1 window-case
window-case noun витрина -
2 window case
3 window-case
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > window-case
4 window-case
[ˈwɪndəukeɪs]window-case витрина -
5 window case
1) Общая лексика: шкаф-витрина2) Строительство: оконная коробка -
6 window-case
Деловая лексика: витрина -
7 window-case
[`wɪndəʊkeɪs]оконная рамаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > window-case
8 window case
9 window-case
10 window-case
nEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > window-case
11 window-case
12 window case
строит. -
13 window-case
витрина -
14 window-case
15 case
1. касса, шрифткасса2. переплётная крышка3. коробка, футлярdisplay case — выставочный шкаф; выставочная витрина
4. нижняя наборная касса строчных литерcase stand — касса — реал
5. строчные буквыmetal furniture case — матричная касса, касса для размещения пробельного и обкладочного материала
6. верхняя наборная касса прописных литер7. прописные буквы -
16 case
дело имя существительное:кожух (housing, casing, cover, shell, case, hood)судебное дело (case, lawsuit)пациент (patient, case)история болезни (medical history, case history, case, clinical record, hospital chart, hospital sheet chart)глагол:класть в ящик (box, case) -
17 window
18 window frame
Синонимический ряд:structural case (noun) case; doorjamb; enclosure; frame; girdle; jamb; span; structural case; support -
19 window-dressing
бухгалтерские уловки (для приведения баланса в соответствие с требованиями); причесывание баланса (разг.). Sprucing up a balance sheet, financial statement, etc. for a monthly, quarterly, or annual report. Examples include trying to collect receivables just before the end of a quarter; booking sales at the very end of the period; in the case of a mutual fund, selling less desirable or investments with losses and replacing them with higher quality issues before the statement date. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
20 window frame
time frame — временные рамки, период
case frame — падежная рамка; падежный фрейм
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > window frame
См. также в других словарях:
Case — (k[=a]s), n. [OF. casse, F. caisse (cf. It. cassa), fr. L. capsa chest, box, case, fr. capere to take, hold. See {Capacious}, and cf. 4th {Chase}, {Cash}, {Enchase}, 3d {Sash}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
case — Synonyms and related words: Bible truth, Smyth sewing, abessive, ablative, absolute fact, accepted fact, accusative, action, actual fact, adessive, admitted fact, afghan, alien, allative, ammunition box, anyhow, anyway, apoplectic, approximative … Moby Thesaurus
Case modding — Case modification (commonly referred to as case modding where an individual project is referred to as a case mod) is the modification of a computer chassis (often just referred to as the case), or a video game console chassis. Modifying a… … Wikipedia
Window shutter hardware — Window Shutter Hardware> Overview A series of documents are provided here to further explain terms and terminology related to shutter hardware and blacksmithing, as well as the evolution of early hardware.A Brief History of Early Hardware In its… … Wikipedia
Case — may refer to:Academia* Case analysis, division of a problem into separate cases * Case study, examination of a single instance or event * Center for Social and Economic ResearchBusiness* Business case, captures the reasoning for initiating a… … Wikipedia
Case Study House — Case Study Houses Le programme des Case Study Houses est une expérience architecturale visant à construire des maisons modernes et économiques. Il se déroule sur la côte ouest des États Unis, principalement autour de Los Angeles entre 1945 et… … Wikipédia en Français
case — case1 [kās] n. [ME & OFr cas, an event < L casus, a chance, lit., falling, pp. of cadere, to fall < IE base * k̑ad , to fall > Sans s̍ad , to fall off] 1. an example, instance, or occurrence [a case of carelessness, a case of measles] 2 … English World dictionary
Case-cle (jeu d'echecs) — Case clé (jeu d échecs) Cet article utilise la notation algébrique pour décrire des coups du jeu d échecs. La case clé (en allemand, Schlüsselfeld, en anglais, key square) est un concept du jeu d échecs qui trouve son application dans les finales … Wikipédia en Français
Case-clé (Jeu D'échecs) — Cet article utilise la notation algébrique pour décrire des coups du jeu d échecs. La case clé (en allemand, Schlüsselfeld, en anglais, key square) est un concept du jeu d échecs qui trouve son application dans les finales de pions en particulier … Wikipédia en Français
Case-clé (jeu d'échecs) — Cet article utilise la notation algébrique pour décrire des coups du jeu d échecs. La case clé (en allemand, Schlüsselfeld, en anglais, key square) est un concept du jeu d échecs qui trouve son application dans les finales de pions en particulier … Wikipédia en Français
Case efficace — Case clé (jeu d échecs) Cet article utilise la notation algébrique pour décrire des coups du jeu d échecs. La case clé (en allemand, Schlüsselfeld, en anglais, key square) est un concept du jeu d échecs qui trouve son application dans les finales … Wikipédia en Français