1 waiting-on-cement time
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > waiting-on-cement time
2 waiting-on-cement time
время ожидания затвердения цементаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > waiting-on-cement time
3 waiting-on-cement time
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > waiting-on-cement time
4 waiting-on-cement time
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > waiting-on-cement time
5 waiting-on cement time
Нефтепромысловый: время ожидания затвердения цементаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > waiting-on cement time
6 waiting-on-cement time
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > waiting-on-cement time
7 waiting-on cement time
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > waiting-on cement time
8 waiting-on-cement time
9 time
1. время, продолжительность; период; срок || рассчитывать по времени; отмечать время; хронометрировать2. такт; темпtime of running in — время, требуемое на спуск бурового инструмента
wait on plastic time — время ожидания затвердевания пластмассы (при тампонировании скважины полимерами) (до получения прочности, равной 7 МПа)
— in unit time— rig time— set time
* * *
1. время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2. наработкаmean time between complaints — среднее время между рекламациями; средняя наработка на рекламацию
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
— bad time
* * *
время; продолжительность; темп; такт
* * *
время, момент
* * *
1) время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2) наработка•time at shot point — сейсм. вертикальное время;
time between defects — наработка между появлениями дефектов;
time between failures — наработка между отказами;
time between maintenance actions — наработка между операциями технического обслуживания;
time between overhauls — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между капитальными ремонтами;
time between repairs — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между ремонтами;
time between tests — время между испытаниями;
time on bottom — продолжительность нахождения инструмента в забое;
time on trip — время на спуско-подъёмные операции;
time since circulation — интервал времени между остановкой циркуляции бурового раствора и началом каротажа;
time since overhaul — наработка после капитального ремонта;
time to damage — наработка до повреждения;
time to failure — наработка до отказа;
time to first system failure — наработка до первого отказа системы;
time to locate a failure — время до обнаружения местонахождения неисправности;
time to repair — наработка до ремонта;
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
time to restore — наработка до восстановления;
- time of arrivaltime to system failure — наработка до отказа системы;
- time of ascend
- time of echo
- time of flight
- time of running-in
- time of service
- time of setting
- time transit
- active maintenance time
- active repair time
- active technician time
- actual casing cutting time
- actual drilling time
- administrative time
- alert time
- arrival time
- attendance time
- available time
- average time between maintenance
- average mooring time
- awaiting repair time
- bad time
- Barnaby time
- bedrock-reflection time
- bit time off-bottom
- bit time on-bottom
- bit run time
- boring time
- break time
- breakdown time
- casing-fluid decay time
- cement setting time
- cementing time
- changing time
- charging-up time
- circulation cycle time
- closed-in time
- composite delay time
- connection time
- coring time
- corrected travel time
- corrective maintenance time
- critical fault clearing time
- critical ray time
- cutting-in time
- datum-corrected time
- dead time
- delay technician time
- discharge time
- down time
- drainage time
- drilling time
- drilling time per bit
- drilling bit changing time
- effective repair time
- elapsed maintenance time
- end-to-end time
- engineering time
- equal travel time
- equipment repair time
- estimated time of repair
- estimated mean time to failure
- estimated repair time
- etching time
- expected time to first failure
- expected time to repair
- expected test time
- exponential failure time
- failed time
- failure time
- failure-detection time
- failure-free time
- failure-reaction time
- fault time
- fault-detection time
- fault-free time
- fault-inception time
- fill-up time
- filling time
- filtration time
- final cement setting time
- final setting time
- final test time
- first-arrival time
- first-break time
- first-event time
- fishing time
- flush time
- forward time
- general repair time
- geological time
- geometrical ray-path time
- geophone time
- ghost travel time
- gross drilling time
- guarantee time
- half-intercept time
- head-wave arrival time
- high-velocity time
- horizon time
- in-commission time
- infinite closed-in time
- infusion time
- initial setting time
- intercept time
- interfailure time
- interpolated time
- interrepair time
- interval time
- interval transit time
- jelling time
- lag time
- least travel time
- localization time
- lost time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- malfunction repair time
- maximum repair time
- mean time
- mean time between complaints
- mean time between defects
- mean time between detectable failures
- mean time between malfunctions
- mean time between unscheduled removals
- mean time of repair
- mean time to crash
- mean time to diagnosis
- mean time to first failure
- mean time to isolate
- mean time to maintenance
- mean time to removal
- mean time to repair failures
- mean time to replacement
- mean time to restore
- mean time to return to service
- mean time to unscheduled removal
- mean corrective maintenance time
- mean diagnostic time
- mean maintenance time
- mean operating time
- mean repair time
- mean up time
- measured travel time
- median time to failure
- median maintenance time
- minimum time to repair
- mooring time
- moveout time
- moving time
- mud-path correction time
- net time on-bottom
- net drilling time
- nipple-down time
- nipple-up time
- nonactive maintenance time
- nonfailure operation time
- nonproductive rig time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- normal arrival time
- observed travel time
- off-stream time
- oil field development time
- oil production time
- on-bottom time
- one-way time
- one-way travel time
- operating time
- operating time between failures
- operational use time
- out-of-commission time
- overall time
- overhaul time
- pipe abandoning time
- pipe recovery time
- pool formation time
- pressure build-up time
- pressure readjustment time
- preventive maintenance time
- production time
- productive time
- productive rig time
- propagation time
- proving time
- pulling-out time
- pulse time of arrival
- pumpability time
- pump-down time
- pumping time
- putting on production time
- raw time
- ray-path time
- readiness time
- ready time
- reciprocal time
- reciprocating time
- record time
- reflection arrival time
- reflection travel time
- refraction break time
- refraction travel time
- rejection operating time
- removal time
- repair time per failure
- repair-and-servicing time
- repair-delay time
- repair-to-repair time
- replacement time
- required time of operation
- residual time
- reversed time
- rig time
- rig-down time
- rig-up time
- round-trip time
- round-up time
- routine maintenance time
- running-in time
- sample deformation time
- scheduled engineering time
- scheduled operating time
- search time
- second-event time
- seismic interval time
- seismic record time
- service time
- service adequacy time
- servicing time
- setting time
- setting-up time
- setup time
- shooting time
- shot-hole time
- shot-to-receiver time
- shut-in time
- spending time
- standby time
- standby unattended time
- station time
- step-out time
- supplementary maintenance time
- surface-to-surface time
- survival time
- tank emptying time
- tear-down time
- technician delay time
- thickening time of cement
- total time on test
- total gaging time
- total maintenance time
- total path time
- total rig time
- total technician time
- transit time
- traveling time
- trip time
- troubleshooting time
- turnaround time
- turnover time
- two-way travel time
- unproductive time
- uphole time
- uphole-shooting time
- usable time
- vertical path time
- vertical travel time
- vibration time
- wait-before-repair time
- waiting-on-cement time
- waiting-on-plastic time
- water-break time
- wave arrival time
- wave transit time
- wave traveling time
- wavefront time
- wear-out time
- weathering time
- well building time
- well drilling time
- well shut-in time
- zero-offset arrival time
- zero-offset travel time
- zero-spread time* * *• момент -
10 time
1) время || измерять [определять\] время; отмечать время; хронометрировать2) период [интервал\] времени4) срок; длительность, продолжительность5) темп; такт6) хронировать; синхронизировать; осуществлять привязку по времени7) регулировать взаимное положение фаз периодических процессов•time on — время включения; продолжительность пребывания во включенном состоянии;time to failure — наработка на отказ;time to repair — 1. наработка до ремонта 2. время ремонта-
absolute time
acceleration time
acceptance time
access time
acquisition time
action time
active repair time
actual airborne time
actual time
actuation time
addition time
add time
addressing time
administrative time
advance time
ageing time
aging time
air cutting time
air time
alignment time
annealing time
apparent time
arcing time
arc time
arrestment time
arrival time
assembly time
astronomical time
atomic time
attack time
attenuation time
average time
averaging time
backup time
baking time
base transit time
basin lag time
batch-free time
block-to-block time
blowing time
braking time
break contact release time
bridging time
bubble penetration time
bubble waiting time
build up time
burning time
burn-off time
burst time
caging time
calendar time
capture time
carbonizing time
carrier transit time
cell production time
chambering time
changeover time
characteristic time
charge time
check-in time
chill time
chock-to-chock time
civil time
clear time
clearing time
clipping time
closing time
compilation time
computer time
conditioning time
contact time
continuous recording time
continuous time
conversion time
cooking time
cool time
critical time
cumulative cutting time
cumulative operating time
cure time
current impulse time
current time
current-rise time
cutoff time
cutting time
cutting-in time
cycle time
damping time
data-hold time
daylight saving time
dead time
debatable time
debugging time
debug time
decay time
deceleration time
definite minimum inverse operating time
definite operating time
deionization time
delay time
departure time
detention time
development time
discharge time
disconnection time
discrete time
divide time
door-to-door time
down time
drift-transit time
drift time
drive time
dropout time
dust-free time
dwelling time
dwell time
early finish time
early start time
effective time
elapsed time
emptying time
engine ground test time
engine operating time
engine run-in time
engineering time
entry time
ephemeris time
erase time
error-free running time
estimated elapsed time
estimated time of checkpoint
execution time
exposure time
extinction time
fall time
fast time
fault clearing time
fault time
fetch time
firing time
first copy-out time
flash-off time
flight block time
flight dual instruction time
flight duty time
flight time
flooding time
floor-to-floor time
flotation time
flushing time
flyover time
forepumping time
forge time
freezing time
fuel-doubling time
fueling time
fuel-residence time
full operating time
fusing time
gate-controlled delay time
gate-controlled rise time
gate-controlled turn-on time
gate-controlled-turn-off time
gating time
generation time
Greenwich mean time
gross-coking time
ground operating time
group delay time
guard time
gyro erection time
handling time
heat time
high-water time
holding time
hold time
hold-off time
idle running time
idle time
ignition time
impulse front time
impulse tail time
incidental time
ineffective time
initial setting time
in-pile time
installation time
instruction time
instrument flight time
interaction time
interarrival time
interpulse time
interrupting time
intrinsic time
ionization time
keeping time
lag time of flow
lag time
landing gear extension time
latency time
lead time
leading-edge time
life time
local time
lockage time
locking time
low-water time
machine time
maintenance time
make contact operating time
make contact release time
make time
make-break time
manipulation time
Markov's time
Markov time
maximum permissible short-circuit clearing time
mean time between failures
mean time between power failures
melting time
mill delay time
mill pacing time
mixing time
modal transit time
monolayer time
moving time
multiplication time
near-real time
Newtonian time
no-load running time
nonreal time
normally-closed contact release time
nuclear time
nucleation time
object time
observation time
off time
off-stream time
on time
on-stream time
opening time
operating time
operator's time
optimized contact time
orbit phasing time
outage time
output voltage setup time
overall cycle time
paralysis time
partial operating time
particle residence time
peak-load time
periodic time
pickup time
plasma time
playing time
poison override time
predetermined time
preroll time
preset time
press down time
pressure resistance time
prestrike time
production pitch time
productive time
program fetch time
program testing time
propagation delay time
propagation time
proper time
pulling-out time
pull-out time
pull-in time
pull-up time
pulse fall time
pulse rise time
pulse time
ramp time
reaction time
read time
readiness time
reading readout time
reading time
real time
recession time
reclosing dead time
reclosing time
recovery time
reference time
release time
remaining life time
repair time
reset time
residence time
response time
restoration time
retention time
retrace time
retrieval time
reverberation time
reversal time
rewind time
rig time
rig total operating time
rig-down time
rig-up time
rise time
rolling time
roughing time
round-trip time
route-setting time
run time
run-down time
running time
running-down time
running-in time
run-up time
scheduled departure time
screen time
search time
seed-free time
seek time
selection time
self-extinction time
service time
serviceable time
servicing time
set time
setting time
settling time
setup time
shelf time
shipping time
ship time
shot time
sidereal time
signal modulation time
signal transit time
simulated time
sludging time
snubbing time
soaking time
solar time
sowing time
specified time
spending time
spray-on time
stabilization time
standard time
standing time
starting time
start time
station time
stay-down time
stock-descent time
stop time
stopping time
storage time
subtraction time
subtract time
succession time
summer time
sweep time
switchgear operating time
switching time
switchover time
tack-free time
takedown time
tap-to-tap time
task time
thermal death time
throughput time
time of arrival
time of coincidence
time of delivery
time of fall
time of flight
time of persistence
time of swing
tool-in-cut time
track time
traffic release time
trailing-edge time
trailing time
transfer time
transient time
transit time
transition time
translating time
transmission time
traveling time
travel time
trigger time
trip time
troubleshooting time
true time
turnaround time
turn-off time
turn-on time
turnover time
turnround time
unit time
universal time
up time
useful time
vehicle-off-the-road time
viewing time
waiting time
wait time
waiting-on-cement time
warm-up time
wavefront time
wavetail time
write time
Zebra time
zero time
zonal time
Zulu time -
11 WOC
waiting-on-cement; waiting-on-cement time; waits on cement - время ожидания затвердевания цемента; ожидание затвердевания цементного раствора; ожидание затвердения цемента; ОЗЦ -
12 WOC
1) Общая лексика: wait-on-cement time, (Working Committee) рабочая комиссия, (Working Committee) рабочий комитет2) Компьютерная техника: wireless office system3) Военный термин: Waste Oil Collectors, Weapon Of Choice, wing operations center4) Техника: waiting-on-cement time, waits on cement5) Религия: Women Of The Church, Women's Ordination Conference6) Сокращение: Warrant Officer Candidate, Wing Operations Center (USA), waiting on cement (to cure)7) Физиология: Wonders Of Chiropractic, World Orthopaedic Concern, Wound Ostomy And Continence8) Электроника: IEEE Wireless and Optical Communications Conference9) Нефть: waiting on cement, время ожидания затвердевания цемента (waiting-on-cement time), the shut down time on a rig between the cement slurry is pumped down the casing and when the cement plug is drilled or the casing perforated (During WOC time the cement is setting), Перерыв в работе на буровой (между тем, как цементный раствора закачивается в обсадную колонну, и разбуриванием цементной пробки или перфорированием обсадной колонны. В течение этого времени цемент затвердевает), OWC, ВНК, водо-нефтяной контакт, водонефтяной контакт10) Фирменный знак: Whispering Owl Crafters, Wizards Of The Coast, World Of Chips, World Of Concrete11) Экология: World Oceanographic Center12) Бурение: wait on cement, ОЗЦ (waiting on cement), ожидание затвердения цемента (waiting on cement), waiting on cement (time spent waiting for cement to set)13) Нефтегазовая техника ожидание затвердевания цемента (ОЗЦ)14) Обогащение: водяной циклон, water only cyclone, water-only cyclone15) Макаров: waiting-on-cement16) Карачаганак: water-oil contact17) Цемент: сроки схватывания18) NYSE. Wilshire Oil Company of Texas19) НАСА: Waste Oil Collector
См. также в других словарях:
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work — 1 verb DO A JOB 1 (I) to do a job that you are paid for: Harry is 78, and still working. (+ for): David works for the BBC. | work as a secretary/builder etc: She works as a management consultant for a design company. | work long hours/nights etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
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china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
List of rail accidents (2000–present) — List of rail accidents from 2000 to the present. The list includes some terrorist bombings. For accidents before 1950, see List of pre 1950 rail accidents .For accidents between 1950 and 1999 (inclusive), see List of 1950 1999 rail accidents .For … Wikipedia
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