Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 white horse

    noun ((usually in plural) a wave that has a crest of white foam.) objecto sem utilidade
    * * *
    white horse
    [wait h'ɔ:s] n 1 cavalo branco. 2 crista de onda. 3 = link=%20whitecap whitecap.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > white horse

  • 2 white horse

    noun ((usually in plural) a wave that has a crest of white foam.) carneiro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > white horse

  • 3 white

    1. adjective
    1) (of the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: The bride wore a white dress.) branco
    2) (having light-coloured skin, through being of European etc descent: the first white man to explore Africa.) branco
    3) (abnormally pale, because of fear, illness etc: He went white with shock.) branco
    4) (with milk in it: A white coffee, please.) com leite
    2. noun
    1) (the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: White and black are opposites.) branco
    2) (a white-skinned person: racial trouble between blacks and whites.) branco
    3) ((also egg-white) the clear fluid in an egg, surrounding the yolk: This recipe tells you to separate the yolks from the whites.) clara
    4) ((of an eye) the white part surrounding the pupil and iris: The whites of her eyes are bloodshot.) branco dos olhos
    - whiteness
    - whitening
    - whitish
    - white-collar
    - white elephant
    - white horse
    - white-hot
    - white lie
    - whitewash
    3. verb
    (to cover with whitewash.) caiar
    - white wine
    * * *
    [wait] n 1 branco (cor, pessoa ou objeto). 2 brancura, alvura. 3 whites roupas brancas. • vt branquear, alvejar. • adj 1 branco ou quase branco, alvo. 2 pálido, lívido. 3 claro, transparente. 4 nevoso. 5 prateado, da cor da prata, grisalho, encanecido. 6 vestido de branco. 7 fig puro, imaculado, inocente, ingênuo. 8 sl limpo, direito, correto. 9 sl frio, rude. 10 real, reacionário, monarquista. as white as a sheet branco como cera. dressed in white vestido de branco. he turns up the white of his eyes ele vira os olhos. they bled him white roubaram-no até a camisa, deixaram-no de tanga. white of the eye branco do olho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > white

  • 4 white

    1. adjective
    1) (of the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: The bride wore a white dress.) branco
    2) (having light-coloured skin, through being of European etc descent: the first white man to explore Africa.) branco
    3) (abnormally pale, because of fear, illness etc: He went white with shock.) branco
    4) (with milk in it: A white coffee, please.) com leite
    2. noun
    1) (the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: White and black are opposites.) branco
    2) (a white-skinned person: racial trouble between blacks and whites.) branco
    3) ((also egg-white) the clear fluid in an egg, surrounding the yolk: This recipe tells you to separate the yolks from the whites.) clara
    4) ((of an eye) the white part surrounding the pupil and iris: The whites of her eyes are bloodshot.) branco
    - whiteness - whitening - whitish - white-collar - white elephant - white horse - white-hot - white lie - whitewash 3. verb
    (to cover with whitewash.) caiar
    - white wine

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > white

  • 5 entitle

    1) (to give (a person) a right (to, or to do, something): You are not entitled to free school lunches; He was not entitled to borrow money from the cash box.) dar o direito
    2) (to give to (a book etc) as a title or name: a story entitled `The White Horse'.) intitular-se
    * * *
    [int'ait2l] vt 1 intitular, denominar, designar. 2 dar um direito, autorizar, habilitar. I am entitled to / tenho o direito, estou autorizado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > entitle

  • 6 entitle

    1) (to give (a person) a right (to, or to do, something): You are not entitled to free school lunches; He was not entitled to borrow money from the cash box.) autorizar
    2) (to give to (a book etc) as a title or name: a story entitled `The White Horse'.) intitular

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > entitle

  • 7 race

    I 1. [reis] noun
    (a competition to find who or which is the fastest: a horse race.) corrida
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) run in a race: I'm racing my horse on Saturday; The horse is racing against five others.) (fazer) correr
    2) (to have a competition with (someone) to find out who is the fastest: I'll race you to that tree.) fazer uma corrida
    3) (to go etc quickly: He raced along the road on his bike.) andar a toda a pressa
    - racecourse
    - racehorse
    - racetrack
    - racing-car
    - a race against time
    - the races
    II [reis]
    1) (any one section of mankind, having a particular set of characteristics which make it different from other sections: the Negro race; the white races; ( also adjective) race relations.) raça
    2) (the fact of belonging to any of these various sections: the problem of race.) raça
    3) (a group of people who share the same culture, language etc; the Anglo-Saxon race.) raça
    - racialism
    - racialist
    - the human race
    - of mixed race
    * * *
    [reis] n 1 corrida, carreira, qualquer competição de velocidade. 2 competição, rivalidade. 3 corrente de água. 4 movimento rápido, arremetida. 5 canal de um rio. 6 curso, decurso da vida. 7 canal, canalete. 8 Mech corrediça (de rolamento). • vt+vi 1 competir ou fazer competir numa corrida, disputar. 2 correr, fazer correr, mover-se rapidamente. 3 correr numa disparada (motores, rodas, a hélice de um barco quando este é retirado da água, etc.). 4 bater fortemente (coração). a race against time corrida contra o tempo. auto race corrida automobilística. horse race corrida de cavalos. mill race calha de moinho, calha de adução. rat race corrida de ratos, competição exagerada. sprint race, speed race corrida de velocidade. to race away perder tudo nas corridas. to run a race participar de uma corrida. yacht race corrida de iates.
    [reis] n 1 raça humana. 2 estirpe, gênero, espécie. 3 descendência, prole. 4 família, tribo, gente, povo. 5 linhagem, geração, genealogia. 6 classe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > race

  • 8 race

    I 1. [reis] noun
    (a competition to find who or which is the fastest: a horse race.) corrida
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) run in a race: I'm racing my horse on Saturday; The horse is racing against five others.) correr
    2) (to have a competition with (someone) to find out who is the fastest: I'll race you to that tree.) apostar corrida
    3) (to go etc quickly: He raced along the road on his bike.) correr
    - racecourse - racehorse - racetrack - racing-car - a race against time - the races II [reis]
    1) (any one section of mankind, having a particular set of characteristics which make it different from other sections: the Negro race; the white races; ( also adjective) race relations.) raça
    2) (the fact of belonging to any of these various sections: the problem of race.) raça
    3) (a group of people who share the same culture, language etc; the Anglo-Saxon race.) raça, etnia
    - racialism - racialist - the human race - of mixed race

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > race

  • 9 grey

    [ɡrei] 1. adjective
    1) (of a mixture of colour between black and white: Ashes are grey.) cinzento
    2) (grey-haired: He's turning/going grey.) grisalho
    2. noun
    1) ((any shade of) a colour between black and white: Grey is rather a dull colour.) cinzento
    2) (something grey in colour: I never wear grey.) cinzento
    3. verb
    (to become grey or grey-haired.) ficar grisalho
    * * *
    [grei] n cor cinza, cor parda, roupa de cor cinza. • vt+vi 1 tornar de cor cinza, ficar cinzento. 2 envelhecer (população). • adj 1 cinzento, gris, pardo. 2 grisalho. 3 velho. 4 escuro, triste. 5 fig maduro, experimentado. the grey mare is the better horse é a mulher que manda em casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grey

  • 10 lead

    I 1. [li:d] past tense, past participle - led; verb
    1) (to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction: Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid!) levar
    2) (to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course: A small path leads through the woods.) conduzir
    3) ((with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs: The heavy rain led to serious floods.) dar origem
    4) (to be first (in): An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition.) ir à frente
    5) (to live (a certain kind of life): She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island.) levar
    2. noun
    1) (the front place or position: He has taken over the lead in the race.) liderança
    2) (the state of being first: We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research.) liderança
    3) (the act of leading: We all followed his lead.) chefia
    4) (the amount by which one is ahead of others: He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place).) vantagem
    5) (a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc: All dogs must be kept on a lead.) trela
    6) (a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc: The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief.) pista
    7) (a leading part in a play etc: Who plays the lead in that film?) papel principal
    - leadership
    - lead on
    - lead up the garden path
    - lead up to
    - lead the way
    II [led] noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) an element, a soft, heavy, bluish-grey metal: lead pipes; Are these pipes made of lead or copper?) chumbo
    2) (the part of a pencil that leaves a mark: The lead of my pencil has broken.) bico
    * * *
    [led] n 1 chumbo. 2 grafita. 3 sonda, prumo. 4 chapa para cobrir telhados. 5 bala de arma de fogo. • vt 1 cobrir, moldar, prender, etc. com chumbo. 2 Typogr prover com entrelinhas. • adj de chumbo. black lead grafita. red lead zarcão. to swing the lead coll dizer-se doente para escapar ao serviço. white lead alvaiade.
    [li:d] n 1 conduta, guia. 2 precedência. 3 direção, comando, liderança, primeiro lugar. 4 vanguarda. 5 exemplo, precedente. 6 orientação, indicação, pista, indício. 7 mão (nos jogos de cartas). 8 passagem através do gelo. 9 curso de água artificial. 10 correia para amarrar cachorro. 11 cabo condutor. 12 Theat papel principal. 13 Theat ator principal. 14 Box golpe. 15 trecho introdutório de um artigo de jornal. • vt+vi (ps and pp led) 1 ser o primeiro a encabeçar. 2 conduzir, guiar. 3 dirigir, comandar. 4 preceder. 5 persuadir, induzir, liderar, orientar. 6 jogar de mão (cartas). 7 reger (orquestra). 8 levar, passar (a vida). a lead of uma dianteira (em corrida). to have the lead ser o líder. to lead a healthy life levar uma vida saudável. to lead astray desviar, desencaminhar. to lead away conduzir, levar. to lead captive aprisionar, prender. to lead off dar início, começar. to lead on arrastar, seduzir, influenciar. to lead the way preceder, mostrar o caminho. to lead up to a) conduzir a conversação para determinado assunto. b) conduzir em direção a. c) aplanar o caminho. to take the lead a) assumir o comando. b) tomar a iniciativa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lead

  • 11 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) mostrar
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) ver-se
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) exibir
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) mostrar
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) conduzir
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) mostrar
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) provar
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) mostrar
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) espectáculo
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) exibição
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) fingimento
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) aparência
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) exibição
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃou] n 1 mostra, exibição. she made a show of her new dress / ela exibiu seu vestido novo. 2 espetáculo, exposição. it is on show / está exposto, em exposição. the newest film now showing / o filme mais novo em cartaz. 3 aparência, demonstração, aspecto. your garden makes a fine show / seu jardim é muito bonito. 4 aparência falsa, pretexto. 5 traço, indício, vestígio. 6 coll divertimento, entretenimento. he always steals the show / ele toma conta do espetáculo, chama a atenção. • vt+vi 1 mostrar, expor, exibir. it shows dirt / suja facilmente. he showed his teeth / ele mostrou os dentes. 2 revelar, manifestar, demonstrar. he showed his feelings / sua expressão facial (ou corporal) revelou seus sentimentos. 3 aparecer, estar visível. it does not show / não é visível. never show your face again! / nunca mais apareça aqui! 4 indicar, mostrar. time will show it / o tempo mostrá-lo-á. his work shows him to be a gifted writer / seu trabalho demonstra ser ele um escritor talentoso. we showed him the door / mostramos-lhe a porta, fig pusemo-lo para fora. 5 dirigir, guiar, conduzir. 6 explicar, esclarecer. 7 salientar, ressaltar. 8 provar. 9 conceder. 10 coll classificar-se (numa corrida). don’t give the show away coll não fale nada, guarde segredo. he runs/ bosses the whole show ele toma conta do negócio todo. show him mercy! perdoa-lhe! show of hands votação levantando as mãos. show yourself a man mostre que é homem. to give one a fair show dar a alguém uma oportunidade. to have something to show for mostrar serviço, mostrar resultados. to put up a good show fazer uma boa tentativa. to show forth anunciar. to show in mandar entrar, acompanhar para dentro. to show off aparecer com todo o brilho, salientar-se, destacar-se, exibir-se, ostentar. to show one’s hand pôr as cartas na mesa. to show someone out acompanhar alguém até a porta. to show the white feather fugir. to show up a) aparecer, apresentar-se, mostrar-se. b) desmascarar-se. c) acompanhar para cima. to show up against destacar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > show

См. также в других словарях:

  • White Horse — White Horse, NJ U.S. Census Designated Place in New Jersey Population (2000): 9373 Housing Units (2000): 3818 Land area (2000): 3.186118 sq. miles (8.252007 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.132135 sq. miles (0.342228 sq. km) Total area (2000):… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • White Horse, NJ — U.S. Census Designated Place in New Jersey Population (2000): 9373 Housing Units (2000): 3818 Land area (2000): 3.186118 sq. miles (8.252007 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.132135 sq. miles (0.342228 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.318253 sq. miles… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • White Horse, SD — U.S. Census Designated Place in South Dakota Population (2000): 180 Housing Units (2000): 39 Land area (2000): 3.152266 sq. miles (8.164330 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.038697 sq. miles (0.100224 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.190963 sq. miles… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • White horse — A large mass of tough sinewy substance in the head of sperm whales, just above the upper jaw and extending in streaks into the junk above it. It resembles blubber, but contains no oil. Also, the part of the head in which it occurs. [Webster 1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • White (horse) — True white horses, especially those that carry the White or W gene, are rare. Most horses that are commonly referred to as white are actually gray horses whose hair coats are completely white. [ [http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/coatcolor.php… …   Wikipedia

  • White Horse — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado con White Horse (canción) (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. «White Horse» …   Wikipedia Español

  • White Horse — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. White Horse ou Whitehorse, terme anglais signifiant en français « cheval blanc », peut désigner : la Ville de Whitehorse, une zone d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • White Horse — Бутылка виски «White Horse» White Horse (русск. Уайт Хорс «белая лошадь») марка одного из известных шотландских купажированных виски (в простонародье скотча). Купаж состоит на 30% из солодового виски с основой из Glen Elgin и Craigellachie, и 70% …   Википедия

  • White Horse — Whitehorse oder White Horse bezeichnet: Whitehorse, Stadt in Kanada Whitehorse City, Verwaltungseinheit in Australien Whitehorse (South Dakota), Gemeindefreies Gebiet in den USA White Horse (South Dakota), Gemeindefreies Gebiet in den USA White… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • White Horse — Original name in latin White Horse Name in other language State code US Continent/City America/New York longitude 40.19067 latitude 74.70238 altitude 29 Population 9494 Date 2011 05 14 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • White Horse (disambiguation) — White Horse generally refers to horses with a white coat, pink skin and blue eyes. The term may also refer to:Villages, towns, and cities* City of Whitehorse, Victoria, Australia * Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, named after the White Horse Rapids on… …   Wikipedia

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