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См. также в других словарях:

  • well-seasoned — /ˈwɛl sizənd/ (say wel seezuhnd) adjective 1. of food, thoroughly seasoned. 2. of people, thoroughly experienced or trained. 3. aged or matured. 4. of timber, prepared well. Also, (especially in predicative use), well seasoned /wɛl ˈsizənd/ (say… …  

  • well-seasoned — well′ sea′soned adj …   From formal English to slang

  • well-seasoned — adj. * * * …   Universalium

  • well-seasoned — adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • Well — Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la; originally… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well enough — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well off — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well to do — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well to live — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seasoned — adjective 1 seasoned traveller/campaigner/veteran etc a very experienced traveller etc 2 seasoned food has salt, pepper etc added: well seasoned/highly seasoned (=with a strong taste) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • well-known seasoned issuer — (WKSI) USA An issuer that meets all of the following requirements at some point during a 60 day period preceding the date the issuer satisfies its obligation to update its shelf registration statement (generally the date of filing its Form 10 K… …   Law dictionary

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