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  • 1 whitesmith

    n. פחח, חרש פחים, מתקן פח; מלטש מתכת
    * * *
    תכתמ שטלמ ;חפ ןקתמ,םיחפ שרח,חחפ

    English-Hebrew dictionary > whitesmith

См. также в других словарях:

  • Whitesmith — White smith , n. 1. One who works in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron; a tinsmith. [1913 Webster] 2. A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whitesmith — [hwīt′smith΄, wīt′smith΄] n. 1. a worker in white metals; esp., a tinsmith 2. a worker in iron who does finishing, polishing, or galvanizing …   English World dictionary

  • Whitesmith — A whitesmith is a person who works with white or light colored metals such as tin and pewter. While blacksmiths work mostly with hot metal, whitesmiths do the majority of their work on cold metal (although they might use a forge to shape their… …   Wikipedia

  • whitesmith — noun Date: 14th century 1. tinsmith 2. a worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • whitesmith — /hwuyt smith , wuyt /, n. a tinsmith. [1275 1325; ME, modeled on BLACKSMITH] * * * …   Universalium

  • whitesmith — noun A person who forges things out of tin or pewter. A tinsmith …   Wiktionary

  • whitesmith — n. person who makes or fixes objects made from white metals; tinsmith, person who works in tin or tin plate; metal polisher, person who does finish work, one who polishes forged metal objects …   English contemporary dictionary

  • whitesmith — noun a person who makes articles out of metal, especially tin. Origin ME: from white (denoting ‘white iron’, i.e. tin) + smith …   English new terms dictionary

  • whitesmith — white•smith [[t]ˈ(h)waɪtˌsmɪθ, ˈwaɪt [/t]] n. a tinsmith • Etymology: 1275–1325 …   From formal English to slang

  • whitesmith — /ˈwaɪtsmɪθ/ (say wuytsmith) noun → tinsmith …  

  • whitesmith — n. 1 a worker in tin. 2 a polisher or finisher of metal goods …   Useful english dictionary

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