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с турецкого на английский


  • 1 rotten

    adj. çürümüş, çürük, bozuk, cılk, kokuşmuş, kokmuş, berbat, rezalet, çok kötü
    * * *
    1. çürü (v.) 2. çürük (adj.)
    * * *
    1) ((of meat, fruit etc) having gone bad; decayed: rotten vegetables.) çürük, çürümüş
    2) (bad; mean: What rotten luck!; It was a rotten thing to do.) berbat

    English-Turkish dictionary > rotten

  • 2 stroke

    n. çarpma, vuruş, darbe, başarı, saat vuruşu, tarz, hareket, davranış, fırça darbesi, inme, felç, okşama, okşayış
    v. vurmak, okşamak, sıvazlamak
    * * *
    1. inme 2. okşa (v.) 3. vuruş (n.) 4. vuruş
    * * *
    [strəuk] I noun
    1) (an act of hitting, or the blow given: He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe; the stroke of a whip.) vuruş, darbe
    2) (a sudden occurrence of something: a stroke of lightning; an unfortunate stroke of fate; What a stroke of luck to find that money!) beklenmedik/umulmadık bir olay
    3) (the sound made by a clock striking the hour: She arrived on the stroke of (= punctually at) ten.) vuruş
    4) (a movement or mark made in one direction by a pen, pencil, paintbrush etc: short, even pencil strokes.) darbe
    5) (a single pull of an oar in rowing, or a hit with the bat in playing cricket.) tek bir kürek darbesi, tek bir vuruş
    6) (a movement of the arms and legs in swimming, or a particular method of swimming: He swam with slow, strong strokes; Can you do breaststroke/backstroke?) kulaç (atma)
    7) (an effort or action: I haven't done a stroke (of work) all day.) nebze, parça
    8) (a sudden attack of illness which damages the brain, causing paralysis, loss of feeling in the body etc.) inme, felç
    II 1. verb
    (to rub (eg a furry animal) gently and repeatedly in one direction, especially as a sign of affection: He stroked the cat / her hair; The dog loves being stroked.) okşamak, sıvazlamak
    2. noun
    (an act of stroking: He gave the dog a stroke.) okşama

    English-Turkish dictionary > stroke

См. также в других словарях:

  • what — /wɒt / (say wot) pronoun (interrogative) 1. (used to ask for the specifying of some impersonal thing): what is your name? what did he do? 2. (used to inquire as to the nature, character, class, origin, etc., of a thing or person): what is that… …  

  • what — /hwut, hwot, wut, wot/; unstressed /hweuht, weuht/, pron. 1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter? 2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he… …   Universalium

  • what — [[t](h)wʌt, (h)wɒt, wʌt, wɒt[/t]] unstressed [[t](h)wət, wət[/t]] pron. 1) fun (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter?[/ex] 2) fun (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc.,… …   From formal English to slang

  • WHAT — adj., pron., & adv. interrog.adj. 1 asking for a choice from an indefinite number or for a statement of amount, number, or kind (what books have you read?; what news have you?). 2 colloq. = WHICH interrog.adj. (what book have you chosen?). adj.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • luck — [luk] n. [ME lucke, prob. < MDu luk, contr. < gelucke < ODu * gilukki (> Ger glück, fortune, good luck) < ? IE base * leug , to bend (> LEEK, LOCK1): basic sense “what bends together,” hence, “what occurs, what is fitting, lucky …   English World dictionary

  • Luck egalitarianism — is a view about distributive justice espoused by a variety of egalitarian and left wing political philosophers. According to this view, justice demands that variations in how well off people are should be wholly attributable to the responsible… …   Wikipedia

  • What If? 2 — subtitled Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been , is a collection of twenty five essays dealing with counterfactual history. It was published by G.P. Putnam s Sons in 2001, ISBN 0 399 14795 0, and edited by Robert Cowley. It is the suc …   Wikipedia

  • Luck — For other uses, see Luck (disambiguation). Good luck redirects here. For other uses, see Good Luck (disambiguation). A four leaf clover is often considered to bestow good luck. Luck or fortuity is good fortune which occurs beyond one s control,… …   Wikipedia

  • luck — luck1 [ lʌk ] noun uncount ** 1. ) success that you have by chance and not because of anything you do: John never had much luck with girls. wish someone luck (in/with something): We d all like to wish you luck in your new job. 2. ) an influence… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • What-a-Cartoon — World Premiere Toons (1995 1996) What a Cartoon! Show (1996 2001) The Cartoon Cartoon Show (2001 2008) The intertitle to the first compilation of the shorts, titled The What a Cartoon! Show. (1997) Genre …   Wikipedia

  • luck — luck1 W3S2 [lʌk] n [U] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(success)¦ 2 bad luck 3¦(chance)¦ 4 with (any) luck/with a bit of luck 5 wish somebody (the best of) luck 6 good luck/best of luck 7 good luck to somebody 8 any luck?/no luck? 9 be in luck …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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