1 weighted average value
merit value — значение функции полезности; величина выигрыша
absolute value — абсолютная величина, абсолютное значение
standard value — стандартное значение; стандартная величина
specified value — фиксированное значение; заданное значение
2 weighted average value
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > weighted average value
3 weighted average value
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > weighted average value
4 weighted average value
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > weighted average value
5 weighted average value
Техника: средневзвешенное значениеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > weighted average value
6 weighted average value
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > weighted average value
7 weighted average value
English-Russian scientific dictionary > weighted average value
8 weighted average value
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > weighted average value
9 weighted average value
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > weighted average value
10 time weighted average value
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > time weighted average value
11 weighted average
1. средневзвешенное состояние2. взвешенное среднее значениеThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > weighted average
12 weighted average
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > weighted average
13 Weighted Average Loan to Value Ratio
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Weighted Average Loan to Value Ratio
14 threshold limit value/time-weighted average
Химическое оружие: пороговое значение/средневзвешенная по времени величинаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > threshold limit value/time-weighted average
15 value
1) величина; значение; показатель2) ценность; стоимость3) нормировать4) цена || ценить; оценивать5) расценивать6) ценностный•equal in absolute value — мат. равный по модулю
spread in values — мат. разброс значений
- arithmetical mean value - average absolute value - average overall subsampling value - deficien value - high heating value - highly significant value - left invariant mean value - most probable value - nontrivial absolute value - optimum valueto possess [to take on] value — мат. принимать значение
- pH value- preset value - tabular value -
16 value
1) (числовое) значение ( физической величины), величина; показатель, число2) оценка || оценивать3) значимость; ценность4) стоимость5) мн. ч. горн. содержание компонента в руде•value in terms of the unite of length and time — значение, выраженное в единицах длины и времени;to assign a value — приписывать значение;to assume a value — принимать значение;to attribute a value — приписывать значение;to improve a value — уточнять значение; повышать точность значения;to insert numerical values in an equation — подставлять числовые значения в уравнение;to predetermine [prescribe, preset\] a value — задавать значение;to read value off the scale — считывать показания по шкале;to revise [verify\] a value — уточнять значение-
AA value
Abbe value
absolute biological value
absolute value
acceptance value
accepted value
access value
acetyl value
acid value
actual octane value
actual value
adjusted value
adopted value
antiknock value
apparent biological value
approved value
approximate value
arbitrary value
ash value
assay value
assessed value
assigned value
asymptotic value
attrition value
available heating value
average value
baking value
base value
bearing value
blending octane value
blending value
bogey value
boundary value
bromine value
buffer value
calculated value
calibrated value
calibration value
caloric value
calorific value
carbonyl value
Cauchy principal value
cementing value
center-line-average value
certified value
cetane value
characteristic value
cla value
clear blending value
closeness value
coagulation value
coke value
color value
combustion value
commercial value
common value
complement value
component values
computed value
conservative value
constant value
conventional value
corrected value
corrosion value
crest value
critical value
current value
cutting value
datum value
decision value
default value
delivery value
design value
dietary value
digestive value
distillation value
dot value
drop-out value
effective value
eigen value
energy value
equilibrium value
Erichsen value
ester value
expectation value
experimental value
exposure value
extrapolated value
extreme value
fiducial value
finite value
flash value
food value
full-scale value
GC value
gloss value
gross calorific value
guess value
heating value
heat value
heating value as fired
high heat value
higher calorific value
holding value
imaginary value
improved value
indicated value
information value
inhibiting value
initial value
instantaneous value
integral value
intermediate value
internationally recommended value
inverse value
iodine value
item value
knock value
Koettstorfer value
least-squares adjusted value
least-squares value
legitimate value
limiting value
limit value
limiting dynamic value
local mean value
low heat value
lower calorific value
lower-range value
maximax value
maximum scale value
mean value
mean-square value
measured value
metallurgical value
milling value
minimum scale value
momentary value
NC value
net calorific value
net energy value
nominal value
normalized value
numerical value
nutritive value
observed value
octane value
open-circuit values
operating value
original value
oxygen value
part-program value
peak value
peak-to-peak value
peak-to-valley value
performance value
physical value
pickup value
place value
potential gum value
predetermined value
predicted value
preferred value
prestored value
principal value
proper value
quantization value
rank value
rated value
rated withstand value
rating value
real value
rectified value
reduced value
reduction value
reference value
refined value
refining value
regulatory value
resetting value
reset value
resultant value
returning value
revised value
rms value
rough value
roughness value
rounded-off value
saponification value
saturation value
scale-division value
second-hand value
setting value
set value
short-circuit values
short-time average value
soak value
spatial value
specific value
specified value
standard value
starting value
steady-state value
successive values
superheat value
survival value
tabulated value
target value
temporal value
test value
threshold value
toluene value
tone value
tool offset value
torsion value
total heating value
tristimulus values
true biological value
true food value
true value
typical value
unit value
unrounded value
upper-range value
value of argument
value of error
value of function
value of variable
variable value
virtual decision value
virtual value
V-notch Charpy value
weighted average value
weighted value
working value -
17 value
1) значение, величина2) оценка || оценивать3) значимость; стоимость; ценность•- force a value- possess the value
- absolute value
- access value
- active value
- actual value
- additive edge value
- anticipated value
- arbitrary value
- associated value
- asymptotic value
- atomic value
- attribute value
- brightness values
- by value
- cell-weighted value
- certainty value
- check value - code value
- color value
- complement value
- component values
- computed value
- conjugate value
- conservative value
- control value
- credibility value
- critical value
- current value
- decoded value
- default value
- defined value
- design value
- desired value
- domain value
- don't care value
- drive-type values
- edge value
- effective value
- empty value
- excess-three value
- expectation value
- extreme value
- fitted value
- fixup value
- forced value
- fractional value
- hack value
- hash value
- high value
- information value
- initial value
- instantaneous value
- inverse value
- legitimate value
- limiting value
- logical value
- low value
- lower value of game
- mean square value
- mean value
- merit value
- most probable value
- multiplicative edge value
- nearest value
- numerical value
- opposite logic value
- particular value
- peak value
- peak-to-peak value
- permitted value
- place value
- plain value
- polarization value
- predicted value
- prevailing value
- principal value
- proper value
- rating value
- reciprocal value
- reference value
- residual value
- rogue value
- root-mean-square value
- scale value
- segment value
- selling value
- set value
- significant value
- specified value - state value
- steady-state value
- structured value
- successive values
- threshold value
- trial value
- true value
- truth value
- update values
- upper value of game
- value of atomic variable
- value of game
- value of turn
- virtual decision value
- virtual value
- weighted average value
- weighted valueEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > value
18 value
1) значение; величина; параметр2) стоимость; цена3) оценка || оценивать•- acceptable value
- accumulative value
- active value
- actual value
- agreed value
- allowable value
- average value of size
- average value
- best value
- braking value
- certainty value
- characteristic value
- CLA value
- closeness value
- component value
- computed value
- conjugate value
- constant value
- continuous value
- controlled value
- conventional true value
- corrected parameter value
- corrected value
- correction value
- cutoff value
- cutting value
- default value
- depth-of-cut value
- design value
- desired value
- dimension value
- dimensional value
- disengaging value
- division value
- effective value
- equilibrium value
- final value
- fundamental value
- gray level values
- gray value
- hold value of contact
- ideal final value
- ideal value
- index value
- information value
- instantaneous value
- instruction value
- jog increment value
- just value
- landmark value
- level change value
- limit value
- limiting continuous value
- limiting dynamic value
- limiting thermal withstand value
- limiting value
- lubrication value
- master OOR value
- master value
- mean value of modulus
- mean value
- measured value
- minimum grade value
- model estimated value
- must value
- must-not-operate value
- NC value
- nominal value
- nonoperate value
- nonrelease value
- nonrevert value
- numerical value
- observation value
- offset value
- operate value
- operating value of quantity of electrical relay
- output value per employee
- output value
- part-program value
- peak value
- peak-to-peak value
- performance value
- pick feed value
- pickup value
- positional values
- preselected value
- preset value
- prestored value
- qualitative values
- quantity value
- rated value
- reference value
- release value
- resetting value
- reversal value
- RMS value
- root-mean-square value
- sampled values
- saturation value of the contact
- set point value
- set value
- setting value of a specified time
- setting value
- short-duration value
- short-time value
- stable value
- starting value
- steady-state value
- switching value
- target value
- test value
- thermal value
- thermal withstand value
- threshold value
- tool offset value
- true value
- value of a quantity
- value of reading
- value of the graduation
- value of the smallest graduation
- value of train
- variation value
- VB value
- weight removal value
- weighted value
- yield valueEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > value
19 average
1) средний
2) среднее
3) среднечисловой
4) осреднение
5) осредненный
6) срединный
7) среднеарифмитический
8) усреднение
9) усреднять
10) усреднить
– above average
– average amplitude
– average clause
– average information
– average output
– average payment
– average power
– average probability
– average sales
– average value
– column average
– daily average
– ensemble average
– moving average
– on the average
– population average
– progressive average
– row average
– sample average
– time average
– under average
– universe average
– weighted average
maximum and average delay — <comput.> время ожидания максимальное и среднее
moving average method — <math.> метод скользящих средних
20 value
1) ценность (в экономическом и этическом смысле) || ценить2) стоимость (особ. в классической домарксистской и марксистской политэкономии)3) стоимость (в хозяйственной практике)4) валюта; сумма векселя или тратты || выставлять вексель5) оценка || оценивать6) величина, значение7) цена8) часто pl фрахтовые ставки- at value- of value
См. также в других словарях:
weighted average — ➔ average2 * * * weighted average UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS, FINANCE ► an average in which more value is given to some things than others depending on their importance: »The index is a weighted average of growth rates in corporate earnings,… … Financial and business terms
Weighted average cost of capital — The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the rate that a company is expected to pay to finance its assets. WACC is the minimum return that a company must earn on existing asset base to satisfy its creditors, owners, and other providers of… … Wikipedia
Weighted-Average Life — The Weighted Average Life (WAL) of an amortizing loan or amortizing bond, also called average life, [ [http://www.pimco.com/LeftNav/BondResources/Glossary/ PIMCO glossary] ] is the weighted average of the times of the principal repayments : it s… … Wikipedia
Weighted Average — An average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a weight. These weightings determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average. Weightings are the equivalent of having that many like items with the same value involved… … Investment dictionary
Weighted Average Credit Rating — The weighted average of all the bond credit ratings in a bond fund. The measure gives investors an idea of how risky a fund s bonds are overall. The lower the weighted average credit rating, the riskier the bond fund. The weighted average credit… … Investment dictionary
Weighted Average Cost Of Capital - WACC — A calculation of a firm s cost of capital in which each category of capital is proportionately weighted. All capital sources common stock, preferred stock, bonds and any other long term debt are included in a WACC calculation. All else equal, the … Investment dictionary
Weighted Average Loan Age - WALA — A dollar weighted average measuring the age of the individual loans in a mortgage pass through or pooled security, such as Ginnie Mae or a Freddie Mac security. The WALA is measured as the time in months since the origination of the loans, with… … Investment dictionary
Weighted Average Maturity - WAM — The weighted average of the time until all maturities on mortgages in a mortgage backed security (MBS). The higher the weighted average to maturity, the longer the mortgages in the security have until maturity. Also known as average effective… … Investment dictionary
Weighted Average Coupon - WAC — The weighted average gross interest rates of the pool of mortgages that underlie a mortgage backed security (MBS) at the time the securities were issued. A mortgage backed security s current WAC can differ from its original WAC as the underlying… … Investment dictionary
weighted average — balanced average, average whose different components are weighted in different ways; method for evaluating the value of a supply … English contemporary dictionary
weighted average — /ˌweɪtɪd æv(ə)rɪdʒ/ noun an average which is calculated taking several factors into account, giving some more value than others … Marketing dictionary in english