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  • 1 fill

    [fil] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something) into (until there is no room for more); to make full: to fill a cupboard with books; The news filled him with joy.) naplnit
    2) (to become full: His eyes filled with tears.) naplnit se
    3) (to satisfy (a condition, requirement etc): Does he fill all our requirements?) splnit
    4) (to put something in a hole (in a tooth etc) to stop it up: The dentist filled two of my teeth yesterday.) zaplombovat
    2. noun
    (as much as fills or satisfies someone: She ate her fill.) dosyta
    - filler
    - filling
    - filling-station
    - fill in
    - fill up
    * * *
    • plnit
    • sytit
    • obsadit
    • obsazovat
    • naplnit
    • nasytit
    • naplňovat

    English-Czech dictionary > fill

  • 2 alight

    I past tense, past participle - alighted; verb
    1) (to get down from or out of: to alight from a bus.) sestoupit, vystoupit
    2) ((with on) to settle or land on: The bird alighted on the fence.) snést se, přistát
    II adjective
    (burning; very bright: The bonfire was still alight; His eyes were alight with joy.) hořící, zářící
    * * *
    • vystoupit
    • vystupovat
    • sestoupit
    • snést se
    • osvětlen

    English-Czech dictionary > alight

  • 3 tear

    I [tiə] noun
    (a drop of liquid coming from the eye, as a result of emotion (especially sadness) or because something (eg smoke) has irritated it: tears of joy/laughter/rage.) slza
    - tearfully
    - tearfulness
    - tear gas
    - tear-stained
    - in tears
    II 1. [teə] past tense - tore; verb
    1) ((sometimes with off etc) to make a split or hole in (something), intentionally or unintentionally, with a sudden or violent pulling action, or to remove (something) from its position by such an action or movement: He tore the photograph into pieces; You've torn a hole in your jacket; I tore the picture out of a magazine.) (roz)trhat, vytrhnout
    2) (to become torn: Newspapers tear easily.) roztrhat se
    3) (to rush: He tore along the road.) hnát se
    2. noun
    (a hole or split made by tearing: There's a tear in my dress.) díra
    - be torn between one thing and another
    - be torn between
    - tear oneself away
    - tear away
    - tear one's hair
    - tear up
    * * *
    • trhat
    • trhlina
    • roztrhnout
    • roztrhat
    • tear/tore/torn
    • slza
    • slzet

    English-Czech dictionary > tear

  • 4 congratulate

    ((often with on) to express pleasure and joy to (a person) at a happy event, a success etc: She congratulated him on passing his driving test.) (po)blahopřát
    - congratulation
    * * *
    • gratulovat

    English-Czech dictionary > congratulate

  • 5 emotion

    1) (a (strong) feeling of any kind: Fear, joy, anger, love, jealousy are all emotions.) emoce
    2) (the moving or upsetting of the mind or feelings: He was overcome by/with emotion.) dojetí
    - emotionally
    * * *
    • cit
    • dojetí

    English-Czech dictionary > emotion

  • 6 joyful

    adjective (filled with, showing or causing joy: a joyful mood; joyful faces/news.) plný radosti
    * * *
    • veselý
    • přinášející radost
    • radostný

    English-Czech dictionary > joyful

  • 7 jump

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) go quickly off the ground with a springing movement: He jumped off the wall / across the puddle / over the fallen tree / into the swimming-pool; Don't jump the horse over that fence!) (pře)skočit; přimět ke skoku
    2) (to rise; to move quickly (upwards): She jumped to her feet; He jumped into the car.) (v)skočit
    3) (to make a startled movement: The noise made me jump.) vyskočit
    4) (to pass over (a gap etc) by bounding: He jumped the stream easily.) přeskočit
    2. noun
    1) (an act of jumping: She crossed the stream in one jump.) skok
    2) (an obstacle to be jumped over: Her horse fell at the third jump.) překážka
    3) (a jumping competition: the high jump.) skok
    4) (a startled movement: She gave a jump when the door suddenly banged shut.) vyskočení
    5) (a sudden rise, eg in prices: There has been a jump in the price of potatoes.) náhlý vzestup
    - jump at
    - jump for joy
    - jump on
    - jump the gun
    - jump the queue
    - jump to conclusions / jump to the conclusion that
    - jump to it
    * * *
    • vzestup
    • skočit
    • skákat
    • skok

    English-Czech dictionary > jump

  • 8 pride

    1) (a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction at one's achievements, possessions, family etc: She looked with pride at her handsome sons.) pýcha
    2) (personal dignity: His pride was hurt by her criticism.) hrdost
    3) (a group (of lions or of peacocks): a pride of lions.) smečka
    - the pride of
    - pride of place
    - pride oneself on
    - take pride in
    * * *
    • pýcha

    English-Czech dictionary > pride

См. также в других словарях:

  • burst with joy — or[pride] {v. phr.} To be so full of the feeling of joy or pride that one cannot refrain from showing one s exuberant feelings. * /Armstrong and Aldrin burst with pride when they stepped out on the moon in July, 1969./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • burst with joy — or[pride] {v. phr.} To be so full of the feeling of joy or pride that one cannot refrain from showing one s exuberant feelings. * /Armstrong and Aldrin burst with pride when they stepped out on the moon in July, 1969./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • burst\ with\ joy — • burst with joy • burst with pride v. phr. To be so full of the feeling of joy or pride that one cannot refrain from showing one s exuberant feelings. Armstrong and Aldrin burst with pride when they stepped out on the moon in July, 1969 …   Словарь американских идиом

  • delirious with joy — index ecstatic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Joy Adamson — (January 20, 1910 – January 3, 1980) was a naturalist and author, best known for her book, Born Free , which described her experiences in raising Elsa from cub to lioness. The book Born Free was an international bestseller and printed in several… …   Wikipedia

  • JOY — JOY, a term used to render into English a number of Hebrew words expressing a response of pleasure to persons, things, situations, and acts. Commenting on the phrase, We will be glad and rejoice in thee, the Midrash (Song R. 1:4) notes that there …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Joy Denalane discography — Joy Denalane discography Denalane live in Munich in 2006. Releases ↙Studio albums 3 …   Wikipedia

  • Joy Davidman — (18 April 1915 – 13 July 1960) was an American poet and writer, and a radical communist and atheist until her conversion to Christianity in the late 1940s. Her first husband was the writer William Lindsay Gresham. They had two children together:… …   Wikipedia

  • Joy — (joi), n. [OE. joye, OF. joye, joie, goie, F. joie, L. gaudia, pl. of gaudium joy, fr. gaudere to rejoice, to be glad; cf. Gr. gai ein to rejoice, gay^ros proud. Cf. {Gaud}, {Jewel}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The passion or emotion excited by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • joy — [ dʒɔı ] noun ** 1. ) uncount a feeling of great happiness: There were tears of joy in her eyes. do something with/for joy: Penny could have shouted with joy. joy at (doing) something: He could hardly contain his joy at seeing her again. to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Joy valve gear — is a type of locomotive valve gear, Patented in 1870, where the movement is derived from a vertical link connected to the connecting rod. The vertical movement is translated into the horizontal movement required by the valve spindle by a die… …   Wikipedia

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