1 warhead section
WHDS, warhead section————————WHS, warhead section————————WS, warhead sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > warhead section
2 warhead section
2) Космонавтика: боевая часть -
3 warhead section
4 warhead section
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > warhead section
5 warhead section simulator
WSS, warhead section simulatorEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > warhead section simulator
6 warhead section simulator
Военный термин: имитатор отсека БЧ (ракеты)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > warhead section simulator
7 modified warhead section
MWHS, modified warhead sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > modified warhead section
8 modified warhead section
Военный термин: модифицированный отсек БЧУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > modified warhead section
9 section
1. (поперечное) сечение; профиль2. секция; отсек; участокsection at cracked holesection at failureacoustic cross sectionaft-loaded sectionafterburning sectionairfoil sectionautothrottle computing sectionbackscatter cross sectionbackscattering cross sectionbistatic cross sectionblade sectioncabin cross sectioncambered sectionchine-shaped cross sectioncockpit sectioncommand sectioncomputing sectioncontrol sectioncross sectiondeep aerofoil sectiondorsal sectioneconomy sectionelliptic sectionelliptical sectionengine hot sectionfinned sectionfirst-class sectionflap sectionflight sectionfrontal radar cross sectionfuselage sectionfuselage centre sectionguidance sectionhead-on radar cross sectionhigh-pitching moment sectionin profile radar cross sectionleading-edge sectionleading-edge cross sectionno-smoking sectionnose cross sectionoff-center line section of runwayopen-throat test sectionpayload carrying sectionpeaky sectionpitch channel output sectionpitch mode computing sectionpropulsion sectionradar cross sectionreflexed sectionroll channel output sectionroll mode computing sectionrooftop sectionroot sectionscattering cross sectionsharp-leading-edge sectionslotted test sectionslotted-wall test sectionsnap-through sectionstar-shaped cross sectionstilling sectionstreamwise sectionstructural sectionsupercritical sectiontail sectiontail cross sectiontest sectiontesting sectiontip sectionuncambered sectionuniform cross sectionvariable camber sectionvertical ellipse cross sectionvertical tail sectionwarhead sectionWhitcomb sectionwing-body cross section -
10 section
сечение, разрез; профиль; секция; отсек; участок, отрезок; часть; шлиф; профильный металл; фасонная сталь; раздел ( документа) ; отделение ( организации)12% thick airfoil section — аэродинамический профиль с относительной толщиной 12%
boron epoxy reinforced section — профиль, армированный бороэпоксидной композицией
guidance (and control) section — отсек (бортовой) аппаратуры наведения [управления]; отделение пункта наведения [управления]
submerged seaplane hull section — подводная часть лодки [корпуса] гидросамолёта
11 WS
1) Общая лексика: steam2) Компьютерная техника: Weak Script, Weather Satellite3) Авиация: узел подвески на крыле4) Морской термин: мировая шкала, мировая шкала базисных ставок фрахта, тариф шкалы WS, фиксированная ставка тарифа World Scale, шкала базисных номинальных фрахтовых ставок для танкеров, Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women's Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield (снаряда), windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения (weapons stabilizer)6) Техника: warm shop, watts per steradian, weak signal, weapons system, winding specification, windshield, Wet Scrubber (Gasification Technology Conference)7) Сельское хозяйство: Wire Shear, (water solution) ВР (используется для определения состояния гербицидов)8) Химия: Wash Solution9) Математика: Weight and Sum, сумма квадратов внутри блока (within-group sum of squares)10) Метеорология: Warmer South11) Юридический термин: Winchester Special, witness statements12) Страхование: Worldscale (Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale)13) Ветеринария: Week's Spawn, Working Samoyed14) Грубое выражение: Wanker Shitface, Watery Shit, Worth Shit15) Телекоммуникации: рабочее место16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem (for the "Electronically-Enhanced Soldier"), Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet (// attorney), WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl's Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin' Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker - Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women's Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface17) Физиология: Watt Seconds18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server (Corel), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation (RedHat, Linux)19) Нефть: well site, whipstock, wireless station, отклонитель (whipstock), отклоняющий клин20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side21) Силикатное производство: water solid ratio22) Фирменный знак: Williams- Sonoma cookware23) Экология: Water Survey, water solution24) СМИ: Wine Spectator25) SAP. график рабочего времени27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: water station, well services, wellsite28) Полимеры: water spray, water supply, wet spinning29) Программирование: Web-сервисы (см. Web Services)30) Автоматика: working station31) Химическое оружие: work station/site32) Макаров: wait state, weather strip, wheel slide, working storage33) Велосипеды: wheel size34) Расширение файла: APL Worksheet35) Нефть и газ: World Scale36) Керамика: Water Solid37) Фармация: Working Standard38) Общественная организация: The Wildlife Society39) Правительство: Warm Springs, Georgia, White Sands, New Mexico40) Программное обеспечение: Windows Sockets -
12 WSS
1) Компьютерная техника: беспроводная абонентская система связи (Wireless Subscriber System)2) Ботаника: White Spot Syndrome3) Спорт: Wingless Spec Sprint car class, Wisconsin Soaring Society, Wisconsin Speleological Society4) Военный термин: Weapon Systems Software, Weather Service specialist, Workfile Support System, warfare systems school, warhead section simulator, weapon support system, weapon system specification5) Техника: water-soluble salts6) Железнодорожный термин: Winston- Salem Southbound Railway Company7) Автомобильный термин: wheel speed sensor8) Ветеринария: Western Shorebird Survey9) Телевидение: Широкоэкранный сигнал (Wide Screen Signalling)10) Сокращение: Waterside Security System, Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems11) Университет: Women's Studies Section12) Школьное выражение: Woodlands Secondary School13) Вычислительная техника: Windows Sound System, Windows Sound System (Windows, Audio), Windows SharePoint Services14) Транспорт: Wine and Spirits Shippers15) Фирменный знак: WWIV Software Services, Wall Street Sports, White Star Software, Whole Systems Solutions, World Security Solutions, Inc.16) СМИ: West Side Story17) Деловая лексика: Wearable Scanning System18) Сетевые технологии: Workstation Support Services, Wavelength Selection Switch19) Макаров: water steam separator, winged single-stage system20) Безопасность: Web Services Security21) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) Well Stimulation Services = служба (службы) стимуляции скважин(ы), служба интенсификации притока22) Должность: Wood Stabilizing Specialist23) НАСА: Weak Signal Source -
13 ws
1) Общая лексика: steam2) Компьютерная техника: Weak Script, Weather Satellite3) Авиация: узел подвески на крыле4) Морской термин: мировая шкала, мировая шкала базисных ставок фрахта, тариф шкалы WS, фиксированная ставка тарифа World Scale, шкала базисных номинальных фрахтовых ставок для танкеров, Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women's Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield (снаряда), windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения (weapons stabilizer)6) Техника: warm shop, watts per steradian, weak signal, weapons system, winding specification, windshield, Wet Scrubber (Gasification Technology Conference)7) Сельское хозяйство: Wire Shear, (water solution) ВР (используется для определения состояния гербицидов)8) Химия: Wash Solution9) Математика: Weight and Sum, сумма квадратов внутри блока (within-group sum of squares)10) Метеорология: Warmer South11) Юридический термин: Winchester Special, witness statements12) Страхование: Worldscale (Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale)13) Ветеринария: Week's Spawn, Working Samoyed14) Грубое выражение: Wanker Shitface, Watery Shit, Worth Shit15) Телекоммуникации: рабочее место16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem (for the "Electronically-Enhanced Soldier"), Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet (// attorney), WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl's Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin' Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker - Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women's Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface17) Физиология: Watt Seconds18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server (Corel), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation (RedHat, Linux)19) Нефть: well site, whipstock, wireless station, отклонитель (whipstock), отклоняющий клин20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side21) Силикатное производство: water solid ratio22) Фирменный знак: Williams- Sonoma cookware23) Экология: Water Survey, water solution24) СМИ: Wine Spectator25) SAP. график рабочего времени27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: water station, well services, wellsite28) Полимеры: water spray, water supply, wet spinning29) Программирование: Web-сервисы (см. Web Services)30) Автоматика: working station31) Химическое оружие: work station/site32) Макаров: wait state, weather strip, wheel slide, working storage33) Велосипеды: wheel size34) Расширение файла: APL Worksheet35) Нефть и газ: World Scale36) Керамика: Water Solid37) Фармация: Working Standard38) Общественная организация: The Wildlife Society39) Правительство: Warm Springs, Georgia, White Sands, New Mexico40) Программное обеспечение: Windows Sockets -
14 WS
WS, Wallops station————————WS, war scaleмасштабы войны [военных действий]————————WS, war serviceбоевая служба, служба в боевых условиях; служба на фронте————————WS, war site————————WS, war strength————————WS, war-like stores————————WS, warhead section————————WS, water supplyводоснабжение; запас воды————————WS, weapon specification————————WS, weapon(s) systemсистема оружия, СО; комплекс боевых средств; система вооружения————————WS, Weather Service————————WS, weather squadron————————WS, weather station————————WS, windsonde————————WS, wing stationав крыльевой узел подвески————————WS, Бр wireless sectionсекция [отделение] радиосвязи————————WS, Бр wireless set [station]————————WS, Бр Women's Services————————WS; W/S, wind shieldлобовое стекло; арт баллистический наконечник (снаряда)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > WS
1) Военный термин: Marine wing headquarters squadron, modified warhead section2) Школьное выражение: Milton Wright High School3) НАСДАК: Micro Warehouse, Inc. -
1) Военный термин: warhead section2) Сокращение: Weapon Handling Discharge System3) Фирменный знак: WebSite Hosting & Design Services -
17 WHS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Wolf- Hirschhorn Syndrome2) Американизм: White House Spokesman, White House Staff3) Военный термин: Washington Headquarters Services, White Sands, warhead section4) Религия: What He Said6) Сокращение: white scale7) Физиология: Wake Health Services8) Школьное выражение: Waltham High School, Washington High School, West High School, Wheeling High School, Windsor House School9) Экология: WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY10) Образование: Wisdom Honor And Success, Worth Honor Success11) Океанография: Water Harvesting Structures12) Сахалин Ю: hot water supply13) Общественная организация: Washington Humane Society -
18 whs
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Wolf- Hirschhorn Syndrome2) Американизм: White House Spokesman, White House Staff3) Военный термин: Washington Headquarters Services, White Sands, warhead section4) Религия: What He Said6) Сокращение: white scale7) Физиология: Wake Health Services8) Школьное выражение: Waltham High School, Washington High School, West High School, Wheeling High School, Windsor House School9) Экология: WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY10) Образование: Wisdom Honor And Success, Worth Honor Success11) Океанография: Water Harvesting Structures12) Сахалин Ю: hot water supply13) Общественная организация: Washington Humane Society -
MWHS, Marine wing headquarters squadron————————MWHS, modified warhead sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MWHS
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > WHDS
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
warhead section — kovinės galvutės dalis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sukomplektuota kovinės galvutės dalis, įskaitant apdangą ir kitus komponentus. atitikmenys: angl. warhead section pranc. section du cône de charge … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
warhead section — kovinės galvutės dalis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sukomplektuota kovinės galvutės dalis, įskaitant apdangą ir kitus komponentus. atitikmenys: angl. warhead section rus. секция боеголовки … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
warhead section — A completely assembled warhead, including appropriate skin sections and related components … Military dictionary
warhead mating — The act of attaching a warhead section to a rocket or missile body, torpedo, airframe, motor, or guidance section … Military dictionary
section du cône de charge — kovinės galvutės dalis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sukomplektuota kovinės galvutės dalis, įskaitant apdangą ir kitus komponentus. atitikmenys: angl. warhead section pranc. section du cône de charge … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
warhead — [wôr′hed΄] n. the head, or forward section, of a torpedo, bomb, or other projectile, containing the explosive charge, chemical, etc … English World dictionary
warhead — noun Date: 1898 the section of a missile containing the explosive, chemical, or incendiary charge … New Collegiate Dictionary
warhead — /wawr hed /, n. the forward section of a self propelled missile, bomb, torpedo, or the like, containing the explosive, chemical, or atomic charge. [1895 1900; WAR1 + HEAD] * * * … Universalium
warhead — war•head [[t]ˈwɔrˌhɛd[/t]] n. mil the forward section of a missile, bomb, torpedo, or the like, containing the explosive or payload • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
warhead — /ˈwɔhɛd / (say wawhed) noun the forward section of a self propelled missile, bomb, torpedo, etc., containing explosives, chemical or biological agents or inert materials intended to inflict damage. {war + head} …
Reliable Replacement Warhead — The Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) is a controversial new American nuclear warhead design and bomb family that is intended to be simple, reliable and to provide a long lasting, low maintenance future nuclear force for the United States. It is … Wikipedia