Перевод: со всех языков на венгерский

с венгерского на все языки


  • 61 in a hurry

    1) (acting quickly: I did this in a hurry.) sietve
    2) (wishing or needing to act quickly: I'm in a hurry.) siet(ésben)
    3) (soon; easily: You won't untie this knot in a hurry.) egyhamar
    4) (eager: I'm in a hurry to see my new house.) ég a vágytól, hogy

    English-Hungarian dictionary > in a hurry

  • 62 informal

    hétköznapi, fesztelen, nem előírásos, keresetlen
    * * *
    1) (not formal or official; friendly and relaxed: The two prime ministers will meet for informal discussions today; Will the party be formal or informal?; friendly, informal manners.) nem hivatalos
    2) ((of speech or vocabulary) used in conversation but not usually when writing formally, speaking in public etc: `Won't' and `can't' are informal forms of `will not' and `cannot'.) kötetlen, bizalmas, közvetlen
    - informally

    English-Hungarian dictionary > informal

  • 63 jackpot

    (in playing cards, some competitions etc, a fund of prize-money that goes on increasing until it is won.) főnyeremény

    English-Hungarian dictionary > jackpot

  • 64 keep

    vártorony, eltartás to keep: halad vmerre, eltart, tart vmerre, nem romlik meg
    * * *
    [ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb
    1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) őriz
    2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) megtart
    3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) tart
    4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) folytat, tovább (tett vmit)
    5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) tart (raktáron)
    6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) gondoz; tart
    7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) nem romlik meg
    8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) vezet
    9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) feltart
    10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) eltart
    11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) teljesít
    12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) megünnepel
    2. noun
    (food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) eltartás
    - keeping
    - keep-fit
    - keepsake
    - for keeps
    - in keeping with
    - keep away
    - keep back
    - keep one's distance
    - keep down
    - keep one's end up
    - keep from
    - keep going
    - keep hold of
    - keep house for
    - keep house
    - keep in
    - keep in mind
    - keep it up
    - keep off
    - keep on
    - keep oneself to oneself
    - keep out
    - keep out of
    - keep time
    - keep to
    - keep something to oneself
    - keep to oneself
    - keep up
    - keep up with the Joneses
    - keep watch

    English-Hungarian dictionary > keep

  • 65 keep down

    1) (not to (allow to) rise up: Keep down - they're shooting at us!) feküdj!
    2) (to control or put a limit on: They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.) leszorít
    3) (to digest without vomiting: He has eaten some food but he won't be able to keep it down.) megemészt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > keep down

  • 66 keep one's cool

    (not to become over-excited or confused: If you keep your cool you won't fail.) megőrzi nyugalmát

    English-Hungarian dictionary > keep one's cool

  • 67 knowledge

    tudás, tudomás, ismeret
    * * *
    1) (the fact of knowing: She was greatly encouraged by the knowledge that she had won first prize in the competition.) vminek az ismeretében
    2) (information or what is known: He had a vast amount of knowledge about boats.) tudás
    3) (the whole of what can be learned or found out: Science is a branch of knowledge about which I am rather ignorant.) tudomány
    - general knowledge

    English-Hungarian dictionary > knowledge

  • 68 landslide (victory)

    noun (a clear victory in an election: Their political party won a landslide victory.) földcsuszamlásszerű győzelem

    English-Hungarian dictionary > landslide (victory)

  • 69 last

    kaptafa, elmúlt, végleges, múlt, utolsónak, vég to last: fennmarad, kaptafára húz, megmarad, fennáll
    * * *
    I 1. adjective
    1) (coming at the end: We set out on the last day of November; He was last in the race; He caught the last bus home.) (leg)utolsó
    2) (most recent; next before the present: Our last house was much smaller than this; last year/month/week.) legutóbbi
    3) (coming or remaining after all the others: He was the last guest to leave.) (leg)utolsó
    2. adverb
    (at the end of or after all the others: He took his turn last.) utoljára
    - at long last
    - at last
    - hear
    - see the last of
    - the last person
    - the last straw
    - the last thing
    - the last word
    - on one's last legs
    - to the last
    II verb
    1) (to continue to exist: This situation lasted until she got married; I hope this fine weather lasts.) tart
    2) (to remain in good condition or supply: This carpet has lasted well; The bread won't last another two days - we'll need more; This coat will last me until I die.) megmarad
    - last out

    English-Hungarian dictionary > last

  • 70 length

    hosszúság, hossz, tartam
    * * *
    1) (the distance from one end to the other of an object, period of time etc: What is the length of your car?; Please note down the length of time it takes you to do this.) hossz(úság); (idő)tartam
    2) (a piece of something, especially cloth: I bought a (3-metre) length of silk.) hosszú(ságú)
    3) (in racing, the measurement from end to end of a horse, boat etc: He won by a length; The other boat is several lengths in front.) hossz
    - lengthways/lengthwise
    - lengthy
    - at length
    - go to any lengths

    English-Hungarian dictionary > length

  • 71 lie down

    (to take a flat or horizontal position: The man lay down; My hair won't lie down.) lefekszik; lesimul

    English-Hungarian dictionary > lie down

  • 72 light

    ablaknyílás, nem hangsúlyos, megvilágítás, tűz to light: meggyújt, rászáll, leszáll (lóról), kivilágosodik
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) fény
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) fény(forrás)
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) tűz
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) megvilágítás
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) világos
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) halvány, világos
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) (meg)világít
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) (meg)gyújt
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) könnyű
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) enyhe
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) könnyű
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) könnyű
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) könnyű
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) fürge
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) derűs
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) jelentéktelen
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) laza
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.) rábukkan

    English-Hungarian dictionary > light

  • 73 like

    hajlamos vmire, hangulata van vmihez, úgy amint to like: akar, szeret, óhajt, kedvel, tetszik
    * * *
    I 1. adjective
    (the same or similar: They're as like as two peas.) hasonló
    2. preposition
    (the same as or similar to; in the same or a similar way as: He climbs like a cat; She is like her mother.) mint
    3. noun
    (someone or something which is the same or as good etc as another: You won't see his like / their like again.) hasonló,...fajta
    4. conjunction
    ((especially American) in the same or a similar way as: No-one does it like he does.) úgy, mint
    - likelihood
    - liken
    - likeness
    - likewise
    - like-minded
    - a likely story!
    - as likely as not
    - be like someone
    - feel like
    - he is likely to
    - look like
    - not likely!
    II verb
    1) (to be pleased with; to find pleasant or agreeable: I like him very much; I like the way you've decorated this room.) tetszik vkinek vmi
    2) (to enjoy: I like gardening.) szeret, kedvel
    - likeable
    - likable
    - liking
    - should/would like
    - take a liking to

    English-Hungarian dictionary > like

  • 74 lost

    elpocsékol, lekésik vmiről, elmulaszt, veszít
    * * *
    1) (missing; no longer to be found: a lost ticket.) elvesztett
    2) (not won: The game is lost.) elvesz(í)tett
    3) (wasted; not used properly: a lost opportunity.) kihagyott
    4) (no longer knowing where one is, or in which direction to go: I don't know whether to turn left or right - I'm lost.) eltévedt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > lost

  • 75 lottery

    szerencsejáték, lutri, lottó, tombola, sorsjáték
    * * *
    plural - lotteries; noun
    (the sharing out of money or prizes won by chance, through drawing lots: They held a public lottery in aid of charity.) lottó

    English-Hungarian dictionary > lottery

  • 76 majority

    őrnagyi rang, többség, szótöbbség, nagykorúság
    * * *
    1) (the greater number: the majority of people.) többség
    2) (the difference between a greater and a smaller number: The Democratic Party won by/with a majority of six hundred votes.) többség

    English-Hungarian dictionary > majority

  • 77 maybe

    * * *
    (it is possible (that); perhaps: Maybe he'll come, and maybe he won't.) talán

    English-Hungarian dictionary > maybe

  • 78 medal

    * * *
    (a piece of metal with a design, inscription etc stamped on it, given as a reward for bravery, long service, excellence etc, or made to celebrate a special occasion: He won a medal in the War.) érem

    English-Hungarian dictionary > medal

  • 79 medallist

    éremkészítő, éremtulajdonos, éremnyertes
    * * *
    noun (a person who has won a medal in a competition etc.)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > medallist

  • 80 miser

    * * *
    (a mean person who lives very poorly in order to store up wealth: That old miser won't give you a cent!) zsugori
    - miserliness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > miser

См. также в других словарях:

  • won — won …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Wŏn — Won (원; 圓; McCune Reischauer wŏn; Romanización revisada: won) es la moneda oficial de Corea del Sur y Corea del Norte. Sin embargo, sus cambios no son iguales. Nombre completo Símbolos Abr. Equivalencia¹ Wŏn de Corea del Norte ₩n o Wn KPW 139,997 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Won — bezeichnet World Opponent Network Der Begriff Won (Hangeul: 원; Währungssymbol: ₩) bezeichnet: die südkoreanische Währungseinheit, siehe Won (Südkorea). die nordkoreanische Währungseinheit, siehe Won (Nordkorea) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • won — s.m. Unitate monetară coreeană. (din germ. Won) Trimis de tavi, 14.05.2004. Sursa: MDN  WON s.m., pl. woni Trimis de tavi, 14.05.2004. Sursa: DOOM  won s. m., pl. woni …   Dicționar Român

  • woń — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż IVa, DCMc. woni; lm M. wonie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} zapach : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Aromatyczna, gorzka woń. Woń świeżego ciasta. Woń konwalii. Dusząca woń perfum. Przykra woń potu. {{/stl 10}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Won — or WON may refer to: *The Korean currency from 1902 1910 **The South Korean won or North Korean won currently in use. *World Opponent Network, a former online gaming service * Wrestling Observer Newsletter , a professional wrestling dirtsheet… …   Wikipedia

  • WON — steht für: World Opponent Network Won (Hangeul: 원; Währungssymbol: ₩) steht für: Südkoreanischer Won, die südkoreanische Währung Nordkoreanischer Won, die nordkoreanische Währung Siehe auch: Won Buddhismus …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • won — [ wɔn ] n. m. • 1964; mot coréen ♦ Unité monétaire de la Corée du Nord et du Sud. Des wons ou des won. ● won nom masculin Unité monétaire principale de la Corée du Nord et de la Corée du Sud. won [wɔn] n. m. ÉTYM. 1964, Larousse; mot coréen …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Won —   der, / , Abkürzung ₩ (nur in Süd Korea), Währungseinheit in beiden koreanischen Staaten, 1 Won = 100 Chon. Der Won war bereits im Kaiserreich Korea 1888 eingeführt worden (auf Münzen englisch mit Warn bezeichnet); 1948 wurde darauf… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • won — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. a, Mc. wonnie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} jednostka monetarna w Korei Południowej i Północnej <koreańskie> {{/stl 7}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}} {{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}won II {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}wykrz., pot. {{/stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • won — won1 [wun] vi., vt. pt. & pp. of WIN won2 [wun, wōn] vi. wonned, wonning [ME wonen < OE wunian: see WONT] [Now Brit. Dial.] to dwell; abide won3 [wän, wun] n. pl. won [Korean < Ch …   English World dictionary

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