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  • 1 WELL

    (adverb) mai –VT47:6 (noun): the form lón or lónë (pl. lóni given) has the partially illegible gloss "deep pool, or river-[?feeding] well". Early material has tampo “well”. –VT48:28. QL:93

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WELL

  • 2 BLEND

    (noun) ostimë (pl. ostimi is attested). This term refers to a kind of "strengthened" elements within a stem, where a single sound has been expanded into two different elements while maintaining a unitary effect and significance; souch as s- being turned ito st-, or m being strengthened to mb. However, this may be the meaning of the word in linguistic terminology only; it may be permissible to use it for "blend" in more general senses as well. –VT39:9

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BLEND


    alya, almárëa (prosperous, rich, abundant), herenya (wealthy, fortunate, rich), manaquenta or manquenta, also aman ("blessed, free from evil" – Aman was "chiefly used as the name of the land where the Valar dwelt" [WJ:399], and as an adjective “blessed” the word may add an adjectival ending: amanya, VT49:41). Aman is the apparent Quenya equivalent of “the Blessed Realm” (allative Amanna is attested, VT49:26). The word calambar, apparently literally *“light-fated”, also seems to mean “blessed” (VT49:41). Cf. also BLESSED BEING Manwë (name of the King of the Valar). Alya, almárëa, and herenya are adjectives that may also have worldly connontations, apparently often used with reference to one who is "blessed" with material possessions or simply has good luck; on the other hand, the forms derived from the root man- primarily describe something free from evil: Cf. mána "blessed" in Fíriel's Song (referring to the Valar) and the alternative form manna in VT43:19 [cf. VT45:32] (in VT45 referring to the Virgin Mary; the form mána may be preferred for clarity, since manna is apparently also the question-word "whither?", "where to?") The forms manaquenta or manquenta also include the man- root, but it is combined with a derivative (passive participle?) of the verbal stem quet- "say, speak", these forms seemingly referring to someone who is "blessed" in the sense that people speak well of this person (a third form from the same source, manque, is possibly incomplete: read manquenta?) (VT44:10-11) The most purely "spiritual" term is possibly the word aistana, used for "blessed" in Tolkien's translation of the Hail Mary, where this word refers to the Virgin (VT43:27-28, 30). Aistana is apparently not an independent adjective (like alya, mána etc.), but rather the passive participle of a verb \#aista- "bless"; see above concerning its precise application. BLESSEDNESS vald- (so in LT1:272; nom. sg. must be either *val or *valdë) (happiness; but since this word comes from early material where it was intended to be related to Valar "Happy/Blessed Ones", its conceptual validity may be doubted because Tolkien later reinterpreted Valar as "the Powers" and dropped the earlier etymology). BLESSING (a boon, a good or fortunate thing), see BOON. "BLESSINGS", BLESSEDNESS, BLISS almië, almarë; FINAL BLISS manar, mandë (doom, final end, fate, fortune) –LotR:989 cf Letters:308; GAL, KHER, Letters:283, LT1:272, MAN/MANAD, VT43:19, 27-28, 30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BLESSED

  • 4 BRIDE

    indis (wife) (This word may obsolete akairis in LT1:252.) The stem-form of indis "bride" is somewhat obscure; according to VT45:37 the stem could be indiss- (pl. indissi given), but the alternative form pl. form inderi shows a curious shift from i to e as well as the more regular change from s (via z) to r between vowels. Indiss- may be preferred by writers. –NDIS/UT:8, VT45:37

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BRIDE

  • 5 DEEP

    núra, tumna (low-lying, low, profound, dark or hidden). DEEP POOL lón, lónë (pl. lóni given) (river-[?feeding] well), DEEP VALLEY tumbo (dark vale); DEEP VALE imbë (dell) (Note: imbë is also one form of the preposition "between"); DEEP SHADOW huinë (gloom). –NŪ, TUB, VT48:28, VT45:18, VT41:8

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DEEP


    (noun) mar (mard-) (home), also már; DWELLING (adj) \#farnë (a pl form? Sg farna? Only attested in the compound orofarnë "mountain-dwelling". Note: farnë is also the pa.t. of farya- "suffice", as well as a noun "foliage"); DWELLING-PLACE nórë (land, region where certain people live, nation, native land, family); DWELLING UNDERGROUND hróta (artificial cave, rockhewn hall). The word ambar, usually translated "world", is also associated with "home, dwelling" in one source. –VT45:33, 46:13, cf. LT1:251, LotR:505 cf. Letters:224, VT47:6, NDOR, PM:365, VT46:13

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DWELLING

  • 7 EYE

    hen (hend-) (normal pl. hendi as well as the dual form \#hendu are attested [isolated from hendumaica, WJ:337]; \#hendu would be used of a natural pair of eyes). SHARP-EYE hendumaica, EYES OF HEARTSEASE (a name of the pansy) Helinyetillë –KHEN-D-E, WJ:337, LT1:262

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EYE

  • 8 FATHER

    atar (pl. atari in Etym, though the pl. form \#atári occurs as part of the compound Atanatári). Dative ataren is attested (VT43:36-37). Forms like atar, atarinya ("my father") as well as atya "daddy" are said to be forms a child would use in addressing his or her father (VT47:26; see DADDY). In VT48:19, atya is explained as a contraction of at-nya "my father". The final version of the Lord's Prayer (VT43:12, 13) has \#Átar with a long initial vowel (Átaremma "our father"); this \#Átar may incorporate the vocative particle a (*a Atar "o Father" > \#Átar). FATHER OF ALL Ilúvatar (God). –Silm:428, 229/ATA/LT1:255, VT44:16, Silm:404/UT:446, VT43:37

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FATHER


    olassië (collection of leaves), farnë (archaic faznë). Note that farnë is also the pa.t. of farya- as well as a word for "dwelling", so olassië is the less ambiguous term. –Letters:282, VT46:9

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FOLIAGE

  • 10 FORCE

    (noun, = pressure to do something against one's will or conscience) sahtië (Þ) (pressure) –VT43:22 (in a given direction) (vb.) nir- (thrust, press). ("Though applicable to the pressure of a person on others, by mind and 'will' as well as by physical strength, [this verb] could also be used of physical pressures exerted by inanimates.") Given as a 1st person aorist nirin. Pa.t. probably *nindë since the R of nir- was originally D (the base is given as NID; compare rer- pa.t. rendë from RED concerning the past tense; see SOW). –VT41:17

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FORCE

  • 11 FORT

    arta (fortress) (Note: arta also means "across, athwart" as well as "exalted, lofty, noble”), ostirion –GARAT (see 3AR), TI:423

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FORT

  • 12 GIVE

    anta- (pa.t. \#antanë is attested in VT49:14 [antanen “I gave”], though the pa.t. “gave” was ánë in early "Qenya", QL:31; possibly both forms are valid in later Quenya as well). In one text, Tolkien apparently used ana as the imperative "give!", but the text was rewritten and this may have been an ephemeral form (VT44:13). GIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO, see INSTRUCT. GIVER antë (f), anto (m) (the latter word from Etym is probably obsoleted by anto "mouth" in LotR:1157 – an alternative word for "[male] giver" might be *antando). Another fem. word for "giver" is \#ánië, isolated from massánië (see BREAD-GIVER). –ANA, VT44:13, PM:404

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GIVE

  • 13 GREAT

    túra (big), hoa (large), (great in size:) alta (large) (The form alat- is used in compounds when the next word has an initial vowel, as in Alatairë. Tolkien's gloss of alta, alat- was actually illegible, and I give the root meaning of the stem ÁLAT. The meaning of the Quenya word cannot differ too widely from it, for Alatairë is said to correspond to "Noldorin" Belegoer [in LotR-style Sindarin Belegaer], The Great Sea.) – An early [TLT] word for "great", velicë, is possibly obsolete in LotR-style Quenya: In LT1:254 velicë is said to correspond to Gnomish beleg, but according to LR:352 the stem from which beleg is derived is "not found in Q[uenya]". In post-LotR material the words velca, velcë briefly turned up, apparently meaning “large, great, big”, but Tolkien rejected these forms as well.) –PE17:115, ÁLAT, cf. BEL, cf. Silm:428, LT1:254

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GREAT

  • 14 HOPE

    (noun) estel –WJ:318 (where it is stated that this word was used in Quenya as well as in Sindarin. Here the word is defined as "'hope', sc. a temper of mind, steady, fixed in purpose, and difficult to dissuade and unlikely to fall into despair or abandon its purpose". In MR:320, estel is translated "trust".)

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HOPE

  • 15 HUNT

    (noun), HUNTING roimë (the misreading "raime" occurs in the Etymologies as printed in LR; see VT46:12 for this correction). No verb "to hunt" is given in Etym, but roita- "pursue" is derived from the same stem and can probably be translated *"hunt" as well. LT1:260 has rauta- "hunt". –ROY1

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HUNT


    Nelyafinwë (meaning "Finwë third", not equivalent in sense to Sindarin Maedhros. The short form of the name was Nelyo. His mother-name [q.v.], "recorded....though never used in narrative", was Maitimo "well-shaped one". He also had a nickname Russandol "copper-top") –PM:352, 353

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAEDHROS

  • 17 MIDDLE

    (noun) endë (core, centre); MIDDLE (prob. adj) enya, endya (In Noldorin Quenya, enya would be the natural form – endya looks like Vanyarin Quenya. Cf. the name of the language itself in the two dialects, Quenya vs. Quendya.) MIDDLE-DAY \#enderë (only pl enderi is attested; for sg \#enderë cf. yestarë, mettarë, the first and the last day of the year. The "middle-days" were three days inserted between the months of yávië and quellë in the Calendar of Imladris.) MIDDLE FINGER lependë, lepenel, in children's play also called tolyo or tollo ("sticker-up", also used of middle toe), yonyo ("son, big boy", again used of middle toe as well) or hanno ("brother"). –ÉNED, cf. WJ:361, LotR:1142, VT47:10, VT47:12, 14, VT48:6

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MIDDLE

  • 18 NAME

    (noun) essë (pl. essi is attested, but see below concerning \#esser as a possible alternative pl. form. Note: the word essë was also used in the sense "person as a whole", body and soul.) AFTER-NAME epessë (i.e., "a nickname – mostly given as a title of admiration or honour"); MOTHER-NAME (OF INSIGHT) \#amilessë (tercenya) (i.e. names given by Elvish mothers to their children, indicating some dominant feature of the nature of the child as perceived by its mother. Only pl amilessi tercenyë is attested.) NAME OF INSIGHT \#essë tercenya (i.e., the same as "mother-name"; only pl essi tercenyë is attested); GIVEN (OR ADDED) NAME anessë (pl anessi is attested. This term includes both "after-names" and "mother-names".) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name), NAME-CHOOSING Essecilmë (an Eldarin seremony in which a person chooses a name according to his or her personal lámatyávë or sound-taste); SELF-NAME \#cilmessë (only pl. cilmessi is attested, said to mean more literally "names of personal choice": \#cilmë "choice" + essi "names". PM:339 explains that "some among the exiles gave themselves names, as disguises or in reference to their own deeds and personal history: such names were called kilmessi 'self-names'.") PLACE NAME \#nómessë (isolated from the gen. pl. form nómesseron, "of place-names", VT42:17. This word suggests that the plural of essë can be esser as well as essi). –ES/LotR:1157/MR:216, UT:266, MR:217, 214, VT42:17 (verb) esta- –ES, VT45:12

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NAME

  • 19 PHANTOM

    fairë ("phantom, disembodied spirit, when seen as a pale shape" – pl. fairi is attested. Note: fairë has other shades of meaning as well as wholly different meanings – see SPIRIT, DEATH, RADIANCE, FREEDOM) –MC:223, 221

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > PHANTOM

  • 20 POOL

    nendë, linya, ailin (lake), ringwë (cold lake). In the Etymologies as printed in LR, the last word is cited as "ringe", but according to VT46:11, ringwë is the proper reading. DEEP POOL lón, lónë (pl. lóni given) (river-[?feeding] well), POOL OF LILIES nénuvar –NEN, LIN, AY, RINGI, VT48:28, LT1:248

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > POOL

См. также в других словарях:

  • Well — Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la; originally… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well to do — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well — Well, n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. ????. See {Well}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain. [1913 Webster] Begin, then,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • well — well1 [wel] n. [ME welle < OE wella, akin to weallan, to boil up, akin to Ger welle, wave, wallen, to boil < IE base * wel , to turn, roll > WALK, L volvere, to roll] 1. a flow of water from the earth; natural spring and pool 2. a hole… …   English World dictionary

  • Well — is an English adverb with irregular comparison. Well may also refer to:* Water well, an artificial excavation or structure for the purpose of withdrawing water * Oil well, a hole drilled through the Earth s surface for the purpose of extracting… …   Wikipedia

  • well — Ⅰ. well [1] ► ADVERB (better, best) 1) in a good or satisfactory way. 2) in a condition of prosperity or comfort. 3) in a favourable or approving manner. 4) in a thorough manner. 5) …   English terms dictionary

  • Well — Well, a. [1913 Webster] 1. Good in condition or circumstances; desirable, either in a natural or moral sense; fortunate; convenient; advantageous; happy; as, it is well for the country that the crops did not fail; it is well that the mistake was… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • well — well, well There is much uncertainty about whether forms such as well( )made and well( )received should contain a hyphen or be spelt as two words. The normal rule is that the combination is hyphened when it occurs in attributive position (i.e.… …   Modern English usage

  • well- — well, well There is much uncertainty about whether forms such as well( )made and well( )received should contain a hyphen or be spelt as two words. The normal rule is that the combination is hyphened when it occurs in attributive position (i.e.… …   Modern English usage

  • well — [wel] noun [countable] another name for an oil well * * * well UK US /wel/ noun [C] ► NATURAL RESOURCES a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water: »These two tributaries of the Yellowstone River supply water for farms and wells in… …   Financial and business terms

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