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  • 1 cloister

    kerengő, kolostor to cloister: bezár, kolostorba zár
    * * *
    (a covered walk forming part of a monastery, church or college.) kerengő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > cloister

  • 2 shoulder

    felfekvési felület, töltéspadka, lapocka, padka to shoulder: vállal taszít, vállal lök, vállal meglök, vállal
    * * *
    ['ʃəuldə] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm: He was carrying the child on his shoulders.) váll
    2) (anything that resembles a shoulder: the shoulder of the hill.) hegynyúlvány
    3) (the part of a garment that covers the shoulder: the shoulder of a coat.) váll
    4) (the upper part of the foreleg of an animal.) lapocka
    2. verb
    1) (to lift on to the shoulder: He shouldered his pack and set off on his walk.) vállára vesz
    2) (to bear the full weight of: He must shoulder his responsibilities.) vállal
    3) (to make (one's way) by pushing with the shoulder: He shouldered his way through the crowd.) tolakszik
    - put one's shoulder to the wheel
    - shoulder to shoulder

    English-Hungarian dictionary > shoulder

  • 3 stump

    törzs, fatönk, csikk, csonk, tuskó, tönk to stump: játékból kiüt, lecsonkol, eldörzsöl (szénrajzot)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the part of a tree left in the ground after the trunk has been cut down: He sat on a (tree-)stump and ate his sandwiches.) (fa)tönk
    2) (the part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc.) csonk
    3) (in cricket, one of the three upright sticks forming the wicket.)
    2. verb
    1) (to walk with heavy, stamping steps: He stumped angrily out of the room.) nehézkesen lépked
    2) (to puzzle or baffle completely: I'm stumped!) zavarba hoz
    - stump up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stump

  • 4 shore

    tengerpart, támoszlop, part, tópart
    * * *
    (land bordering on the sea or on any large area of water: a walk along the shore; When the ship reached Gibraltar the passengers were allowed on shore.) (tenger)part

    English-Hungarian dictionary > shore

  • 5 daily

    * * *
    ['deili] 1. adjective
    (happening etc every day: a daily walk; This is part of our daily lives.) mindennapos, napi
    2. adverb
    (every day: I get paid daily.) naponta
    3. noun
    1) (a newspaper published every day: We take three dailies.) napilap
    2) ((also daily help) a person who is paid to come regularly and help with the housework: Our daily (help) comes on Mondays.) bejárónő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > daily

  • 6 leg

    állvány, mellékvonal, csaló, talapzat, cipőszár
    * * *
    1) (one of the limbs by which animals and man walk: The horse injured a front leg; She stood on one leg.) láb(szár)
    2) (the part of an article of clothing that covers one of these limbs closely: He has torn the leg of his trousers.) szár (nadrágé, harisnyáé)
    3) (a long, narrow support of a table etc: One of the legs of the chair was broken.) láb
    4) (one stage in a journey, competition etc: the last leg of the trip; the second leg of the contest.) (út)szakasz
    - - legged
    - pull someone's leg

    English-Hungarian dictionary > leg

  • 7 roadway

    noun (the part of a road on which cars etc travel: Don't walk on the roadway.) úttest

    English-Hungarian dictionary > roadway

  • 8 tread

    lépés zaja, cipőtalp, futófelület to tread: lépked, tapos, jár, tipor
    * * *
    [tred] 1. past tense - trod; verb
    1) (to place one's feet on: He threw his cigarette on the ground and trod on it.) tapos
    2) (to walk on, along, over etc: He trod the streets looking for a job.) rója (az utat)
    3) (to crush by putting one's feet on: We watched them treading the grapes.) tapos
    2. noun
    1) (a way of walking or putting one's feet: I heard his heavy tread.) lépés (zaja)
    2) (the grooved and patterned surface of a tyre: The tread has been worn away.) futófelület
    3) (the horizontal part of a step or stair on which the foot is placed.) belépő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tread

См. также в других словарях:

  • walk-on — walk ,on noun count a small acting part in a movie or a play, especially one with no words to say: a walk on role a. an actor who has a walk on part …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • walk-on — n 1.) also walk on part/role a small acting part with no words to say in a play or film, or an actor who has a part like this 2.) AmE someone who plays for a college sports team without having been given a sports ↑scholarship …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • walk — v. & n. v. 1 intr. a (of a person or other biped) progress by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. b progress with similar movements (walked on his hands). c go with the gait usual except when …   Useful english dictionary

  • walk-on — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms walk on : singular walk on plural walk ons theatre, cinema a) a small acting part in a film or a play, especially one with no words to say a walk on part b) an actor who has a walk on part …   English dictionary

  • part — I n. share 1) to do one s part viewpoint, position 2) for, on one s part (for my part, I will say no more) participation 3) to take part in 4) an active part role 5) to play a part (to play the part of Hamlet) 6) to act; look the part 7) to learn …   Combinatory dictionary

  • walk-on — ADJ: ADJ n A walk on part in a play or film is a very small part which usually does not involve any speaking. He and his family have walk on parts in the latest film. Syn: bit …   English dictionary

  • Walk the dog — Walking the dog is, first and foremost, the act of taking a pet dog on a walk as part of an exercise regimen. Other meanings or similar phrases: * Walk the dog [http://kwos.ca/yoyo tricks beginner/beginner yoyo tricks kwos walkdog.htm] is a… …   Wikipedia

  • walk-on — also walk on part noun (C) a small acting part with no words to say in a play or film, or an actor who has a part like this …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • walk-on — /ˈwɔk ɒn/ (say wawk on) noun a small part in a play, especially one in which the actor does not speak at all. Also, walking part, walk on part …  

  • Walk this way (movie line) — Walk this way is a recurrent joke in a number of movies and television shows, most notably movies by Mel Brooks. [ Comedy Writing Secrets , p. 60; Melvin Helitzer, F W Publications, 1992. ISBN 0898795109] It may be derived from an old vaudeville… …   Wikipedia

  • walk-over — [ wɔ(l)kɔvɶr; walkɔvɶr ] n. m. inv. • 1855; de l angl. to walk over, proprt « marcher facilement » ♦ Anglic. Sport Course à laquelle ne prend part qu un seul cheval, par suite du forfait des autres engagés. Match enlevé par un concurrent dont l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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