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  • 1 white meat

    beyaz et

    English-Turkish dictionary > white meat

  • 2 white meat

    beyaz et

    English-Turkish dictionary > white meat

  • 3 white meat

    beyaz et

    English-Turkish new dictionary > white meat

  • 4 off

    adj. uzak, sapa, ters, öteki, sağdaki, çıkmış, bozuk, devre dışı, kapalı, kötü, yorgun, çıkarılmış, olası
    adv. uzak, uzağa, uzakta, çıkmış, kopuk, geçersiz, kesik, kapalı, tamamen, izinli
    interj. defol
    n. başlangıç, baş
    prep. den, dan, dışında, haricinde, izinli, olası
    v. öldürmek
    * * *
    1. dışarı (adv.) 2. dışarda (adj.) 3. kapalı
    * * *
    [of] 1. adverb
    1) (away (from a place, time etc): He walked off; She cut her hair off; The holidays are only a week off; She took off her coat.) uzak, uzağa, uzakta
    2) (not working; not giving power etc: The water's off; Switch off the light.) kapalı, durmuş, sönük
    3) (not at work: He's taking tomorrow off; He's off today.) izinli, çalışmayan
    4) (completely: Finish off your work.) tamamen
    5) (not as good as usual, or as it should be: His work has gone off recently;) herzamanki kadar iyi olmamak
    6) ((of food) rotten: This milk has gone off - we can't drink it; ( also adjective) That meat is certainly off.) bozulmuş, kokmuş
    7) (out of a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got off.) araçtan inme
    8) (cancelled: The marriage is off.) iptal edilmiş
    2. preposition
    1) (away from; down from: It fell off the table; a mile off the coast; He cut about five centimetres off my hair.)...-den öteye, uzağa
    2) (not wanting or allowed to have (food etc): The child is off his food.) kaçınan, terk etmiş
    3) (out of (a vehicle, train etc): We got off the bus.) (bir araç)tan dışarıya
    - off-colour
    - offhand
    3. adverb
    (without thinking about something first: I can't tell you the answer offhand.) ha deyince, hemencecik
    - offhandedness
    - offshore
    - offside
    4. adjective
    ((of a vehicle etc) on the side nearest to the centre of the road: the front offside wheel.) yol tarafında olan, en sol taraf
    - badly, well off
    - be off with you!
    - in the offing
    - off and on / on and off
    - the off season

    English-Turkish dictionary > off

См. также в других словарях:

  • White meat — White White (hw[imac]t), a. [Compar. {Whiter} (hw[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Whitest}.] [OE. whit, AS. hw[imac]t; akin to OFries. and OS. hw[=i]t, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. w[=i]z, hw[=i]z, Icel. hv[=i]tr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • white meat — noun uncount 1. ) meat such as chicken or PORK that is pale after you have cooked it. Meat that is dark after cooking is called red meat. 2. ) meat from the top part of a bird, for example its wing or its breast. Meat from the lower part is… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • white meat — meat of poultry, pigs, etc., as opposed to red meat, is recorded from 1752; earlier it meant foods prepared from milk (early 15c.). Black slang sense of white women as sex partners is from 1920s …   Etymology dictionary

  • white meat — n. 1. any light colored meat, as veal, pork, the breast of poultry, etc. 2. [ME hwitmete < OE: see WHITE & MEAT] Now Dial. cheese, butter, or some other dairy product …   English World dictionary

  • white meat — white meats N UNCOUNT: also N in pl White meat is meat such as chicken and pork, which is pale in colour after it has been cooked …   English dictionary

  • white meat — n [U] the pale coloured meat from the breast, wings etc of a cooked chicken, ↑turkey, or other bird →↑redmeat …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • white meat — ► NOUN ▪ pale meat such as poultry, veal, and rabbit …   English terms dictionary

  • White meat — Roast chicken, the most commonly eaten white meat White meat or light meat refers to the lighter colored meat of poultry as contrasted with dark meat. In a more general sense, white meat may also refer to any lighter colored meat, as contrasted… …   Wikipedia

  • white meat —    1. the breast of cooked poultry    As with dark meat1, now standard English, with Victorian prudery forgotten.    2. a white woman viewed sexually    The converse of dark meat2, but also used of the aspirations of a white man living among… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • white meat — a commercial measure of fish flesh colour, e.g. canned tuna is white meat or white tuna when it has a diffused luminous reflectance of not less than 33.7% of that of magnesium oxide when measured by a prescribed method. Equivalent to 6.3 Munsell… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • white-meat tuna — noun Etymology: white meat : albacore; also : the canned flesh of this fish …   Useful english dictionary

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