1 wood sorrel
2 wood sorrel
3 wood sorrel
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > wood sorrel
4 wood sorrel
[͵wʋdʹsɒrəl] бот. -
5 wood sorrel
[ˌwʊd'sɒrəl]1) Биология: щавелёк (Rumex acetosella), щавель малый (Rumex acetosella)2) Медицина: заячья капуста (Oxalis acetosella L.)3) Ботаника: кислица обыкновенная (Oxalis acetosella), заячья капуста (Oxalis acetosella)4) Лесоводство: (Oxalis acetosella L.) кислица -
6 wood sorrel
мед.фраз. обыкновенная кислица -
7 wood sorrel
бот. кислица обыкновенная -
8 wood sorrel spruce forest
Англо-русский словарь по экологии > wood sorrel spruce forest
9 wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella L.)
Лесоводство: кислицаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella L.)
10 wood sorrel spruce forest
Экология: ельник-кисличникУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > wood sorrel spruce forest
11 wood-sorrel family
Сельское хозяйство: кисличные (Oxalidaceae) -
12 wood sorrel spruce forest
English-russian biological dictionary > wood sorrel spruce forest
13 true wood sorrel
14 true wood sorrel
Биология: щавелёк (Rumex acetosella), щавель малый (Rumex acetosella), лихнис кукушкин цвет (Lychnis flos-cuculi) -
15 tuberous-rooted wood sorrel
Сельское хозяйство: кислица клубневая, ока (Oxalis tuberosa)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tuberous-rooted wood sorrel
16 sorrel
English sorrel щавель шпинатный, щавель английский, Rumex patientia; щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosafield sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellaFrench sorrel щавель щитковидный, щавель садовый крупнолистный, Rumex scutatusgarden sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosagreen sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosalady's sorrel кислица рогатая, Oxalis corniculatameadow sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosamountain sorrel кисличник двухстолбчатый, Oxyria digynaprocumbent yellow sorrel кислица рогатая, Oxalis corniculatared sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellasheep sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellatrue wood sorrel 1. лихнис кукушкин цвет, Lychnis flos-cuculi; 2. щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosella; 3. лихнис кукушкин цвет, Lychnis flos-cuculiEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > sorrel
17 sorrel
2) гнедой•- field sorrel
- French sorrel
- garden sorrel
- green sorrel
- horse sorrel
- lady's sorrel
- meadow sorrel
- mountain sorrel
- procumbent yellow sorrel
- red sorrel
- sheep sorrel
- true wood sorrel
- wood sorrel* * * -
18 sorrel
1. n бот. щавель2. n бот. кислица3. n гнедая лошадь4. n красновато-коричневый или красно-бурый цвет5. n сл. рыжий человек6. a гнедой7. a красновато-коричневый, красно-бурыйСинонимический ряд:color (adj.) bay; brown; brownish-red; chestnut; color; reddish; reddish-brown; roan; ruddy -
19 кислица
20 forest
1) лес; лесной•- alder forest
- aspen forest
- beech forest
- bilberry pine forest
- bilberry scrub forest
- birch forest
- bog moss pine forest
- boreal coniferous forest
- bottomland forest
- box forest
- broad-leaved forest
- burned-out forest
- cedar forest
- cloud forest
- conifer forest
- coniferous forest
- coppice forest
- cowberry spruce forest
- crooked forest
- dark coniferous forest
- deciduous forest
- deciduous summer forest
- deer forest
- dense forest
- evergreen forest
- fir forest
- flood plain forest
- gallery forest
- gorge forest
- grass pine forest
- grass spruce forest
- gum-tree forest
- haircap-moss spruce forest
- hard-leaved forest
- heath forest
- herbaceous-spruce forest
- hornbeam forest
- hornbeam-oak forest
- inundated forest
- larch forest
- lichen pine forest
- light coniferous forest
- light forest
- lime-tree forest
- low forest
- maple forest
- marginal forest
- mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest
- mixed forest
- moist semideciduous tropical forest
- moist tropical forest
- monsoon forest
- mountain forest
- mountain rain forest
- mountain taiga forest
- needle-leaved forest
- oak forest
- orohylile forest
- overaged forest
- palm forest
- paludal forest
- parvifoliate forest
- pine forest
- pine grass forest
- polytric pine forest
- primeval forest
- protection forest
- rain forest
- ravine forest
- recreational forest
- riparian forest
- savanna forest
- sclerophyllous forest
- scrub forest
- secondary forest
- sedge-grass scrub forest
- selection forest
- semidry tropical forest
- shelter forest
- shelterbelt forest
- small forest
- small-leaved forest
- softwood forest
- spruce forest
- subantarctic forest
- subtropical evergreen forest
- tapestry forest
- thick forest
- thorn forest
- tropical dry deciduous forest
- tropical forest
- tropical rain forest
- virgin forest
- water-conservation forest
- winter green forest
- wood sorrel spruce forest
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Wood sorrel — Sorrel Sor rel, n. [F. surelle, fr. sur sour, fr. OHG. s?r sour. See {Sour}.] (Bot.) One of various plants having a sour juice; especially, a plant of the genus {Rumex}, as {Rumex Acetosa}, {Rumex Acetosella}, etc. [1913 Webster] {Mountain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wood sorrel — Wood Wood, n. [OE. wode, wude, AS. wudu, wiodu; akin to OHG. witu, Icel. vi?r, Dan. & Sw. ved wood, and probably to Ir. & Gael. fiodh, W. gwydd trees, shrubs.] [1913 Webster] 1. A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove; frequently … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood sorrel — n. [transl. of MFr sorrel de boys] any of a genus (Oxalis, family Oxalidaceae) of creeping dicotyledonous plants (order Geraniales) with white, pink, red, or yellow, five parted flowers and cloverlike compound leaves that contain oxalic acid:… … English World dictionary
wood sorrel — noun any plant or flower of the genus Oxalis • Syn: ↑oxalis, ↑sorrel • Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant • Hyponyms: ↑common wood sorrel, ↑cuckoo brea … Useful english dictionary
wood sorrel — any of numerous plants of the genus Oxalis, esp. O. acetosella, of Eurasia, having heart shaped, trifoliolate leaves and white, pink veined flowers. [1515 25; trans. of F sorrel de bois; r. woodsour, so called from sour taste of the leaves] * * * … Universalium
wood-sorrel — paprastasis kiškiakopūstis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kiškiakopūstinių šeimos prieskoninis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Oxalis acetosella), paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (kvėpikliai). atitikmenys: lot.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
wood sorrel — Oxalis Ox a*lis, n. [L., a kind of sorrel, Gr. oxali s, fr. oxy s sharp, pungent, acid.] (Bot.) A genus of plants, mostly herbs, with acid tasting trifoliolate or multifoliolate leaves; called also {wood sorrel}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood sorrel — kiškiakopūstis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kiškiakopūstinių (Oxalidaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Oxalis). atitikmenys: lot. Oxalis angl. oxalis; sorrel; wood sorrel vok. Hasenklee; Kuckucksklee; Sauerklee rus. кислица lenk. szczawik … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
wood sorrel — /ˈwʊd sɒrəl/ (say wood soruhl) noun any of a number of species of Oxalis as yellow wood sorrel …
wood sorrel — noun Date: 13th century any of a genus (Oxalis of the family Oxalidaceae, the wood sorrel family) of herbs with acid sap, compound leaves, and regular flowers having five usually white, purple, or yellow petals; especially either of two stemless… … New Collegiate Dictionary
wood sorrel — wood′ sor rel n. pln any woodland plant of the genus Oxalis, of the family Oxalidaceae, having three heart shaped leaflets and variously colored flowers • Etymology: 1515–25; trans. of F sorrel de bois … From formal English to slang