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  • 1 weigh

    [wei] 1. verb
    1) (to find the heaviness of (something) by placing it on a scale: He weighed himself on the bathroom scales; You must have your luggage weighed at the airport.) pesar(-se)
    2) (to be equal to in heaviness: This parcel weighs one kilo; How much / What does this box weigh?) pesar
    3) (to be a heavy burden to: She was weighed down with two large suitcases.) pesar
    2. verb
    1) (to attach, or add, a weight or weights to: The plane is weighted at the nose so that it balances correctly in flight.) tornar mais pesado
    2) (to hold down by attaching weights: They weighted the balloon to prevent it from flying away.) pôr lastro em
    - weightlessness
    - weighty
    - weightily
    - weightiness
    - weighing-machine
    - weightlifting
    - weigh anchor
    - weigh in
    - weigh out
    - weigh up
    * * *
    [wei] n pesagem. • vt+vi 1 pesar: a) determinar ou avaliar o peso de. how much does it weigh / quanto pesa? b) ter o peso de. it weighs 10 lbs (pounds) / pesa dez libras. c) afligir, oprimir, acabrunhar, causar mágoa ou desgosto. it weighed on him / pesou muito sobre ele, oprimiu-o bastante. d) ponderar, considerar ou examinar cuidadosamente. e) comparar ( with/ against com). f) ter influência considerável. it weighs heavy/ little / é de muita/pouca influência. 2 Naut levantar ferro, levantar âncora, zarpar. he was weighed off Mil ele foi denunciado e punido. to weigh anchor Naut levantar âncora. to weigh down curvar sob o peso, prostrar, oprimir, deprimir. to weigh in a) pesar (jóquei, boxeador) antes da competição. b) pesar (bagagem) antes da viagem. c) entrar com participante, dar sugestão. to weigh one’s words pesar suas palavras. to weigh out a) pesar a quantidade desejada. b) pesar (jóquei, boxeador) depois da competição. weighed down with sorrow opresso, abatido pelas preocupações. weigh in! sl diga, fale, desembuche! we weighed in with the argument... nós argumentamos que...

    English-Portuguese dictionary > weigh

  • 2 weight

    1) (the amount which a person or thing weighs: He's put on a lot of weight (= got much fatter) over the years.) peso
    2) (a piece of metal etc of a standard weight: seven-pound weight.) peso
    3) (a heavy object, especially one for lifting as a sport: He lifts weights to develop his muscles.) peso
    4) (burden; load: You have taken a weight off my mind.) peso
    5) (importance: Her opinion carries a lot of weight.)
    * * *
    [weit] n 1 peso: a) fadiga, opressão. b) carga. I am twice her weight / eu peso o dobro dela. it loses/ gains in weight / perde/ganha peso. c) fig ônus, encargo. d) importância, relevância, influência. his words carry/ have great weight with us / suas palavras têm grande peso para nós. e) valor, significado. that adds weight to his words / isto dá valor a suas palavras. f) tudo que faz pressão. g) peso de balança. h) esfera de ferro para arremesso de peso. 2 sistema de pesos. 3 unidade de sistema de pesos. • vt 1 pesar: a) determinar o peso de. b) fig ponderar, considerar atentamente. c) fig carregar, oprimir. 2 tornar mais pesado. 3 dar peso determinado a. 4 Stat dar determinado valor ou peso a. a matter of great weight um assunto de muita importância. a set of weights um jogo de pesos (para balança). by weight por peso. dead weight a) Naut peso bruto. b) fig peso morto. gross weight peso bruto. live weight peso vivo. net weight peso líquido. to lose weight emagrecer. to pull one’s weight contribuir com sua sorte. to put on weight ganhar peso, engordar. to put the weight Sports arremessar o peso. under/ over weight abaixo/acima do peso ideal. weights and measures pesos e medidas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > weight

  • 3 weigh

    [wei] 1. verb
    1) (to find the heaviness of (something) by placing it on a scale: He weighed himself on the bathroom scales; You must have your luggage weighed at the airport.) pesar
    2) (to be equal to in heaviness: This parcel weighs one kilo; How much / What does this box weigh?) pesar
    3) (to be a heavy burden to: She was weighed down with two large suitcases.) pesar
    2. verb
    1) (to attach, or add, a weight or weights to: The plane is weighted at the nose so that it balances correctly in flight.) carregar
    2) (to hold down by attaching weights: They weighted the balloon to prevent it from flying away.) pôr lastro em
    - weightlessness - weighty - weightily - weightiness - weighing-machine - weightlifting - weigh anchor - weigh in - weigh out - weigh up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > weigh

  • 4 lever

    ['li:və, ]( American[) 'levər] 1. noun
    1) (a bar of wood, metal etc used to lift heavy weights: A crowbar is a kind of lever; You must use a coin as a lever to get the lid of that tin off.) alavanca
    2) (a bar or handle for operating a machine etc: This is the lever that switches on the power.) alavanca
    2. verb
    (to move with or as if with a lever: He levered the lid off with a coin.) levantar
    * * *
    [l'i:və; l'evə; l'i:və] n alavanca. • vt 1 empregar a alavanca, mover ou erguer com alavanca. 2 usar como alavanca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lever

  • 5 lever

    ['li:və, ]( American[) 'levər] 1. noun
    1) (a bar of wood, metal etc used to lift heavy weights: A crowbar is a kind of lever; You must use a coin as a lever to get the lid of that tin off.) alavanca
    2) (a bar or handle for operating a machine etc: This is the lever that switches on the power.) alavanca
    2. verb
    (to move with or as if with a lever: He levered the lid off with a coin.) mover com alavanca

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lever

  • 6 crane

    [krein] 1. noun
    (a machine with a long arm and a chain, for raising heavy weights.) guindaste
    2. verb
    (to stretch out (the neck, to see round or over something): He craned his neck in order to see round the corner.) esticar
    * * *
    [krein] n 1 guindaste, grua. 2 suporte móvel em lareira para caldeirões ou chaleiras. 3 Ornith grou. 4 Ornith a grande garça-azul. 5 sifão (para esvaziar barris). • vt+vi 1 içar, guindar, levantar com guindaste. 2 estender o pescoço. hoisting crane grua. slewing crane guindaste giratório. travelling crane guindaste móvel.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crane

  • 7 tackle

    ['tækl] 1. noun
    1) (an act of tackling: a rugby tackle.) placar QUERY
    2) (equipment, especially for fishing: fishing tackle.) apetrechos
    3) (ropes, pulleys etc for lifting heavy weights: lifting tackle.) poleame
    4) (in sailing, the ropes, rigging etc of a boat.) cordoalha
    2. verb
    1) (to try to grasp or seize (someone): The policeman tackled the thief.) deitar a mão a
    2) (to deal with or try to solve (a problem); to ask (someone) about a problem: He tackled the problem; She tackled the teacher about her child's work.) enfrentar
    3) (in football, hockey etc, to (try to) take the ball etc from (a player in the other team): He tackled his opponent.) placar QUERY
    * * *
    [t'ækəl] n 1 equipamento, aparelho, aparelhagem. 2 moitão, talha, guincho. 3 Amer Ftb médio (esquerdo ou direito). • vt+vi 1 manejar, tentar resolver, lidar, atacar (problema, tarefa). 2 agarrar. 3 Ftb cometer falta. 4 arrear (cavalo). 5 segurar ou fixar com aparelhagem. 6 atracar-se, engalfinhar-se, atacar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tackle

  • 8 crane

    [krein] 1. noun
    (a machine with a long arm and a chain, for raising heavy weights.) guindaste
    2. verb
    (to stretch out (the neck, to see round or over something): He craned his neck in order to see round the corner.) espichar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > crane

  • 9 tackle

    ['tækl] 1. noun
    1) (an act of tackling: a rugby tackle.) placagem
    2) (equipment, especially for fishing: fishing tackle.) equipamento
    3) (ropes, pulleys etc for lifting heavy weights: lifting tackle.) talha
    4) (in sailing, the ropes, rigging etc of a boat.) cordoalha
    2. verb
    1) (to try to grasp or seize (someone): The policeman tackled the thief.) agarrar
    2) (to deal with or try to solve (a problem); to ask (someone) about a problem: He tackled the problem; She tackled the teacher about her child's work.) atacar, enfrentar
    3) (in football, hockey etc, to (try to) take the ball etc from (a player in the other team): He tackled his opponent.) desarmar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tackle

См. также в других словарях:

  • WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — From the earliest period of their history the Jews were alive to the necessity of an accurate system of weights and measures, and an honest handling of them. The first legislation in the interest of economic righteousness in general is found in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • weights and measures —    Mercantile activities, including buying and selling; money exchanging; and trade, both local and foreign, as well as reckoning the sizes of land parcels and erecting large buildings, necessitated the development of standards of weights and… …   Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary

  • Weights and Measures (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Weights and Measures Type = Album Artist = Spirit of the West Released = 1997 Recorded = 1997 Genre = Folk rock Length = 43:56 Label = Warner Music Canada Producer = Michael Phillip Wojewoda and Spirit of the West Reviews …   Wikipedia

  • weights — weɪt n. heaviness, amount something weighs; unit of weight or mass; object which weighs a given amount and is used in weightlifting; heavy physical load; mental burden, pressure; importance, influence v. load with additional weight, add weight… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • National Conference on Weights and Measures — The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) is a not for profit corporation dedicated to developing and regulating the United States technical standards for weights and measures. The organization s official mission is to advance a… …   Wikipedia

  • Muckenhoupt weights — In mathematics, the class of Muckenhoupt weights Ap consists of those weights ω for which the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on Lp(dω). Specifically, we consider functions f on and their associated maximal functions M(f) defined as… …   Wikipedia

  • Cooking weights and measures — Metric measuring spoons …   Wikipedia

  • Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States — The Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States was a report submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives on July 13, 1790 by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson.At the First United States… …   Wikipedia

  • chemical atomic weights — Element El e*ment, n. [F. [ e]l[ e]ment, L. elementum.] 1. One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based. [1913 Webster] 2. One of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Coin weights — British coin weights introduced from the Arabs through the Vikings, 9 10th century CE. British Museum. Coin weights are weights which were designed to weigh coins in order to assure their quality …   Wikipedia

  • avoirdupois weights —    the common traditional system of weights in all the English speaking countries.    Until the introduction of the metric system, almost all weights were stated in avoirdupois units, with only precious metals being measured by troy weights and… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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