Перевод: с норвежского на английский

с английского на норвежский


См. также в других словарях:

  • well-proportioned — /ˈwɛl prəpɔʃənd/ (say wel pruhpawshuhnd) adjective 1. having pleasing proportions, especially as regards size and shape. 2. (of a person) having a good figure. Also, (especially in predicative use), well proportioned /wɛl prəˈpɔʃənd/ (say wel… …  

  • well-proportioned — well′ propor′tioned adj …   From formal English to slang

  • well-proportioned — adj. * * * …   Universalium

  • well-proportioned — adjective a) Having good and pleasing proportions. b) Compact …   Wiktionary

  • well-proportioned — symmetrical, in proper proportion …   English contemporary dictionary

  • well-proportioned — adjective of pleasing proportions • Similar to: ↑shapely …   Useful english dictionary

  • well-made — [wel′mād′] adj. 1. well proportioned; strongly built; skillfully and soundly put together 2. Literature Drama a) skillfully constructed or contrived [a well made plot] b) having a skillfully contrived plot [a well made play] …   English World dictionary

  • -proportioned — [[t] prəpɔ͟ː(r)ʃ(ə)nd[/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED proportioned is added to adverbs to form adjectives that indicate that the proportions of the different parts of something or someone are good or bad. The flat has high ceilings and well proportioned… …   English dictionary

  • proportioned — shənd adjective Etymology: Middle English proporciouned, from past participle of proporciounen to proportion : having such proportions he was small and slight … but well proportioned, and his short stature did not catch the eye John Buchan : made …   Useful english dictionary

  • well — 1. adv., adj., & int. adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (you have worked well). 2 in the right way (well said; you did well to tell me). 3 with some talent or distinction (plays the piano well). 4 in a kind way (treated me well). 5… …   Useful english dictionary

  • well-built — Synonyms and related words: Junoesque, able bodied, adamantine, agreeable, amply endowed, assembled, athletic, becoming, bonny, braw, brawny, broad shouldered, built, built for comfort, bulky, burly, buxom, callipygian, callipygous, cast, comely …   Moby Thesaurus

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