Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 WHO

    [hu:] 1. pronoun
    ((used as the subject of a verb) what person(s)(?): Who is that woman in the green hat?; Who did that?; Who won?; Do you know who all these people are?) kto
    2. relative pronoun
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously to distinguish him or them from others: used as the subject of a verb: usually replaceable by that) (the) one(s) that: The man who/that telephoned was a friend of yours; A doctor is a person who looks after people's health.) ktorý
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud, gave him a hug.) ktorý
    3. pronoun
    1) (no matter who: Whoever rings, tell him/them I'm out.) ktokoľvek
    2) ((also who ever) used in questions to express surprise etc: Whoever said that?) kto
    4. relative pronoun
    (used as the object of a verb or preposition but in everyday speech sometimes replaced by who)
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously, to distinguish him or them from others: able to be omitted or replaced by that except when following a preposition) (the) one(s) that: The man (whom/that) you mentioned is here; Today I met some friends (whom/that) I hadn't seen for ages; This is the man to whom I gave it; This is the man (whom/who/that) I gave it to.) ktorý
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud of him, gave him a hug.) ktorý
    * * *
    • Svetová zdravotnícka orga

    English-Slovak dictionary > WHO

  • 2 who

    [hu:] 1. pronoun
    ((used as the subject of a verb) what person(s)(?): Who is that woman in the green hat?; Who did that?; Who won?; Do you know who all these people are?) kto
    2. relative pronoun
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously to distinguish him or them from others: used as the subject of a verb: usually replaceable by that) (the) one(s) that: The man who/that telephoned was a friend of yours; A doctor is a person who looks after people's health.) ktorý
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud, gave him a hug.) ktorý
    3. pronoun
    1) (no matter who: Whoever rings, tell him/them I'm out.) ktokoľvek
    2) ((also who ever) used in questions to express surprise etc: Whoever said that?) kto
    4. relative pronoun
    (used as the object of a verb or preposition but in everyday speech sometimes replaced by who)
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously, to distinguish him or them from others: able to be omitted or replaced by that except when following a preposition) (the) one(s) that: The man (whom/that) you mentioned is here; Today I met some friends (whom/that) I hadn't seen for ages; This is the man to whom I gave it; This is the man (whom/who/that) I gave it to.) ktorý
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud of him, gave him a hug.) ktorý
    * * *
    • koho
    • ktorý
    • kto

    English-Slovak dictionary > who

  • 3 who'd

    (short for who would, who should, who had.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > who'd

  • 4 who'll

    (short for who shall, who will.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > who'll

  • 5 who's

    (short for who is, who has.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > who's

  • 6 who cares

    • ktože sa stará

    English-Slovak dictionary > who cares

  • 7 who else

    • kto iný
    • kto ešte

    English-Slovak dictionary > who else

  • 8 who goes there

    • kto tam

    English-Slovak dictionary > who goes there

  • 9 who's speaking

    • kto volá

    English-Slovak dictionary > who's speaking

  • 10 know who's who

    (to know which people are important.) poznať vplyvné osoby

    English-Slovak dictionary > know who's who

  • 11 no matter who

    (whoever, whatever, wherever etc: No matter what happens, I'll go.) ktokoľvek, čokoľvek, kdekoľvek

    English-Slovak dictionary > no matter who

  • 12 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) súdiť
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) rozhodovať
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) hodnotiť; odhadnúť
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) posudzovať, súdiť
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) sudca, -kyňa
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) rozhodca
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) znalec
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    • uzatvárat
    • usúdit
    • usudzovat
    • vládnut
    • vyšetrovat
    • znalec
    • sudca
    • súdit
    • expert
    • hodnotit
    • domnievat sa
    • riešit
    • rozhodca
    • rozsúdit
    • rozhodnút
    • rozriešit
    • posúdit
    • posudzovat
    • považovat za
    • posudzovatel
    • kritizovat
    • mat za to
    • nazdávat sa
    • odborník
    • odhadnút
    • odsudzovat
    • ocenit
    • ocenovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > judge

  • 13 queen

    1) (a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth: the Queen of England; Queen Elizabeth II.) kráľovná
    2) (the wife of a king: The king and his queen were both present.) kráľovná
    3) (a woman who is in some way important, excellent or special: a beauty queen; a movie queen.) kráľovná
    4) (a playing-card with a picture of a queen on it: I have two aces and a queen.) kráľ, kráľovná
    5) (an important chess-piece: a bishop, a king and a queen.) dáma
    6) (the egg-laying female of certain kinds of insect (especially bees, ants and wasps).) kráľovná
    7) ((slang) a homosexual man who assumes the female role.) homosexuál v úlohe ženy
    - queen mother
    * * *
    • dáma (v šachu)
    • královná

    English-Slovak dictionary > queen

  • 14 engineer

    1) (a person who designs, makes, or works with, machinery: an electrical engineer.) inžinier, -ka
    2) ((usually civil engineer) a person who designs, constructs, or maintains roads, railways, bridges, sewers etc.) stavebný inžinier
    3) (an officer who manages a ship's engines.) lodný inžinier; technik
    4) ((American) an engine-driver.) strojvodca
    * * *
    • ženista
    • strojár
    • technik
    • inžinier

    English-Slovak dictionary > engineer

  • 15 junior

    ['‹u:njə] 1. noun, adjective
    ((a person who is) younger in years or lower in rank or authority: He is two years my junior; The school sent two juniors and one senior to take part; junior pupils; He is junior to me in the firm; the junior school.) mladší (súrodenec, žiak, zamestnanec ap.)
    2. adjective
    ((often abbreviated to Jnr, Jr or Jun. when written) used to indicate the son of a person who is still alive and who has the same name: John Jones Junior.) junior
    3. noun
    ((especially American) a name for the child (usually a son) of a family: Do bring Junior!) malý
    * * *
    • vedlajší
    • žiak nižšej strednej škol
    • syn
    • synátor
    • štud. v predposled. rocní
    • druhý
    • junior
    • juniorský
    • dieta
    • podriadený
    • pomocný
    • mladé dievca
    • malý
    • mladší barrister
    • mladší úradník
    • mladší clen kolektívu
    • menej významný
    • mladší
    • mladší pracovník
    • mladší zamestnanec
    • nižší

    English-Slovak dictionary > junior

  • 16 pioneer

    1. noun
    1) (a person who goes to a new, often uninhabited or uncivilized (part of a) country to live and work there: The American pioneers; ( also adjective) a pioneer family.) pionier; pioniersky
    2) (a person who is the first to study some new subject, or use or develop a new technique etc: Joseph Lister was one of the pioneers of modern medicine; The Wright brothers were the pioneers of aeroplane flight.) priekopník
    2. verb
    (to be the first to do or make: Who pioneered the use of vaccine for preventing polio?) raziť cestu (čomu)
    * * *
    • priekopník

    English-Slovak dictionary > pioneer

  • 17 race

    I 1. [reis] noun
    (a competition to find who or which is the fastest: a horse race.) preteky; dostihy
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) run in a race: I'm racing my horse on Saturday; The horse is racing against five others.) pretekať
    2) (to have a competition with (someone) to find out who is the fastest: I'll race you to that tree.) bežať o preteky (s)
    3) (to go etc quickly: He raced along the road on his bike.) uháňať, ísť plnou parou
    - racecourse
    - racehorse
    - racetrack
    - racing-car
    - a race against time
    - the races
    II [reis]
    1) (any one section of mankind, having a particular set of characteristics which make it different from other sections: the Negro race; the white races; ( also adjective) race relations.) rasa; rasový
    2) (the fact of belonging to any of these various sections: the problem of race.) rasa
    3) (a group of people who share the same culture, language etc; the Anglo-Saxon race.) kmeň
    - racialism
    - racialist
    - the human race
    - of mixed race
    * * *
    • vrtulový prúd
    • závodit
    • sútaž
    • ulicka
    • preteky
    • pretekat sa
    • druh
    • drážka
    • dráha
    • kasta
    • beh
    • bežat
    • cesta
    • rýchlo dopravovat
    • rasový
    • rýchlo sa otácat
    • riava
    • prúd
    • rasa
    • plemeno
    • pokolenie
    • pôvod
    • postavit do pretekov
    • náhlit sa
    • odroda

    English-Slovak dictionary > race

  • 18 receiver

    1) (the part of a telephone which is held to one's ear.) slúchadlo
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals.) prijímač
    3) (a person who receives stolen goods.) prechovávač, priekupník (kradnutých vecí)
    4) (a person who is appointed to take control of the business of someone who has gone bankrupt.) konkurzný správca (pri bankrote)
    5) (a stereo amplifier with a built-in radio.) rádiový prijímač (so zosilňovačom)
    * * *
    • vyberac
    • zásobník
    • zvon (vývevy)
    • slúchadlo
    • správca majetku
    • telegraf
    • telegrafný prístroj
    • prijímac
    • prechovávac
    • príjemca
    • rozhlasový prijímac
    • púzdro uzáveru (pušky)
    • pokladník
    • konkurzný správca
    • nádrž
    • nádoba

    English-Slovak dictionary > receiver

  • 19 senior

    ['si:njə] 1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (a person who is) older in years or higher in rank or authority: John is senior to me by two years; He is two years my senior; senior army officers.) starší
    2) ((American) a student in his/her last year in college or high school.) študent v poslednom ročníku, resp. semestri
    2. adjective
    ((often abbreviated to Snr, Sr or Sen. when written) used to indicate the father of a person who is alive and who has the same name: John Jones Senior.) starší
    - senior citizen
    * * *
    • skôr narodený
    • starší
    • najstarší
    • nadriadený

    English-Slovak dictionary > senior

  • 20 slave

    [sleiv] 1. noun
    1) (a person who works for a master to whom he belongs: In the nineteenth century many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States.) otrok, -kyňa
    2) (a person who works very hard for someone else: He has a slave who types his letters and organizes his life for him.) otrok
    2. verb
    (to work very hard, often for another person: I've been slaving away for you all day while you sit and watch television.) otročiť
    * * *
    • zotrocený clovek
    • zotrocit
    • servomotor
    • sprostý chlap
    • udriet
    • driet
    • driet ako otrok
    • hrdlacit
    • otrocit
    • otrokársky
    • otrok
    • otrokyna
    • otrocký
    • pomocný
    • pomocné zariadenie
    • podriadený
    • nevolník
    • opakovací kompas

    English-Slovak dictionary > slave

См. также в других словарях:

  • who — [ hu ] pronoun *** Who can be used in the following ways: as a question pronoun (introducing a direct or indirect question): Who s going to drive? I wonder who they chose to be captain. Who did you give the money to? as a relative pronoun… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • who — W1S1 [hu:] pron [: Old English; Origin: hwa] 1.) used to ask or talk about which person is involved, or what the name of a person is ▪ Who locked the door? ▪ Who do you work for? ▪ Who s that guy with your wife? ▪ They never found out who the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Who I Am — Studioalbum von Nick Jonas the Administration Veröffentlichung 19. Januar 2010 Aufnahme 2009/2010 Lab …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Who — Who, pron. [Possess. {whose}; object. {Whom}.] [OE. who, wha, AS. hw[=a], interrogative pron., neut. hw[ae]t; akin to OFries. hwa, neut. hwet, OS. hw[=e], neut. hwat, D. wie, neut. wat, G. wer, neut. was, OHG. wer, hwer, neut. waz, hwaz, Icel.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Who — *Who (pronoun) is an English language interrogative pronoun.In Fiction* Who? (novel) , a 1958 novel by science fiction author Algis Budrys, turned into a film with the same title in 1973 * Doctor Who , a British science fiction television series …   Wikipedia

  • Who Is It — Single par Michael Jackson extrait de l’album Dangerous Sortie aout 1992 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • who — [ho͞o] pron. [ME who, ho, hwo < OE hwa, masc. & fem., hwæt, neut., who? what? (akin to L qui): for IE base see WHAT] 1. what or which person or persons: used to introduce a direct, indirect, or implied question [who is he? I asked who he was;… …   English World dictionary

  • Who I Am — may refer to:Albums: * Who I Am (Jessica Andrews album) * Who I Am (Alan Jackson album) * Who I Am (Daron Jones album) * Who I Am (Beverley Knight album) * Who I Am (Amy Pearson album) * Who I Am , by Gary Wright * Who I Am , an album by Alice… …   Wikipedia

  • Who me? — was a top secret sulfurous stench weapon developed by the American Office of Strategic Services during World War II to be used by the French Resistance against German officers. Who Me? smelled strongly of fecal matter, and was issued in pocket… …   Wikipedia

  • who — O.E. hwa, from P.Gmc. *khwas, *khwes, *khwo (Cf. O.S. hwe, Dan. hvo, Swed. vem, O.Fris. hwa, Du. wie, O.H.G. hwer, Ger. wer, Goth. hvo (fem.) who ), from PIE *qwos/*qwes (Cf. Skt. kah …   Etymology dictionary

  • who'll — (who will) v. which will, that will (used together with another verb to indicate future tense) who ll (who shall) v. who, who will, one who will (added to directive verbs in the future tense) …   English contemporary dictionary

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