1 working group
working group noun рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т. п.) -
2 working group
3 working group
working group, product teamEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > working group
4 working group
упр. рабочая группа (группа специалистов, собранная для изучения конкретной проблемы, решения конкретного вопроса, напр., для расследования какого-л. инцидента, проведения рекламной кампании и т. д.)Syn:See:product team, development group, development team, Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
* * *
рабочая группа: группа специалистов, созданная для решения конкретной проблемы. -
5 working group
[lang name="English"]working group, WGThe English-Russian dictionary of geoinformatics > working group
6 working group
WG, working groupEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > working group
7 Working Group
рабочая группа
[[Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА]]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Working Group
8 working group
9 working group
= WGтакие группы обычно создаются в ассоциациях и комитетах для подготовки документа, проекта стандарта или глубокого изучения какого-либо вопросаАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > working group
10 working group
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > working group
11 Working Group on:
МИД: Рабочая группа по: -
12 working group
1) Общая лексика: рабочая группа (конференции и т. п.)2) Юридический термин: рабочая группа (комиссия, созданная для исследования какого-л. вопроса)3) Дипломатический термин: рабочая группа (в ООН)5) Деловая лексика: рабочая бригада6) Химическое оружие: рабочая группа (РГ) -
13 working group
14 Working Group 10
сокр. WG10SWIFT группа, созданная в сентябре 2000 г. Международной организацией по стандартам (ISO) для работы над вопросами перехода к повсеместному использованию стандарта XML финансовым сообществом, а также разработкой стандарта ИСО 20022 (Официальное сокращение ISO для WG10 - ISO/TC 68/SC 4/WG 10)http://www.swift.com/index.cfm?item_id=6612#whatisАнгло-русский словарь терминов по депозитарному хранению и клирингу > Working Group 10
15 Working Group on:
(CBER) Рабочая группа (СБЕР) по: -
16 working group
[`wɜːkɪŋ`gruːp]рабочая группаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > working group
17 working group
оперативная группа, рабочая группа -
18 working group
19 Working Group on:
Рабочая группа по: -
20 working group
См. также в других словарях:
working group — ˈworking ˌgroup noun [countable] a committee that is formed to examine a particular situation or problem and suggest ways of dealing with it; = working party Bre: • A working group will evaluate costs and set deadlines. * * * working group UK US… … Financial and business terms
working group — n a group that is formed to examine a particular situation or problem and suggest ways of dealing with it = ↑working party set up/establish a working group (to do sth) ▪ The commission has set up a special working group to look at the problem.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Working Group — can mean:*Working group, an interdisciplinary group of researchers; or *Working Group (dogs), kennel club designation for certain purebred dog breeds; or *The Working Group, an underground resistance group working under the Judenrat who sponsored … Wikipedia
working group — USA In the context of a registered offering, this term refers to the senior executives and employees of the company, the company s board of directors, the managing underwriters, the company s counsel, the underwriters counsel, the company s… … Law dictionary
Working Group — USA In the context of a registered offering, this term refers to the senior executives and employees of the company, the company s board of directors, the managing underwriters, the company s counsel, the underwriters counsel, the company s… … Law dictionary
working group — working groups N COUNT COLL A working group is the same as a working party. ...the European Community s working group on nutrition … English dictionary
working group — working ,group noun count a group of people who examine a problem or situation and suggest a way of dealing with it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Working group — For the kennel club designation of thoroughbred canines, see Working Group (dogs). A working group (WG) is an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers working on new research activities that would be difficult to develop under traditional… … Wikipedia
working group — noun a group of people working together temporarily until some goal is achieved the working group was supposed to report back in two weeks • Syn: ↑working party • Hypernyms: ↑unit, ↑social unit • Hyponyms: ↑expedition … Useful english dictionary
Working Group (dogs) — Working Group is the name of a breed Group of dogs, used by kennel clubs to classify a defined collection of dog breeds. Most major English language kennel clubs include a Working Group , although different kennel clubs may not include the same… … Wikipedia
Working Group on Financial Markets — The Working Group on Financial Markets (also, President s Working Group on Financial Markets, the Working Group, and colloquially the Plunge Protection Team) was created by Executive Order 12631, [http://www.archives.gov/federal… … Wikipedia