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  • 1 finds one's way to

    1. रास्ता\finds one's way toतलाशना
    I hope you can find your way out of this problem.

    English-Hindi dictionary > finds one's way to

  • 2 boondocks

    1. देहात
    Their family lives way out in the boondocks.

    English-Hindi dictionary > boondocks

  • 3 feverishly

    1. उत्तेजित\feverishlyअवस्था\feverishlyमें
    I was feverishly searching for a way out of my predicament.

    English-Hindi dictionary > feverishly

  • 4 show

    1. प्रदर्शन
    Robert is the host of the cultural show.
    2. प्रदर्शनी
    The handicrafts of different states are on show at the exhibition.
    3. दिखावा
    The sympathy given by the leaders to the injured was nothing but a show.
    1. दिखाना
    I will show him how to do it.
    They showed me their wedding photos.
    2. बतलाना
    I showed him the way out.
    3. सिद्ध करना/प्रमाणित करना
    They think I can't win but I'll show them.
    4. दिखाई देना
    I waited for him whole day but he never showed.

    English-Hindi dictionary > show

  • 5 block

    1. ब्लॉक
    The pyramids were built with large stone blocks
    2. खण्ड\{समूह\}
    He lives in the next block
    There is a block of classrooms in the west wing
    since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably
    He reserved a large block of seats
    2. रोक
    I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block
    We had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
    3. कुन्दा
    The engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked
    4. कील
    They put their paintings on the block
    5. गुटका
    He threw a rolling block into the line backer
    1. रोकना/बन्द\blockकरना
    Block the way
    His brother blocked him at every turn
    Block trains
    Block a nerve
    Block an attack
    2. बाधा\blockडालना
    The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage
    3. ब्लाक\blockबनाना\{प्रिंटिंग\blockका\}
    Block the book cover
    Block a plate for printing
    4. ब्लॉक\blockबनाना
    Block the graphs so one can see the results clearly

    English-Hindi dictionary > block

  • 6 boy

    1. लड़का
    The baby was a boy
    Get out of my way boy
    2. दोस्त
    He likes to play golf with the boys

    English-Hindi dictionary > boy

  • 7 cross

    1. आड़ा/तिरछा
    2. चिड़चिड़ा/हठी
    3. प्रतिकूल
    He gave her a cross look.
    What are you so cross about?
    Strong cross winds make it impossible for boats to leave harbour.
    1. गुणा\crossया\crossधन\crossका\crossनिशान
    The crop regions are marked on the map with a cross\{+,x\}.
    2. कष्ट/संकट
    We all have our crosses to bear and to live with it.
    3. संकर
    A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
    4. ईसाई\crossधर्म\crossका\crossचिह्न/क्रूश
    She wears a small golden cross on a chain round her neck.
    The cross on which Christ died.
    1. पार\crossउतारना/पार\crossकरना
    Look before you cross the road.
    The river is too deep,we can not cross over.
    2. कोई\crossबात\crossध्यान\crossमे\crossआना
    A new idea crossed her mind.
    3. किसी\crossगलत\crossबात\crossको\crossकाटना
    Two sentences have been crossed out from the paragraph.
    4. मार्ग\crossमें\crossमिलना
    We crossed each other on the way.
    The trains crossed
    5. रोकना/विरोध\crossकरना
    She was angry when her plans were crossed.
    6. एक\crossदूसरे\crossको\crossकाटना
    Let straight lines,AB and CD cross each other at O.
    7. क्रास\crossका\crossचिह्न\crossबनाना
    She crossed herself as she passed the church.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cross

  • 8 figure

    1. अंक
    Monthly sales figures of this company show a declining trend.
    1. आकृति\{शारीरिक\}
    One can improve her figure by doing aerobic excercises.
    2. व्यक्ति
    I saw a figure approaching from a distance.
    3. आकृति\{रेखाचित्र\}
    Hexagon is a six sided figure.
    1. दिखाई\figureदेना
    His name figures in the list of suspects.
    2. कल्पना\figureकरना
    By the way they were talking he figured it out that they will not come.

    English-Hindi dictionary > figure

  • 9 latch on to

    latch on to somebody or something
    1. किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति से चिपके रहना
    My sister latches on to me whenever I go out.
    Whenever she comes across a new novel she latches on to it till the last page.
    Children latch on to comics in a big way.

    English-Hindi dictionary > latch on to

  • 10 press

    1. पत्रकारिता
    The press was prohibited from meeting the prisoners of war.
    2. छापाखाना
    Text-Books are printed in the printing press.
    3. मुद्रण
    I wrote a book and prepared for the press.
    4. निचोड़नेवाला
    We bought a lemon press from the market.
    5. दबाव
    Give a press to the shirt before wearing it.
    6. भीड-भाड
    I get a way through the press of people in that market.
    7. अलमारी
    I have a wooden press in my bed-room.
    1. दबाना
    I pressed my face against the pillow in anguish.
    Press car bodies out of sheets of metal.
    2. निचोडना
    The orange was firmly pressed to get the juice.
    3. दबाव डालना
    The Hero gently pressed the Heroine's arm, who was crying.
    4. घेर-लेना
    The police officials pressed the militants to surrender.
    5. इस्त्री करना
    The bride's saree needs pressing.

    English-Hindi dictionary > press

  • 11 tiresome

    1. थकानेवाला
    Though it is a tiresome work he carries out in an explicit way.
    2. कष्ट\tiresomeकरना
    The class was discontinued as the students were being tiresome.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tiresome

См. также в других словарях:

  • Way Out West — can refer to one of the following items:* Way Out West (Oregon country/rock band) visit www.wayoutwestoregon.com * Way Out West (musicians), a progressive house duo from the United Kingdom * Way Out West (1937 film), starring Laurel and Hardy *… …   Wikipedia

  • Way Out — «Way Out» Сингл Roxette из а …   Википедия

  • Way Out West (album) — Way Out West Album par Sonny Rollins Sortie 1957 Enregistrement 7 mars 1957 Durée 71:00 Genre Jazz Producteur Lester Koenig …   Wikipédia en Français

  • way out — way out1 noun count * 1. ) a way of dealing with a problem: There must be a way out of this mess. the easy way out: Borrowing money was the easy way out. 2. ) BRITISH an EXIT from a place on the/your way out 1. ) while leaving a place: I ll turn… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • way out — plural ways out n 1.) BrE a door or passage through which you leave a building = ↑exit 2.) a way to escape a difficult or bad situation ▪ He was in a dilemma, and could see no way out. 3.) on the/your way out …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • way out — plural ways out n 1.) BrE a door or passage through which you leave a building = ↑exit 2.) a way to escape a difficult or bad situation ▪ He was in a dilemma, and could see no way out. 3.) on the/your way out …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Way Out Games — was a weekly athletic competition game show where a total of 51 teams representing the United States and Puerto Rico competed in a series of athletic events, with emphasis based on humor and the unexpected. Way Out Games aired on CBS television… …   Wikipedia

  • Way Out — is a 1961 science fiction television anthology series hosted by horror writer Roald Dahl. The macabre 30 minute shows are bookended by Dahl s dry delivery of a brief monologue, usually explaining a method of murdering a spouse without getting… …   Wikipedia

  • Way Out West — bezeichnet: einen Film mit Laurel und Hardy aus dem Jahr 1937, deutscher Titel Zwei ritten nach Texas Way Out West (Musikprojekt), britisches Duo von House Produzenten Way Out West (Jazzgruppe), australische Jazzgruppe Way Out West Festival,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • way-out — /way owt /, adj. Informal. 1. advanced in style or technique: way out jazz. 2. exotic or esoteric in character: way out theories on nutrition. [1950 55; adj. use of way out far off; see WAY2, OUT] * * * …   Universalium

  • way-out — way out; way out·ness; …   English syllables

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