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  • 81 νηῦς

    νηῦς (νέ Od. 24.1), gen. νηός and νεός, dat. νηί, acc. νῆα and νέα, pl. νῆες, νέες, gen. νηῶν, νεῶν, ναῦφιν, dat. νηυσί, νήεσσι, νέεσσιν, ναῦφιν, acc. νῆας, νέας: ship, vessel. The parts of a ship, as named in Homer (see cut under ἔδαφος), are as follows: of the hull, τρόπις, πρῴρη, πρύμνη, ἐπηγκενίδες, πηδάλιον, οἰήια, ἱστός, ἱστοπέδη, ἱστοδόκη, ζυγά, κληῖδες, τροπός. Of the rigging, ἱστία, πείσματα, πόδες, ἐπίτονος, πρότονος. Oar, ἐρετμός, κώπη. Homer mentions ships of burden, φορτίδες, Od. 9.323; otherwise ships of war are meant. Pl., νῆες, the ships, often in the Iliad of the camp of the Greeks, which included νῆες and κλισίαι, Il. 2.688. (See plate IV., at end of volume.)— νῆάδε, to the ship, Od. 13.19.

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > νηῦς

  • 82 atom

    1. i. atom
    2. s. atomic, nuclear
    atom bombası – atomic bomb, A-bomb
    atom enerjisi – atomic energy
    atom gəmisi – atomic vessel
    atom müharibəsi – atomic war
    atom elektrik stansiyası – nuclear power station

    Məktəblilər üçün Azərbaycanca-İngiliscə lüğət > atom

  • 83 Bessemer, Sir Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 19 January 1813 Charlton (near Hitchin), Hertfordshire, England
    d. 15 January 1898 Denmark Hill, London, England
    English inventor of the Bessemer steelmaking process.
    The most valuable part of Bessemer's education took place in the workshop of his inventor father. At the age of only 17 he went to London to seek his fortune and set himself up in the trade of casting art works in white metal. He went on to the embossing of metals and other materials and this led to his first major invention, whereby a date was incorporated in the die for embossing seals, thus preventing the wholesale forgeries that had previously been committed. For this, a grateful Government promised Bessemer a paid position, a promise that was never kept; recognition came only in 1879 with a belated knighthood. Bessemer turned to other inventions, mainly in metalworking, including a process for making bronze powder and gold paint. After he had overcome technical problems, the process became highly profitable, earning him a considerable income during the forty years it was in use.
    The Crimean War presented inventors such as Bessemer with a challenge when weaknesses in the iron used to make the cannon became apparent. In 1856, at his Baxter House premises in St Paneras, London, he tried fusing cast iron with steel. Noticing the effect of an air current on the molten mixture, he constructed a reaction vessel or converter in which air was blown through molten cast iron. There was a vigorous reaction which nearly burned the house down, and Bessemer found the iron to be almost completely decarburized, without the slag threads always present in wrought iron. Bessemer had in fact invented not only a new process but a new material, mild steel. His paper "On the manufacture of malleable iron and steel without fuel" at the British Association meeting in Cheltenham later that year created a stir. Bessemer was courted by ironmasters to license the process. However, success was short-lived, for they found that phosphorus in the original iron ore passed into the metal and rendered it useless. By chance, Bessemer had used in his trials pig-iron, derived from haematite, a phosphorus-free ore. Bessemer tried hard to overcome the problem, but lacking chemical knowledge he resigned himself to limiting his process to this kind of pig-iron. This limitation was removed in 1879 by Sidney Gilchrist Thomas, who substituted a chemically basic lining in the converter in place of the acid lining used by Bessemer. This reacted with the phosphorus to form a substance that could be tapped off with the slag, leaving the steel free from this harmful element. Even so, the new material had begun to be applied in engineering, especially for railways. The open-hearth process developed by Siemens and the Martin brothers complemented rather than competed with Bessemer steel. The widespread use of the two processes had a revolutionary effect on mechanical and structural engineering and earned Bessemer around £1 million in royalties before the patents expired.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1879. FRS 1879. Royal Society of Arts Albert Gold Medal 1872.
    1905, Sir Henry Bessemer FRS: An Autobiography, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Bessemer, Sir Henry

  • 84 Muspratt, James

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 12 August 1793 Dublin, Ireland
    d. 4 May 1886 Seaforth Hall, near Liverpool, England
    British industrial chemist.
    Educated in Dublin, Muspratt was apprenticed at the age of 14 to a wholesale chemist and druggist, with whom he remained for three or four years. Muspratt then went in search of the Napoleonic War and found it first in Spain and finally as Second Officer on a naval vessel. Finding the life unpleasantly harsh, he left his ship off Swansea and returned to Dublin around 1814. Soon afterwards, he received an inheritance, much reduced and delayed by litigation in Chancery. He began manufacturing chemicals in a small way and from 1818 set up as a manufacturer of prussiate of potash. In 1823, Muspratt took advantage of the removal of the salt tax to establish the first plant in England for the largescale manufacture of soda by the Leblanc process. His first soda works was on the outskirts of Liverpool, but when this proved inadequate, he established a larger factory at St Helens, Lancashire, where the raw materials lay close at hand. This district has remained an important centre of the British chemical industry ever since. Although the plant was successful commercially, there were environmental problems. The equipment for condensing the hydrochloric acid gas produced were inadequate and this caused extensive damage to local vegetation, so that Muspratt had to contend with legal action lasting from 1832 to 1850. Eventually Muspratt moved his alkali manufacture to Widnes, which also became a great centre for the chemical industry.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1886, Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 5:314. J.F.Allen, 1890, Memoir of James Muspratt, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Muspratt, James

  • 85 Trevithick, Richard

    b. 13 April 1771 Illogan, Cornwall, England
    d. 22 April 1833 Dartford, Kent, England
    English engineer, pioneer of non-condensing steam-engines; designed and built the first locomotives.
    Trevithick's father was a tin-mine manager, and Trevithick himself, after limited formal education, developed his immense engineering talent among local mining machinery and steam-engines and found employment as a mining engineer. Tall, strong and high-spirited, he was the eternal optimist.
    About 1797 it occurred to him that the separate condenser patent of James Watt could be avoided by employing "strong steam", that is steam at pressures substantially greater than atmospheric, to drive steam-engines: after use, steam could be exhausted to the atmosphere and the condenser eliminated. His first winding engine on this principle came into use in 1799, and subsequently such engines were widely used. To produce high-pressure steam, a stronger boiler was needed than the boilers then in use, in which the pressure vessel was mounted upon masonry above the fire: Trevithick designed the cylindrical boiler, with furnace tube within, from which the Cornish and later the Lancashire boilers evolved.
    Simultaneously he realized that high-pressure steam enabled a compact steam-engine/boiler unit to be built: typically, the Trevithick engine comprised a cylindrical boiler with return firetube, and a cylinder recessed into the boiler. No beam intervened between connecting rod and crank. A master patent was taken out.
    Such an engine was well suited to driving vehicles. Trevithick built his first steam-carriage in 1801, but after a few days' use it overturned on a rough Cornish road and was damaged beyond repair by fire. Nevertheless, it had been the first self-propelled vehicle successfully to carry passengers. His second steam-carriage was driven about the streets of London in 1803, even more successfully; however, it aroused no commercial interest. Meanwhile the Coalbrookdale Company had started to build a locomotive incorporating a Trevithick engine for its tramroads, though little is known of the outcome; however, Samuel Homfray's ironworks at Penydarren, South Wales, was already building engines to Trevithick's design, and in 1804 Trevithick built one there as a locomotive for the Penydarren Tramroad. In this, and in the London steam-carriage, exhaust steam was turned up the chimney to draw the fire. On 21 February the locomotive hauled five wagons with 10 tons of iron and seventy men for 9 miles (14 km): it was the first successful railway locomotive.
    Again, there was no commercial interest, although Trevithick now had nearly fifty stationary engines completed or being built to his design under licence. He experimented with one to power a barge on the Severn and used one to power a dredger on the Thames. He became Engineer to a project to drive a tunnel beneath the Thames at Rotherhithe and was only narrowly defeated, by quicksands. Trevithick then set up, in 1808, a circular tramroad track in London and upon it demonstrated to the admission-fee-paying public the locomotive Catch me who can, built to his design by John Hazledine and J.U. Rastrick.
    In 1809, by which date Trevithick had sold all his interest in the steam-engine patent, he and Robert Dickinson, in partnership, obtained a patent for iron tanks to hold liquid cargo in ships, replacing the wooden casks then used, and started to manufacture them. In 1810, however, he was taken seriously ill with typhus for six months and had to return to Cornwall, and early in 1811 the partners were bankrupt; Trevithick was discharged from bankruptcy only in 1814.
    In the meantime he continued as a steam engineer and produced a single-acting steam engine in which the cut-off could be varied to work the engine expansively by way of a three-way cock actuated by a cam. Then, in 1813, Trevithick was approached by a representative of a company set up to drain the rich but flooded silver-mines at Cerro de Pasco, Peru, at an altitude of 14,000 ft (4,300 m). Low-pressure steam engines, dependent largely upon atmospheric pressure, would not work at such an altitude, but Trevithick's high-pressure engines would. Nine engines and much other mining plant were built by Hazledine and Rastrick and despatched to Peru in 1814, and Trevithick himself followed two years later. However, the war of independence was taking place in Peru, then a Spanish colony, and no sooner had Trevithick, after immense difficulties, put everything in order at the mines then rebels arrived and broke up the machinery, for they saw the mines as a source of supply for the Spanish forces. It was only after innumerable further adventures, during which he encountered and was assisted financially by Robert Stephenson, that Trevithick eventually arrived home in Cornwall in 1827, penniless.
    He petitioned Parliament for a grant in recognition of his improvements to steam-engines and boilers, without success. He was as inventive as ever though: he proposed a hydraulic power transmission system; he was consulted over steam engines for land drainage in Holland; and he suggested a 1,000 ft (305 m) high tower of gilded cast iron to commemorate the Reform Act of 1832. While working on steam propulsion of ships in 1833, he caught pneumonia, from which he died.
    Trevithick took out fourteen patents, solely or in partnership, of which the most important are: 1802, Construction of Steam Engines, British patent no. 2,599. 1808, Stowing Ships' Cargoes, British patent no. 3,172.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson and A.Titley, 1934, Richard Trevithick. The Engineer and the Man, Cambridge; F.Trevithick, 1872, Life of Richard Trevithick, London (these two are the principal biographies).
    E.A.Forward, 1952, "Links in the history of the locomotive", The Engineer (22 February), 226 (considers the case for the Coalbrookdale locomotive of 1802).

    Biographical history of technology > Trevithick, Richard

  • 86 недостаточное снабжение

    Русско-английский научный словарь > недостаточное снабжение

  • 87 база снабжения

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > база снабжения

  • 88 источник снабжения

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > источник снабжения

  • 89 танкер для обеспечения кораблей охранения

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > танкер для обеспечения кораблей охранения

  • 90 سفينة

    سَفِينَة \ ship: a large boat for use at sea: a sailing ship; a steamship; a warship. vessel: a ship or large boat. \ سَفِينَة بُخاريَّة \ steamer, steamship: a ship that is worked by steam. \ سَفِينَة حَامِلَة للطَّائِرَات \ aircraft carrier: a warship carrying many aircraft. \ سَفِينَة حَربيَّة \ battleship: a very large warship. warship: a ship for use in war; a naval ship. \ سَفِينَة شَحْن \ freighter: a ship that only carries goods. \ سَفِينَة شِراعيّة بدَقَلَيْن أو أَكْثَر \ schooner: a kind of sailing ship (mostly used for travel and trade between islands). \ سَفِينَة صَيْد (تَسْتَخْدِمُ شبكة الجَرّ)‏ \ trawler: a ship that draws a very large fishing net along the bottom of the sea. \ سَفِينَة عَبَّارَة (مُعَدِّية)‏ \ ferry: a boat or aeroplane that carries vehicles and people across a river or a short stretch of water. \ سَفِينَة نَاقِلَة نَفْط \ tanker: a ship for carrying petrol and oil.

    Arabic-English dictionary > سفينة

  • 91 θλῖψις

    θλῖψις, εως, ἡ (s. θλίβω; on the accent s. B-D-F §13; W-S. §6, 3c; Mlt-H. 57.—KLipsius, Grammat. Untersuchungen über d. bibl. Gräz. 1863, 34f, prefers to write θλίψις; so also W-H.) rare in extra-Biblical Gk., and there lit., ‘pressing, pressure’ (Aristot., Meterol. 4, 4, 383a, 13; Epicurus p. 45, 9 Us.; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 4, 394a, 29; Strabo, Galen).
    in our lit. (as in LXX, En, Test12Patr, JosAs cod. A; Just., D. 116, 2; Mel.) freq. and in the metaph. sense trouble that inflicts distress, oppression, affliction, tribulation (so Vett. Val. 71, 16; Cat. Cod. Astr. VIII/3 p. 175, 5; 178, 8; pl. 169, 2 [s. Boll 134f]; OGI 444, 15 [II or I B.C.] διὰ τὰς τ. πόλεων θλίψεις; BGU 1139, 4 [I B.C.]; POxy 939, 13; PAmh 144, 18). Of distress that is brought about by outward circumstances (Jos., Ant. 4, 108; En, PsSol, Mel.; Did., Gen. 116, 10), in sg. and pl. Ac 11:19; Ro 5:3b; 12:12; 2 Cor 1:8; 6:4; 8:2; Rv 1:9; 2:9, 22; 1 Cl 22:7 (Ps 33:18); 59:4; 2 Cl 11:4 (quot. of unknown orig.); Hs 7:4ff. ἐπὶ πάσῃ τῇ θ. ἡμῶν 2 Cor 1:4a; 7:4; 1 Th 3:7; ἐν πάσῃ θ. (TestGad 4:4) 2 Cor 1:4b; ἐν (τ.) θ. Ro 5:3a; Eph 3:13; 1 Th 1:6; 3:3. ἐν πολλαῖς θ. καὶ ποικίλαις Hs 7, 4. θ. μεγάλη great tribulation (SibOr 3, 186) Mt 24:21 (1 Macc 9:27); Ac 7:11; Hv 4, 2, 4. Plural Hv 3, 2, 1. ἡ θ. ἡ μεγάλη the great tribulation Rv 7:14; τὸ ἐλαφρὸν τῆς θ. slight affliction 2 Cor 4:17. ἀνταποδοῦναί τινι θλῖψιν repay someone w. affliction 2 Th 1:6. W. ἀνάγκη (q.v. 2) 1 Th 3:7. W. διωγμός Mt 13:21; Mk 4:17; Ac 8:1 D; 13:50 D; pl. 2 Th 1:4. W. δεσμά (TestJos 2:4) Ac 20:23. W. ὀνειδισμός Hb 10:33. W. στενοχωρία (q.v.) Ro 2:9. W. στενοχωρία and διωγμός 8:35 (w. λιμός and στενοχωρία Hippol., Ref. 5, 26, 12).—On the catalogue of hardships (peristasis) cp. 1 Cor 4:9–13; 2 Cor 4:8f; 6:4–10; 11:23–28; 12:10; Phil 4:11; s. FDanker, Augsburg Comm. 2 Cor ’89, 89–91; 180f; idem, The Endangered Benefactor in Luke-Acts: SBLSP ’81, 39–48; JFitzgerald, Cracks in an Earthen Vessel ’88; MFerrari, Die Sprache des Leids in den paulinischen Persistasen-katalogen ’91; MEbner, Leidenslisten u. Apostelbrief ’91.—ἡμέρα θλίψεως day of affliction (Gen 35:3; 2 Km 22:19; cp. En 103:9; TestLevi 5:5) 1 Cl 52:3 (Ps 49:15).—Of the tribulations of the last days (as Da 12:1) Mt 24:21, 29; Mk 13:19, 24. ἡ θ. ἡ ἐρχομένη ἡ μεγάλη the great tribulation to come Hv 2, 2, 7; cp. 2, 3, 4; 4, 1, 1; 4, 2, 5; 4, 3, 6.—Distress caused by war 1 Cl 57:4 (Pr 1:27). θ. θανάτου affliction of death B 12:5. Difficult circumstances 2 Cor 8:13; Js 1:27; συγκοινωνεῖν τῇ θ. show an interest in (someone’s) distress Phil 4:14. Of a woman’s birth-pangs J 16:21.—ὅταν γένηται θ. when persecution comes Hv 3, 6, 5. θλῖψιν ἀκούειν hear of persecution Hs 9, 21, 3. θλῖψιν ἔχειν J 16:33; 1 Cor 7:28; Rv 2:10; Hv 2, 3, 1; Hs 7:3. ἐὰν ὑπενέγκῃ τὰς θλίψεις τὰς ἐπερχομένας αὐτῷ Hs 7:4; cp. 7:6. ἐξείλατο αὐτὸν ἐκ πασῶν τῶν θλίψεων αὐτοῦ Ac 7:10. διὰ πολλῶν θ. εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τ. βασιλείαν 14:22. τότε παραδώσουσιν ὑμᾶς εἰς θλῖψιν Mt 24:9; cp. B 12:5. ἀποστήσεται πᾶσα θ. ἀπὸ σοῦ … ἀπὸ πάντων ἀποστήσεται ἡ θ. Hs 7, 7.—Of the sufferings of Christ θλίψεις τοῦ Χριστοῦ Col 1:24 (s. on ἀνταναπληρόω and πάθημα 1).
    inward experience of distress, affliction, trouble (Gen 35:3; 42:21 θ. τῆς ψυχῆς) θ. καὶ συνοχὴ καρδίας trouble and anguish of heart 2 Cor 2:4. θλῖψιν ἐγείρειν τοῖς δεσμοῖς μου cause trouble for me in my imprisonment Phil 1:17. Ἅννα … περιείλατο πᾶσαν θλῖψιν ἀπʼ αὐτῆς GJs 2:4 (cod. A, not pap; s. περιαιρέω 1).—DELG s.v. θλίβω. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > θλῖψις

  • 92 כפי

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כפי

  • 93 כפא

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כפא

  • 94 כָּפָא

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כָּפָא

  • 95 כָּפָה

    כפי, כָּפָא, כָּפָה(b. h.; v. כָּפַף) 1) to bend over, invert, turn upside down. Tam.V, 5 היה כּוֹפֶה עליהןוכ׳ he inverts a large vessel and puts it over them (the coals). Ib. כּוֹפִין אותהוכ׳ they invert it over Pesik. Ekhah, p. 123a> כ׳ סיח את המנורה the ass (of gold, given as a bribe to the judge) has upset the lamp (offered on the other side; whence a proverbial expression for litigants outbidding each other in bribery); Y.Yoma I, 38c bot; Lev. R. s. 21; Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 177a>.Esp. כ׳ את המיטה to upset the couch, to place the mattresses on or near the floor, as a sign of mourning, opp. to זָקַף. M. Kat. 15b top (euphemistic version, read with Ms. M.:) דמות … בכם ובעונותיכם … כְּפוּ מיטותיכןוכ׳ I (the Lord) had placed my image among you, and for your sins I upeet it (decreed death), upset now your beds; Y.Ber.III, 6a top; Y.M. Kat. III, 83a top כְּפֵה מיטתך. Ib. כבר כְּפִינוּם we have already lowered them (the couches); Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. כפיטם (corr. acc.). Keth.4b כּוֹפֶה מיטתו he lowers his couch (when his wife is in mourning); כּוֹפָה מיטתה she lowers (when her husband is in mourning); a. fr.Part. pass. כָּפוּי, f. כְּפוּיָה, pl. כְּפוּיִים, כְּפוּיוֹת. Tosef.Ohol.XII, 2 סאח ב׳ על פיה a dry measure turned upside down. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥăn. 3) (play on כפי המלח, v. כַּף) כְּפוּיֵי מלחמה those upset by war. Y.Ber.III, 6a top מטה כ׳ a lowered couch; a. fr.Esp. כְּפוּי טובה one on whom kindness is upset, ungrateful, unappreciative. Ab. Zar.5a כפויי טובה בניוכ׳ you ungrateful ones, sons of ungrateful ones. Lev. R. s. 4; a. fr. 2) to press, force. Keth. V, 5 כּוֹפָהּ לעשותוכ׳ he may compel her to work in wool. Yeb.106a, a. fr. כּוֹפִין אותז עדוכ׳ the court uses means of coercion, until he says ‘I will, opp. to בעל כרחו. Sot.46b כ׳ ללויה we force a host to escort (protect) his guest on parting. B. Bath.12b כגון זו כ׳ על מדת סדום in such a case we apply force on the ground of the law of equity (v. סְדוֹם). Y.Peah I, 15d; Y.Kidd.I, 61c top וכוֹפִין do we compel (a son to support his father)? Ib. כופין את הבן we do compel R. Hash. 28a כְּפָאוֹ ואכלוכ׳ if somebody forced him, and he ate Matsah (on the first Passover night). Ib. כ׳ שד a demon possessed him. Ib. כְּפָאוּהוּ פרסיים Persians (gentiles) forced him; a. fr.Snh.70b כפאתו, v. כָּפַת.v. כּוּף I a. כָּפַף. Nif. נִכְפָּח 1) to be inverted, upset; to be forced. Y. M. Kat l. c. וֹיִכָּפֶה הסרסור let the agent (of sin, the evil inclination) be overpowered (by mourning ceremonies); Y. Ber. l. c. ויכ׳ כפה (corr. acc.). Ib. 5d bot; Y. M. Kat. l. c. אינה נִכְפַּית need not be upturned, v. דַּרְגֵּש; a. fr. 2) to be overtaken by a demon, esp. to be epileptic. Lev. R. s. 26 ישראל … שנִכְפּוּ an Israelite and a priest that were afflicted Pes.112b אותו תינוק נִכְפֶּה that child will become epileptic. Ib. בנים נִכְפֵּין epileptic children; Keth.60b (Chald. form) בני נִכְפֵּי Tosef.B. Bath.IV, 5 נִכְפֵּית היא she is subject to epileptic attacks; B. Mets.80a. Yeb.64b משפחת נִכְפִּין a family subject to epilepsy.

    Jewish literature > כָּפָה

  • 96 סנדל

    סַנְדָּלc. (σάνδαλον, prob. from Pers. sandal = calceus) sandal, 1) a sole with straps, shoe, contrad. to מַנְעָל a. נַעַל. Sabb.VI, 2, v. סָמַר. Yoma VIII, 1. Yeb.102a; a. fr.ס׳ של בהמה a sort of shoe for animals (v. Sm. Ant., 3rd Engl. ed., s. v. Solea). Sabb.59a ס׳ שלוכ׳ a metal shoe for animals is liable to levitical uncleanness (expl. ‘because it may be used as a drinking vessel in war); Kel. XIV, 5 סַנְדְּלֵי בהמה (pl.). Par. II, 3 עשה לה ס׳וכ׳ if one made a shoe for her (the red cow), that she might not slip.ס׳ של עריסה a sort of shoe for the legs of a bedstead; (Ar.: a board placed under a short leg). Ohol. XII, 4; Tosef. ib. XIII, 4.Yeb.103b ס׳ של נחתע״ז Ar. (ed. ס׳ שלע״ז) the shoe for the rest of an idol.Pl. סַנְדָּלִין. B. Bath.58a ‘the bed of a scholar is כל שאין … ס׳וכ׳ that under which nothing is placed except the sandals in summer and shoes in winter time. Y.Sabb.VI, 8a; a. fr. 2) a flat fish like the sole or turbot; trnsf. a flat, fish-shaped abortion. Nidd.III, 4 המפלת ס׳וכ׳ a woman who discharges a sandal-like foetus or a placenta. Tosef. ib. IV, 7 ס׳ שאמרו דומה לס׳ דג שבים the sandal abortion of which they speak means a foetus resembling the sea-fish called sandal; (oth. opin. דומה ללשון של שור resembling the fish called ‘oxtongue (βούγλοσσος, lingulaca); Y. ib. III, 50d bot.; Bab. ib. 25b; a. e. Snh.59b סנדלין Ms. M., v. סַנְדֵּלְכוֹנִים.

    Jewish literature > סנדל

  • 97 סַנְדָּל

    סַנְדָּלc. (σάνδαλον, prob. from Pers. sandal = calceus) sandal, 1) a sole with straps, shoe, contrad. to מַנְעָל a. נַעַל. Sabb.VI, 2, v. סָמַר. Yoma VIII, 1. Yeb.102a; a. fr.ס׳ של בהמה a sort of shoe for animals (v. Sm. Ant., 3rd Engl. ed., s. v. Solea). Sabb.59a ס׳ שלוכ׳ a metal shoe for animals is liable to levitical uncleanness (expl. ‘because it may be used as a drinking vessel in war); Kel. XIV, 5 סַנְדְּלֵי בהמה (pl.). Par. II, 3 עשה לה ס׳וכ׳ if one made a shoe for her (the red cow), that she might not slip.ס׳ של עריסה a sort of shoe for the legs of a bedstead; (Ar.: a board placed under a short leg). Ohol. XII, 4; Tosef. ib. XIII, 4.Yeb.103b ס׳ של נחתע״ז Ar. (ed. ס׳ שלע״ז) the shoe for the rest of an idol.Pl. סַנְדָּלִין. B. Bath.58a ‘the bed of a scholar is כל שאין … ס׳וכ׳ that under which nothing is placed except the sandals in summer and shoes in winter time. Y.Sabb.VI, 8a; a. fr. 2) a flat fish like the sole or turbot; trnsf. a flat, fish-shaped abortion. Nidd.III, 4 המפלת ס׳וכ׳ a woman who discharges a sandal-like foetus or a placenta. Tosef. ib. IV, 7 ס׳ שאמרו דומה לס׳ דג שבים the sandal abortion of which they speak means a foetus resembling the sea-fish called sandal; (oth. opin. דומה ללשון של שור resembling the fish called ‘oxtongue (βούγλοσσος, lingulaca); Y. ib. III, 50d bot.; Bab. ib. 25b; a. e. Snh.59b סנדלין Ms. M., v. סַנְדֵּלְכוֹנִים.

    Jewish literature > סַנְדָּל

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