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  • 1 wasp's\ nest

    English-Hungarian dictionary > wasp's\ nest

  • 2 nest

    rejtekhely, fészek, banda, búvóhely, társaság to nest: letelepedik, fészkel, fészket rak
    * * *
    [nest] 1. noun
    (a structure or place in which birds (and some animals and insects) hatch or give birth to and look after their young: The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house; a wasp's nest.) fészek
    2. verb
    (to build a nest and live in it: A pair of robins are nesting in that bush.) fészket rak
    - nest-egg
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest

    English-Hungarian dictionary > nest

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wasp's Nest (Christie TV play) — Wasp s Nest was a television play broadcast on the BBC Television Service on 18 June 1937. It was adapted from the short story of the same name by crime writer Agatha Christie which had first appeared in the Daily Mail on 20 November 1928 and… …   Wikipedia

  • wasp's nest — noun habitation for wasps or hornets • Syn: ↑wasps nest, ↑hornet s nest, ↑hornets nest • Hypernyms: ↑nidus …   Useful english dictionary

  • wasp's nest — hornet s nest, center of hatred …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Nest — For other uses, see Nest (disambiguation). A bird s nest A nest is a place of refuge to hold an animal s eggs and/or provide a place to live or raise offspring. They are usually made of some organic material such as twigs, grass, and leaves; or… …   Wikipedia

  • wasp — noun WASP + VERB ▪ crawl, fly ▪ sting sb ▪ buzz WASP + NOUN ▪ sting ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • wasp — O.E. wæps, wæsp, altered (probably by influence of L. vespa) from W.Gmc. *wabis (Cf. O.S. waspa, M.Du. wespe, Du. wesp, O.H.G. wafsa, Ger. Wespe, Dan. hveps), from PIE *wobhes /*wops (Cf. L. vespa, Lith. vapsa, O.C.S. vosa …   Etymology dictionary

  • wasp — [wäsp, wôsp] n. [ME waspe < OE wæsp, akin to Ger wespe < Gmc base * waps < IE * wobhsā < base * webh , to WEAVE (in reference to the cocoonlike nest)] any of various families of winged hymenopteran insects, characterized by a slender… …   English World dictionary

  • wasp — ► NOUN ▪ a stinging winged insect which typically nests in complex colonies and has a black and yellow striped body. ORIGIN Old English, perhaps related to WEAVE(Cf. ↑weave) (from the web like form of its nest) …   English terms dictionary

  • Wasp — Taxobox name = Wasp image width = 180px image caption = Aleiodes indiscretus parasitizing a gypsy moth caterpillar regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Hymenoptera subdivision ranks = Suborder subdivision = Apocrita See… …   Wikipedia

  • WASP — /wosp/, Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive. n. 1. a white Anglo Saxon Protestant. 2. a member of the privileged, established white upper middle class in the U.S. adj. 3. Waspy. Also, Wasp. [1955 60] /wosp/, n. a member of the Women s Air Force… …   Universalium

  • wasp — wasplike, adj. /wosp/, n. 1. any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterous insects of the Vespidae, Sphecidae, and allied families, generally having a long, slender body and narrow waist and, in the female, a stinger. 2. a person who is… …   Universalium

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