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  • 1 vote

    • valita
    • päättää
    • myöntää
    • paultoääni
    • selittää
    • ääni(äänestys)
    • ääniosuus
    • äänioikeus
    • ääni
    • äänestää
    • ääni (
    • äänestys
    • äänestää (kokous)
    administration and government
    • äänestyslippu
    • pitää
    * * *
    vəut 1. noun
    ((the right to show) one's wish or opinion, eg in a ballot or by raising a hand etc, especially at an election or in a debate: In Britain, the vote was given to women over twenty-one in 1928; Nowadays everyone over eighteen has a vote; A vote was taken to decide the matter.) ääni, äänioikeus, äänestys
    2. verb
    1) (to cast or record one's vote: She voted for the Conservative candidate; I always vote Labour; I shall vote against the restoration of capital punishment.) äänestää
    2) (to allow, by a vote, the provision of (something) eg to someone, for a purpose etc: They were voted $5,000 to help them in their research.) myöntää määräraha
    - vote of confidence
    - vote of thanks

    English-Finnish dictionary > vote

См. также в других словарях:

  • Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail — (VVPAT) or Verified Paper Record (VPR) is intended as an independent verification system for voting machines designed to allow voters to verify that their vote was cast correctly, to detect possible election fraud or malfunction, and to provide a …   Wikipedia

  • Ballot access — rules, called nomination rules outside the US, regulate the conditions under which a candidate or political party is either entitled to stand for election or to appear on voters ballots. Laws restricting which names may appear on the ballot have… …   Wikipedia

  • Voter registration — is the requirement in some democracies for citizens and residents to check in with some central registry specifically for the purpose of being allowed to vote in elections. An effort to get people to register is known as a voter registration… …   Wikipedia

  • Ballot Access News — is a monthly newsletter edited and published by Richard Winger of San Francisco, California. Mr. Winger is a leading expert on ballot access law in the United States. Published since 1985 [http://www.votenader.org/issues/index.php?cid=112] , the… …   Wikipedia

  • ballot — index cast (register), franchise (right to vote), plebiscite, poll (casting of votes), poll, primary, r …   Law dictionary

  • ballot, secret — n. A kind of voting in which a voter’s choices cannot be identified as coming from him or her. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • Voter turnout — Voters lining up outside a Baghdad polling station during the 2005 Iraqi election. Voter turnout was considered high despite widespread concerns of violence …   Wikipedia

  • Ballot — A ballot is a device (originally a small ball see blackball) used to record choices made by voters. Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. In the simplest elections, a ballot may be a simple scrap of paper on which each voter… …   Wikipedia

  • Ballot Security Task Force — The National Ballot Security Task Force was a controversial group founded in 1981 by the Republican National Committee located in New Jersey, as a means to win a gubernatorial election. The Ballot Security Task Force was alleged to have carried… …   Wikipedia

  • ballot — Derived from ballotta, a round bullet, used for casting a vote. Process or means of voting, usually in secret, by written or printed tickets or slips of paper, or voting machine. Piece of paper or levers on voting machine on which the voter gives …   Black's law dictionary

  • ballot — Derived from ballotta, a round bullet, used for casting a vote. Process or means of voting, usually in secret, by written or printed tickets or slips of paper, or voting machine. Piece of paper or levers on voting machine on which the voter gives …   Black's law dictionary

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