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  • 1 hard pressed

    • ahtaalla

    English-Finnish dictionary > hard pressed

  • 2 be hard pressed

    (to be in difficulties: He's hard pressed financially.) olla tiukoilla

    English-Finnish dictionary > be hard pressed

  • 3 press

    • painostaa
    • painaa päälle
    • paino
    • painin
    • painautua
    • painamo
    • painaa (alas ym)
    • painaa
    • paine
    • painaa(esim. kädellä)
    • painella
    • painua
    • painallus
    • pakottaa
    • rutistaa
    • tunkea
    • tivata
    • tiukata
    • tunkeutua
    • nipistää
    • hätyyttää
    • tuputtaa
    • tyrkyttää
    • tupata
    • herua
    • silittää
    • ahtaa
    • ahdistaa
    • vaatimalla vaatia
    • vaatia
    • väittää
    • värvätä
    • puristaa
    • punnerrus
    • puserrus
    • prässi
    • punnertaa
    • puserrin
    • puristin
    • prässätä
    • pusertaa
    • pyytämällä pyytää
    • rientää
    • kiirehtiä
    • kiristää
    • litistää
    • likistää
    • hajottaa
    • pestata
    • penätä
    • patistaa
    • sanomalehdistö
    • meistää
    • mankeloida
    • sysätä
    • kuristaa
    • kovistella
    • kovistaa
    • lehdistö
    • kouristaa
    * * *
    pres 1. verb
    1) (to use a pushing motion (against): Press the bell twice!; The children pressed close to their mother.) painaa, painautua
    2) (to squeeze; to flatten: The grapes are pressed to extract the juice.) puristaa
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) painostaa, hoputtaa
    4) (to insist on: The printers are pressing their claim for higher pay.) vaatimalla vaatia
    5) (to iron: Your trousers need to be pressed.) prässätä
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pressing: He gave her hand a press; You had better give your shirt a press.) puristus, silitys
    2) ((also printing-press) a printing machine.) painokone
    3) (newspapers in general: It was reported in the press; ( also adjective) a press photographer.) lehdistö
    4) (the people who work on newspapers and magazines; journalists: The press is/are always interested in the private lives of famous people.) lehdistö
    5) (a device or machine for pressing: a wine-press; a flower-press.) puristin
    - press conference
    - press-cutting
    - be hard pressed
    - be pressed for
    - press for
    - press forward/on

    English-Finnish dictionary > press

  • 4 cake

    • palanen
    • paakkuuntua
    • torttu
    • täytekakku
    • kehruukakku
    • kokkaroitua
    • levy
    • leivos
    • leipä
    • kakku
    • kakkara
    • tarttua
    • kovettua
    * * *
    keik 1. noun
    1) (a food made by baking a mixture of flour, fat, eggs, sugar etc: a piece of cake; a plate of cream cakes; a Christmas cake.) kakku
    2) (a piece of other food pressed into shape: fishcakes; oatcakes.) kakkunen, pyörykkä
    3) (a flattened hard mass: a cake of soap.) levy, pala
    2. verb
    (to cover in the form of a dried mass: His shoes were caked with mud.) olla jonkin peitossa

    English-Finnish dictionary > cake

  • 5 snowball

    • kasvaa kasvamistaan
    • lumipallo
    * * *
    noun (a ball of snow pressed hard together, especially made by children for throwing, as a game.) lumipallo

    English-Finnish dictionary > snowball

  • 6 soft

    • notkea
    • hyväilevä
    • typerä
    • hellä
    • heikko
    • hillitty
    • hempeä
    • hiljainen
    • hieno
    • himmeä
    • veltto
    • vetelä
    • vieno
    • vaisu
    • vaimea
    • pöyheä
    • lempeä
    • leuto
    • mieto
    • pehmyt
    • pehmeäsävyinen
    • pehmoinen
    • pehmeä
    • pehmeäluontoinen
    • matala
    • löysä
    • kypsä
    * * *
    1) (not hard or firm; easily changing shape when pressed: a soft cushion.) pehmeä
    2) (pleasantly smooth to the touch: The dog has a soft, silky coat.) pehmeä
    3) (not loud: a soft voice.) vieno
    4) ((of colour) not bright or harsh: a soft pink.) pehmeä
    5) (not strict (enough): You are too soft with him.) peräänantava
    6) ((of a drink) not alcoholic: At the party they were serving soft drinks as well as wine and spirits.) alkoholiton
    7) (childishly weak, timid or silly: Don't be so soft - the dog won't hurt you.) arka
    - softness
    - soften
    - soft-boiled
    - soft-hearted
    - soft-spoken
    - software
    - softwood
    - have a soft spot for

    English-Finnish dictionary > soft

См. также в других словарях:

  • hard-pressed — adjective a person or organization that is hard pressed does not have enough money for the things they need: An extra four million is being spent on hard pressed education services. be hard pressed (to do something) used for saying that something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hard-pressed — adj. facing or experiencing trouble or difficulty; as, financially hard pressed Mexican hotels are lowering their prices; they were hard pressed to find a substitute on short notice; see {distressed}[1]. Syn: distressed, hard put, in a bad… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hard-pressed — UK US /ˌhɑːdˈprest/ adjective ► experiencing a lot of difficulty, especially because there is not enough time or money: »Michigan s hard pressed manufacturing sector shed another 2,000 jobs. hard pressed to do sth »They received $71.50 a share… …   Financial and business terms

  • hard-pressed — adj having a lot of problems and not enough money or time ▪ The new exams will only add to the workload of already hard pressed teachers. →be hard pressed to do sth at ↑hard2 (5) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hard-pressed — [härd′prest′] adj. confronted with a difficulty or harassment …   English World dictionary

  • hard-pressed — ► ADJECTIVE 1) closely pursued. 2) in difficulties …   English terms dictionary

  • hard-pressed — also hard pressed 1) ADJ GRADED If someone is hard pressed, they are under a great deal of strain and worry, usually because they have not got enough money. [JOURNALISM] The region s hard pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries. 2) ADJ… …   English dictionary

  • hard pressed — Synonyms and related words: at the double, crowded, desperate, double quick, double time, hard up, hard pressed, hard pushed, hard run, hurried, in desperate straits, in extremis, in extremities, on the double, pinched, pressed, pressed for time …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hard-pressed — adjective 1 having a lot of problems and not enough money or time: Hard pressed local authorities are finding it difficult to pay for essential services. 2 sb would be hard pressed to do sth used to say that it would be difficult for someone to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • hard-pressed — UK / US adjective a person or organization that is hard pressed does not have enough money for the things that they need • be hard pressed (to do something) used for saying that something is difficult to do or is unlikely to happen You d be hard… …   English dictionary

  • hard-pressed — adjective a) Barely able. Although they are still available, I think we would be hard pressed to find one on short notice. b) Experiencing financial difficulty or difficulty in surviving. The earthquake left the residents hard pressed. Syn: hard… …   Wiktionary

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