1 working party
working party noun рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т. п.) -
2 working party
WP, working partyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > working party
3 working party
4 working party
search party — поисковая группа, поисковый отряд
5 working party
упр. = working group -
6 working party
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > working party
7 working party
[ʹwɜ:kıŋ͵pɑ:tı]рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т. п.) -
8 working party
комиссия, рабочая группа (в ООН и т.д.)Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > working party
9 working party
['wɜːkɪŋˌpɑːtɪ]1) Общая лексика: рабочая группа (комиссии, конференции и т. п.), рабочая группа2) Юридический термин: рабочая группа (комиссия, созданная для исследования какого-л. вопроса)3) Дипломатический термин: партия рабочего класса, пролетарская партия, рабочая группа (в ООН)4) Телекоммуникации: абонент на связи5) Макаров: рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т.п.) -
10 working party
[`wɜːkɪŋˏpɑːtɪ]рабочая группаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > working party
11 working party
рабочая группа (комиссии, конференции и т.п.) -
12 working party
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > working party
13 working party
14 Working Party
рабочая группаEnglish-Russian dictionary of military NATO peacekeeping forces > Working Party
15 working party
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > working party
16 working party
рабочая группа (комиссия, созданная для исследования какого-л. вопроса) -
17 working party
18 working party
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > working party
19 working party
20 working party
См. также в других словарях:
working party — ˈworking ˌparty noun working parties PLURALFORM [countable] a group of people with specialist knowledge, brought together by an official organization to give advice on a particular issue; = WORKING GROUP: • The group agreed to set up a working… … Financial and business terms
working party — working parties N COUNT COLL A working party is a committee which is formed to investigate a particular situation or problem and to produce a report containing its opinions and suggestions. [mainly BRIT] They set up a working party to look into… … English dictionary
working party — working .party n BrE a ↑working group … Dictionary of contemporary English
working party — (also working group) ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a group appointed to study and report on a particular question and make recommendations … English terms dictionary
working party — noun a group of people working together temporarily until some goal is achieved the working group was supposed to report back in two weeks • Syn: ↑working group • Hypernyms: ↑unit, ↑social unit • Hyponyms: ↑expedition … Useful english dictionary
working party — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms working party : singular working party plural working parties British a group of people who examine a problem or situation and suggest a way of dealing with it … English dictionary
working party — /ˈwɜkɪng pati/ (say werking pahtee) noun 1. a group, committee, etc., appointed to study a problem in detail, solve a difficulty, conduct an investigation, etc.: *The purpose of the working party was to try and sort out the needs of the community …
Working Party on the Reorganisation of the Income Tax Act 1976 — The Working Party on the Reorganisation of the Income Tax Act 1976 was a committee appointed by the New Zealand government to advise on the appropriate reorganisation of the income tax legislation. The Working Party was set up as a result of… … Wikipedia
working party — (also working group) noun Brit. a group appointed to study and report on a particular question and make recommendations … English new terms dictionary
working party — noun (C) BrE a working group … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
working party — research team … English contemporary dictionary