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  • 1 Well- Known Goal Interface

    Network technologies: WKGI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Well- Known Goal Interface

  • 2 WKGI

    Сетевые технологии: Well- Known Goal Interface

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > WKGI

  • 3 distribuidor

    distributing, distributor.
    1 distributor, stockist, dealer, supplier.
    2 distributor.
    3 spreading nozzle, delivery nozzle.
    * * *
    1 distributing, distributive
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 distributor
    2 COMERCIO wholesaler
    1 AUTOMÓVIL distributor
    1 AUTOMÓVIL distributor
    * * *
    distribuidor, -a

    casa distribuidora — distributor, distribution company

    SM / F (=persona) [de productos] distributor; (Correos) sorter; (Com) dealer, stockist
    3. SM
    1) (=máquina)
    2) (Aut) distributor
    3) LAm (Aut) motorway exit, highway exit (EEUU)
    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino (Com) distributor
    1) (Auto, Mec) distributor
    2) (Ven) ( en una carretera) interchange, cloverleaf
    * * *
    = distributor, outlet, provider, spinner, supplier, vendor, deliverer, distributive, stockist, aggregator, upstream, jobber, dealership.
    Ex. A distributor is an agent or agency that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item.
    Ex. It would seem as if the country is almost awash with outlets for the sale of books.
    Ex. The information available on Prestel changes as the information providers come and go.
    Ex. Online system hosts, sometimes known as online system suppliers, online service vendors and online service spinners, are responsible for mounting data bases upon a computer.
    Ex. The receipt of materials and invoices and suppliers' reports are recorded in acquisitions records.
    Ex. Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex. The service has as a goal the active participation of end users as deliverers as well as recipients of the service.
    Ex. As noted earlier, OCLC, in common with the other utilities, is moving towards a more distributive and local service = Como se ha indicado anteriormente, la OCLC, al igual que otros servicios, está avanzando hacia un servicio más local y más distribuido.
    Ex. The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals = En Escandinavia, la biblioteca a menudo es la única proveedora de algunas revistas.
    Ex. Many publishers have decided to offer their electronic journals through an aggregator, an intermediate service, which aggregates the titles from many different publishers under one interface or search system.
    Ex. The exchange of trading information on a regular basis influences the balance company bargaining power between upstream and downstream companies in grocery marketing.
    Ex. Many library managers believe that the services provided by jobbers and other middlemen are well worth the additional cost.
    Ex. More and more new car buyers are refusing to walk out of a dealership without metallic paint despite the cost of metallic and standard paints being no different.
    * agencia distribuidora = releasing agent.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * distribuidor de información = information provider.
    * distribuidor de información en línea = host, online host.
    * distribuidor de libros = book dealer.
    * distribuidor de recursos = resource allocator.
    * distribuidor de revistas = journal host.
    * distribuidor de revistas electrónicas = e-journal host.
    * distribuidor que concede licencias = licensor.
    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino (Com) distributor
    1) (Auto, Mec) distributor
    2) (Ven) ( en una carretera) interchange, cloverleaf
    * * *
    = distributor, outlet, provider, spinner, supplier, vendor, deliverer, distributive, stockist, aggregator, upstream, jobber, dealership.

    Ex: A distributor is an agent or agency that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item.

    Ex: It would seem as if the country is almost awash with outlets for the sale of books.
    Ex: The information available on Prestel changes as the information providers come and go.
    Ex: Online system hosts, sometimes known as online system suppliers, online service vendors and online service spinners, are responsible for mounting data bases upon a computer.
    Ex: The receipt of materials and invoices and suppliers' reports are recorded in acquisitions records.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: The service has as a goal the active participation of end users as deliverers as well as recipients of the service.
    Ex: As noted earlier, OCLC, in common with the other utilities, is moving towards a more distributive and local service = Como se ha indicado anteriormente, la OCLC, al igual que otros servicios, está avanzando hacia un servicio más local y más distribuido.
    Ex: The library is often the only stockist in Scandinavia of some journals = En Escandinavia, la biblioteca a menudo es la única proveedora de algunas revistas.
    Ex: Many publishers have decided to offer their electronic journals through an aggregator, an intermediate service, which aggregates the titles from many different publishers under one interface or search system.
    Ex: The exchange of trading information on a regular basis influences the balance company bargaining power between upstream and downstream companies in grocery marketing.
    Ex: Many library managers believe that the services provided by jobbers and other middlemen are well worth the additional cost.
    Ex: More and more new car buyers are refusing to walk out of a dealership without metallic paint despite the cost of metallic and standard paints being no different.
    * agencia distribuidora = releasing agent.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * distribuidor de información = information provider.
    * distribuidor de información en línea = host, online host.
    * distribuidor de libros = book dealer.
    * distribuidor de recursos = resource allocator.
    * distribuidor de revistas = journal host.
    * distribuidor de revistas electrónicas = e-journal host.
    * distribuidor que concede licencias = licensor.

    * * *
    distribution ( before n)
    masculine, feminine
    ( Com) distributor
    A ( Auto, Mec) distributor
    distribuidor automático vending machine
    C ( Ven) (en una carretera) interchange, cloverleaf
    * * *


    distribuidor 1
    ◊ - dora sustantivo masculino, femenino (Com) distributor

    distribuidor 2 sustantivo masculino (Auto, Mec) distributor
    I adjetivo distributing
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino
    1 distributor
    2 Com wholesaler

    ' distribuidor' also found in these entries:
    - autorizado
    - exclusivo
    - stockist
    - slot
    * * *
    distribuidor, -ora
    [entidad] wholesale;
    una red distribuidora a distribution network
    1. [empresa] distributor, Br stockist;
    [de películas] distributor
    2. [repartidor] deliveryman, f deliverywoman
    1. [máquina de tabaco, bebidas] vending machine;
    [cajero automático] cash dispenser o machine
    2. [habitación] = lobby o small room leading to other rooms
    3. Aut distributor
    * * *
    m COM, EL, de película distributor
    * * *
    : distributor

    Spanish-English dictionary > distribuidor

См. также в других словарях:

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