41 Priority Words
Network technologies: PW -
42 Quoted Words
Mass media: QW -
43 Text Words
Computers: TW -
44 This means that you do not believe that day will ever come. In other words you are being sarcastic.
General subject: 'That is the day!Универсальный русско-английский словарь > This means that you do not believe that day will ever come. In other words you are being sarcastic.
45 Title Words
Mass media: TW -
46 To get upset and to swear politely without saying dirty words.
General subject: Gosh Darn (Example: "Gosh darn, I didn't know that this would happen," said Frank.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > To get upset and to swear politely without saying dirty words.
47 Webber's Words
Mass media: WW -
48 Without Words
Mass media: WW -
49 Work On Words
Education: WOW -
50 a state of being flustered that's so intense, (one's) actions and words become bound up
Colloquial: flusterpatedУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > a state of being flustered that's so intense, (one's) actions and words become bound up
51 format control words
Engineering: FCWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > format control words
52 in other words
Information technology: IOW (DFUE, Usenet, IRC) -
53 key words permuted
Military: KEYPERУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > key words permuted
54 or words to that effect
Abbreviation: OWTTEУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > or words to that effect
55 per thousand words
Abbreviation: ptwУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > per thousand words
56 so wonderful the words just meld in your mouth
Colloquial: awesomtasticУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > so wonderful the words just meld in your mouth
57 you own your own words
Information technology: YOYOWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > you own your own words
58 кому приходить в голову (of words , thoughts , feelings , пр.)
Set phrase: come into one's mindУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > кому приходить в голову (of words , thoughts , feelings , пр.)
59 кому приходить в голову (of words , thoughts , feelings , пр.) (with inf . or obj. clause)
Set phrase: occur to (smb.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кому приходить в голову (of words , thoughts , feelings , пр.) (with inf . or obj. clause)
60 отзовутся кошке мышкины слёзки (used as words of warning and threat to mean: troubles (will) rebound upon the originator)
Set phrase: curses like chickens come home to roostУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > отзовутся кошке мышкины слёзки (used as words of warning and threat to mean: troubles (will) rebound upon the originator)
См. также в других словарях:
Words — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Words est le titre d un single par F. R. David sorti en 1982, et qui connut un grand succès en Europe. Cette chanson romantique fut numéro 1 en Allemagne … Wikipédia en Français
words — words; words·man·ship; words·worth·ian; words·worth·ian·ism; … English syllables
Words — puede referirse a: Words, álbum de F. R. David; Words , canción de F. R. David. Véase también Word (desambiguación) The Word Esta página de desambiguación catalo … Wikipedia Español
words — angry talk. → word words the text of a play, opera, or other performed piece. → word … English new terms dictionary
words — index speech Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
words — Symbols indicating ideas and subject to contraction and expansion to meet the idea sought to be expressed. Such have been referred to as labels whose content and meaning are continually shifting with the times. Massachusetts Protective Ass n v.… … Black's law dictionary
words — n. text 1) words to (a song) argument, discussion 2) to have words with smb. 3) to weigh ( consider carefully ) one s words 4) heated; threatening words * * * threatening words [ argument, discussion ] to have words with smb. heated to weigh (… … Combinatory dictionary
words — noun 1. the words that are spoken (Freq. 55) I listened to his words very closely • Hypernyms: ↑speech, ↑speech communication, ↑spoken communication, ↑spoken language, ↑language, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
words — n. sayings, utterances; text, libretto; speech; talk (as opposed to action); dispute, argument wÉœrd /wÉœËd n. unit of language with meaning; speech, talk; short conversation; utterance; order, command; news, notice; commitment, promise;… … English contemporary dictionary
words — noun /wɜːdz/ An angry discussion. Words have a longer life than deeds. ndash; , Greek poet … Wiktionary
WORDS — Combinatorics on Words, ed. M. Lothaire, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 17, Addison Wesley, 1983 (informationswissenschaftl. Veoeffentlichungen) … Acronyms