguiendo = along.
    * siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.
    * si sigue así = at this rate.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to follow

    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again

    2) <camino/ruta>

    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puentego along o follow this road as far as the bridge

    3) ( en el tiempo) to follow

    seguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody

    a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to follow
    b) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow
    a) <trámite/procedimiento> to follow
    b) (Educ) < curso> to take

    estoy siguiendo un curso de fotografíaI'm doing o taking a photography course

    a) <explicaciones/profesor> to follow

    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    ¿me siguen? — are you with me?

    no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program

    seguir vi
    a) ( por un camino) to go on

    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street

    seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past

    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)

    siga por favor — come in, please

    2) (en lugar, estado)

    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?

    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever

    si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...

    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way

    a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persist

    seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)

    a) (venir después, estar contiguo)
    b) historia/poema to continue

    ¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?

    seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)

    de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...

    * * *
    = accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.

    Ex: So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.

    Ex: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.
    Ex: These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
    Ex: Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex: Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
    Ex: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.
    Ex: Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.
    Ex: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.
    Ex: All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.
    Ex: Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.
    Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex: It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.
    Ex: Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.
    Ex: There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.
    Ex: If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex: A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.
    Ex: Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.
    Ex: In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.
    Ex: The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.
    Ex: The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.
    Ex: He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.
    Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    * camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * debate + seguir = debate + rage.
    * difícil de seguir = heavy going.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.
    * indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.
    * seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.
    * seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.
    * seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.
    * seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.
    * seguir al día = remain on top of.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.
    * seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.
    * seguir como antes = go on + as before.
    * seguir como modelo = pattern.
    * seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.
    * seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir con el control = stay in + control.
    * seguir con el mando = stay in + control.
    * seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.
    * seguir considerando = consider + further.
    * seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.
    * seguir desarrollando = develop + further.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.
    * seguir el debate = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.
    * seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.
    * seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.
    * seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.
    * seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).
    * seguir en existencia = remain + in being.
    * seguir en la brecha = soldier on.
    * seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.
    * seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.
    * seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * seguir este camino = go along + this road.
    * seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.
    * seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.
    * seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.
    * seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.
    * seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.
    * seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.
    * seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.
    * seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.
    * seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.
    * seguir la marcha de = monitor.
    * seguir la moda = catch + the fever.
    * seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.
    * seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.
    * seguir la pista de = keep + track of.
    * seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.
    * seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguir levantado = stay up.
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.
    * seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguirse = ensue.
    * seguir siendo = remain.
    * seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.
    * seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.
    * seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.
    * seguir una estrategia = take + tack.
    * seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * seguir una táctica = take + tack.
    * seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.
    * seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.
    * seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * seguir un consejo = take + advice.
    * seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.
    * seguir un método = take + approach.
    * seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.
    * seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.
    * seguir un patrón = conform to + image.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.
    * seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * seguir viviendo = live on.
    * seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.
    * siguiendo = along.
    * siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.
    * si sigue así = at this rate.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.

    * * *
    seguir [ I30 ]
    A ‹persona/vehículo› to follow; ‹presa› to follow
    sígame, por favor follow me, please
    la hizo seguir por un detective he had her followed by a detective
    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her
    siga (a) ese coche follow that car!
    creo que nos están siguiendo I think we're being followed
    la siguió con la mirada he followed her with his eyes
    le venían siguiendo los movimientos desde hacía meses they had been watching his movements for months
    seguidos cada vez más de cerca por los japoneses with the Japanese catching up o gaining on them all the time
    la mala suerte la seguía a todas partes she was dogged by bad luck wherever she went
    el que la sigue la consigue or la mata ( fam); if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
    B ‹camino/ruta›
    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o take o follow this road as far as the bridge
    continuamos el viaje siguiendo la costa we continued our journey following the coast
    me paré a saludarla y seguí mi camino I stopped to say hello to her and went on my way
    si se sigue este camino se pasa por Capileira if you take this route you go through Capileira
    seguimos las huellas del animal hasta el río we tracked the animal to the river
    la enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is taking o running its normal course
    el tour sigue la ruta de Bolívar the tour follows the route taken by Bolivar
    siguiéndole los pasos al hermano mayor, decidió estudiar medicina following in his elder brother's footsteps, he decided to study medicine
    C (en el tiempo) to follow seguir A algo/algn to follow sth/sb
    los disturbios que siguieron a la manifestación the disturbances that followed the demonstration
    el hermano que me sigue está en Asunción the brother who comes after me is in Asunción
    1 ‹instrucciones/consejo› to follow
    tienes que seguir el dictamen de tu conciencia you must be guided by your conscience
    2 (basarse en) ‹autor/teoría/método› to follow
    en su clasificación sigue a Sheldon he follows Sheldon in his classification
    sus esculturas siguen el modelo clásico her sculptures are in the classical style
    sigue a Kant she's a follower of Kant's philosophy
    sigue las líneas establecidas por nuestro fundador it follows the lines laid down by our founder
    1 ‹trámite/procedimiento› to follow
    va a tener que seguir un tratamiento especial/una dieta hipocalórica you will have to undergo special treatment/follow a low-calorie diet
    se seguirá contra usted el procedimiento de suspensión del permiso de conducción steps will be taken leading to the withdrawal of your driver's license
    2 ( Educ) ‹curso› to take
    estoy siguiendo un cursillo de fotografía I'm doing o taking a short photography course
    ¿qué carrera piensas seguir? what are you thinking of studying o reading?
    1 ‹explicaciones/profesor› to follow
    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up
    me cuesta seguir una conversación en francés I find it hard to follow a conversation in French
    ¿me siguen? are you with me?
    (permanecer atento a): no sigo ese programa I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program
    sigue atentamente el curso de los acontecimientos he's following the course of events very closely
    sigue paso a paso la vida de su ídolo she keeps track of every detail of her idol's life
    seguimos muy de cerca su desarrollo we are keeping careful track of its development, we are following its development very closely
    ■ seguir
    1 (por un camino) to go on
    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle keep o go straight on to the end of the street
    sigue por esta calle hasta el semáforo go on down this street as far as the traffic lights
    el tren sigue hasta Salto the train goes on to Salto
    desde allí hay que seguir a pie/en mula from there you have to go on on foot/by mule
    seguir adelante: ¿entienden? bien, entonces sigamos adelante do you understand? good, then let's carry on
    llueve ¿regresamos? — no, sigamos adelante it's raining, shall we go back? — no, let's go on o carry on
    resolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plans
    ( Col) (entrar): siga por favor come in, please
    (en un lugar, un estado): ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?
    espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well
    ¿sigues con la idea de mudarte? do you still intend to move?, are you still thinking of moving?
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre she's still single/as pretty as ever
    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way
    «tareas/investigaciones/rumores»: siguen las investigaciones en torno al crimen investigations are continuing into the crime
    sigue el buen tiempo en todo el país the good weather is continuing throughout the country, the whole country is still enjoying good weather
    si siguen estos rumores if these rumors persist
    2 seguir + GER:
    sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone
    sigue leyendo tú, Elsa you read now, Elsa
    si sigues molestando te voy a echar if you carry on being a nuisance, I'm going to send you out
    seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way ( frml)
    (venir después, estar contiguo): lee lo que sigue read what follows, read what comes next
    el capítulo que sigue the next chapter
    me bajo en la parada que sigue I get off at the next stop
    sigue una hora de música clásica there follows an hour of classical music
    2 «historia/poema» to continue
    ¿cómo sigue la canción? how does the song go on?
    [ S ] sigue en la página 8 continued on page 8
    la lista definitiva ha quedado como sigue the final list is as follows
    ( en tercera persona) seguirse DE algo to follow FROM sth
    de esto se sigue que su muerte no fue accidental it follows from this that her death was not accidental
    * * *


    seguir ( conjugate seguir) verbo transitivo
    1persona/vehículo/presa to follow;
    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    2camino/ruta to follow, go along;
    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o follow this road as far as the bridge;

    la saludé y seguí mi camino I said hello to her and went on (my way);
    la enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is running its normal course
    a)instrucciones/consejo/flecha to follow

    b)autor/método/tradición/moda to follow;

    a)trámite/procedimiento to follow;

    tratamiento to undergo
    b) (Educ) ‹ curso to do, take

    5explicaciones/profesor to follow;
    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    verbo intransitivo

    siga derecho or todo recto keep o go straight on;

    seguir de largo (AmL) to go straight past

    resolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plans
    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar):

    siga por favor come in, please

    2 (en lugar, estado):
    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?;

    espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well;
    sigue soltera she's still single;
    si las cosas siguen así … if things carry on like this …
    3 [tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia] to continue;
    [ rumores] to persist;

    seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way

    el capítulo que sigue the next chapter
    b) [historia/poema] to continue, go on

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to follow: ésta es la hermana que me sigue, she's the sister who comes after me
    me sigue a todas partes, he follows me wherever I go
    me seguía con la mirada, his eyes followed me
    2 (comprender) to understand, follow: no soy capaz de seguir el argumento, I can't follow the plot
    3 (una ruta, un camino, consejo) to follow
    4 (el ritmo, la moda) to keep: no sigues el ritmo, you aren't keeping time
    5 (el rastro, las huellas) to track
    6 (una actividad) sigue un curso de informática, she's doing a computer course
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (continuar) to keep (on), go on: seguiremos mañana, we'll continue tomorrow
    siguen casados, they are still married
    sigue tirando de la cuerda, keep (on) pulling at the rope ➣ Ver nota en continue y keep 2 (extenderse, llegar hasta) to stretch (out): los sembrados siguen hasta la ribera, the fields stretch down to the river-bank
    ' seguir' also found in these entries:
    - continuar
    - escala
    - golpe
    - impulsar
    - juego
    - profesar
    - rastrear
    - ritmo
    - sino
    - suceder
    - trece
    - adelante
    - bordear
    - camino
    - cauce
    - cerca
    - línea
    - llevar
    - moda
    - paso
    - perro
    - racha
    - separar
    - siga
    - sigo
    - trazar
    - ver
    act on
    - advice
    - along
    - carry on
    - closely
    - continue
    - despite
    - ensue
    - fight on
    - follow
    - follow up
    - forge
    - get on
    - go ahead
    - go on
    - go through with
    - hope
    - hotly
    - keep
    - keep on
    - lead
    - march on
    - monitor
    - move on
    - obey
    - pick up
    - play on
    - play upon
    - practice
    - practise
    - press ahead
    - proceed
    - pursue
    - push ahead
    - push on
    - rattle on
    - reasoning
    - run on
    - send on
    - shadow
    - soldier on
    - stalk
    - stand
    - stay out
    - struggle on
    - succeed
    - tail
    - take
    - track
    - trail
    * * *
    1. [ir detrás de, tomar la ruta de] to follow;
    tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behind;
    síganme, por favor follow me, please;
    la generación que nos sigue o [m5] que sigue a la nuestra the next generation, the generation after us;
    sigue este sendero hasta llegar a un bosque follow this path until you come to a forest;
    seguir el rastro de alguien/algo to follow sb's/sth's tracks;
    siga la flecha [en letrero] follow the arrow
    2. [perseguir] to follow;
    me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed;
    parece que le siguen los problemas trouble seems to follow him around wherever he goes;
    el que la sigue la consigue where there's a will there's a way
    3. [estar atento a, imitar, obedecer] to follow;
    seguían con la vista la trayectoria de la bola they followed the ball with their eyes;
    no seguimos ese programa we don't follow that programme;
    seguir algo de cerca [su desarrollo, sus resultados] to follow o monitor sth closely;
    siempre sigue los dictámenes de la moda she always follows the latest fashion;
    los que siguen a Keynes followers of Keynes;
    el cuadro sigue una línea clásica the painting is classical in style;
    seguir las órdenes/instrucciones de alguien to follow sb's orders/instructions;
    sigue mi consejo y habla con ella take my advice and talk to her;
    siguiendo sus indicaciones, hemos cancelado el pedido we have cancelled the order as instructed
    4. [reanudar, continuar] to continue, to resume;
    yo seguí mi trabajo/camino I continued with my work/on my way;
    él siguió su discurso he continued o resumed his speech
    5. [comprender] [explicación, profesor, conferenciante] to follow;
    me costaba seguirle I found her hard to follow;
    ¿me sigues? do you follow?, are you with me?
    6. [mantener, someterse a] to follow;
    hay que seguir un cierto orden you have to follow o do things in a certain order;
    seguiremos el procedimiento habitual we will follow the usual procedure;
    es difícil seguirle (el ritmo), va muy deprisa it's hard to keep up with him, he goes very quickly;
    los aspirantes elegidos seguirán un proceso de formación the chosen candidates will receive o undergo training
    7. [cursar]
    sigue un curso de italiano he's doing an Italian course;
    sigue la carrera de medicina she's studying medicine
    1. [proseguir, no detenerse] to continue, to go on;
    ¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!;
    aquí se baja él, yo sigo [al taxista] he's getting out here, I'm going on;
    siga con su trabajo carry on with your work;
    el sendero sigue hasta la cima the path continues o carries on to the top;
    "sigue la crisis en la bolsa de Tokio" Tokyo stock market crisis continues;
    debes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing it;
    ¿vas a seguir intentándolo? are you going to keep trying?;
    se seguían viendo de vez en cuando they still saw each other from time to time, they continued to see each other from time to time;
    seguir adelante (con algo) [con planes, proyectos] to go ahead (with sth)
    2. [mantenerse, permanecer]
    sigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital;
    ¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?;
    todo sigue igual everything's still the same, nothing has changed;
    sigue el buen tiempo en el sur del país the good weather in the south of the country is continuing;
    sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factory;
    ¿la sigues queriendo? do you still love her?;
    sigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrong;
    sigue habiendo dudas sobre… doubts remain about…;
    ¡buen trabajo, sigue así! good work, keep it up!;
    si seguimos jugando así, ganaremos la liga if we carry on o keep playing like that, we'll win the league;
    a seguir bien [como despedida] take care, look after yourself;
    de seguir así las cosas, si las cosas siguen así if things go on like this, the way things are going
    3. [tomar un camino]
    el resto siguió por otro camino the rest went another way;
    seguiremos hacia el este we'll go east then;
    siga todo recto go straight on;
    siga hasta el siguiente semáforo carry on till you get to the next set of traffic lights
    4. [sucederse, ir después] to follow;
    lo que sigue es una cita del Corán the following is a quotation from the Koran;
    seguir a algo to follow sth;
    la lluvia siguió a los truenos the thunder was followed by rain;
    ¿cómo sigue el chiste? how does the joke go on o continue?;
    el proceso de selección se realizará como sigue:… the selection process will be carried out as follows:…;
    sigue en la página 20 [en periódico, libro] continued on page 20
    5. Col [para dar permiso] please do;
    con permiso, ¿puedo entrar? – siga excuse me, can I come in? – please do
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 consejo, camino, moda etc follow;
    seguir a alguien follow s.o.
    seguir fiel a alguien remain faithful to s.o.
    II v/i continue, carry on;
    seguir con algo continue with sth, carry on with sth;
    seguir haciendo algo go on doing sth, continue to do sth;
    sigue cometiendo los mismos errores he keeps on making the same mistakes;
    sigue enfadado conmigo he’s still angry with me;
    ¡a seguir bien! take care!, take it easy!
    * * *
    seguir {75} vt
    1) : to follow
    el sol sigue la lluvia: sunshine follows the rain
    seguiré tu consejo: I'll follow your advice
    me siguieron con la mirada: they followed me with their eyes
    2) : to go along, to keep on
    seguimos toda la carretera panamericana: we continued along the PanAmerican Highway
    siguió hablando: he kept on talking
    seguir el curso: to stay on course
    3) : to take (a course, a treatment)
    seguir vi
    1) : to go on, to keep going
    sigue adelante: keep going, carry on
    2) : to remain, to continue to be
    ¿todavía sigues aquí?: you're still here?
    sigue con vida: she's still alive
    3) : to follow, to come after
    la frase que sigue: the following sentence
    * * *
    seguir vb
    1. (en general) to follow
    3. (recorrer) to go on
    ¡sigue! No te pares go on! Don't stop!
    4. (continuar) to be still

    Spanish-English dictionary > seguir

  • 107 рабочий

    1) General subject: billman, blue-collar worker, blue-collar-, cloth cap, dryster, employee, hand, knockabout, laborer, labour, labourer, longshoreman, man (обычно pl), mudlark, operant, operating (о режиме и т. п.), operative, paster, patcher, patcher-up, scab, shopman, splitter, threader, timer (с этим значением используется в сложных словах), toiler, twicer, (наёмный) wage earner, (наёмный) wage worker, work, work-man, workable (о пласте), worker, working, working man (особ. промышленный), working-man, labor, labouring, labouring man, operational, working man, factory worker
    2) Colloquial: cloth-cap
    4) Military: handler
    5) Engineering: backup man, casual, effective, effective (об объеме и т.п.), force, job worker, jobman, labor force, maintenance man, manpower, mattock man, millman, on-stream, operator (квалифицированный), tender, tipper
    6) Agriculture: employe, (неквалифицированный) laborer, (наёмный) wageworker, working (о скоте)
    7) Mathematics: work in process
    9) Economy: craftsman, hands, wage earner, wageworker
    10) Australian slang: battler
    11) Mining: labourer (вспомогательный, подённый), part-time worker, rock duster
    12) Diplomatic term: operating (о механизме, режиме и т.п.)
    13) Jargon: newt, stiff (особ. неквалифицированный), working stiff, dirty-neck
    14) Information technology: operable, scratch, temporary
    15) Oil: operating (о режиме), pipe pusher
    16) Geophysics: sampler
    17) Mechanic engineering: driving (напр., шкив), fast (о шкиве), tight (о шкиве)
    18) Business: manual (напр., skilled manual (plumbers, electricians etc.))
    19) Household appliances: cutoff
    20) SAP. hourly paid
    22) Quality control: working (о режиме)
    23) Makarov: draft (напр. о проекте), undercutter
    24) Logistics: handyman, processor
    25) Microsoft: Business, Workplace

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > рабочий

  • 108 Solvay, Ernest

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 16 April 1838 Rebcq, near Brussels, Belgium
    d. 26 May 1922 Brussels, Belgium
    Belgian manufacturer, first successfully to produce soda by the ammonia-soda process.
    From the beginning of the nineteenth century, soda had been manufactured by the Leblanc process. Important though it was, serious drawbacks had shown themselves early on. The worst was the noxious alkali waste left after the extraction of the soda, in such large quantities that two tons of waste were produced for one of soda. The first attempt to work out an alternative process was by the French scientist and engineer A.J. Fresnel, but it failed. The process consisted essentially of passing carbon dioxide into a solution of ammonia in brine (sodium chloride). The product, sodium bicarbonate, could easily be converted to soda by heating. For over half a century, practical difficulties, principally the volatility of the ammonia, dogged the process and a viable solution eluded successive chemists, including James Muspratt and William Deacon.
    Finally, Ernest Solvay and his brother Alfred tackled the problem, and in 1861 they filed a Belgian patent for improvements, notably the introduction of a carbonating tower, which made the process continuous. The first works were set up at Couillet in 1863, but four further years of hard work were still needed to overcome teething troubles. Once the Solvay ammonia-soda process was working well, it made rapid strides. It was introduced into Britain in 1872 under licence to Ludwig Mond and four years later Solvay opened the large Dombaske works in France.
    Solvay was a member of the Belgian Senate and a Minister of State. International institutes of physics, chemistry and sociology are named after him.
    Further Reading
    P.Heger and C.Lefebvre, 1919, La vie d'Ernest Solvay.
    Obituary, 1922, Ind. Eng. Chem.: 1,156.

    Biographical history of technology > Solvay, Ernest

  • 109 Creativity

       Put in this bald way, these aims sound utopian. How utopian they areor rather, how imminent their realization-depends on how broadly or narrowly we interpret the term "creative." If we are willing to regard all human complex problem solving as creative, then-as we will point out-successful programs for problem solving mechanisms that simulate human problem solvers already exist, and a number of their general characteristics are known. If we reserve the term "creative" for activities like discovery of the special theory of relativity or the composition of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, then no example of a creative mechanism exists at the present time. (Simon, 1979, pp. 144-145)
       Among the questions that can now be given preliminary answers in computational terms are the following: how can ideas from very different sources be spontaneously thought of together? how can two ideas be merged to produce a new structure, which shows the influence of both ancestor ideas without being a mere "cut-and-paste" combination? how can the mind be "primed," so that one will more easily notice serendipitous ideas? why may someone notice-and remember-something fairly uninteresting, if it occurs in an interesting context? how can a brief phrase conjure up an entire melody from memory? and how can we accept two ideas as similar ("love" and "prove" as rhyming, for instance) in respect of a feature not identical in both? The features of connectionist AI models that suggest answers to these questions are their powers of pattern completion, graceful degradation, sensitization, multiple constraint satisfaction, and "best-fit" equilibration.... Here, the important point is that the unconscious, "insightful," associative aspects of creativity can be explained-in outline, at least-by AI methods. (Boden, 1996, p. 273)
       There thus appears to be an underlying similarity in the process involved in creative innovation and social independence, with common traits and postures required for expression of both behaviors. The difference is one of product-literary, musical, artistic, theoretical products on the one hand, opinions on the other-rather than one of process. In both instances the individual must believe that his perceptions are meaningful and valid and be willing to rely upon his own interpretations. He must trust himself sufficiently that even when persons express opinions counter to his own he can proceed on the basis of his own perceptions and convictions. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 58)
       he average level of ego strength and emotional stability is noticeably higher among creative geniuses than among the general population, though it is possibly lower than among men of comparable intelligence and education who go into administrative and similar positions. High anxiety and excitability appear common (e.g. Priestley, Darwin, Kepler) but full-blown neurosis is quite rare. (Cattell & Butcher, 1970, p. 315)
       he insight that is supposed to be required for such work as discovery turns out to be synonymous with the familiar process of recognition; and other terms commonly used in the discussion of creative work-such terms as "judgment," "creativity," or even "genius"-appear to be wholly dispensable or to be definable, as insight is, in terms of mundane and well-understood concepts. (Simon, 1989, p. 376)
       From the sketch material still in existence, from the condition of the fragments, and from the autographs themselves we can draw definite conclusions about Mozart's creative process. To invent musical ideas he did not need any stimulation; they came to his mind "ready-made" and in polished form. In contrast to Beethoven, who made numerous attempts at shaping his musical ideas until he found the definitive formulation of a theme, Mozart's first inspiration has the stamp of finality. Any Mozart theme has completeness and unity; as a phenomenon it is a Gestalt. (Herzmann, 1964, p. 28)
       Great artists enlarge the limits of one's perception. Looking at the world through the eyes of Rembrandt or Tolstoy makes one able to perceive aspects of truth about the world which one could not have achieved without their aid. Freud believed that science was adaptive because it facilitated mastery of the external world; but was it not the case that many scientific theories, like works of art, also originated in phantasy? Certainly, reading accounts of scientific discovery by men of the calibre of Einstein compelled me to conclude that phantasy was not merely escapist, but a way of reaching new insights concerning the nature of reality. Scientific hypotheses require proof; works of art do not. Both are concerned with creating order, with making sense out of the world and our experience of it. (Storr, 1993, p. xii)
       The importance of self-esteem for creative expression appears to be almost beyond disproof. Without a high regard for himself the individual who is working in the frontiers of his field cannot trust himself to discriminate between the trivial and the significant. Without trust in his own powers the person seeking improved solutions or alternative theories has no basis for distinguishing the significant and profound innovation from the one that is merely different.... An essential component of the creative process, whether it be analysis, synthesis, or the development of a new perspective or more comprehensive theory, is the conviction that one's judgment in interpreting the events is to be trusted. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 59)
       In the daily stream of thought these four different stages [preparation; incubation; illumination or inspiration; and verification] constantly overlap each other as we explore different problems. An economist reading a Blue Book, a physiologist watching an experiment, or a business man going through his morning's letters, may at the same time be "incubating" on a problem which he proposed to himself a few days ago, be accumulating knowledge in "preparation" for a second problem, and be "verifying" his conclusions to a third problem. Even in exploring the same problem, the mind may be unconsciously incubating on one aspect of it, while it is consciously employed in preparing for or verifying another aspect. (Wallas, 1926, p. 81)
       he basic, bisociative pattern of the creative synthesis [is] the sudden interlocking of two previously unrelated skills, or matrices of thought. (Koestler, 1964, p. 121)
        11) The Earliest Stages in the Creative Process Involve a Commerce with Disorder
       Even to the creator himself, the earliest effort may seem to involve a commerce with disorder. For the creative order, which is an extension of life, is not an elaboration of the established, but a movement beyond the established, or at least a reorganization of it and often of elements not included in it. The first need is therefore to transcend the old order. Before any new order can be defined, the absolute power of the established, the hold upon us of what we know and are, must be broken. New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive that world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." (Ghiselin, 1985, p. 4)
       New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive our world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." Chaos and disorder are perhaps the wrong terms for that indeterminate fullness and activity of the inner life. For it is organic, dynamic, full of tension and tendency. What is absent from it, except in the decisive act of creation, is determination, fixity, and commitment to one resolution or another of the whole complex of its tensions. (Ghiselin, 1952, p. 13)
       [P]sychoanalysts have principally been concerned with the content of creative products, and with explaining content in terms of the artist's infantile past. They have paid less attention to examining why the artist chooses his particular activity to express, abreact or sublimate his emotions. In short, they have not made much distinction between art and neurosis; and, since the former is one of the blessings of mankind, whereas the latter is one of the curses, it seems a pity that they should not be better differentiated....
       Psychoanalysis, being fundamentally concerned with drive and motive, might have been expected to throw more light upon what impels the creative person that in fact it has. (Storr, 1993, pp. xvii, 3)
       A number of theoretical approaches were considered. Associative theory, as developed by Mednick (1962), gained some empirical support from the apparent validity of the Remote Associates Test, which was constructed on the basis of the theory.... Koestler's (1964) bisociative theory allows more complexity to mental organization than Mednick's associative theory, and postulates "associative contexts" or "frames of reference." He proposed that normal, non-creative, thought proceeds within particular contexts or frames and that the creative act involves linking together previously unconnected frames.... Simonton (1988) has developed associative notions further and explored the mathematical consequences of chance permutation of ideas....
       Like Koestler, Gruber (1980; Gruber and Davis, 1988) has based his analysis on case studies. He has focused especially on Darwin's development of the theory of evolution. Using piagetian notions, such as assimilation and accommodation, Gruber shows how Darwin's system of ideas changed very slowly over a period of many years. "Moments of insight," in Gruber's analysis, were the culminations of slow long-term processes.... Finally, the information-processing approach, as represented by Simon (1966) and Langley et al. (1987), was considered.... [Simon] points out the importance of good problem representations, both to ensure search is in an appropriate problem space and to aid in developing heuristic evaluations of possible research directions.... The work of Langley et al. (1987) demonstrates how such search processes, realized in computer programs, can indeed discover many basic laws of science from tables of raw data.... Boden (1990a, 1994) has stressed the importance of restructuring the problem space in creative work to develop new genres and paradigms in the arts and sciences. (Gilhooly, 1996, pp. 243-244; emphasis in original)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Creativity

  • 110 переработка

    1) General subject: conversion, processing, recast, remaking, revision (книги), rip off, rip-off (недобросовестная), working, making
    2) Naval: working down
    4) Military: ( re) processing, (re) reprocessing, (re) treatment, retreatment
    5) Engineering: fabricating, overtime work (работа сверх нормы), redesign (конструкции), refinement (нефти), refining, reprocessing, revision (напр. статьи)
    6) Agriculture: (первичная) processing
    7) Construction: thorough revision
    8) Railway term: rehandling (состава)
    11) Automobile industry: retreat
    13) Metallurgy: handling (груза), using-up
    14) Polygraphy: converting
    15) Psychology: elaboration, working-through
    17) Oil: refining (нефти), waste-handling
    18) Patents: reduction
    19) Business: adaptation, treatment
    20) Drilling: redesigning
    21) Marine science: working over
    23) leg.N.P. revision (of a draft resolution, etc.; parliamentary practice), specificatio (law of personal property), specification (as a mode of acquisition of a title; law of personal property)
    24) Makarov: overtime (работа сверх нормы), processing (обработка сырья в полуфабрикат, готовую продукцию), rehandling, revision (переделка книги, статьи), rewrite (коренная переделка), working (обработка сырья в полуфабрикат, готовую продукцию)
    25) Gold mining: metasomatosis
    27) Pharmacy: (обработка несоответствующего продукта с помощью технологических стадий, отличающихся от установленного технологического процесса) reworking

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > переработка

  • 111 рабочая камера

    2) Chemistry: building bag
    3) Construction: air working chamber (кессона), working chamber (кессона), working chamber (напр. кессона)
    4) Automobile industry: working space
    5) Oil: work vehicle (для доставки обслуживающего персонала к подводному оборудованию, трубопроводу)
    6) Astronautics: mixing chamber
    7) Oil&Gas technology operating chamber
    8) Microelectronics: work piece chamber

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > рабочая камера

  • 112 обработка

    ( стругом) blading, ( фотоматериалов) development, (птицы, рыбы) dressing, handling, manufacture, manufacturing, processing, work, working
    * * *
    обрабо́тка ж.
    working, machining; ( придание нужных свойств) treatment; ( перерабатывание) processing
    быть пода́тливым в обрабо́тке — work readily, be workable, be easily worked
    поддава́ться обрабо́тке легко́ или с трудо́м — lend itself to machining favourably or with difficulty
    ано́дно-механи́ческая обрабо́тка — combination ED/ EC machining
    ано́дно-хими́ческая обрабо́тка — electrochemical machining, ECM
    обрабо́тка без сня́тия стру́жки — chipless material-removal process, chipless machining
    обрабо́тка воды́ — water treatment
    обрабо́тка воды́, внутрикотлова́я — internal (water) treatment
    обрабо́тка воды́, известко́во-со́довая — sode-lime water treatment
    обрабо́тка воды́, коррекцио́нная — coordinated phosphate (water) control
    обрабо́тка воды́ ме́тодом ионообме́на — ion-exchange water treatment
    обрабо́тка в патро́не — chucking work
    обрабо́тка в центра́х — machining of parts held between centres
    газопла́менная обрабо́тка — flame machining
    группова́я обрабо́тка — batch processing
    обрабо́тка да́нных — data processing
    обрабо́тка да́нных, автоно́мная — off-line data processing
    обрабо́тка да́нных в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — real time data processing
    обрабо́тка да́нных, операти́вная — on-line data processing
    обрабо́тка докуме́нтов — document handling
    дробестру́йная обрабо́тка — shot-blasting
    обрабо́тка кож — leather working
    обрабо́тка кож в барка́се — paddling
    обрабо́тка кож в га́шпеле — paddling
    обрабо́тка кож в зо́льнике — liming
    обрабо́тка кож во фло́те — vatting
    обрабо́тка кож на кри́спель-маши́не — boarding
    обрабо́тка кож на отжи́мной маши́не — putting-out
    обрабо́тка кож на суши́льно-шири́льной маши́не — tentering
    обрабо́тка кож, перви́чная — taking-up of hides
    обрабо́тка кож, противогни́лостная — rot-resistant treatment
    ла́зерная обрабо́тка — laser treatment
    обрабо́тка ли́нии электропереда́чи, высокочасто́тная — provision of carrier-frequency trapping and coupling equipment on a power line
    обрабо́тка материа́лов, ультразвукова́я — ultrasonic machining
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов, горя́чая — hot (metal) working
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов давле́нием — plastic metal working
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов ре́занием — machining
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов, слеса́рная — benchwork
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов, хи́мико-терми́ческая — surface impregnation
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов, холо́дная — cold (metal) working
    обрабо́тка мета́ллов, электроискрова́я — electro-spark [spark-discharge] machining
    металлостру́йная обрабо́тка — grit-blasting
    мо́края обрабо́тка — wet treatment
    обрабо́тка наблюде́ний — reduction of observations
    обрабо́тка на огнесто́йкость — fire-proofing
    обрабо́тка на станке́, то́чная — precision machining
    отде́лочная обрабо́тка — finishing treatment
    пескостру́йная обрабо́тка — sand-blasting
    после́дующая обрабо́тка — aftertreatment
    предвари́тельная обрабо́тка — pretreatment
    обрабо́тка сто́чных вод — sewage [waste-water] treatment
    терми́ческая обрабо́тка
    1. ( металлов) heat treatment
    2. ( воды) hot processing
    тока́рная обрабо́тка — turning
    тока́рная обрабо́тка фасо́нных пове́рхностей обы́чным резцо́м — contour turning
    тока́рная обрабо́тка фасо́нных пове́рхностей фасо́нным резцо́м — contour forming
    упрочня́ющая обрабо́тка ( создающая упрочнение) — strengthening treatment
    фи́нишная обрабо́тка — finishing treatment
    хими́ческая обрабо́тка — ( придание свойств) chemical treatment; ( снятие материала) chemical milling
    чернова́я обрабо́тка — roughing
    подверга́ть дета́ль черново́й обрабо́тке — rough-machine a work (piece)
    чистова́я обрабо́тка — finishing
    подверга́ть дета́ль чистово́й обрабо́тке — finish-machine a work (piece)
    щелочна́я обрабо́тка — alkaline treatment
    электрои́мпульсная обрабо́тка — electric pulse machining
    электроконта́ктная обрабо́тка — electric resistance machining
    обрабо́тка электро́нным лучо́м — electron-beam machining
    электрохими́ческая обрабо́тка — electrochemical machining
    электроэрозио́нная обрабо́тка — electric discharge [spark erosion] machining
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > обработка

  • 113 Arbeiter

    Arbeiter m 1. PERS manual worker; worker (Arbeiterverhältnis); 2. WIWI blue-collar worker, wage-earner
    * * *
    workman, working man, labo(u)rer, hand, employee, (Arbeitspotenzial) manpower, (Handwerker) artisan, (an der Maschine) operative, operator, attendant, (pl.) workpeople, workmen, blue-collar people (US);
    unter den Arbeitern shop-floor;
    angelernter Arbeiter semi-skilled worker;
    angesetzter Arbeiter employed worker;
    arbeitsunfähig gewordener Arbeiter incapacitated worker;
    ausgebeuteter Arbeiter sweatee;
    halb ausgebildeter Arbeiter semi-skilled worker;
    unterdurchschnittlich ausgebildeter Arbeiter substandard worker;
    ausgesperrter Arbeiter locked-out worker (workman);
    im Kundendienst beschäftigte Arbeiter customer-service workers;
    im Stundenlohn beschäftigter (bezahlter) Arbeiter hourly worker;
    niedrig bezahlter Arbeiter low-salaried worker;
    stundenweise bezahlter Arbeiter hourly employee;
    eingewanderter Arbeiter immigrant labo(u)rer;
    einsatzfähiger Arbeiter eligible worker;
    häufig Unfälle erleidender Arbeiter injury repeater;
    fleißiger Arbeiter steady (hard) worker;
    flinker Arbeiter swift worker;
    fluktuierender (unsteter) Arbeiter turnover-prone employee;
    nicht in der Lohnliste geführter Arbeiter off-the-books worker;
    geistiger Arbeiter brainworker, white-collar man (worker) (US), black-coated worker (Br.);
    gelernter Arbeiter skilled worker;
    geschickter Arbeiter facile worker, good workman;
    gewerblicher Arbeiter industrial labo(u)rer;
    gewerkschaftsfreier Arbeiter free rider;
    gewinnbeteiligter Arbeiter profit-sharing employee;
    gewissenhafter Arbeiter careful workman;
    gründlicher Arbeiter thorough worker;
    guter Arbeiter fine workman;
    harter Arbeiter earnest worker;
    durch eine Stechuhr kontrollierter Arbeiter clock puncher;
    landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter farmhand, agricultural (farm) labo(u)rer;
    männlicher Arbeiter male worker;
    minderjähriger Arbeiter underage worker (US);
    gewerkschaftlich organisierte Arbeiter unionized labo(u)r, unionist workers, workmen organized into trade unions;
    nicht [gewerkschaftlich] organisierter Arbeiter non-union labo(u)rer, non-unionist;
    pflichtversicherter Arbeiter covered worker;
    qualifizierter Arbeiter qualified worker (operator), efficient (capable) worker;
    schlampiger Arbeiter slapdash worker;
    streikender Arbeiter striking employee;
    tüchtiger Arbeiter skilled worker;
    überbezahlter Arbeiter overpaid workman;
    überzähliger Arbeiter redundant worker;
    umgesetzter Arbeiter displaced worker;
    unausgebildeter Arbeiter unskilled worker;
    unbeschäftigte Arbeiterr idle workman;
    unerfahrener Arbeiter threshold worker (US);
    ungelernter Arbeiter manual (unskilled, inexperienced) worker, unskilled workman, common labo(u)rer, dilutee, plug (sl.);
    ungeschickter Arbeiter clumsy workman;
    vollbeschäftigter Arbeiter full-timer;
    zäher Arbeiter arduous worker;
    Arbeiter mit zwei Berufen two-job worker;
    Arbeiter mit Berufserfahrung experienced worker;
    Arbeiter der Nachtschicht night man;
    Arbeiter der Stirn brainworker;
    Arbeiter in der Verarbeitungsindustrie process worker;
    Arbeiter anwerben to engage (recruit, US) workers;
    Arbeiter ausbeuten to sweat labo(u)r;
    ungelernte Arbeiter auskämmen to decasualize;
    Arbeiter im Stücklohn bezahlen to pay workman by the piece;
    Arbeiter einstellen to take (sign) on hands, to recruit (hire) labor (US);
    ungelernte Arbeiter einstellen to dilute labo(u)r;
    zusätzlich zweihundert Arbeiter einstellen to take on 200 extra hands;
    Arbeiter entlassen to discharge a workman, to lay off a worker;
    seine Arbeiter kurzfristig entlassen to fire (sack) one’s workmen;
    in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Depression Arbeiter vorübergehend entlassen to lay off workman during a business depression;
    sich ertragsmäßig beim Arbeiter niederschlagen to hit the worker’s pocket;
    Arbeiter auf die Straße setzen to put workers onto the street;
    Arbeiter umsetzen to reallocate workers;
    Arbeiter unterbringen to place workers;
    Arbeiter wieder einstellen to reinstate a worker;
    Arbeiterabordnung workers’ delegation;
    Arbeiteranwerbung recruitment of labor (US);
    Arbeiteraufstand labo(u)r uprise;
    Arbeiterausbildung worker training;
    Arbeiterausschuss shop council, workers’ committee;
    Arbeiteraussperrung lockout;
    Arbeiterausstand [labo(u)r] strike, walkout (US);
    Arbeiterbedarf manpower requirements;
    Arbeiterbeteiligung worker involvement;
    Arbeiterbevölkerung working (labo(u)ring) classes, working (manufacturing, working-class) population;
    heranwachsende Arbeiterbevölkerung working-class adolescents;
    Arbeiterbewegung labo(u)r movement;
    Arbeiterbus workers’ bus;
    Arbeiterdauerkarte workmen’s season ticket;
    Arbeitereinsatz labo(u)r employment, (Arbeitslenkung) direction of labo(u)r;
    Arbeiterfahrschein workmen’s ticket;
    Arbeiterfamilie working-class family.
    aussperren, Arbeiter
    to play off (lock out) workmen (Br. coll.).

    Business german-english dictionary > Arbeiter

  • 114 mecanismo

    1 mechanism.
    2 mechanism (procedimiento).
    * * *
    1 mechanism
    2 figurado (funcionamiento) working, mechanism
    mecanismo de dirección steering mechanism
    * * *
    noun m.
    mechanism, device
    * * *
    1) [de reloj, cerradura, fusil] mechanism
    2) (=procedimiento) mechanism
    * * *
    a) (Mec) mechanism
    b) (de proceso, sistema) mechanism
    * * *
    = device, mechanics, mechanism, provision, rig, gearing.
    Ex. The extent of application of the synthetic devices will vary from one library to another.
    Ex. However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.
    Ex. This helps to illustrate the methods of analysis employed by the scheme and to introduce the mechanisms of its use.
    Ex. Chapter 9 considered the provisions for selecting headings for added entries.
    Ex. An adjustable seating rig was used to create the three-dimensional shape of a static lounge chair.
    Ex. The bronze gearing was far too corroded to be taken to bits, cleaned up, and made to work.
    * activar un mecanismo de control = set + control.
    * desactivar un mecanismo = disable + mechanism.
    * mecanismo de absorción = absorber.
    * mecanismo de apertura = opening mechanism.
    * mecanismo de apoyo = enabler.
    * mecanismo de cierre = closing mechanism, fastener.
    * mecanismo de control = watchdog.
    * mecanismo de cuerda = clockwork.
    * mecanismo de defensa = defence mechanism [defense mechanism, -USA].
    * mecanismo de detección = dragnet.
    * mecanismo de fijación = locking/releasing mechanism.
    * mecanismo de integración = integrator.
    * mecanismo de presión = impression assembly.
    * mecanismo de reclamación = appeals process, appeals mechanism, appeals procedure.
    * mecanismo de reducción de situaciones difíciles = threat-reduction mechanism.
    * mecanismo de relojería = clockwork.
    * mecanismo de seguridad = security mechanism.
    * montado sobre un mecanismo giratorio = pivoted.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * * *
    a) (Mec) mechanism
    b) (de proceso, sistema) mechanism
    * * *
    = device, mechanics, mechanism, provision, rig, gearing.

    Ex: The extent of application of the synthetic devices will vary from one library to another.

    Ex: However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.
    Ex: This helps to illustrate the methods of analysis employed by the scheme and to introduce the mechanisms of its use.
    Ex: Chapter 9 considered the provisions for selecting headings for added entries.
    Ex: An adjustable seating rig was used to create the three-dimensional shape of a static lounge chair.
    Ex: The bronze gearing was far too corroded to be taken to bits, cleaned up, and made to work.
    * activar un mecanismo de control = set + control.
    * desactivar un mecanismo = disable + mechanism.
    * mecanismo de absorción = absorber.
    * mecanismo de apertura = opening mechanism.
    * mecanismo de apoyo = enabler.
    * mecanismo de cierre = closing mechanism, fastener.
    * mecanismo de control = watchdog.
    * mecanismo de cuerda = clockwork.
    * mecanismo de defensa = defence mechanism [defense mechanism, -USA].
    * mecanismo de detección = dragnet.
    * mecanismo de fijación = locking/releasing mechanism.
    * mecanismo de integración = integrator.
    * mecanismo de presión = impression assembly.
    * mecanismo de reclamación = appeals process, appeals mechanism, appeals procedure.
    * mecanismo de reducción de situaciones difíciles = threat-reduction mechanism.
    * mecanismo de relojería = clockwork.
    * mecanismo de seguridad = security mechanism.
    * montado sobre un mecanismo giratorio = pivoted.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.

    * * *
    1 ( Mec) mechanism
    mecanismo de apertura retardada time lock mechanism
    mecanismo de relojería clockwork mechanism
    el mecanismo de dirección the steering gear
    un mecanismo que bloquea las ruedas a device o mechanism that stops the wheels from moving
    2 (de un proceso, sistema) mechanism
    el mecanismo administrativo the administrative mechanism
    se espera encontrar soluciones aceptables a través de los mecanismos de negociación it is hoped that acceptable solutions will be found through the negotiating process
    mecanismo de cambio europeo or de cambios
    European Exchange Rate Mechanism
    defense* mechanism
    Exchange Rate Mechanism
    * * *

    mecanismo sustantivo masculino
    mecanismo de defensa defense( conjugate defense) mechanism

    mecanismo sustantivo masculino mechanism

    ' mecanismo' also found in these entries:
    - maquinaria
    - pedal
    - propulsor
    - propulsora
    - regir
    - rueda
    - accionar
    - atascar
    - bloquear
    - botón
    - desarmable
    - desarmar
    - desbaratar
    - desbloquear
    - desequilibrado
    - desequilibrar
    - deshacer
    - desmontable
    - desmontar
    - dirección
    - dispositivo
    - efecto
    - enganche
    - estropear
    - fastidiar
    - fiar
    - funcionamiento
    - imperfección
    - obedecer
    - picaporte
    - probar
    - seguro
    - device
    - failsafe
    - mechanics
    - mechanism
    - movement
    - time-saving
    - work
    - clock
    - machinery
    - works
    * * *
    1. [estructura] mechanism;
    acordaron un mecanismo automático de revisión salarial they agreed on a procedure o system for automatic salary reviews
    Psi mecanismo de defensa defence mechanism; Fin mecanismo de los tipos de cambio exchange rate mechanism
    2. [funcionamiento] mechanism;
    conoce muy bien el mecanismo electoral she's very familiar with the electoral procedure o process
    * * *
    m mechanism
    * * *
    : mechanism
    * * *
    mecanismo n mechanism

    Spanish-English dictionary > mecanismo

  • 115 tratar

    1 to treat (comportarse con) (persona, objeto).
    ¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?
    El médico trata al paciente The doctor treats=cures the patient.
    2 to have dealings or contact with.
    la traté muy poco I didn't have much to do with her
    3 to treat (tema, asunto).
    eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss
    4 to treat.
    5 to treat (agua, sustancia, alimento).
    6 to process (computing) (datos, información).
    Ellos tratan el cuero They process the leather.
    7 to deal.
    Las empresas trataron The companies made a deal.
    8 to try, to make a trial, to attempt it, to attempt.
    Ella trató por mucho tiempo She tried for a long time.
    9 to handle, to maneuver, to manoeuvre.
    Ellos tratan sus pensamientos They handle their thoughts.
    * * *
    1 (gen - objeto) to treat, handle; (- persona) to treat
    2 (asunto, tema) to discuss, deal with
    3 (gestionar) to handle, run
    4 (dar tratamiento) to address as
    5 (calificar, considerar) to consider, call
    6 MEDICINA to treat
    7 (datos, texto) to process
    8 QUÍMICA to treat
    1 (relacionarse) to be acquainted ( con, with), know ( con, -)
    2 (tener tratos) to deal ( con, with)
    3 (negociar) to negotiate ( con, with)
    4 (intentar) to try (de, to)
    5 (versar) to be about
    trata de/sobre espías it's about spies
    6 COMERCIO to deal (en, in)
    1 (relacionarse) to talk to each other, be on speaking terms
    2 (llamarse) to address each other as, call each other
    3 (referirse) to be about
    se trata de... it's a question of..., it's a matter of...
    * * *
    - tratar de
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ persona, animal, objeto] to treat

    hay que tratar a los animales con cariño — animals should be given plenty of affection, animals should be treated lovingly

    te dejo la cámara, pero trátala bien — I'll let you have the camera, but be careful with it o treat it carefully

    la vida la ha tratado muy bien — life has been very kind to her, life has treated her very well

    tratar a algn de loco — to treat sb like a madman

    2) (=llamar)

    ¿cómo le tenemos que tratar cuando nos hable? — how should we address him when he speaks to us?

    tratar a algn de algo — to call sb sth

    tratar a algn de tú/usted — to address sb as "tú"/"usted"

    3) (=relacionarse con)

    tratar a algn: ya no lo trato — I no longer have any dealings with him

    me cae bien, pero no la he tratado mucho — I like her, but I haven't had a lot to do with her

    4) (Med) [+ paciente, enfermedad] to treat

    ¿qué médico te está tratando? — which doctor is giving you treatment?

    5) [+ tejido, madera, residuos] to treat
    6) (=discutir) [+ tema] to deal with; [+ acuerdo, paz] to negotiate
    7) (Inform) to process
    2. VI

    tratar de[libro] to be about, deal with; [personas] to talk about, discuss

    2) (=intentar)

    tratar de hacer algo — to try to do sth

    tratar de que, trataré de que esta sea la última vez — I'll try to make sure that this is the last time

    3) (=relacionarse)

    tratar con algn, trato con todo tipo de gente — I deal with all sorts of people

    4) (Com)

    tratar con o en algo — to deal in sth

    trataban con o en pieles — they dealt in furs, they were involved in the fur trade

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) ( intentar) to try

    tratar de + inf — to try to + inf

    tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again

    2) obra/libro/película

    ¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?

    3) (tener contacto, relaciones)
    4) (Com)
    tratar vt
    a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treat
    b) ( llamar)

    tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar form

    3) <tema/asunto> to deal with
    a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treat
    b) <sustancia/metal> to treat
    tratarse v pron

    tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody

    b) (recípr)
    2) (+ compl)
    a) (recípr)

    se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'

    se tratan sin ningún respetothey have o show no respect for each other

    b) (refl) ( cuidarse)

    tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself

    3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment
    4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)
    a) ( ser acerca de) to be about

    ¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?

    se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing

    si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...

    * * *
    = address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.
    Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.
    Ex. The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.
    Ex. The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.
    Ex. This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.
    Ex. In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.
    Ex. 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.
    Ex. Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.
    Ex. An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.
    Ex. Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.
    Ex. Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.
    Ex. In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.
    Ex. We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.
    Ex. Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.
    Ex. Equally serious, authors are often too close to the paper to give it an objective treatment.
    Ex. In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.
    Ex. Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.
    Ex. The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.
    Ex. The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.
    Ex. There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.
    * aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.
    * atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.
    * como si (se tratase de) = as if.
    * continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.
    * cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * de qué se trata = what it's all about.
    * difícil de tratar = unruly.
    * empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.
    * que trata de = surrounding.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * sin tratar = untreated.
    * temer tratar = fear to + tread.
    * tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.
    * tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.
    * tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.
    * tratar como un objeto = objectify.
    * tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].
    * tratar (con) = negotiate (with).
    * tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * tratar con cloro = chlorinate.
    * tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.
    * tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.
    * tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.
    * tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.
    * tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * tratar de ligar = chat up.
    * tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.
    * tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].
    * tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.
    * tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.
    * tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.
    * tratar específicamente = target.
    * tratar información = handle + information.
    * tratar injustamente = malign.
    * tratar justamente = treat + fairly.
    * tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.
    * tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.
    * tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.
    * tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.
    * tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.
    * tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.
    * tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.
    * tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.
    * tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.
    * tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.
    * tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.
    * tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.
    * tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.
    * volver a tratar = revisit.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) ( intentar) to try

    tratar de + inf — to try to + inf

    tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again

    2) obra/libro/película

    ¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?

    3) (tener contacto, relaciones)
    4) (Com)
    tratar vt
    a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treat
    b) ( llamar)

    tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar form

    3) <tema/asunto> to deal with
    a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treat
    b) <sustancia/metal> to treat
    tratarse v pron

    tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody

    b) (recípr)
    2) (+ compl)
    a) (recípr)

    se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'

    se tratan sin ningún respetothey have o show no respect for each other

    b) (refl) ( cuidarse)

    tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself

    3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment
    4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)
    a) ( ser acerca de) to be about

    ¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?

    se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing

    si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...

    * * *
    tratar (con)

    Ex: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.

    = address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.
    Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.

    Ex: The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.

    Ex: The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.
    Ex: This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.
    Ex: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.
    Ex: 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.
    Ex: Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.
    Ex: An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.
    Ex: Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.
    Ex: Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.
    Ex: In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.
    Ex: We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.
    Ex: Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.
    Ex: Equally serious, authors are often too close to the paper to give it an objective treatment.
    Ex: In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.
    Ex: Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.
    Ex: The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.
    Ex: The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.
    Ex: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.
    * aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.
    * atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.
    * como si (se tratase de) = as if.
    * continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.
    * cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * de qué se trata = what it's all about.
    * difícil de tratar = unruly.
    * empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.
    * que trata de = surrounding.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * sin tratar = untreated.
    * temer tratar = fear to + tread.
    * tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.
    * tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.
    * tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.
    * tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.
    * tratar como un objeto = objectify.
    * tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].
    * tratar (con) = negotiate (with).
    * tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * tratar con cloro = chlorinate.
    * tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.
    * tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.
    * tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.
    * tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.
    * tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * tratar de ligar = chat up.
    * tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.
    * tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].
    * tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.
    * tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.
    * tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.
    * tratar específicamente = target.
    * tratar información = handle + information.
    * tratar injustamente = malign.
    * tratar justamente = treat + fairly.
    * tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.
    * tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.
    * tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.
    * tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.
    * tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.
    * tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.
    * tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.
    * tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.
    * tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.
    * tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.
    * tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.
    * tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.
    * tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.
    * tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.
    * volver a tratar = revisit.

    * * *
    tratar [A1 ]
    A (intentar) to try tratar DE + INF to try to + INF
    trate de comprender try to o ( colloq) try and understand
    traten de no llegar tarde try not to be late
    tratar DE QUE + SUBJ:
    trata de que queden a la misma altura try to o ( colloq) try and get them level
    trataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
    «obra/libro/película»: tratar DEor SOBRE algo: ¿de qué trata el libro? what's the book about?
    la conferencia tratará sobre medicina alternativa the lecture will deal with o will be on the subject of alternative medicine, the theme of the lecture will be alternative medicine
    C (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar CON algn to deal WITH sb
    en mi trabajo trato con gente de todo tipo in my job I deal with o come into contact with all kinds of people
    tratar con él no es nada fácil he's not at all easy to get on with
    prefiero tratar directamente con el fabricante I prefer to deal directly with the manufacturer
    D ( Com) tratar EN algo to deal IN sth
    tratar en joyas/antigüedades to deal in jewels/antiques
    los mercaderes que trataban en esclavos/pieles the merchants who dealt o traded in slaves/furs
    ■ tratar
    1 ‹persona/animal/instrumento› (+ compl) to treat
    me tratan muy bien/como si fuera de la familia they treat me very well/as if I were one of the family
    trata la guitarra con más cuidado be more careful with the guitar
    ¿me estás tratando de mentiroso? are you calling me a liar?
    a mi suegro nunca lo he tratado de usted I've never called my father-in-law `usted'
    B ‹persona›
    (frecuentar): lo trataba cuando era joven I saw quite a lot of him when I was young
    nunca lo he tratado I have never had any contact with him o any dealings with him
    C ‹tema/asunto›
    vamos a tratar primero los puntos de mayor urgencia let's deal with o discuss the more pressing issues first
    no sé cómo tratar esta cuestión I don't know how to deal with o handle this matter
    el libro trata la Revolución Francesa desde una óptica inusual the book looks at the French Revolution from an unusual angle
    esto no se puede tratar delante de los niños we can't discuss this in front of the children
    1 ‹paciente/enfermedad› to treat
    2 ‹sustancia/metal/madera› to treat
    cultivos tratados con insectidas crops treated with insecticides
    A (relacionarse, tener contacto)
    1 tratarse CON algn:
    no me gusta la gente con la que se trata I don't like the people he mixes with
    se trata con gente de la alta sociedad she socializes o mixes with people from high society, she moves in high circles
    ¿tú te tratas con los Rucabado? are you friendly with the Rucabados?
    2 ( recípr):
    somos parientes pero no nos tratamos we're related but we never see each other o we never have anything to do with each other
    B (+ compl)
    1 ( recípr):
    se tratan de usted/tú they address each other as `usted'/`tú'
    se tratan sin ningún respeto they have o show no respect for each other
    2 ( refl) to treat oneself
    ¡qué mal te tratas, eh! ( iró); you don't treat yourself badly, do you?, you know how to look after yourself, don't you?
    C ( Med) (seguir un tratamiento) to have o undergo treatment
    1 (ser acerca de) to be about
    ¿de qué se trata? what's it about?, what does it concern? ( frml)
    se trata de Roy it's about Roy
    (ser cuestión de): se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing
    si sólo se trata de eso, hazlo pasar ahora if that's all it is o if that's all he wants, show him in now
    bueno, si se trata de echarle un vistazo nada más … OK, if it's just a question of having a quick look at it …
    (ser): se trata de la estrella del equipo we're talking about o he is the star of the team
    tratándose de usted, no creo que haya inconvenientes since it's for you o in your case I don't think there will be any problems
    * * *


    tratar ( conjugate tratar) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( intentar) to try;

    trataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
    2 [obra/libro/película] tratar de algo to be about sth;
    tratar sobre algo to deal with sth;

    3 (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar con algn to deal with sb;

    verbo transitivo
    1persona/animal/instrumento to treat;

    2 ( frecuentar):

    3tema/asunto to discuss, to deal with
    a) (Med) to treat

    b)sustancia/metal to treat

    tratarse verbo pronominal
    1 tratarse con algn ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with sb;
    ( alternar) to socialize o mix with sb;

    2 (+ compl) ( recípr):

    3 (Med) to have o undergo treatment
    tratarse de (en 3a pers)

    ¿de qué se trata? what's it about?

    se trata de participar, no de ganar it's a question of taking part, not of winning;

    solo porque se trata de ti just because it's you
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (portarse) to treat
    2 (cuidar) to look after, care: trátame el libro bien, look after my book
    3 (dirigirse a una persona) address: nos tratamos de tú, we call each other "tú" o we're on first name terms
    4 (considerar, llamar) me trató de tonto, he called me stupid
    5 (someter a un proceso) to treat
    6 (someter a tratamiento médico) to treat: le tienen que tratar la artritis, they have to treat his arthritis
    7 (tener relación social) la he tratado muy poco, I don't know her very well
    8 (considerar, discutir) to deal with: no hemos tratado la cuestión, we haven't discussed that subject
    II verbo intransitivo 1 tratar de, (un libro, una película) to be about: ¿de qué trata?, what is it about?
    2 (intentar) to try [de, to]
    3 Com tratar en, to trade in o with 4 tratar con, (negociar) to negotiate with
    ' tratar' also found in these entries:
    - defraudar
    - delicada
    - delicado
    - drogodependencia
    - ir
    - girar
    - hablar
    - mimar
    - negociar
    - confianza
    - curar
    - debido
    - huir
    - manera
    - miramiento
    - piel
    - punto
    - tocar
    - trato
    - usted
    - address
    - associate
    - bid
    - clutch
    - deal with
    - discuss
    - form
    - grapple
    - ground
    - handle
    - light
    - lionise
    - mistreat
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - patronize
    - peer
    - push through
    - rubberize
    - specific
    - squarely
    - tactfully
    - tout
    - treat
    - try
    - try on
    - victimize
    - attempt
    - bite
    - contact
    - could
    - cover
    - deal
    - favor
    - grasp
    - process
    - profile
    - raw
    - seek
    - snub
    - tackle
    - take
    - thrash
    - untreated
    - way
    * * *
    1. [portarse con, manejar] to treat;
    ¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?;
    no la trates tan mal don't be so nasty to her;
    la vida no la ha tratado bien life has not been kind to her;
    te dejo los discos, pero trátamelos bien I'll let you borrow the records, but look after them o be careful with them for me
    2. [paciente, enfermedad, herida] to treat;
    la están tratando de cáncer, le están tratando un cáncer she's being treated for cancer;
    el médico que la trata the doctor who is treating her
    3. [tener relación con] to have dealings o contact with;
    era compañera de clase pero la traté muy poco she was in my class, but I didn't have much to do with her
    4. [llamar, dirigirse a]
    tratar a alguien de usted/tú = to address sb using the “usted” form/the “tú” form;
    no hace falta que me trates de señor there's no need to call me “sir”;
    tratar a alguien de tonto to call sb an idiot
    5. [tema, asunto] to treat;
    el tema que trata la obra the subject of the book;
    hay que tratar ese asunto con cuidado this matter needs to be dealt with carefully;
    eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss
    6. [agua, sustancia, tejido, alimento] to treat
    7. Informát [datos, información] to process
    8. Bol [insultar] to insult, to swear at
    1. [intentar]
    tratar de hacer algo to try to do sth;
    trata de comprenderlo, por favor please try to understand;
    trataré de no equivocarme I'll try not to get it wrong;
    sólo trataba de que estuvieras más cómodo I was only trying to make you more comfortable
    2. [versar]
    tratar de o [m5] sobre to be about;
    ¿de qué trata el documental? what's the documentary about o on?;
    la ponencia trata sobre contaminación acústica the paper is about o on noise pollution
    3. [tener relación]
    tratar con alguien to have dealings with sb;
    en mi trabajo tengo que tratar con todo tipo de gente I have to deal with all sorts of people in my job;
    trata con gente muy rara she mixes with some very strange people;
    tratar a alguien con pinzas to handle sb with kid gloves
    4. [comerciar] to deal (en in)
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 treat
    2 ( manejar) handle
    3 ( dirigirse a) address (de as);
    tratar a alguien de tú address s.o. informally, use the tú form with s.o.;
    tratar a alguien de usted address s.o. formally, use the usted form with s.o.
    4 gente come into contact with
    5 tema deal with
    II v/i:
    tratar con alguien deal with s.o.
    tratar de ( intentar) try to
    3 COM
    tratar en deal in
    * * *
    tratar vi
    tratar con : to deal with, to have contact with
    no trato mucho con los clientes: I don't have much contact with customers
    tratar de : to try to
    estoy tratando de comer: I am trying to eat
    tratar sobre : to be about, to concern
    el libro trata de las plantas: the book is about plants
    tratar en : to deal in
    trata en herramientas: he deals in tools
    tratar vt
    1) : to treat
    tratan bien a sus empleados: they treat their employees well
    2) : to handle
    trató el tema con delicadeza: he handled the subject tactfully
    * * *
    tratar vb
    1. (en general) to treat
    2. (ocuparse, tener relación) to deal with [pt. & pp. dealt]
    3. (hablar) to discuss
    4. (referirse) to be about

    Spanish-English dictionary > tratar

  • 116 Pouncy, John

    b. 1820 England
    d. 1894 Dorchester (?), Dorset, England
    English photographer and pioneer of the gum bichromate permanent printing process.
    A professional photographer working from a studio in Dorchester, Pouncy had a long interest in "permanent" photographs. In 1857 he published two volumes of photolithographed views of Dorset. He was later to devise a number of variations of the photolithographic process.
    Pouncy is best remembered for his pigment process, patented in 1858, using vegetable carbon, gum arabic and potassium bichromate. His prints exhibited at the London Photographic Society the same year were greatly admired. However, Pouncy's gum bichromate process was, in fact, covered by earlier patents filed by Poitevin, but this did not deter Pouncy from submitting his prints to the Duke of Lyne's competition for permanent photographs in 1859. For the excellence of his work, Pouncy was awarded the lesser part of the major prize won by Poitevin. Although Pouncy's work was not original, he pioneered the carbon process in England and can be considered the practical founder of the different technique of gum bichromate printing.
    10 April 1858, British patent no. 780 (gum bichromate permanent printing process).
    Further Reading
    John Werge, 1890, The Evolution of Photography, London (an interesting contemporary account of Pouncy's work).
    J.M.Eder, 1945, History of Photography, trans. E. Epstean, New York.
    H.Gernshiem and A.Gernsheim, 1969, The History of Photography, rev. edn, London. G.Wakeman, 1973, Victorian Book Illustration, Great Britain (a good popular account of Pouncy's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Pouncy, John

  • 117 рабочее давление

    3) Engineering: Pp, process pressure
    4) Chemistry: waterproof
    5) Automobile industry: power pressure, service pressure
    7) Oil: WP (working pressure), producing pressure, velocity pressure, working pressure (wp), effective pressure, operating pressure, output pressure, working pressure
    8) Astronautics: operational pressure
    9) Oilfield: work pressure
    10) Polymers: line pressure
    11) Sakhalin R: working pressure (WP)
    12) Makarov: operation pressure

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > рабочее давление

  • 118 Arbeitsunterlagen

    working papers (sheet);
    Arbeitsunterweisung job instruction;
    Arbeitsurlaub working vacation;
    Arbeitsverdienst wage [earnings], pay;
    Arbeitsvereinbarungen labo(u)r arrangements;
    Arbeitsvereinfachung work (job) simplification;
    Arbeitsverfahren manner of working, working (operating) process, working method, (Produktionsverfahren) production method;
    Arbeitsvergleichsskala job-comparison scale;
    Arbeitsvergütung remuneration, pay.

    Business german-english dictionary > Arbeitsunterlagen

  • 119 Fabrikationsabfall

    Fabrikationsablauf manufacturing process, schedule;
    Fabrikationsabteilung manufacturing division, production department;
    Fabrikationsanlagen producing (production, plant) facilities, productive equipment;
    Fabrikationsauftrag factory (production, manufacturing, special, job) order;
    Fabrikationsauftragsnummer job-order number;
    Fabrikationsausstoß factory output;
    Fabrikationsausstoß erhöhen to step up production;
    Fabrikationsbetrieb manufacturing enterprise (establishment, plant, operation, company, Br., corporation, US);
    Fabrikationsbetrieb einrichten to set up a manufactory;
    Fabrikationsbetrieb umstellen to adapt a factory to the production [of other products];
    Fabrikationsdauer production period;
    Fabrikationseinrichtungen productive equipment, producing facilities;
    Fabrikationserfahrung productive experience;
    Fabrikationsfehler manufacturing defect, flaw;
    Fabrikationsfehler beseitigen to supply (remedy) a defect in a manufacture;
    Fabrikationsfehler haben to be faulty in its manufacture;
    Fabrikationsgang course of manufacture, (Verarbeitung) processing, manufacturing process;
    Fabrikationsgeheimnis secrecy of manufacture, trade (manufacturing) secret;
    Fabrikationsgemeinkosten factory overheads;
    Fabrikationsgemeinkostensatz factory overhead rate;
    Fabrikationsgenehmigung production permit;
    Fabrikationsgesellschaft manufacturing establishment (company enterprise);
    Fabrikationsgewerbe manufacturing trade;
    Fabrikationsgewinn manufacturing (trade, factory) profit;
    Fabrikationshalle factory building;
    Fabrikationsjahr year of manufacture;
    Fabrikationskapazität manufacturing (production) capacity;
    Fabrikationskenntnisse manufacturing knowledge, know-how;
    Fabrikationskonto production (factory, manufacturing, process) account;
    Fabrikationskontrolle production control;
    Fabrikationskosten cost of production (manufacture, manufacturing, goods manufactured), manufacturing (processing) cost, factory expenses (overheads);
    Fabrikationskostenaufstellung manufacturing cost sheet;
    Fabrikationskostenkonto factory overhead account;
    Fabrikationsleiter production manager;
    Fabrikationslizenz production (manufacturing) permit;
    Fabrikationslöhne direct labo(u)r cost;
    Fabrikationsmaterialien production materials;
    Fabrikationsmethode manufacturing process, method of operation;
    Kosten sparende Fabrikationsmethoden cost-saving production methods;
    Fabrikationsmonopol production (manufacturing) monopoly;
    Fabrikationsmuster factory design;
    Fabrikationsname style name;
    Fabrikationsnummer manufacturer’s (serial) number;
    Fabrikationsort place of manufacture, manufacturing place;
    Fabrikationspartie job lot;
    Fabrikationsplan production plan;
    Fabrikationspreis production cost (price), manufacturing, (manufacturer’s cost) price, (Selbstkosten) prime cost, cost price;
    Fabrikationsprogramm production plan (range), working scheme, manufacturing schedule (program(me));
    sein Fabrikationsprogramm abrunden to round off one’s production;
    Fabrikationsprozess manufacturing process;
    Fabrikationsrechte manufacturing (shop) rights.

    Business german-english dictionary > Fabrikationsabfall

  • 120 desde

    1 since (time).
    no lo veo desde el mes pasado/desde ayer I haven't seen him since last month/yesterday
    desde ahora from now on
    desde el principio from the beginning
    desde hace mucho/un mes for ages/a month
    desde… hasta… from… until…
    desde el lunes hasta el viernes from Monday till Friday
    desde entonces since then
    desde que since
    desde que murió mi madre since my mother died
    2 from (espacio).
    desde arriba/fuera from above/the outside
    desde… hasta… from… to…
    desde aquí hasta el centro from here to the center
    Está listo desde ese día It is ready from that day.
    3 from.
    desde 100.000 pesos from 100,000 pesos
    * * *
    1 (tiempo) since
    ¿desde cuándo? since when?
    desde entonces since then, from then on
    2 (lugar) from
    desde ahora from now on
    desde hace mucho tiempo for a long time
    desde... hasta from... to
    desde luego (en realidad) really 2 (como respuesta) of course, certainly
    desde que since
    * * *
    2) from
    - desde entonces
    - desde luego
    * * *
    1) [indicando origen] from

    desde abajofrom below

    desde arribafrom above

    desde lejos — from a long way off, from afar liter

    2) [con cantidades, categorías] from
    3) [en el tiempo]

    desde el martes(=el pasado) since Tuesday; (=el próximo) after Tuesday

    desde ahorafrom now on

    ¿desde cuándo vives aquí? — how long have you been living here?

    ¿desde cuándo ocurre esto? — how long has this been happening?

    desde entoncessince then

    desde hace tres años — for three years

    desde el 4 hasta el 16 — from the 4th until o to the 16th

    desde niño — since childhood, since I was a child

    desde siemprealways

    -¿desde cuándo eres comunista? -desde siempre — "since when have you been a communist?" - "I've always been one"


    desde luego

    a) (=por supuesto) of course

    -¿vendrás? -desde luego — "are you coming?" - "of course (I am)"

    eso, desde luego, no es culpa mía — that, of course, is not my fault

    -¿quieres venir con nosotros? -desde luego que sí — "do you want to come with us?" - "of course I do"

    -¿no sabes nada de eso? -desde luego que no — "you don't know anything about it?" - "of course not"

    no era muy morena pero rubia desde luego que no — she wasn't really dark-haired, but she certainly wasn't blonde

    b) [como coletilla]

    desde luego, vaya fama estamos cogiendo — we're certainly getting quite a reputation

    desde luego, ¿quién lo iba a pensar? — I ask you, who would have thought it?, well, who would have thought it?

    ¡mira que olvidarte de llamar! ¡desde luego que eres despistado! — how could you forget to phone? you're so absent-minded!


    desde quesince

    desde que puedo recordar — ever since I can remember, as long as I can remember

    DESDE Expresiones temporales En expresiones temporales, desde puede traducirse por since, from o, en combinación con hace/ hacía, por for. Desde ( que ) se traduce por since siempre que se especifique a partir de cuándo comenzó una acción o un estado que sigue desarrollándose en el presente o en el momento en que se habla: Llevo aquí de vacaciones desde el viernes I have been here on holiday since Friday No come mejillones desde que sufrió aquella intoxicación alimenticia He hasn't eaten mussels since he had that bout of food poisoning Dijo que no la había visto desde la guerra He said he hadn't seen her since the war NOTA: Hay que tener en cuenta que en casos como estos cuando se trata de algo que comienza en el pasado y sigue en el presente, el inglés hace uso del {pretérito perfecto} (en sus formas simple o progresiva). Traducimos desde por from cuando desde simplemente indica el momento en el que empezó la acción cuando la oración indica el final de la acción o se implica, de algún modo, que esta ya ha terminado: Y desde aquel día el rey no volvió a hablar del asunto And from that day on(wards), the king never spoke about the subject again ► La construcción desde ... hasta se traduce por from ... until o por from ... to: Trabajamos desde las nueve de la mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde We work from nine in the morning until o to five in the afternoon Tendrás que pagar el alquiler desde julio hasta octubre You will have to pay rent from July until o to October ► Desde hace y desde hacía se traducen por for ya que van seguidos de una cantidad de tiempo: Estoy esperando desde hace más de una hora I have been waiting for over an hour No se había sentido tan feliz desde hacía años He hadn't felt so happy for years ► En oraciones interrogativas, desde cuándo se traduce por how long. En este tipo de preguntas, el inglés utiliza el pretérito perfecto para referirse a algo que empezó en el pasado y continúa en el presente: ¿Desde cuándo os conocéis? How long have you known each other? Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    1) ( en el tiempo) since

    desde entonces/desde que se casó — since then/since he got married

    ¿desde cuándo te gustan los mejillones? - desde siempre! — since when have you liked mussels? - I've always liked them!

    ¿desde cuándo trabajas aquí? — how long have you been working here?

    desde niño — since he/I was a child

    desde el primer momento or un principio — right from the start

    2) ( en el espacio) from

    desde aquí/allá — from here/there

    ¿desde dónde tengo que leer? — where do I have to read from?

    3) (en escalas, jerarquías) from
    * * *
    = from, from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    Ex. From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
    Ex. In all types of libraries in Lesotho, shortage of, and the need for trained librarians has been felt from as far back as the mid-1970s.
    * desde allí = thence.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde aquel entonces = thenceforth.
    * desde aquel momento = ever after.
    * desde cero = from the ground up.
    * desde cualquier punto de vista = by any standard(s).
    * desde dentro = from within, from the inside, from the inside-out, inside-out.
    * desde dentro hacia fuera = from the inside-out.
    * desde dentro y desde fuera de = within and without.
    * desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer = from sunrise to sunset, from sun up to sun down, from sun up to sun down, from sun to sun.
    * desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer = from dawn (to/till/until) dusk.
    * desde el comienzo = from the outset, from the start, from the beginning, ab initio, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el comienzo de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde el primer día = from day one.
    * desde el primer momento = from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio = from the start, all along, ab initio, from the outset, from the beginning, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde el punto de vista de = in terms of, from the vantage of.
    * desde el punto de vista de la conservación = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA], medically, medically, musically, preservationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la archivística = archivally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la calidad = on quality grounds.
    * desde el punto de vista de la cinética = kinetically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la competitividad = competitively.
    * desde el punto de vista de la cultura = culturally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad = functionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la logística = logistically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la mitosis = mitotically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la notación = notationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la nutrición = nutritionally speaking, nutritionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la química = chemically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la realidad = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista de las matemáticas = mathematically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la tonalidad = tonally.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * desde el punto de vista del estilo = stylistically.
    * desde el punto de vista del funcionamiento = operationally.
    * desde el punto de vista del medio ambiente = environmentally.
    * desde el punto de vista del + Nombre = as seen through the eyes of + Nombre.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista del trabajador = in the trenches.
    * desde el punto de vista del uso = in terms of use.
    * desde el punto de vista de + Nombre = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned.
    * desde el punto de vista económico = fiscally.
    * desde el punto de vista lingüístico = linguistically.
    * desde el punto de vista político = politically.
    * desde el punto de vista profesional = career-wise [careerwise].
    * desde entonces = ever since, henceforth, in the interim, since, since that time, since then, henceforward, ever since then, ever since then, thenceforth, in the intervening years, ever after, in the intervening period, since that day.
    * desde entonces hasta la actualidad = from then to the present day.
    * desde ese día = since that day.
    * desde ese momento = from that point, ever after.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * desde este punto de vista = viewed in this light.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal = since + Expresión Temporal, ever since + Expresión Temporal.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta el presente = from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta hoy día = from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present day.
    * desde + Fecha + hasta ahora = from + Fecha + to the present.
    * desde + Fecha/Lugar + en adelante = from + Fecha/Lugar + onward(s).
    * desde fuera = from the outside.
    * desde hace algún tiempo = for some time past, for days.
    * desde hace años = over the years, for years past, for years.
    * desde hace la tira (de tiempo) = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace muchísimo tiempo = in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace siglos = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace tanto tiempo = so long.
    * desde hace tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], over the years, for a long time, long since, for some time.
    * desde hace un montonazo de tiempo = for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace un montón de tiempo = for yonks.
    * desde hace un par de + Tiempo = in these past couple of + Tiempo.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * desde hace ya algún tiempo = for some time now.
    * desde hace ya años = for years now.
    * desde... hasta... = from... through..., during the period + Período de Tiempo, from... right across....
    * desde hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * desde la antigüedad = since ancient times.
    * desde la cabeza hasta los pies = head to toe, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * desde la época de/cuando = since the days of/when.
    * desde la época prehistórica = since prehistoric times.
    * desde la mañana a la noche = from morning to night.
    * desde la perspectiva de = in light of.
    * desde la prehistoria = since prehistoric times.
    * desde lejos = from a distance, from afar.
    * desde los comienzos = from an early stage.
    * desde los primeros tiempos = since the earliest of times, from earliest times.
    * desde los viejos tiempos = since olden times.
    * desde mi punto de vista = in my opinion, in my view, in my books.
    * desde mitad de + Expresión Temporal + en adelante = from the mid + Expresión Temporal + onwards.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * desde muy lejos = from afar.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * desde + perspectiva = against + backdrop.
    * desde principio a fin = throughout.
    * desde principios de siglo = since the turn of the century, from the turn of the century.
    * desde + punto de vista = against + backdrop.
    * desde que el mundo es mundo = from the beginning of time, since the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde su época = since + Posesivo + day.
    * desde su origen = from + its/their + inception, since + its/their + inception.
    * desde sus comienzos = from + its/their + inception, from + its/their + beginnings, since + its/their + beginnings, since + its/their + inception.
    * desde tiempo inmemorial = since earliest time, since time immemorial, from time immemorial, since time out of mind, from time out of mind.
    * desde tiempos prehistóricos = since prehistoric times.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desde una perspectiva + Adjetivo = along + Adjetivo + line.
    * desde un extremo... al otro = from one end... to the other.
    * desde un punto de vista académico = academically.
    * desde un punto de vista antropológico = anthropologically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = medically, medically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = clinically.
    * desde un punto de vista cognitivo = cognitively.
    * desde un punto de vista crítico = judgmentally [judgementally], with a critical eye, critically.
    * desde un punto de vista cultural = culturally.
    * desde un punto de vista ecológico = ecologically.
    * desde un punto de vista económico = economically, monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista estético = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA].
    * desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnico = technically speaking.
    * desde un punto de vista étnico = ethnically.
    * desde un punto de vista filosófico = philosophically.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista histórico = historically.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista médico = medically, medically.
    * desde un punto de vista medioambiental = environmentally.
    * desde un punto de vista monetario = monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista morfológico = morphologically.
    * desde un punto de vista operativo = operationally.
    * desde un punto de vista racista = racially + Adjetivo.
    * desde un punto de vista religioso = religiously.
    * desde un punto de vista socioeconómico = socioeconomically.
    * desde un punto de vista técnico = technically.
    * desde un punto vista ético = ethically.
    * existir desde hace años = be around for years.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * olvidado desde hace tiempo = long forgotten.
    * * *
    1) ( en el tiempo) since

    desde entonces/desde que se casó — since then/since he got married

    ¿desde cuándo te gustan los mejillones? - desde siempre! — since when have you liked mussels? - I've always liked them!

    ¿desde cuándo trabajas aquí? — how long have you been working here?

    desde niño — since he/I was a child

    desde el primer momento or un principio — right from the start

    2) ( en el espacio) from

    desde aquí/allá — from here/there

    ¿desde dónde tengo que leer? — where do I have to read from?

    3) (en escalas, jerarquías) from
    * * *
    = from, from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.

    Ex: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.

    Ex: In all types of libraries in Lesotho, shortage of, and the need for trained librarians has been felt from as far back as the mid-1970s.
    * desde allí = thence.
    * desde antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * desde aquel entonces = thenceforth.
    * desde aquel momento = ever after.
    * desde cero = from the ground up.
    * desde cualquier punto de vista = by any standard(s).
    * desde dentro = from within, from the inside, from the inside-out, inside-out.
    * desde dentro hacia fuera = from the inside-out.
    * desde dentro y desde fuera de = within and without.
    * desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer = from sunrise to sunset, from sun up to sun down, from sun up to sun down, from sun to sun.
    * desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer = from dawn (to/till/until) dusk.
    * desde el comienzo = from the outset, from the start, from the beginning, ab initio, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el comienzo de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde el primer día = from day one.
    * desde el primer momento = from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio = from the start, all along, ab initio, from the outset, from the beginning, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde el punto de vista de = in terms of, from the vantage of.
    * desde el punto de vista de la conservación = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA], medically, medically, musically, preservationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la archivística = archivally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la calidad = on quality grounds.
    * desde el punto de vista de la cinética = kinetically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la competitividad = competitively.
    * desde el punto de vista de la cultura = culturally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad = functionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la logística = logistically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la mitosis = mitotically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la notación = notationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la nutrición = nutritionally speaking, nutritionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la química = chemically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la realidad = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista de las matemáticas = mathematically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la tonalidad = tonally.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * desde el punto de vista del estilo = stylistically.
    * desde el punto de vista del funcionamiento = operationally.
    * desde el punto de vista del medio ambiente = environmentally.
    * desde el punto de vista del + Nombre = as seen through the eyes of + Nombre.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista del trabajador = in the trenches.
    * desde el punto de vista del uso = in terms of use.
    * desde el punto de vista de + Nombre = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned.
    * desde el punto de vista económico = fiscally.
    * desde el punto de vista lingüístico = linguistically.
    * desde el punto de vista político = politically.
    * desde el punto de vista profesional = career-wise [careerwise].
    * desde entonces = ever since, henceforth, in the interim, since, since that time, since then, henceforward, ever since then, ever since then, thenceforth, in the intervening years, ever after, in the intervening period, since that day.
    * desde entonces hasta la actualidad = from then to the present day.
    * desde ese día = since that day.
    * desde ese momento = from that point, ever after.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * desde este punto de vista = viewed in this light.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal = since + Expresión Temporal, ever since + Expresión Temporal.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta el presente = from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present.
    * desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta hoy día = from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present day.
    * desde + Fecha + hasta ahora = from + Fecha + to the present.
    * desde + Fecha/Lugar + en adelante = from + Fecha/Lugar + onward(s).
    * desde fuera = from the outside.
    * desde hace algún tiempo = for some time past, for days.
    * desde hace años = over the years, for years past, for years.
    * desde hace la tira (de tiempo) = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace muchísimo tiempo = in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace siglos = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace tanto tiempo = so long.
    * desde hace tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], over the years, for a long time, long since, for some time.
    * desde hace un montonazo de tiempo = for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace un montón de tiempo = for yonks.
    * desde hace un par de + Tiempo = in these past couple of + Tiempo.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * desde hace ya algún tiempo = for some time now.
    * desde hace ya años = for years now.
    * desde... hasta... = from... through..., during the period + Período de Tiempo, from... right across....
    * desde hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * desde la antigüedad = since ancient times.
    * desde la cabeza hasta los pies = head to toe, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * desde la época de/cuando = since the days of/when.
    * desde la época prehistórica = since prehistoric times.
    * desde la mañana a la noche = from morning to night.
    * desde la perspectiva de = in light of.
    * desde la prehistoria = since prehistoric times.
    * desde lejos = from a distance, from afar.
    * desde los comienzos = from an early stage.
    * desde los primeros tiempos = since the earliest of times, from earliest times.
    * desde los viejos tiempos = since olden times.
    * desde mi punto de vista = in my opinion, in my view, in my books.
    * desde mitad de + Expresión Temporal + en adelante = from the mid + Expresión Temporal + onwards.
    * desde muy antiguo = since olden times.
    * desde muy lejos = from afar.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * desde + perspectiva = against + backdrop.
    * desde principio a fin = throughout.
    * desde principios de siglo = since the turn of the century, from the turn of the century.
    * desde + punto de vista = against + backdrop.
    * desde que el mundo es mundo = from the beginning of time, since the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde su época = since + Posesivo + day.
    * desde su origen = from + its/their + inception, since + its/their + inception.
    * desde sus comienzos = from + its/their + inception, from + its/their + beginnings, since + its/their + beginnings, since + its/their + inception.
    * desde tiempo inmemorial = since earliest time, since time immemorial, from time immemorial, since time out of mind, from time out of mind.
    * desde tiempos prehistóricos = since prehistoric times.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desde una perspectiva + Adjetivo = along + Adjetivo + line.
    * desde un extremo... al otro = from one end... to the other.
    * desde un punto de vista académico = academically.
    * desde un punto de vista antropológico = anthropologically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = medically, medically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = clinically.
    * desde un punto de vista cognitivo = cognitively.
    * desde un punto de vista crítico = judgmentally [judgementally], with a critical eye, critically.
    * desde un punto de vista cultural = culturally.
    * desde un punto de vista ecológico = ecologically.
    * desde un punto de vista económico = economically, monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista estético = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA].
    * desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnico = technically speaking.
    * desde un punto de vista étnico = ethnically.
    * desde un punto de vista filosófico = philosophically.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista histórico = historically.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista médico = medically, medically.
    * desde un punto de vista medioambiental = environmentally.
    * desde un punto de vista monetario = monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista morfológico = morphologically.
    * desde un punto de vista operativo = operationally.
    * desde un punto de vista racista = racially + Adjetivo.
    * desde un punto de vista religioso = religiously.
    * desde un punto de vista socioeconómico = socioeconomically.
    * desde un punto de vista técnico = technically.
    * desde un punto vista ético = ethically.
    * existir desde hace años = be around for years.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * olvidado desde hace tiempo = long forgotten.

    * * *
    desde entonces/desde que se casó no lo he vuelto a ver I haven't seen him again since then/since he got married
    estamos aquí desde el mes pasado we've been here since last month
    ¿desde cuándo trabajas aquí? how long have you been working here?
    ¿desde cuándo te gustan los mejillones? — ¡desde siempre! since when have you liked mussels? — I've always liked them!
    ¿desde cuándo hay que hacerlo así? — desde ahora when do we have to start doing it that way? — as from now
    desde niño había sido muy ambicioso he had been very ambitious ever since he was a child
    desde el primer momento or un principio right from the start o the outset
    no los veo desde hace meses I haven't seen them for months
    estaba enfermo desde hacía un año he had been ill for a year
    desde que + SUBJ
    ( liter): desde que llegara a ese país since the day that she arrived in that country
    desde que aprendiera a escribir since the time I learned to write
    estará abierto desde el 15 hasta el 30 it will be open from the 15th to o till o until the 30th
    desde que llegó hasta que se fue from the time she arrived to the time she left
    desde ya ya1 adv C. (↑ ya (1))
    les mandé una postal desde Dublín I sent them a postcard from Dublin
    lo vi desde la ventana I saw him from the window
    ¿desde dónde tengo que leer? where do I have to read from?
    desde mi punto de vista from my point of view
    nosotros, desde aquí, intentaremos hacer lo que podamos we'll do what we can here o from this end o from our end
    desde la página 12 hasta la 20 from page 12 to o as far as o up to page 20
    C (en escalas, jerarquías) from
    blusas desde 12 euros blouses from 12 euros
    todos, desde los trabajadores hasta los empresarios, … everyone, from the workers (up) to the management, …
    desde el director hasta el último empleado de la compañía from the director (down) to the lowest employee in the company
    temas que van desde la reforma penal hasta la crisis económica subjects ranging from penal reform to the economic crisis
    desde luego luego1 adv E. (↑ luego (1))
    * * *


    desde preposición
    1 ( en el tiempo) since;
    desde entonces/desde que se casó since then/since he got married;

    ¿desde cuándo trabajas aquí? how long have you been working here?;
    desde el primer momento right from the start;
    no los veo desde hace meses I haven't seen them for months;
    desde el 15 hasta el 30 from the 15th to o until the 30th
    2 ( en el espacio) from;
    desde aquí/allá from here/there;

    ¿desde dónde tengo que leer? where do I have to read from?;
    desde la página 12 hasta la 20 from page 12 (up) to page 20
    3 (en escalas, jerarquías) from;

    I preposición
    1 (punto en que comienza a contarse el tiempo) since: estuvo allí desde el jueves hasta el lunes, she was there from Thursday until Monday
    no he hablado con él desde hace meses, I haven't talked to him for months
    ¿desde cuándo lo sabes?, how long have you known?
    desde que María me lo dijo, ever since Maria told me
    desde ayer, since yesterday
    desde esta mañana, from this morning on
    2 (punto en que comienza a contarse una distancia o se señala una perspectiva) from
    desde aquí, from here
    desde la ventana, from the window
    figurado habla desde la ignorancia, he speaks out from ignorance
    ♦ Locuciones: desde luego, of course
    desde siempre, always
    ' desde' also found in these entries:
    - arriba
    - borrasca
    - caer
    - cuándo
    - desarrollar
    - doblarse
    - donde
    - ermitaña
    - ermitaño
    - españolizar
    - ir
    - gritar
    - judoka
    - lloro
    - llover
    - lozana
    - lozano
    - luego
    - mendicidad
    - mustia
    - mustio
    - nos
    - residir
    - risa
    - robar
    - rondar
    - siempre
    - tarde
    - ver
    - vivir
    - yudoka
    - abajo
    - antiguo
    - arrastrar
    - bombardear
    - bombardeo
    - descender
    - descenso
    - dominar
    - exterior
    - mejor
    - memoria
    - mirar
    - pie
    - razón
    - retroactivo
    - saber
    - ser
    - simpatizar
    - all
    - approach
    - arouse
    - back up
    - beginning
    - blow
    - burning
    - can
    - carry
    - certainly
    - conception
    - ease off
    - ease up
    - educationally
    - elapse
    - explode
    - first
    - for
    - from
    - go
    - gorgeous
    - grandstand
    - hear of
    - hence
    - inherent
    - jump down
    - kerb-crawl
    - kerb-crawling
    - know
    - listen
    - look down
    - lost
    - mainland
    - off
    - ought
    - outset
    - outside
    - pass down
    - perspective
    - range
    - respect
    - scene
    - see
    - since
    - spectacular
    - splendid
    - standing
    - talk down
    - then
    * * *
    1. [indica tiempo] since;
    no lo veo desde el mes pasado/desde ayer I haven't seen him since last month/since yesterday;
    desde aquel día, nada volvió a ser igual from that day on, things were never the same again;
    desde ahora from now on;
    ¿desde cuándo? since when?;
    ¿desde cuándo se conocen? how long o since when have you known each other?;
    ¿desde cuándo no hay que llamar para entrar? since when has it been all right to come in without knocking?;
    desde entonces since then;
    no la veo desde hace un año I haven't seen her for a year, it's a year since I last saw her;
    desde hace dos días no come she hasn't eaten for two days;
    ¿desde cuánto hace que no come? how long has she not been eating?;
    desde hace mucho/un mes for ages/a month;
    trabaja para ellos desde hace poco she recently started working for them;
    te espero desde hace más de una hora I've been waiting for you for more than an hour;
    ¡desde hace que no la veo! [en tono enfático] I haven't seen her for AGES!;
    desde… hasta… from… until…;
    desde el lunes hasta el viernes from Monday Br till o US through Friday;
    desde el 1 hasta el 15 de septiembre from 1 to 15 September;
    desde niño o [m5] desde pequeño me enseñaron a dar las gracias I was brought up to say thank you to people from an early age;
    desde el principio supe que no iba a salir bien I knew from the very beginning o from the word go it wasn't going to turn out well;
    desde que since;
    desde que la vi en el teatro, no he vuelto a saber nada de ella I haven't heard from her since (the day) I saw her at the theatre;
    desde que murió mi madre since my mother died;
    desde ya [inmediatamente] right now;
    ponte a ordenar esta habitación desde ya start tidying this room this instant
    2. [indica espacio] from;
    desde mi ventana se ve el puerto you can see the harbour from my window;
    vinieron a vernos desde Santiago they came from Santiago to visit us;
    ¿desde dónde nos disparan? where are they shooting at us from?;
    desde arriba/abajo from above/below;
    visto desde arriba, parece más grande seen from above, it looks bigger;
    se ve desde lejos it can be seen from a long way away;
    desde… hasta… from… to…;
    desde aquí hasta el centro from here to the centre;
    desde un punto de vista jurídico… from a legal point of view…;
    afrontemos el proceso de paz desde la democracia y el respeto let us enter the peace process in a spirit of democracy and respect
    3. [indica cantidad mínima] from;
    desde 10.000 euros from 10,000 euros
    4. [indica lo que se abarca]
    desde… hasta… from… to…;
    se encargan de todo, desde el viaje hasta el alojamiento they take care of everything, from the travel arrangements to the accommodation;
    sabe hacer de todo, desde cambiar un fusible hasta arreglar una moto she can do all sorts of things, from changing a fuse to repairing a motorbike
    desde luego loc adv
    1. [por supuesto]
    ¡desde luego (que sí)! of course!;
    ¡desde luego que me gusta! of course I like it!;
    ¡desde luego que no os ayudaré! no way am I going to help you!, I'm certainly not going to help you!
    2. [en tono de reproche]
    ¡desde luego! for goodness' sake!;
    ¡desde luego! ¡no te creía capaz de una cosa así! I certainly didn't think you were capable of something like this!;
    ¡desde luego, tienes cada idea! you really come out with some funny ideas!
    * * *
    1 en el tiempo since;
    desde 1993 since 1993;
    desde que since;
    desde hace tres días for three days;
    desde hace mucho/poco for a long/short time;
    desde mañana from tomorrow;
    desde ya Rpl right away
    2 en el espacio from;
    desde arriba/abajo from above/below;
    te veo desde aquí I can see you from here
    3 en escala from;
    desde … hasta … from … to …
    desde luego of course
    * * *
    desde prep
    1) : from
    2) : since
    desde ahora : from now on
    desde entonces : since then
    desde hace : for, since (a time)
    ha estado nevando desde hace dos días: it's been snowing for two days
    desde luego : of course
    desde que : since, ever since
    desde ya : right now, immediately
    * * *
    desde prep
    1. (lugar, cantidad) from
    desde... hasta from... to
    desde entonces since then / from then on
    ¿desde cuándo? how long?
    ¿desde cuándo pasas las vacaciones aquí? how long have you been coming here on holiday?

    Spanish-English dictionary > desde

См. также в других словарях:

  • Process Oriented Psychology — (POP) refers to a body of theory and practice that encompasses a broad range of psychotherapeutic, personal growth, and group process applications. It is more commonly called Process Work in the United States, the longer name being used in Europe …   Wikipedia

  • Working memory — (also referred to as short term memory, depending on the specific theory) is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. There are… …   Wikipedia

  • Process drama — as a teaching methodology has developed primarily from the work of Brian Way, Dorothy Heathcote and Gavin Bolton (Bolton, 1979, 1984, 1992; Bolton Heathcote, 1; Heathcote Bolton, 1995) and through the work of other leading drama practitioners… …   Wikipedia

  • Process theology — is a school of thought influenced by the metaphysical process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) and further developed by Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000). While there are process theologies that are similar, but unrelated to the work …   Wikipedia

  • working — [wʉr′kiŋ] adj. 1. that works 2. of, for, used in, or taken up by work [a working day, working clothes] 3. sufficient to allow work to be done [a working majority] 4. on which further work is or may be based [a working hypothesis] 5. moving or… …   English World dictionary

  • process — pro·cess / prä ˌses, prō / n 1: a continuous operation, art, or method esp. in manufacture whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process...may obtain a patent therefor U.S. Code 2 a: procedure (1) see also …   Law dictionary

  • Process theory — is a commonly used form of scientific research study in which events or occurrences are said to be the result of certain input states leading to a certain outcome (output) state, following a set process.Process theory holds that if an outcome is… …   Wikipedia

  • process server — n. A person who is legally authorized to deliver process documents to a defendant, such as a sheriff. See also service of process The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.… …   Law dictionary

  • Process.h — is a C header file which contains function declarations and macros used in working with threads and processes. Neither the header file nor the functions are defined by either the ANSI/ISO C standard or by POSIX. Most C compilers that target DOS,… …   Wikipedia

  • working capital adjustment — USA A post closing adjustment of the purchase price to account for a true up (as of the closing date of the acquisition) of the target company s estimated net working capital accounts (cash, accounts receivable, inventory and other current assets …   Law dictionary

  • Working Title Films — is a British film production company, based in London, England. The company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in the late 1960s. It produces feature films and some television productions. Eric Fellner and Bevan are the co owners of the …   Wikipedia

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