1 wastage
wastage [ˈweɪstɪdʒ][of resources, energy, food, money] gaspillage m ; (as part of industrial process) déperdition f ; ( = amount lost from container) pertes fpl* * *['weɪstɪdʒ]1) (of money, resources, talent) gaspillage m; (of heat, energy) déperdition f2) (also natural wastage) Economics élimination f naturelle -
2 wastage
wastage n1 (of money, resources, talent) gaspillage m ; (of heat, energy) déperdition f ; through wastage par gaspillage ; -
3 wastage
wastage [ˊweɪstɪdʒ] n1) изна́шивание; поте́ри, уте́чка, усу́шка, у́быль;normal wastage есте́ственная у́быль, обы́чная уте́чка
2) расточи́тельность -
4 wastage
- wastage
- n- wastage of land
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 wastage
wastage ['weɪstɪdʒ]noun (UNCOUNT)(a) (loss → of materials, money) gaspillage m, gâchis m; (→ of heat) déperdition f, perte f; (→ of time) perte f; (→ through leakage) fuites fpl, pertes fpl(b) (what is wasted) déchets mpl, rebuts mpl(c) (in numbers, workforce) réduction f;∎ many students are lost by wastage beaucoup d'étudiants abandonnent en cours de route -
6 wastage
7 wastage
8 wastage
9 wastage
wastage постепенная потеря, утечка (напр. генов)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > wastage
10 wastage
[ˈweɪstɪdʒ]educational wastage потери системы образования (потери материальные и потеря времени образовательной системой, из-за дублирования работы или отсева учеников) natural wastage естественная убыль wastage изнашивание; потери, утечка, усушка, убыль; normal wastage естественная убыль, обычная утечка wastage изнашивание; потери, утечка, усушка, убыль; normal wastage естественная убыль, обычная утечка wastage изнашивание; потери, утечка, усушка, убыль wastage износ wastage непроизводительный расход wastage отбросы wastage отходы производства wastage потери wastage расточительность wastage убыль wastage убыток wastage утиль -
11 wastage
-ti‹noun (loss by wasting; the amount wasted: Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.) desperdicio, pérdida; despilfarrotr['weɪstɪʤ]1 (waste, loss) pérdida, merma, desgaste nombre masculino; (amount wasted) pérdidas nombre femenino pluraln.• derroche s.m.• desgaste s.m.• merma s.f.• pérdida s.f.'weɪstɪdʒmass nounnatural wastage — ( of workforce) bajas fpl vegetativas
['weɪstɪdʒ]N (=loss) desperdicio m ; (=amount wasted) pérdidas fpl ; (from container) merma f ; (=wear and tear) desgaste mthe country cannot afford this wastage of human resources — el país no puede permitirse este desperdicio de los recursos humanos
there is a very high wastage rate among students — existe un porcentaje muy elevado de estudiantes que no terminan sus estudios
natural 3.the wastage rate among entrants to the profession — el porcentaje de los que abandonan la profesión poco tiempo después de ingresar en ella
* * *['weɪstɪdʒ]mass nounnatural wastage — ( of workforce) bajas fpl vegetativas
12 wastage
noun1) (loss by wear etc.) Schwund, der2)[natural] wastage — (Admin.) ≈ natürliche Fluktuation
* * *[-ti‹]noun (loss by wasting; the amount wasted: Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.) der Verlust* * *wast·age[ˈweɪstɪʤ]n no plthere is a lot of \wastage of material using this pattern man hat ziemlich viel Verschnitt, wenn man dieses Schnittmuster verwendet* * *['weIstɪdZ]nSchwund m; (= action) Verschwendung f; (= amount also) Materialverlust m; (from container also) Verlust m; (unusable products etc also) Abfall ma wastage rate of 10% — eine Verlustquote von 10%
See:→ natural wastage* * *wastage [ˈweıstıdʒ] s1. Schwund m:natural wastage WIRTSCH natürliche Fluktuation2. Verschwendung f, -geudung f:wastage of energy Energieverschwendung* * *noun1) (loss by wear etc.) Schwund, der2)[natural] wastage — (Admin.) ≈ natürliche Fluktuation
* * *n.Abnutzung f.Verbrauch m.Verlust -¨e m. -
13 wastage
1. отходы, брак2. потери от износа -
14 wastage
-ti‹noun (loss by wasting; the amount wasted: Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.) svinn, spillsubst. \/ˈweɪstɪdʒ\/1) sløseri, sløsing2) spill, svinn, tap3) avfall, avfallsstoff• where do they dump factory wastage?4) ( også natural wastage) avgang, naturlig avgangnatural wastage naturlig avgangwastage of sløsing med -
15 wastage
ˈweɪstɪdʒ сущ.
1) изнашивание;
потери, убыль, усушка, утечка normal wastage
2) расточительность Syn: extravagance, wastefulness( специальное) убыток;
обесценение educational ~ потери системы образования (потери материальные и потеря времени образовательной системой, из-за дублирования работы или отсева учеников) natural ~ естественная убыль wastage изнашивание;
потери, утечка, усушка, убыль;
normal wastage естественная убыль, обычная утечка wastage изнашивание;
потери, утечка, усушка, убыль;
normal wastage естественная убыль, обычная утечка ~ изнашивание;
потери, утечка, усушка, убыль ~ износ ~ непроизводительный расход ~ отбросы ~ отходы производства ~ потери ~ расточительность ~ убыль ~ убыток ~ утиль -
16 wastage
потери имя существительное: -
17 wastage
['weɪstɪdʒ]1) (of money, talent, energy) spreco m.2) (anche natural wastage) sociol. econ. = normale riduzione dell'organico per pensionamento o dimissioni* * *[-ti‹]noun (loss by wasting; the amount wasted: Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.) rifiuti, scarti* * *wastage /ˈweɪstɪdʒ/n.1 [uc] sciupio; spreco4 [u] (ind.) cascami; rifiuti; scarti6 [u] candidati eliminati (collett.).* * *['weɪstɪdʒ]1) (of money, talent, energy) spreco m.2) (anche natural wastage) sociol. econ. = normale riduzione dell'organico per pensionamento o dimissioni -
18 wastage
потери; утечка; отсев; отбросы; утиль; отходы -
19 wastage
20 wastage
[-ti‹]noun (loss by wasting; the amount wasted: Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.) izguba* * *[wéistidž]nountratenje, trošenje, razsipavanje, zapravljanje; izguba; obraba; odpad; figuratively prazen tekwastage of energy — trošenje, potrata energije
См. также в других словарях:
wastage — wast‧age [ˈweɪstɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] 1. an amount of something that is lost or destroyed: • Penalties should be introduced for excessive wastage of materials. • Our courses are designed to maximise the learning process and minimise time and… … Financial and business terms
wastage — should not be used as a synonym of the noun waste, but has special (often technical and always non judgemental) meanings: (1) loss by natural means, e.g. wear or erosion, (2) an amount wasted, (3) in the phrase natural wastage, reduction in… … Modern English usage
wastage — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of wasting. 2) an amount wasted. 3) (also natural wastage) the reduction in the size of a workforce as a result of voluntary resignation or retirement rather than enforced redundancy … English terms dictionary
Wastage — Wast age, n. Loss by use, decay, evaporation, leakage, or the like; waste. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wastage — index consumption, decrement, spoilage, waste, wear and tear Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
wastage — 1756, from WASTE (Cf. waste) (v.) + AGE (Cf. age) … Etymology dictionary
wastage — [wās′tij] n. 1. loss by use, decay, deterioration, etc. 2. anything wasted, or the amount of this; waste 3. Geol. a) the processes by which snow and ice masses are reduced by melting, evaporation, etc. b) the amount of material lost through these … English World dictionary
wastage — [[t]we͟ɪstɪʤ[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Wastage of something is the act of wasting it or the amount of it that is wasted. ...a series of measures to prevent the wastage of water... There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions were hastily taken.… … English dictionary
wastage — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ excessive, high ▪ natural (BrE) ▪ Natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level. ▪ muscle (BrE) ▪ … Collocations dictionary
wastage — wast|age [ˈweıstıdʒ] n [U] formal 1.) when something is lost or destroyed, especially in a way that is not useful or reasonable, or the amount that is lost or destroyed ▪ The system used to result in a great deal of food wastage. wastage of ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
wastage — /way stij/, n. 1. loss by use, wear, decay, etc. 2. loss or losses as the result of wastefulness: The annual wastage of time due to illness is appalling. 3. the action or process of wasting: the steady wastage of erosion. 4. something that is… … Universalium