1 waste coefficient
sample coefficient — коэффициент отбора; коэффициент выборки
2 waste coefficient
коэффициент износа ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > waste coefficient
3 waste coefficient
1) Строительство: коэффициент отходов2) Полимеры: коэффициент потерь -
4 waste coefficient
5 waste coefficient
6 coefficient
- coefficient of acidity - coefficient of adhesion - coefficient of admission - coefficient of air resistance - coefficient of attenuation - coefficient of brightness - coefficient of charge - coefficient of cohesion - coefficient of compressibility - coefficient of conduction - coefficient of conductivity - coefficient of consolidation - coefficient of contraction - coefficient of contrast - coefficient of correction - coefficient of cubical expansion - coefficient of cyclic variation - coefficient of deformation - coefficient of dilution - coefficient of discharge - coefficient of dispersion - coefficient of earth pressure - coefficient of efficiency - coefficient of elasticity - coefficient of expansion - coefficient of expansion by heat - coefficient of extension - coefficient of fast power - coefficient of filtration - coefficient of flat expansion - coefficient of flow - coefficient of fuel - coefficient of haze - coefficient of heat absorption - coefficient of heat conductivity - coefficient of heat emission - coefficient of heat passage - coefficient of heat transfer - coefficient of heat transmission - coefficient of impact - coefficient of internal friction - coefficient of light diffusion - coefficient of mechanical efficiency - coefficient of moisture precipitation - coefficient of oscillation - coefficient of overall heat - coefficient of overflow - coefficient of passive earth pressure - coefficient of performance - coefficient of permeability - coefficient of radiation - coefficient of recovery - coefficient of resistance - coefficient of restitution - coefficient of roughness - coefficient of rugosity - coefficient of safety - coefficient of soil reaction - coefficient of storage - coefficient of subgrade - coefficient of subgrade reaction - coefficient of thermal conductivity - coefficient of thermal efficiency - coefficient of thermal expansion - coefficient of thermal transmission - coefficient of torsion - coefficient of transmissibility - coefficient of uniformity - coefficient of utilization - coefficient of variation - coefficient of velocity - coefficient of viscosity - coefficient of wear - absorption coefficient - abuse coefficient - acoustic absorption coefficient - acoustic reflection coefficient - aeration coefficient - aerodynamical coefficient - assurance coefficient - attenuation coefficient - bending moments coefficients - buckling coefficient - collision coefficient - compression coefficient - consolidation coefficient - contraction coefficient - correlation coefficient - cost coefficient - creep coefficient - damping coefficient - decay coefficient - dependability coefficient - dewatering coefficient - diffusion coefficient - discharge coefficient - distribution coefficient - drainage coefficient - dynamic coefficient - efficiency coefficient - emissivity coefficient - extinguishing coefficient - filtration coefficient - flexibility coefficient - friction coefficient - fusing coefficient - heat convection coefficient - heat emission coefficient - heat loss coefficient - heat transfer coefficient - transmission coefficient - hygroscopic coefficient - infiltration coefficient - influence coefficient - inside film coefficient - internal friction coefficient - kinematic coefficient of viscosity - labour coefficient - lateral pressure coefficient - lateral earth pressure coefficient - leakage coefficient - length coefficient - line expansion coefficient - load coefficient - moderating coefficient - noise coefficient - noise reduction coefficient - numerical coefficient - permeability coefficient - plasticity coefficient - positive coefficient - power coefficient - reduction coefficient - reflection coefficient - reliability coefficient - rotational inertia coefficient - roughness coefficient - run-off coefficient - safety coefficient - saturation coefficient - slope-deflection coefficient - sound-absorbing coefficient - sound absorption coefficient - stability coefficient - strength coefficient - surface coefficient - temperature coefficient - thermal conductivity coefficient - transfer coefficient - uniformity coefficient - vapour permeability coefficient - void coefficient - waste coefficient - weir coefficient* * *коэффициент; множитель; параметр; индекс- coefficient of active earth pressure
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of conductivity
- coefficient of consolidation
- coefficient of contraction
- coefficient of creep
- coefficient of cubical expansion
- coefficient of curvature
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of earth pressure
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of filtration
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of heat pump performance
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of internal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of moisture precipitation
- coefficient of natural relative collapsibility
- coefficient of overall heat transmission
- coefficient of passive earth pressure
- coefficient of performance
- coefficient of permeability
- coefficient of permeability to water
- coefficient of radiation
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of retardation
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of rolling friction
- coefficient of roughness
- coefficient of safety
- coefficient of sliding friction
- coefficient of soil reaction
- coefficient of sorting
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of storage
- coefficient of strain
- coefficient of subgrade reaction
- coefficient of surface conductance
- coefficient of thermal conductivity
- coefficient of thermal expansion
- coefficient of thermal stability
- coefficient of transmissibility
- coefficient of uniformity
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of variation
- coefficient of volume change
- coefficient of water demand
- coefficient of wear
- absolute viscosity coefficient
- aerodynamic coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- bending moment coefficients
- buckling coefficient
- Chézy discharge coefficient
- collision coefficient
- consolidation coefficient
- contraction coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- creep coefficient
- curvature coefficient
- damping coefficient
- dewatering coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- drag coefficient
- drainage coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- film coefficient of heat transfer
- flow coefficient
- frictional coefficient
- friction coefficient
- head loss coefficient
- heat absorption coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- heat emission coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- hydroscopic coefficient
- infiltration coefficient
- inside film coefficient
- kinematic viscosity coefficient
- Lamq coefficient
- leakage coefficient
- linear expansion coefficient
- loss coefficient
- Manning's roughness coefficient
- mass transfer coefficient
- noise reduction coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- outside film coefficient of heat transfer
- outside film coefficient
- overall coefficient of heat transfer
- performance coefficient
- permeability coefficient
- power coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- radiation heat transfer coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- resistance coefficient
- rotational inertia coefficient
- runoff coefficient
- safety coefficient
- saturation coefficient
- shear coefficient
- shrinkage coefficient
- solar absorption coefficient
- sorting coefficient
- sound absorption coefficient
- sound reflection coefficient
- sound transmission coefficient
- stability coefficient
- stiffness coefficient
- storage coefficient
- strain-hardening coefficient
- strength coefficient
- surface coefficient of heat transfer
- temperature conductivity coefficient
- thermal expansion coefficient
- transmissibility coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient
- viscosity coefficient
- void coefficient
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- weir coefficient
- wobble coefficient -
7 waste
1. n растрачивание, ненужная или излишняя трата; расточительство2. n потери, убыль; ущерб, убытокwaste of fuel — потеря топлива; перерасход топлива
3. n юр. повреждение, порча; небрежное отношение4. n отходы; обрезки, обрывки выжимки5. n концы, обтирочный материалwaste end — конец, отрезаемый в отходы
cotton waste — концы, обтирочный материал
6. n текст. угар; очёски; рваньthread waste — путанка, рвань пряжи
7. n металлический лом, скрап8. n полигр. макулатура; лишние листыpaper waste — бумажный брак; макулатура; отходы бумаги
9. n утильutility waste — утильсырье; утиль; отбросы
10. n мусор; отбросы11. n сточные воды12. n физиол. выделения13. n износ, изнашивание14. n потеря веса, исхудание15. n уменьшение; упадок16. n пустыня17. n пустынное пространствоa waste of waters — пустыня моря; морской простор
18. n пустошь, пустырь; бросовая земляwaste land — пустующий участок земли; пустошь
19. n юр. бесхозная земля20. n горн. пустая породаwaste pile — отвал породы, террикон
21. n геол. материал, уносимый потоком в мореlevel of waste removal — степень извлечения загрязняющих веществ; степень очистки сточных вод
22. a пустынный; незаселённый; невозделанный; непроизводительный, неплодородный; засушливый23. a опустошённыйto lay waste — опустошать, разорять
24. a излишний, ненужный; напрасный25. a негодный; бракованный26. a тех. отработанный27. v расточать, растрачивать, непроизводительно расходовать, напрасно тратить; терятьactor wasted on provincial audiences — актёр, загубивший свой талант в провинциальных театрах
run to waste — тратиться непроизводительно; тратиться попусту
28. v пропадать попусту; растрачиваться без пользы29. v упускать30. v опустошать; разорять; портить; разрушатьlay waste — опустошать; опустошить
31. v юр. портить арендованное имущество32. v истощаться, иссякать, приходить к концу33. v изнурять, истощатьframe wasted by disease — тело, истощённое болезнью
34. v чахнуть, умиратьto waste away, to pine away — чахнуть
35. v редк. идти, течь36. v амер. сл. избить до полусмерти37. v амер. сл. убить, уничтожить38. v амер. сл. спорт. терять в весе; сгонять весСинонимический ряд:1. barren (adj.) barren; desert; deserted; desolate; uninhabited; wild2. devastated (adj.) decayed; destroyed; devastated; ghost; laid waste; ravaged; ruined; sacked3. useless (adj.) extra; superfluous; unused; useless4. badland (noun) badland; barren; desert; wasteland; wild; wild land; wilderness; wildness5. devastation (noun) decay; decline; destruction; devastation; diminution; dissipation; loss; ruin; spoliation6. extravagance (noun) extravagance; extravagancy; lavishness; overdoing; prodigality; profligacy; squander; unthrift; wastefulness7. refuse (noun) debris; dreck; garbage; junk; kelter; litter; offal; outsweepings; refuse; riffraff; rubbish; spilth; sweepings; swill; trash8. blow (verb) blow; blunder; blunder away; cast away; consume; dissipate; dribble away; drivel; expend; fool away; fritter; fritter away; frivol away; misspend; muddle away; potter away; prodigalize; riot away; spend; squander; throw away; trifle away9. demolish (verb) demolish; destroy; devastate10. erode (verb) decay; diminish; dwindle; erode; reduce; wear away; wear down11. fail (verb) decline; deteriorate; fade; fail; flag; languish; wane; weaken; wither12. indulge (verb) indulge; lavish; splurge13. miss (verb) lose; miss14. ravage (verb) deflower; depredate; desecrate; desolate; despoil; devast; devour; harry; havoc; lay waste; pillage; plunder; ravage; ruin; sack; scourge; spoil; spoliate; stripАнтонимический ряд:abstain; acquire; augment; collect; conserve; develop; enrich; erect; establish; flourish; furnish; gain; get; preserve; thrift -
8 coefficient
9 waste
ущерб ; потеря ; износ ; убыток ; напрасная (непроизводительная) трата ; расточительство ; отбросы ; отходы ; утиль ; лом ; концы ; непроизводительно тратить ; расточать ; ? waste assets ; ? waste coefficient ; ? waste of capital ; ? waste of labour ; ? -
10 waste-heat utilization
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > waste-heat utilization
11 waste dilution
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > waste dilution
12 coefficient of waste
1) Контроль качества: коэффициент потерь2) Макаров: коэффициент износа, показатель износа -
13 coefficient of waste
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > coefficient of waste
14 scattering coefficient
1. коэффициент рассеяния2. коэффициент рассеиванияsample coefficient — коэффициент отбора; коэффициент выборки
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > scattering coefficient
15 acceleration coefficient
эк. коэффициент акселерации, акселератор -
16 capital coefficient
коэффициент капитала; коэффициент затрат основного капитала -
17 conversion coefficient
18 foreign currency coefficient
English-Russian base dictionary > foreign currency coefficient
19 marginal coefficient
20 weighting coefficient
См. также в других словарях:
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