1 water-thinned paint
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > water-thinned paint
2 water-thinned paint
3 water-thinned paint
Техника: водорастворимая краска -
4 water-thinned paint
5 water-thinned paint
6 paint
1) краска; окраска2) ( сухой) пигмент4) красить; окрашивать; раскрашивать•- acid-resistant paint - acoustic paint - aerosol spray-on paint - alkyd paint - aluminium paint - anticondensation paint - anticorrosive paint - antifouling paint - asbest-based paint - asbestos paint - bactericidal paint - bituminous paint - boiled oil paint - brick and concrete paint - brineproof paint - building paint - cement paint - cement-water paint - chameleon paint - coloured paint - commercial paint - concrete paint - construction paint - daylight luminous paint - decorative paint - disinfectant paint - distemper paint - emulsion paint - enamel paint - engineer's paint - epoxy paint - exterior house paint - fatty paint - finishing paint - fire-retardant paint - gloss paint - gouache paint - ground coat paint - heat indicating paint - heat resistant paint - heavy-bodied paint - hiding paint - house paint - indelible paint - indoor paint - insecticidal paint - latex paint - lead paint - luminous paint - masking paint - mineral paint - natural paint - neoprene paint - oil-base paint - opaque paint - outdoor paint - oven-baked polyester paint - paste paint - prepared paint - prime paint - priming paint - protection paint - quick-drying paint - quickly-drying paint - ready-mixed paint - red-lead paint - reflectorized paint - road paint - roadway paint - roof paint - sample paints - ship bottom paint - shop paint - sound-deadening paint - thermosensitive paint - traffic paint - varnish paint - vinyl paint - water paint - watercolour paint - waterglass paint - water-thinned paint - waterproof paint - weatherproof paint - white-lead paint - wood paintto formulate paint — составлять краску, подбирать колер
* * *краска, красящий состав- absorbent paintpaints mixed on the site — краски, приготовленные на стройплощадке
- acid-resistant paint
- acoustical paint
- acoustic paint
- aerosol paint
- alkali-resistant paint
- alkyd paint
- aluminum paint
- anechoic paint
- anticondensation paint
- anticorrosive paint
- antifouling paint
- antinoise paint
- antirust paint
- antislip paint
- asbest-base paint
- asphalt paint
- bactericidal paint
- bitumastic paint
- bitumen paint
- casein paint
- cement paint
- ceramic paint
- chlorinated rubber paint
- concrete paint
- emulsion paint
- enamel paint
- epoxy paint
- fast-to-light paint
- fatty paint
- fire-retardant paint
- flat paint
- floor paint
- fluorescent paint
- gloss paint
- glue water paint
- graphite paint
- gun-sprayed paint
- heat-resistant paint
- heavy-bodied paint
- latex emulsion paint
- linseed oil paint
- luminous paint
- marine paint
- metallic paint
- microporous paint
- neoprene paint
- oil paint
- paste paint
- phenolic paint
- quick-drying paint
- ready-mixed paint
- ready-mix paint
- red lead paint
- resin emulsion paint
- roof paint
- rubber-emulsion paint
- silicate paint
- size paint
- sound-absorbing paint
- traffic paint
- trim paint
- two-coat paint
- vinyl paint
- water base paint
- water paint
- water glass paint
- waterproof paint
- white paint
- white lead paint
- white lime paint
- wood paint
- zinc-rich paint -
7 paint
1) краска
2) закрасить
3) закрашивать
4) замалевать
5) замалевывать
6) малярить
7) малярничать
8) малярный
9) накраска
10) окрашивать
11) прокрашивать
12) разрисовать
13) разрисовывать
14) расписывать
15) красящий
16) окраска
17) покрасить
18) красильный
– bactericidal paint
– baffle paint
– break the paint
– building paint
– clear paint
– decorative paint
– dull paint
– emulsion paint
– enamel paint
– finishing paint
– fluorescent paint
– fungicidal paint
– gloss paint
– ground-coat paint
– heat-sensitive paint
– high-temperature paint
– house paint
– indelible paint
– latex paint
– luminous paint
– mill paint
– natural paint
– oil paint
– paint brush
– paint coat
– paint formulation
– paint rub test
– paint scum
– paint spraying
– paint store
– peel the paint
– refractory paint
– road paint
– ship paint
– silicate paint
– sublimating paint
– synthetic paint
– take paint
– tube paint
– varnish and paint
– vitrifiable paint
– water paint
– water-glass paint
– water-thinned paint
– weather-proof paint
– wood paint
enamel body paint — <mot.> автоэмаль
8 paint
1) краска, красящий состав || красить; закрашивать; окрашивать2) окраска, покраска3) разрисовывать, расписывать4) малярничать• -
9 водорастворимая краска
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > водорастворимая краска
10 thin
1. a худой, тонкий2. a жидкий, слабый; ненасыщенный; водянистый; разбавленный, разведённый3. a беспомощный, слабый, наивный, неубедительный; бессодержательный, бедный по содержанию4. a бедный; немощный; жалкий5. a редкий6. a разрежённый7. a малочисленный8. a незаполненный, полупустой9. a мелкий, тонкийa thin piping voice — тонкий, писклявый голос
10. a прозрачный, тонкий11. a потёртый12. a неубедительный, шаткийthin story — неубедительное объяснение;
13. a слабый, несильный; небольшой; незначительный14. a тусклый, бледный, слабый, неяркий15. a геол. маломощный16. adv тонко17. v делать тонким; утончать18. v делаться тонким; истончаться19. v заострять, затачиватьthin off — стачивать; заострять, затачивать
20. v делать худым, приводить к потере весаto vanish into thin air — исчезнуть как дым, испариться
a pale thin person of a man — худой, бледный человек
21. v худеть22. v вытягивать23. v размазывать тонким слоем24. v продёргивать, прореживатьthin out — продёргивать, прореживать
25. v редеть26. v сокращать в числе27. v сокращаться; пустеть, делаться безлюдным28. v разбавлять, разводить; рассеивать29. v становиться жидким, разжижаться; становиться менее плотным; рассеиваться30. v редк. становиться тонким, срываться на визгСинонимический ряд:1. acute (adj.) acute; argute; high; piercing; piping; sharp; shrill; treble2. attenuate (adj.) attenuate; attenuated; diffuse; fluid; rare; rarefied; reedy; squinny; stalky; subtile; subtle; tenuous; twiggy3. dilute (adj.) cut; dilute; diluted; runny; washy; watered-down; waterish; watery; weak4. implausible (adj.) flimsy; implausible; improbable; inconceivable; incredible; thick; unbelievable; unconceivable; unconvincing; unsubstantial5. insubstantial (adj.) delicate; faint; feeble; fragile; insubstantial; poor; shallow; sketchy; slight6. slim (adj.) angular; bony; emaciated; gaunt; lank; lanky; lean; narrow; raw-boned; scrawny; skinny; slender; slim; spare7. sparse (adj.) inadequate; insufficient; meager; meagre; scant; scanty; scarce; sparse8. crop (verb) crop; prune; shave; shear9. dilute (verb) attenuate; cut; dilute; diminish; expand; extenuate; rarefy; reduce; water; weaken; wiredrawАнтонимический ряд:abundant; ample; dumpy; fat; full; heavy; inflated; massive; obese; plenteous; plethoric; ponderous; profuse; pudgy; solid; sturdy; thick -
11 out
1) внешний
2) наружный
3) выключенный
– bailing out
– balance out and emf
– be drawn out of meridian
– be out of control
– be out of tune
– be printed out
– be thrown out
– block out
– blow out
– blow out arc
– break out of the clouds
– bring out defect
– bring out leads
– bring out to sockets
– brought out
– burn out
– canceling out
– carry out a test
– carry out analysis
– carry out experiment
– carrying out
– casting out
– casting out nines
– come out
– come out of loop
– come out of press
– couple out fluctuations
– cropping out to surface
– cross out
– crossing out
– cut out
– cut out
– cutting out
– damp out noise
– damped out
– draw out yarns
– drawing out
– drawn out
– drift out
– drift out key
– drift out of tune
– drown out
– dump out
– dying out
– factor out
– fall out
– fall out of synchronism
– falling out
– figure out
– fill out
– filling out
– filter out
– find out
– flare out
– flash out
– flattened out
– flying out
– forcing out
– forge out
– forge out of a bar
– forge out of a piece
– freezing out
– get out
– get out of plumb
– go out
– go out of control
– go out of service
– go out of spin
– go out of use
– grounding out
– hinge out
– inside out
– it turned out that
– knock out
– knock out atom
– knock out electron
– lay out
– lay out a cable
– lay out the course
– laying out
– let out
– leve out
– make out a receipt
– make out paperwork
– multiplying out
– not written out
– open out a hole
– out of
– out of balance
– out of control
– out of focus
– out of gear
– out of line
– out of order
– out of phase
– out of production
– out of range
– out of sequence
– out of sight
– out of use
– out primary
– out secondary
– pay out
– pay out the lead-line
– pay out the log-line
– paying out
– phase out production
– play out
– pointing out
– polish out scratch
– pouring out
– print out
– pull out of dive
– pump out the water
– punch out on cards
– put out
– put out of action
– put out of commission
– put out power
– putting out machine
– roll out
– roll out of turn
– run out a contour line
– run out guess-warp to
– scraping out
– search out
– service out
– shake out a casting
– short out
– shorting out
– singled out
– sort out
– space out
– spaced out
– spell out
– stake out
– status out
– strike out row
– striking out
– suck out
– sucking out
– sweeping out
– swept out
– swing out of the way
– switch out of use
– take out of service
– taxi out
– thinned out
– thrown out
– to cross out
– tracks out on the line
– tuning out
– turn out
– washing out
– wearing out
– worked out
– zoome out effect
pull airplane out of manoeuvre — выводить самолет из маневра
swing filter out of beam — выводить светофильтр из пути луча
swing windwheel out of wind — выводить ветроколесо из-под ветра
См. также в других словарях:
Water miscible oil paint — (also called water soluble or water mixable ) is a modern variety of oil paint which is engineered to be thinned and cleaned up with water, rather than having to use chemicals such as turpentine. It can be mixed and applied using the same… … Wikipedia
texture paint — noun : a paint of heavy consistency and coarse grain consisting usually of gypsum and sand with water thinned binder and used for creating a rough patterned effect on a wall * * * a finish paint having an insoluble additive, as sand, for giving a … Useful english dictionary
Acrylic paint — is fast drying paint containing pigment suspended in an polymer emulsion. Acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but become water resistant when dry. Depending on how much the paint is diluted (with water) or modified with acrylic gels,… … Wikipedia
Primer (paint) — A primer is a preparatory coating put on materials before painting. Priming ensures better adhesion of paint to the surface, increases paint durability, and provides additional protection for the material being painted.When primers are usedPrimer … Wikipedia
Casein paint — Casein paint, derived from milk, is a fast drying, water soluble medium used by artists. It generally has a glue like consistency, but can be thinned with water to the degree that fits a particular artist s style and desired result. It can be… … Wikipedia
plastic paint — /plæstɪk ˈpeɪnt/ (say plastik paynt) noun 1. a paint based on polyvinyl acetate, which can be thinned with water. 2. Colloquial any paint which can be thinned with water …
emulsion — n. 1 a fine dispersion of one liquid in another, esp. as paint, medicine, etc. 2 a mixture of a silver compound suspended in gelatin etc. for coating plates or films. Phrases and idioms: emulsion paint a water thinned paint containing a non… … Useful english dictionary
Oil painting — Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1503–06 Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil especially in early modern Europe, linseed oil. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled w … Wikipedia
Figure painting (hobby) — Figure painting is the hobby of painting miniature figures and/or model figures, either in its own right or as an adjunct to role playing games, wargames, military modeling, etc.Because of the small scale of these figures, the often finely… … Wikipedia
Papier-mâché — (French for chewed up paper because of its appearance), sometimes called paper mâché, is a construction material that consists of pieces of paper, sometimes reinforced with textiles, stuck together using a wet paste (e.g., glue, starch, or… … Wikipedia
Tributyl phosphate — Tributyl phosphate, known commonly as TBP, is an organophosphorus compound with the formula (CH3CH2CH2CH2O)3PO. This colourless, odorless liquid finds some applications as an extractant and a plasticizer. It is an ester of orthophosphoric acid… … Wikipedia