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work in progress

См. также в других словарях:

  • Work in progress — or work in progress may refer to one of the following:In film, * A Work in Progress , a documentary film of the recording of Rush s Test for Echo album * Work in Progress (2000 film), a 2000 computer animated short filmIn music, * Work in… …   Wikipedia

  • Work in progress — Work in Progress, ou Work in Process, acronyme WIP, est une locution anglaise fréquemment utilisée en français ainsi que dans d autres langues et qui désigne un encours de production, un travail en cours, non terminé et ayant requis un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • work in progress — UK US noun (US also work in process) ► [C or U] something that is being developed or suggested but that is not yet complete: »The Senate Minority Leader described the team reorganization as a work in progress . be (still)/remain a work in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Work in progress — „Work in progress“ (dt.: laufende Arbeit) ist die allgemeine Bezeichnung für ein unvollendetes, noch aktuelles Werk oder ein Werk ohne Absicht auf Vollendung (siehe auch Prozesskunst und Generative Kunst) der Arbeitstitel des Buches „Finnegans… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • work in progress — /work imˈprɔɡres, ingl. wYːkɪnˈprəuɡrɛs/ [loc. ingl., propr. «opera, lavoro (work) in (in) corso (progress)»] loc. sost. m. inv. opera aperta …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • work in progress — Services or supplies which are in the course of being completed and to which a value is ascribed based on expected value or revenue. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms …   Law dictionary

  • work in progress — noun a) Work that has been commenced, but is not complete. All the efforts to make a New Man are still work in progress. b) A project that has been commenced but is not complete. Reorganizing my office is a work in progress …   Wiktionary

  • work-in-progress — N UNCOUNT In book keeping, work in progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has not yet been completed. [BUSINESS] ...five million pounds worth of finished goods and two million pounds worth of work… …   English dictionary

  • work in progress — /ˌwɜ:k ɪn prəυgres/ noun the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goodwill and work in progress. Abbreviation WIP (NOTE: The US term is work in… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • work-in-progress — adjective Attributive use of work in progress as adjective. Weve worked hard to reduce work in progress inventory by speeding up production …   Wiktionary

  • work in progress — /ˌwɜ:k ɪn prəυ gres/ noun the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goodwill and work in progress. Abbr WIP (NOTE: American English is work in… …   Marketing dictionary in english

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