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  • 21 what under the canopy..?

    амер.; разг.
    (what under the (God's) canopy..?)
    что за безобразие?, что за чёрт?, какого чёрта?

    What under the canopy are you up to now, making such a litter on my kitchen floor? (H. Beecher Stowe, ‘Oldtown Folks’, ch. XI) — Почему, черт возьми, ты так насорил у меня в кухне?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > what under the canopy..?

  • 22 God knows I don't

    expr excl infml

    "What'll happen to you or your family?" "God knows I don't!" — "А что будет с вами или вашей семьей?" - "А бог его знает!"

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > God knows I don't

  • 23 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb

    ≈ Бог по силе крест налагает (отсюда temper the wind to the shorn lamb; см. temper the wind to the shorn lamb) [это выражение с французского языка перевёл Л. Стерн в "Сентиментальном путешествии", который, по мнению Бруэра, "did not improve the sense in substituting lamb for sheep; for lambs are never shorn"]

    ‘And what about you, Elliott?’ I asked. ‘Oh, I'm not complaining,’ he answered airily. ‘God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.’ (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Razor's Edge’, ch. III) — - Как дела, Эллиот? - спросил я. - Не жалуюсь, - сразу же ответил он. - Как говорится, Бог по силе крест налагает.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb

  • 24 God (goodness, heaven или lord) knows!

       oднoму бoгу извecтнo; видит бoг
        'What do you suppose it's about?' 'God knows' (J. Steinbeck). Heaven knows, I am a good-natured woman, but there are limits to everything (W. S. Maugham). 'Lord knows, we did spend a lot of money up there' (G. Vidal)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > God (goodness, heaven или lord) knows!

  • 25 God's truth

       cвятaя, иcтиннaя, cущaя пpaвдa (cp. иcтинa в пocлeднeй инcтaнции)
        That's exactly what's coming to you if you don't tell me the God's truth (E. S. Gardner). 'You don't want to take every rumour you hear as gospel truth,' said Mrs Saithe (M. Dickens)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > God's truth

  • 26 God-awful

    (разговорное) ужасный, безобразный - what a * thing to say! разве можно говорить такие чудовищные вещи!

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > God-awful

  • 27 what

    pron što; koliko! (eksklamativno: # he has suffered ! = koliko je trpio!), koje / # for ? = čemu?, zbog čega ?; # next ? = a onda ?, a što još?, što sad slijedi? ; well, # of it ? = no, pa što onda?, što hoćeš s tim ? ; # not = što bilo, kakva god stvarčica; # if = što ako, pa što (kad bi tako bilo); # of that ? = što to smeta ?, to ne mari ništa ; to know #'s # = znati o čemu se radi, biti upućen, dobro rasuđivati; [coll] # is he like ? = kakav je on ? ; # though (we are poor) = pa što ako (smo siromašni); # about ? = što je ( novo) ?, a što ( s tim) ? ; and # not ( ili and # have you) = i tome slično, i svašta drugo; I know # = imam ideju; I'll tell you # = reći ću ti nešto; [coll] but # = a da ne (not a day comes but # makes a change); koji ne (not a man but # likes her); # with... end (# with) = zbog raznih razloga; što zbog... što zbog... ( # with his conduct and with ( # with) his courage = što svojim ponašanjem, što svojom srčanošću); #'s up ? = što se zbiva?, što je ?; Mr. # -do -you-call-him, Mr. #'s-his-name = onaj gospodin, kako mu je ono ime
    * * *


    English-Croatian dictionary > what

  • 28 what great thing soever

    • kolika god stvar; ma kolika stvar

    English-Serbian dictionary > what great thing soever

  • 29 What is it: the man only a blunder of God, or God only a blunder of man?

    <01> Как правильно сказать: человек – всего лишь ошибка бога, или бог – всего лишь ошибка человека? Nietzsche (Ницше).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > What is it: the man only a blunder of God, or God only a blunder of man?

  • 30 God suggests what's the best

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > God suggests what's the best

  • 31 God damn it, what do you think you're doing?

    Ты, чёрт побери, хоть соображаешь, что делаешь?

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > God damn it, what do you think you're doing?

  • 32 God only knows what this means!

    Бог знает что!

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > God only knows what this means!

  • 33 What under the God's canopy?

    Что же в конце концов? Что же, чёрт возьми?

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > What under the God's canopy?

  • 34 in God's name!

    (in God's (или heaven's) name! (тж. уст. in the name of fortune, God, goodness, heaven, thunder или wonder!))
    ради бога!, боже мой!, господи!, ради всего святого! (восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду и т. п.) [in the name of God этим. лат. in nomine domini]

    What in the name of fortune have they been doing to you? (Th. Hughes, ‘Tom Brown at Oxford’, ch. IX) — Боже мой, что они с вами сделали?

    She pulled the window open and managed to put one foot through the opening. ‘Nan, what in heaven's name are you doing?’ said Bill's voice from behind her. (J. Murdoch, ‘The Sandcastle’. ch. 12) — Нэн открыла окно и сумела просунуть в щель ногу. - Ради всего святого, Нэн, что ты делаешь? - послышался голос Билла за ее спиной.

    What in God's name is the point of telling me that there's nothing I can do? (C. P. Snow, ‘The Sleep of Reason’, ch. 32) — Видит бог, нет смысла говорить мне, что я ничего не могу сделать для моей племянницы.

    What, in the name of heaven, was the use of that? (J. Aldridge, ‘The Last Exile’, ch. LXXII) — А кому, прости господи, все это нужно?

    ‘...Did you have any rash, David, with the sore throat that ye had?’ ‘Rash?’ echoed David stupidly. ‘And what in the name of wonder might that be?’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘Adventures in Two Worlds’, ch. 6) — -...Была у тебя сыпь, Дейвид, когда болело горло? - Сыпь? - непонимающе переспросил Дейвид. - А что это такое, скажи на милость?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in God's name!

  • 35 an Act of God

    1) то, что не подвластно человеку (стихийные бедствия, силы природы и т. п.)

    ...the surgeons of the town did what their poor science suggested to bring life back to her paralysed limb. At last they admitted that they could do nothing. It was an act of God. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Catalina’, ch. 2) —...городские врачи испробовали все, чем располагала их скромная наука, пытаясь исцелить парализованную ногу Каталины. В конце концов они вынуждены были признать свое бессилие. "Теперь все в руках божьих", - объявили они.

    Love's like a stroke of lightning, or an earthquake - what's called an act of God - isn't it? (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’, ch. I) — Ведь любовь - это точно удар грома или землетрясение, своего рода стихийное бедствие, не правда ли?

    2) ком. стихийное бедствие (употр. во фрахтовых контрактах и страховых полисах)

    He had, it appeared, to insure against injury to employees, injury to the public, fire, lightning, burglary, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, termites, elephantiasis, insurrection, and the Acts of God. (S. Lewis, ‘Work of Art’, ch. 27) — Оказалось, что он должен страховать служащих и вообще всех на случай увечий, а также от пожара, молнии, кражи со взломом, наводнений, землетрясений, циклонов, термитов, слоновой болезни, восстаний и прочих стихийных бедствий.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > an Act of God

  • 36 an act of God

       тo, чтo нeпoдвлacтнo чeлoвeку (cтиxийныe бeдcтвия, cилы пpиpoды и т. п.) [oбopoт в знaчeнии «cтиxийнoe бeдcтвиe» упoтpeбляeтcя вo фpaxтoвыx кoнтpaктax и cтpaxoвыx пoлиcax]
        ◘ The surgeons of the town did what their poor science suggested to bring life back to her paralysed limb. At last they admitted that they could do nothing. It was an act of God (W. S. Maugham). Love's like a stroke of lightning, or earthquake - what's called an act of God - isn't it? (K. S. Prichard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > an act of God

  • 37 honest to God

    видит Бог, действительно, по правде говоря; честное слово

    ...she was - as Winifred would have said in the latest fashion of speech - "honest to God" indifferent to it all. (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part III, ch. V) —...До всего этого, как выразилась по-модному Уинфрид, ей не было, "по чести говоря", никакого дела.

    You sure I didn't wake you? Honest to God? (J. Salinger, ‘For Esmé with Love and Squalor’, ‘Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes’)я действительно не разбудила вас? честное слово?

    But if they don't want me, I don't know what I'll do - honest to God, Dolly... (J. B. Priestley, ‘Daylight on Saturday’, ch. 15) — Если я больше не нужна на сцене, то, видит бог, для меня все кончено, Долли...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > honest to God

  • 38 I hope to God

    дай бог, я искренно надеюсь

    I think you must be mad. I hope to God you don't mean what you say. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Neil MacAdam’) — я думаю, вы сошли с ума. Искренно надеюсь, что вы говорите не то, что думаете.

    ‘I'd better read the telegram,’ I said. ‘I hope to God I don't have to go north tomorrow.’ (Gr. Greene, ‘The Quiet American’, part IV, ch. 3) — - Пожалуй, я все-таки прочту телеграмму, - сказал я. - Дай бог, чтобы мне завтра не ехать на Север.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > I hope to God

  • 39 I wish to God

    (I (we. etc.) wish to God (или goodness))
    Господи, как бы мне (нам и т. д.) хотелось

    Oh, I wish to goodness I were twenty-one. It is awful to be at somebody else's beck and call. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 21) — Ах, хоть бы мне скорей исполнился двадцать один год. Ужасно, когда ты во всем от кого-то зависишь.

    I wish to God we knew what was in their minds. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Nothern Light’, part I, ch. 3) — Господи, как бы я хотел знать, что у них на уме!

    ‘Oh, don't be silly, Howard.’ ‘I'm not being silly. I wish to God I was.’ (J. B. Priestley, ‘Angel Pavement’, ch. XI) — - Ах, Говард, не говори глупости. - Нет, это не глупости. Видит Бог, я бы очень хотел, чтобы это были глупости.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > I wish to God

  • 40 my God

    о бог ты мой!
    боже мой!
    ну и ну!
    вот это да!

    My God! What happened to the car?

    I said, “Mr. Jones was arrested by the police yesterday.” “My goodness. You don’t say. What has he done?”

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > my God

См. также в других словарях:

  • What If God Fell from the Sky — Infobox Single Name = What If God Fell From The Sky Artist = Danielle Brisebois from Album = Arrive All Over You Released = 1994 Format = CD, cassette, 7 Recorded = ??? Genre = Rock Length = 2:54 Label = Epic Records Producer = Gregg Alexander… …   Wikipedia

  • What If God Were the Sun? — 2007.Plot synopsisJamie is an ER nurse preparing for her upcoming wedding. When her policeman father unexpectedly dies in a hospital room adjacent to the one in which she s caring for a patient, her grief consumes her life, severely affecting her …   Wikipedia

  • what in God's name — how/what/why/etc in God’s name spoken formal phrase used for emphasizing a question Thesaurus: ways of adding emphasis to questionssynonym Main entry: God …   Useful english dictionary

  • what in God's name — interjection used to add emphasis to what when beginning question. What in Gods name are you doing with that pizza? Syn: what the dickens, what on Earth, what the Devil …   Wiktionary

  • What Does the Bible Really Teach? — is a 224 page book published by Jehovah s Witnesses in 2005, and used by them worldwide to help interested people to learn about the Bible and how to live by its principles. More than 78 million copies have been produced in 220 languages. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • God-awful — /god aw feuhl/, adj. (sometimes l.c.) Informal. extremely dreadful or shocking: What a God awful thing to say! [1875 80; Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • what the fuck is going on — what the hell is happening here, what in God s name is taking place …   English contemporary dictionary

  • God — This article is about the term God in the context of monotheism and henotheism. For the general polytheistic concept, see Deity. For God in the context of various religions, see an index of pages beginning in God in . For other uses, see God… …   Wikipedia

  • god — [[t]gɒ̱d[/t]] ♦♦ gods 1) N PROPER The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. He believes in God... God bless you. 2) CONVENTION (emphasis)… …   English dictionary

  • what — 1 predeterminer, determiner, pronoun 1 used when asking questions about a thing or person, or a kind of thing or person that you do not know anything about: What are you doing? | What colour is the new carpet? | “What do you do?” “I m a teacher.” …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • what — I. pronoun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwæt, neuter of hwā who more at who Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter < what is this… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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