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  • 121 branch

    1. noun
    1) (an arm-like part of a tree: He cut some branches off the oak tree.) trjágrein
    2) (an offshoot from the main part (of a business, railway etc): There isn't a branch of that store in this town; ( also adjective) That train runs on the branch line.) grein; deild; útibú
    2. verb
    ((usually with out/off) to spread out like, or into, a branch or branches: The road to the coast branches off here.) greinast, skiptast

    English-Icelandic dictionary > branch

  • 122 call

    [ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) kalla, nefna
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) kalla, álíta
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) kalla
    4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) boða, kalla fyrir
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) heimsækja, koma við
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) hringja
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) segja, bjóða
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) kall, (upp)hrópun
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) fuglasöngur
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) heimsókn
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) upphringing
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) (á)köllun
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) eftirspurn
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) tilefni, ástæða
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call

    English-Icelandic dictionary > call

  • 123 case

    I [keis] noun
    1) (an instance or example: another case of child-beating; a bad case of measles.) dæmi um e-ð; tilfelli
    2) (a particular situation: It's different in my case.) tilfelli, tilvik
    3) (a legal trial: The judge in this case is very fair.) dómsmál
    4) (an argument or reason: There's a good case for thinking he's wrong.) rök (fyrir málstað), málstaður
    5) ((usually with the) a fact: I don't think that's really the case.) tilfelli, staðreynd
    6) (a form of a pronoun (eg he or him), noun or adjective showing its relation to other words in the sentence.) fall
    - in case of
    - in that case
    II [keis] noun
    1) (a container or outer covering: a case of medical instruments; a suitcase.) kassi; taska
    2) (a crate or box: six cases of whisky.) kassi
    3) (a piece of furniture for displaying or containing things: a glass case full of china; a bookcase.) sÿningarkassi; bókaskápur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > case

  • 124 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) skapgerð, lunderni
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) skapfesta
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) mannorð
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) persóna
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) furðufugl, sérkennilegur
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) letur(gerð)
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) (persónu-/skapgerðar)einkenni
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Icelandic dictionary > character

  • 125 contrast

    1. verb
    1) (to show marked difference from: His words contrast with his actions.) stangast á við
    2) (to compare so as to show differences: Contrast fresh and frozen vegetables and you'll find the fresh ones taste better.) bera saman (andstæður)
    2. noun
    1) (difference(s) in things or people that are compared: The contrast between their attitudes is very marked.) andstæða
    2) (a thing or person that shows a marked difference (to another): She's a complete contrast to her sister.) andstæða

    English-Icelandic dictionary > contrast

  • 126 cover

    1. verb
    1) (to put or spread something on, over or in front of: They covered (up) the body with a sheet; My shoes are covered in paint.) þekja
    2) (to be enough to pay for: Will 10 dollars cover your expenses?) nægja fyrir
    3) (to travel: We covered forty miles in one day.) fara, komast
    4) (to stretch over a length of time etc: His diary covered three years.) ná yfir
    5) (to protect: Are we covered by your car insurance?) vera tryggður
    6) (to report on: I'm covering the race for the local newspaper.) safna fréttum sem fréttamaður
    7) (to point a gun at: I had him covered.) hafa í skotmáli
    2. noun
    1) (something which covers, especially a cloth over a table, bed etc: a table-cover; a bed-cover; They replaced the cover on the manhole.) ábreiða; lok
    2) (something that gives protection or shelter: The soldiers took cover from the enemy gunfire; insurance cover.) skjól
    3) (something that hides: He escaped under cover of darkness.) skjól
    - covering
    - cover-girl
    - cover story
    - cover-up

    English-Icelandic dictionary > cover

  • 127 curse

    [kə:s] 1. verb
    1) (to wish that evil may fall upon: I curse the day that I was born!; The witch cursed him.) bölva, formæla
    2) (to use violent language; to swear: He cursed (at his own stupidity) when he dropped the hammer on his toe.) bölva, blóta
    2. noun
    1) (an act of cursing, or the words used: the witch's curse.) bölvun, formæling
    2) (a thing or person which is cursed: Having to work is the curse of my life.) bölvun, ólán

    English-Icelandic dictionary > curse

  • 128 dream

    1. [dri:m] noun
    1) (thoughts and pictures in the mind that come mostly during sleep: I had a terrible dream last night.) draumur
    2) (a state of being completely occupied by one's own thoughts: Don't sit there in a dream!) dagdraumur
    3) (something perfect or very beautiful: Your house is a dream!) (alveg) draumur; frábær
    4) (an ambition or hope: It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.) draumur
    2. [dremt] verb
    ((sometimes with of) to see visions and pictures in the mind, especially when asleep: For years I dreamed of being a great artist; I dreamt last night that the house had burnt down.) dreyma
    - dreamless
    - dreamy
    - dreamily
    - dreaminess
    - dream up

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dream

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