1 working step
2 working step
3 working step
Металлургия: стадия производственного процесса -
4 working step
5 working step
6 working step
7 step
шаг; ход спирали; ступенька; подножка; порог; секция; прокладка подпятника; вкладыш подшипника; упорный диск; прокладная шайба; приступок (двери); ступень; стадия; II совершать шаговое движение- step-frame low loader - step grinding - step hanger - step mat - step of reduction - step on the gas - step pad - step plate - step-shaped - spandrel step- top step- working step -
8 imaging step
9 operating step
10 testing step
11 cumbersome step
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > cumbersome step
12 operating step
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > operating step
13 rate-determining step
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > rate-determining step
14 rate-controlling step
стадия, определяющая скорость реакцииrate limited step — фактор, ограничивающий скорость
step response — переходная характеристика; реакция на скачок
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > rate-controlling step
15 rate-controlling step
step response — переходная характеристика; реакция на скачок
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > rate-controlling step
16 unit step
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > unit step
17 keep in step with smb.
(keep in step with smb. (или smth.))не отставать от кого-л. (или чего-л.), поспевать за кем-л. (или чем-л.)By this means I hoped to get orderly government working in the British Zone as quickly as possible and at the same time to keep in step with the Americans. (‘The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery’, ODCIE) — Поступая таким образом, я надеялся лак можно скорее наладить работу администрации в английской зоне и в то же время не отстать от американцев.
18 keep in step with smb.
(или smth.)нe oтcтaвaть oт кoгo-л. (или чeгo-л.), пocпeвaть зa кeм-л. (или чём-л.)By this means I hoped to get orderly government working in the British Zone as quickly as possible and at the same time to keep in step with the Americans (The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery) -
19 технологическая операция
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > технологическая операция
20 pile
1) свая, столб2) отвал грунта3) куча, штабель, груда, пачка4) вбивать сваи, устраивать свайное основание5) складывать в кучу, в штабель•- Armco pile - bag pile - Balken pile - batter pile - battered pile - bearing pile - blunt pile - bored pile - bored cast-in-place pile - bored and cast-in-place pile - boring pile - bound pile - box pile - built pile - bulb pile - buoyancy pile - caisson pile - capped pile - cased pile - cast-in-situ concrete pile - cement pile - cementation pile - closed-end pipe pile - closing pile - Cobi pile - column pile - compaction pile - composite pile - compression pile - concrete pile - concrete cast-in-place pile - concrete shell pile - consolidating piles - contiguous bored pile - cool pile - cooling pile - cylindrical pile - delta pile - disk pile - drilled pile - driven pile - encased pile - encased sheet pile - end-bearing pile - fender pile - filling pile - fixed-end pile - floating pile - fluted tapered-shell pile - foundation pile - foundation pile of grating - Franki pile - Franki-Miga pile - free-end pile - friction pile - Frodinham steel pile - Fundex pile - gang pile - grooved pile - guide pile - H-beam pile - hinged pile - hollow pile - hollow-shell pile - hooped pile - H-section pile - I-beam pile - inclined pile - jack pile - jetted pile - junction pile - king pile - leading pile - lime pile - male pile - moulded-in-place pile - overdriven pile - pedestal pile - pipe pile - plank pile - plumb pile - point-bearing pile - pointed pile - precast pile - precast-concrete pile - prefabricated pile - raking pile - Raymond pile - Raymond step-taper pile - reinforced concrete pile - reinforced precast-concrete pile - Rotinoff pile - sand pile - scrap pile - screw pile - screwcrete pile - secant pile - sectional pile - sectional steel pile - sheet pile - sheet pile on frame - shell pile - shelled concrete pile - Simplex pile - soil pile - solid pile - spliced pile - spoil pile - standby pile - standing pile - stay pile - steel pile - steel sheet pile - step-taper pile - stock pile - tension pile - test pile - timber pile - tubular pile - uncased pile - untapered pile - uplift pile - vibro pile - wood pile - working pile* * *1. свая2. штабель; куча- piles of concrete
- add-on pile
- alpha pile
- anchor pile
- Armco pile
- augered pile
- auger pile
- bag pile
- Balken pile
- battered pile
- batter pile
- bearing pile
- belled-out pile
- bored pile
- bored pile with expanded base
- bored and cast-in-place pile
- box pile
- British Steel Piling Co's cased pile
- BSP vibro pile
- buoyancy pile
- caisson pile
- cased pile
- cast-in-place displacement pile
- cast-in-situ pile
- cemcore auger-injected pile
- closed-end pipe pile
- Cobi pile
- compaction pile
- composite pile
- compressed pile
- compression pile
- concore auger-injected pile
- concrete pile
- concrete-filled steel pipe pile
- contiguous bored pile
- creosoted pile
- deflected pile
- delta pile
- displaced pile
- displacement pile
- Dowsett Prepakt pile
- Dowsett pile
- drilled pile
- driven pile
- driven cast-in-place pile
- driven shell pile
- driven underpinning pile
- encased sheet pile
- end-bearing pile
- enlarged pile
- female pile
- fender pile
- fixed-end pile
- floating pile
- Fondedile pile
- Franki pile
- Franki cased-pedestal pile
- Franki-Miga pile
- Franki uncased-pedestal pile
- free-end pile
- friction pile
- Frodingham box pile
- Frodingham double box pile
- Frodingham plated box pile
- Frodingham steel pile
- Fuentes pile
- Fundex pile
- Gambia pile
- gauge pile
- GKN driven pile
- guide pile
- H-beam pile
- H pile
- heaved pile
- Hercules pile
- Hochstrasser-Weise pile
- hollow pile
- hollow concrete tube pile
- hollow shell pile
- holmpress pile
- I pile
- inclined pile
- in-situ pile
- interlocking pile
- jacked pile
- jack pile
- jetted pile
- jointed pile
- king pile
- large-diameter bored pile
- large-diameter pile
- Larsen box pile
- lime pile
- MacArthur pile
- male pile
- micro pile
- Miga pile
- mini pile
- monotube pile
- mooring pile
- nondisplacement pile
- open-end pipe pile
- Pali Radice pile
- palm pile
- pedestal pile
- pipe pile
- pipe step taper pile
- point-bearing pile
- polypropylene reinforced pile
- precast reinforced-concrete pile
- precast pile
- precast sectional pile
- prefabricated pile
- preformed pile
- preliminary pile
- pressure pile
- Prestcore pile
- prestressed concrete pile
- prestressed pile
- pretest pile
- raker pile
- Raymond pile
- Raymond cylinder pile
- Raymond regulated injection pile
- Raymond standard taper pile
- Raymond step-taper pile
- rectangular hollow core r.c. pile
- Rendhex steel pile
- risen pile
- rock pile
- root pile
- rotary bored cast-in-place pile
- Rotinoff pile
- sand pile
- screw pile
- seamless pipe pile
- secant pile
- sectional pile
- segmental pile
- sheet pile
- shell pile
- Simplex pile
- single pile
- slender pile
- small-diameter pile
- soil pile
- soldier pile
- spiral weld pipe pile
- stay pile
- steel pile
- steel box pile
- steel tube pile
- step-taper pile
- stock pile
- tapered pile
- tapered fluted pile
- tension pile
- test pile
- timber pile
- treated pile
- tubex pile
- tubular precast r.c. pile
- uncased pile
- underpinning pile
- under-reamed pile
- Union pile
- uplift pile
- vertical-sided pile
- vibrated shaft Franki pile
- vibro pile
- Wakefield sheet pile
- welded steel pipe pile
- Western pile
- West pile
- Western button-bottom pile
- Western cased pile
- Western pedestal pile
- Western uncased pile
- West's hardwire pile
- West's shell pile
- wing pile
- wood pile
- wood-step taper pile
- working pile
- Z pile
См. также в других словарях:
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