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  • 1 slater

    n. 슬레이트 공, 지붕이는 사람, (짐승, 날 가죽의)살을 발라내는 기구(기계), 쥐며느리(wood louse)

    English-Korean dictionary > slater

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wood louse — Wood Wood, n. [OE. wode, wude, AS. wudu, wiodu; akin to OHG. witu, Icel. vi?r, Dan. & Sw. ved wood, and probably to Ir. & Gael. fiodh, W. gwydd trees, shrubs.] [1913 Webster] 1. A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove; frequently …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wood louse — wood′ louse n. ivt any of various tiny isopod crustaceans, often of damp shady habitats, as the pill bug and the sow bug • Etymology: 1605–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • wood louse — n. 1. SOW BUG 2. PILL BUG …   English World dictionary

  • wood louse — noun 1. : a terrestrial isopod crustacean (suborder Oniscoidea) that has a flattened elliptical body often capable of being rolled into a ball and seven pairs of walking legs, is commonly dull brown or gray, usually lives under stones or bark,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wood louse — Zool. any of certain small, terrestrial crustaceans of the genera Oniscus, Armadillidium, etc., having a flattened, elliptical body. [1605 15] * * * plural  Wood Lice,         either of two related terrestrial crustaceans, the pill bug (q.v.) and …   Universalium

  • wood louse — noun Date: 1611 a terrestrial isopod crustacean (suborder Oniscoidea) with a flattened elliptical body often capable of being rolled into a ball called also pill bug, sow bug …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wood louse — ‚wÊŠd‚laÊŠs n. (British) potato bug …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wood-louse — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sea wood louse — (Zo[ o]l.) A sea slater. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pill wood louse — Pill Pill, n. [F. pilute, L. pilula a pill, little ball, dim. of L. pila a ball. Cf. {Piles}.] 1. A medicine in the form of a little ball, or small round mass, to be swallowed whole. [1913 Webster] 2. Figuratively, something offensive or nauseous …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pill wood louse — noun Etymology: pill (IV) : wood louse 1 …   Useful english dictionary

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