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с португальского на английский


  • 1 use

    I [ju:z] verb
    1) (to employ (something) for a purpose: What did you use to open the can?; Use your common sense!) usar
    2) (to consume: We're using far too much electricity.) usar
    - used
    - user
    - user-friendly
    - user guide
    - be used to something
    - be used to
    - used to
    II [ju:s]
    1) (the act of using or state of being used: The use of force to persuade workers to join a strike cannot be justified; This telephone number is for use in emergencies.) uso
    2) (the/a purpose for which something may be used: This little knife has plenty of uses; I have no further use for these clothes.) uso
    3) ((often in questions or with negatives) value or advantage: Is this coat (of) any use to you?; It's no use offering to help when it's too late.) uso
    4) (the power of using: She lost the use of her right arm as a result of the accident.) uso
    5) (permission, or the right, to use: They let us have the use of their car while they were away.) uso
    - usefulness
    - usefully
    - useless
    - be in use
    - out of use
    - come in useful
    - have no use for
    - it's no use
    - make good use of
    - make use of
    - put to good use
    - put to use
    * * *
    [ju:s] n 1 uso. he made use of this book / ele fez uso deste livro. 2 prática. 3 praxe, usança, hábito, costume. 4 ritual. 5 aplicação, emprego. 6 função, serventia. we have no use for it / não usamos isso, não é de proveito para nós. 7 utilidade, finalidade. there is no use in ringing up, it is no use to ring up / não adianta telefonar, é inútil telefonar. she was of some use in laying the table / ela se mostrou útil, pondo a mesa. 8 modo de usar. 9 necessidade. it is of no use to shout/gritar aqui não adianta nada. 10 tratamento, trato. 11 vantagem, proveito. 12. usufruto. • [ju:z] vt+vi 1 usar. I used it for a journey / usei-o, gastei-o para uma viagem. 2 praticar. 3 habituar, acostumar, costumar. 4 aproveitar(-se), servir(-se), utilizar(-se), explorar. they used him badly / trataram-no mal. 5 gastar, consumir, esgotar. 6 aplicar, empregar. 7 manusear. 8 tratar. for rough use para serviço pesado. for use para uso. in use em uso, usual, de praxe. to be used to... estar acostumado a... to use up gastar, esgotar. used to... costumava... I used to go on Sundays / eu costumava ir aos domingos. he used not to like fish / ele não gostava de peixe (mas agora gosta). didn’t she use to live in the country? / ela não morava no campo? you didn’t use to smoke / você não costumava fumar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > use

  • 2 use

    I [ju:z] verb
    1) (to employ (something) for a purpose: What did you use to open the can?; Use your common sense!)
    2) (to consume: We're using far too much electricity.)
    - used - user - user-friendly - user guide - be used to something - be used to - used to II [ju:s]
    1) (the act of using or state of being used: The use of force to persuade workers to join a strike cannot be justified; This telephone number is for use in emergencies.)
    2) (the/a purpose for which something may be used: This little knife has plenty of uses; I have no further use for these clothes.)
    3) ((often in questions or with negatives) value or advantage: Is this coat (of) any use to you?; It's no use offering to help when it's too late.)
    4) (the power of using: She lost the use of her right arm as a result of the accident.)
    5) (permission, or the right, to use: They let us have the use of their car while they were away.)
    - usefulness - usefully - useless - be in use - out of use - come in useful - have no use for - it's no use - make good use of - make use of - put to good use - put to use

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > use

  • 3 reserve

    [rə'zə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table.) reservar
    2) (to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.) reservar
    2. noun
    1) (something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.) reserva
    2) (a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.) reserva
    3) (the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness.) reserva
    4) ((often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.) reserva
    - reserved
    - have
    - keep in reserve
    * * *
    [riz'ə:v] n 1 Com, Mil reserva. 2 restrição, ressalva. 3 circunspeção, discrição. 4 estoque. 5 área reservada. 6 reserves Econ reservas, lastro. • vt 1 reservar, guardar. 2 reter, conservar. 3 apartar, excluir, excetuar. 4 pôr de parte, destinar. cash reserve reserva monetária. in reserve em reserva. reserve fund fundo de reserva. to reserve the right to reservar-se o direito de. without reserve sem reserva (venda), incondicionalmente. with reserve com restrições.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reserve

  • 4 reserve

    [rə'zə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table.) reservar
    2) (to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.) reservar
    2. noun
    1) (something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.) reserva
    2) (a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.) reserva
    3) (the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness.) reserva
    4) ((often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.) reservista
    - reserved - have - keep in reserve

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  • 5 purpose

    1) (the reason for doing something; the aim to which an action etc is directed: What is the purpose of your visit?) propósito
    2) (the use or function of an object: The purpose of this lever is to stop the machine in an emergency.) finalidade
    3) (determination: a man of purpose.) determinação
    - purposefully
    - purposeless
    - purposely
    - purpose-built
    - on purpose
    - serve a purpose
    - to no purpose
    * * *
    [p'ə:pəs] n 1 propósito: a) desígnio, intento, intenção. b) sentido, objetivo, finalidade. it answered his purpose, it served his purpose / correspondia aos seus propósitos. c) proveito. it serves a purpose / é útil e pode ajudar a conseguir um resultado. 2 resolução, determinação. • vt tencionar, pretender, propor-se. for this purpose com esta finalidade. for what purpose? com que finalidade? it suited his purpose veio-lhe a calhar. of set purpose deliberadamente. on purpose de propósito. to good purpose utilmente, com bom efeito. to no purpose inutilmente, em vão, tendencioso. to serve its purpose servir seus propósitos. to talk at cross purposes não se entender, falar de coisas diferentes. to the purpose no ponto, relevante para o assunto em questão, pertinente.

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  • 6 purpose

    1) (the reason for doing something; the aim to which an action etc is directed: What is the purpose of your visit?) propósito
    2) (the use or function of an object: The purpose of this lever is to stop the machine in an emergency.) finalidade
    3) (determination: a man of purpose.) determinação
    - purposefully - purposeless - purposely - purpose-built - on purpose - serve a purpose - to no purpose

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  • 7 telepathy

    (the communication of ideas, thoughts etc directly from one person's mind to another person's mind without the use of hearing, sight etc: He knew just what I was thinking - it must have been telepathy.) telepatia
    - telepathically
    - telepathist
    * * *
    [təl'epəθi] n telepatia.

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  • 8 telepathy

    (the communication of ideas, thoughts etc directly from one person's mind to another person's mind without the use of hearing, sight etc: He knew just what I was thinking - it must have been telepathy.) telepatia
    - telepathically - telepathist

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > telepathy

  • 9 wear

    [weə] 1. past tense - wore; verb
    1) (to be dressed in or carry on (a part of) the body: She wore a white dress; Does she usually wear spectacles?) usar
    2) (to arrange (one's hair) in a particular way: She wears her hair in a pony-tail.) usar
    3) (to have or show (a particular expression): She wore an angry expression.) apresentar
    4) (to (cause to) become thinner etc because of use, rubbing etc: This carpet has worn in several places; This sweater is wearing thin at the elbows.) gastar(-se)
    5) (to make (a bare patch, a hole etc) by rubbing, use etc: I've worn a hole in the elbow of my jacket.) fazer
    6) (to stand up to use: This material doesn't wear very well.) durar
    2. noun
    1) (use as clothes etc: I use this suit for everyday wear; Those shoes won't stand much wear.) uso
    2) (articles for use as clothes: casual wear; sportswear; leisure wear.) roupa
    3) ((sometimes wear and tear) damage due to use: The hall carpet is showing signs of wear.) desgaste
    4) (ability to withstand use: There's plenty of wear left in it yet.) uso
    - wearer
    - wearing
    - worn
    - wear away
    - wear off
    - wear out
    - worn out
    * * *
    [wɛə] n 1 uso (roupas). there is still a good year’s wear in it / aquilo pode muito bem ser usado por mais um ano. 2 roupas, artigos de vestuário. 3 moda. 4 gasto, desgaste, estrago. 5 durabilidade. • vt+vi (ps wore, pp worn) 1 usar, vestir, trajar. what shall I wear? / que devo vestir? 2 gastar, consumir. 3 estragar com o uso. 4 esgotar, cansar, exaustar, esfalfar. 5 durar (roupa). 6 ter, apresentar, mostrar. 7 desgastar, corroer, deteriorar. 8 Naut cavar, escavar, abrir buraco pelo atrito. 9 aceitar, tolerar. 10 virar em roda. constant dripping will wear away a stone água mole em pedra dura tanto bate até que fura. for hard wear resistente, rústico, para serviços pesados. good for everyday wear bom para o uso diário. he wears his trousers into holes ele usa a calça até furá-la. it is in wear está na moda, está em uso. men’s wear roupas para homem. she wears the breeches/ trousers/ pants sl quem manda é ela (na casa, família). the worse for wear a) gasto, desgastado. b) em más condições, acabado, exausto. they have these dresses in wear elas têm estes vestidos em uso. to wear and tear usar até estragar. to wear away a) desgastar, gastar com o uso. b) corroer, escavar (água). c) apagar, destruir. d) passar (tempo, dor). e) consumir-se. to wear down a) gastar (degraus de uma escada, salto de sapato). b) vencer (resistência). c) cansar, esgotar. to wear off a) gastar-se, desgastar-se. b) enfraquecer, diminuir aos poucos. c) esfriar, perder-se (sentimentos). to wear on ir, passar (tempo). to wear oneself esfalfar-se, esgotar-se. to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeves mostrar os sentimentos abertamente. to wear out a) gastar-se, desgastar-se (com o uso). b) usar, trajar (roupa) até o fim. c) esgotar (paciência). d) esgotar-se, cansar-se. e) apagar, destruir. to wear thin a) desgastar até ficar fino. b) esgotar (paciência). c) enfraquecer, perder a força ou a eficácia. to wear well estar conservado, em boas condições.

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  • 10 be

    ['bi: ɡi:]
    ( abbreviation) (Bachelor of Engineering; first degree in Engineering.)
    * * *
    [bi:] v aux (ps was, pl were, pp been). 1 ser, existir, viver, ser realidade. it is mine, his / é meu, seu. it is my father’s / pertence a meu pai. she is everything to me / ela é tudo para mim. 2 ter lugar, acontecer, realizar-se. when is it to be? / quando será? 3 permanecer, ficar, continuar. 4 igualar, representar, significar. 5 estar, encontrar-se. to be at work / estar no trabalho. to be busy / estar ocupado. to be careful / ser cuidadoso. to be in a hurry / estar com pressa. he is at the advanced group / ele é do grupo dos adiantados. 6 visitar. • interj be! seja! am I to understand that...? significa isto que...? as it is de qualquer maneira. as it were por assim dizer. be that as it may seja como for. five years were to pass cinco anos teriam de passar. here you are coll aqui está. he was a long time about it ele levou muito tempo para isto. he was to have written ele devia ter escrito. how are we to go on? como vamos continuar?, que será de nós? how are you? como vai? how is this? o que significa isto? how long have you been in England? quanto tempo faz que está na Inglaterra? how much is this dress? quanto custa este vestido? how was it that he did not come? por que ele não veio? I am for leaving sou de opinião que devemos partir. if I were to do it se eu o fizesse. I must be off tenho de ir. in a moment the dog was upon him em um instante o cachorro estava em cima dele. it is above me isto foge à minha alçada. it is for him to excuse himself ele é quem deve pedir desculpas. it is for you to decide a decisão cabe a você. it’s up to you isso é com você. it will be for him to say ele terá de decidir. I was rewarded fui recompensado. let me be! deixe-me em paz! Mrs. Jones that is to be a futura senhora Jones. she lived to be 90 ela viveu 90 anos. that is to say quer dizer. that’s him all over isto é típico dele. the book is being printed/ is printing o livro está sendo impresso. the house is to let a casa está para alugar. the might-have-beens as oportunidades perdidas. there you are! aí está! to be able ser capaz, poder. to be in a) estar em casa. b) estar no poder. to be like parecer-se com. to be long demorar-se. to be of no use ser imprestável. to be out a) não estar em casa. b) estar errado. to be out of one’s mind estar fora de si. to be over acabar. to be short (of something) não ter o suficiente, estar faltando. to be up estar no fim. to be worthwhile valer a pena. we must take things as they are temos de aceitar as coisas como são. we shall be examined tomorrow teremos exame amanhã. what are you about? o que você quer fazer? what is he to be? o que ele será? what is, is good o que é, é bom. what is it? o que houve?, o que há com você? what was he to do? o que ele havia de fazer? when it was time quando a hora havia chegado. you are not to do that você não deve fazer isto. you have been (and gone) and done it coll você o fez realmente. you were not late, were you? você não chegou atrasado, não é? you were not to open the door não era para você abrir a porta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be

  • 11 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) livre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) livre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generoso
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) franco
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) livre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) livre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) livre
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) libertar
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) livrar(-se)
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabalhar por conta própria
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    [fri:] vt (ps e pp freed) 1 livrar, libertar, emancipar, soltar, pôr em liberdade. 2 resgatar, desobrigar, isentar, eximir. 3 desembaraçar, desobstruir, franquear, abrir. • adj 1 livre, independente, autônomo. you are free to do what you want / você tem toda liberdade para fazer o que deseja. 2 liberto, emancipado, que pode dispor de sua pessoa. it is free for you to go / você pode ir, se quiser. 3 espontâneo, voluntário. I am free to confess / estou pronto a confessar. 4 discricionário, arbitrário. 5 solto, desprendido, desatado, não fixo. the ship is free of the harbour / o navio encontra-se fora das águas do porto. 6 em liberdade, absolvido, inocente. he was set free / ele foi posto em liberdade. 7 desimpedido, desobstruído. 8 desocupado, vago. 9 permitido, lícito. 10 desembaraçado. 11 descoberto, aberto. 12 acessível, público, aberto (porto). 13 gratuito, grátis, franco. 14 isento, dispensado. 15 generoso, liberal, pródigo, profuso. 16 abundante, copioso, ilimitado, irrestrito. 17 não convencional, sem cerimônia. he was very free with me / ele tomou muitas liberdades comigo. 18 não textual, não ao pé da letra. 19 franco, sincero, ingênuo, cândido, que fala com franqueza. 20 atrevido, licencioso, descomedido, indecente, imoral, libertino. 21 desenfreado, descuidado. 22 Naut favorável. 23 Bot que não estão aderentes entre si. 24 Chem puro, simples (elemento). • adv grátis, gratuitamente. carriage free transporte pago. duty free isento de taxa alfadengária. for free coll grátis. free alongside ship (abreviatura: FAS) posto no costado do navio. free and easy natural, despreocupado, sem cerimônia. free and unencumbered sem hipoteca, não hipotecado. free cost gratuito. free from damage incólume, não avariado. free from disease livre de doença. free from restraint livre de restrições, desimpedido. free of care despreocupado, sem preocupações. free of charge (abreviatura: FOC) livre de despesas, franco. free of crowds and noise longe das multidões e do barulho. free of debt sem dívidas. free of duty sem taxa alfandegária. free on board (abreviatura: FOB) livre de despesas de transporte. free on quay (abreviatura: FOQ) entregue no cais sem despesa. free on rails (abreviatura: FOR) livre de despesas até ser posto no trem. free on truck (abreviatura: FOT) posto no caminhão livre de despesas. it runs free Tech corre em vazio. of my own free will de minha livre e espontânea vontade. post free porte pago. to feel free sentir-se à vontade. to free of limpar (um lugar) de, livrar-se de (alguém). to have ones’ hands free ter as mãos vazias. toll free isento de taxa, chamada telefônica grátis. to make free with explorar, usar de liberdade, tratar desrespeitosamente. to make someone free of something dar a alguém o direito de usar ou partilhar algo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > free

  • 12 question

    ['kwes ən] 1. noun
    1) (something which is said, written etc which asks for an answer from someone: The question is, do we really need a computer?) questao
    2) (a problem or matter for discussion: There is the question of how much to pay him.) questao
    3) (a single problem in a test or examination: We had to answer four questions in three hours.) questao
    4) (criticism; doubt; discussion: He is, without question, the best man for the job.) dúvida
    5) (a suggestion or possibility: There is no question of our dismissing him.) possibilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to ask (a person) questions: I'll question him about what he was doing last night.) perguntar
    2) (to regard as doubtful: He questioned her right to use the money.) questionar
    - questionably
    - questionableness
    - question mark
    - question-master
    - questionnaire
    - in question
    - out of the question
    * * *
    [kw'estʃən] n 1 pergunta, questão. he did without question / ele o fez obedientemente, sem questionar. 2 inquérito, exame. 3 disputa, discussão, debate. 4 dúvida. I call it in question / tenho minhas dúvidas a respeito. 5 tese, assunto. • vt+vi 1 examinar, indagar, interrogar. 2 duvidar, desconfiar. 3 disputar, debater, altercar. at question questionável. beyond question sem dúvida. in question em questão, em consideração. it is a question of é uma questão de. out of question indubitavelmente, sem qualquer dúvida. question and answer column coluna em jornais e revistas que publica cartas de leitores e respostas da redação. that’s open to question isto é questão de opinião. the book in question o livro em questão. there is no question of doing it é impossível fazê-lo. to pop the question coll pedir em casamento.

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  • 13 question

    ['kwes ən] 1. noun
    1) (something which is said, written etc which asks for an answer from someone: The question is, do we really need a computer?) pergunta
    2) (a problem or matter for discussion: There is the question of how much to pay him.) questão
    3) (a single problem in a test or examination: We had to answer four questions in three hours.) questão
    4) (criticism; doubt; discussion: He is, without question, the best man for the job.) dúvida
    5) (a suggestion or possibility: There is no question of our dismissing him.) possibilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to ask (a person) questions: I'll question him about what he was doing last night.) perguntar
    2) (to regard as doubtful: He questioned her right to use the money.) questionar
    - questionably - questionableness - question mark - question-master - questionnaire - in question - out of the question

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > question

  • 14 digest

    1. verb
    1) (to break up (food) in the stomach etc and turn it into a form which the body can use: The invalid had to have food that was easy to digest.) digerir
    2) (to take in and think over (information etc): It took me some minutes to digest what he had said.) assimilar
    2. noun
    (summary; brief account: a digest of the week's news.)
    - digestion
    - digestive
    * * *
    [d'aidʒest] n sumário, digesto, condensação, compilação, resenha. • [daidʒ'est] vt+vi 1 digerir, fazer digestão, ser digerido. 2 Chem macerar, amolecer, preparar, cozer, dissolver. 3 agrupar, classificar, compilar, sistematizar, sumarizar. 4 meditar, assimilar mentalmente, considerar, ordenar as coisas no seu espírito. 5 suportar com resignação, levar com paciência.

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  • 15 direction

    1) ((the) place or point to which one moves, looks etc: What direction did he go in?; They were heading in my direction (= towards me); I'll find my way all right - I've a good sense of direction.) direcção
    2) (guidance: They are under your direction.) orientação
    3) ((in plural) instructions (eg on how to get somewhere, use something etc): We asked the policeman for directions; I have lost the directions for this washing-machine.) instruçOes
    4) (the act of aiming or turning (something or someone) towards a certain point.) orientação
    * * *
    [dir'ekʃən] n 1 direção, ato de dirigir. 2 corporação dirigente, administração, controle, superintendência, diretoria. 3 objetivo, rumo, curso. 4 ordem, instrução, comando, orientação. 5 tendência, procedimento, sentido. 6 regra, norma. 7 endereço. in this direction neste sentido. sense of direction senso de direção.

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  • 16 digest

    1. verb
    1) (to break up (food) in the stomach etc and turn it into a form which the body can use: The invalid had to have food that was easy to digest.) digerir
    2) (to take in and think over (information etc): It took me some minutes to digest what he had said.) digerir, assimilar
    2. noun
    (summary; brief account: a digest of the week's news.)
    - digestion - digestive

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  • 17 direction

    1) ((the) place or point to which one moves, looks etc: What direction did he go in?; They were heading in my direction (= towards me); I'll find my way all right - I've a good sense of direction.) direção
    2) (guidance: They are under your direction.) direção
    3) ((in plural) instructions (eg on how to get somewhere, use something etc): We asked the policeman for directions; I have lost the directions for this washing-machine.) instrução
    4) (the act of aiming or turning (something or someone) towards a certain point.) orientação

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  • 18 no

    [nəu] 1. adjective
    1) (not any: We have no food; No other person could have done it.) nenhum
    2) (not allowed: No smoking.) proibido
    3) (not a: He is no friend of mine; This will be no easy task.) nenhum
    2. adverb
    (not (any): He is no better at golf than swimming; He went as far as the shop and no further.) não
    3. interjection
    (a word used for denying, disagreeing, refusing etc: `Do you like travelling?' `No, (I don't).'; No, I don't agree; `Will you help me?' `No, I won't.') não
    4. noun plural
    ( noes)
    1) (a refusal: She answered with a definite no.) não
    2) (a vote against something: The noes have won.) voto contra
    5. noun
    (a very unimportant person: She's just a nobody.) zé-ninguém
    - there's no saying
    - knowing
    * * *
    [nou] n 1 não, negativa. 2 recusa. 3 voto negativo. • pron nenhum, nenhuma. there is no coffee / não há café. • adv 1 não. I can drink no more / não posso beber mais. 2 de modo algum. by no means de forma alguma. no big deal nada importante. no doubt não há dúvida. of no use de nenhuma utilidade. there is no knowing what will happen não se sabe o que vai acontecer.
    [nou] n Theat forma clássica do drama japonês.

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  • 19 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) livre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) livre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) pródigo
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) solto, aberto
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) livre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) livre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) isento, desvencilhado
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) libertar
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) livrar(-se)
    - freely - free-for-all - freehand - freehold - freelance 3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabalhar como free lance
    - free skating - free speech - free trade - freeway - freewheel - free will - a free hand - set free

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > free

  • 20 alias

    ['eiliəs] 1. noun
    (a false name: What alias did the crook use this time?) pseudónimo
    2. adverb
    (otherwise known as: John Smith, alias Peter Jones.) conhecido por
    * * *
    ['eiliəs] n (pl aliases) nome suposto, pseudônimo, cognome. • adv 1 aliás, de outro modo. 2 outrora, anteriormente. under an alias incógnito, sob um pseudônimo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alias

См. также в других словарях:

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