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См. также в других словарях:

  • vindícia — s. f. Ato ou efeito de reivindicar …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Customer acquisition management — is a term used to describe the methodologies and systems to manage customer prospects and inquiries, generally generated by a variety of marketing techniques. It can be considered the connectivity between advertising and customer relationship… …   Wikipedia

  • Тахер Эль-Гамал — англ. Taher Elgamal …   Википедия

  • Jeremiah Benettis — (? 1774) was an Italian writer and Friar Minor Capuchin. He belonged to the Province of Piedmont in Italy, and wrote two valuable historical treatises. The first, entitled Chronica et critics historiæ sacrse et profanæ , deals with various… …   Wikipedia

  • Deckherr — Deckherr, Johann, geb. 1650 in Strasburg, studirte die Rechte, wurde 1673 Advocat u. 1675 Procurator bei dem Reichskammergericht; er st. 1694 u. galt zu seiner Zeit als ein berühmter Staatsrechtslehrer. Er schr. u.a.: Conjectura iuris publici,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Jeremiah Benettis —     Jeremiah Benettis     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jeremiah Benettis     Friar Minor Capuchin and historical writer, d. in 1774. He belonged to the Province of Piedmont in Italy, and left two valuable historical treatises. The first, entitled… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Chargify — Type Private Industry Software Industry, Finance Founded 2009 Headquarters Needham, Massachusetts Key people Lance Walley, Founder and CEO; David Hauser, Founder and Chief Technology Officer David Hauser …   Wikipedia

  • Herkulan Oberrauch — OFM, geboren als Anton Nicolaus Oberrauch, (* 5. Dezember 1728 im Sarntal; † 22. Oktober 1808 in Schwaz) war ein Tiroler Franziskaner, Philosoph und katholischer Moraltheol …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Regnerus van Mansveld — Regnerus von Mansveld Regnerus van Mansveld (auch: von Mansveldius, Mansvelt, Pseudonym: Petrus ab Andlo; * 21. Oktober 1639 in Utrecht; † 29. Mai 1671 ebenda) war ein niederländischer Philosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • AMPHILOCHUS — I. AMPHILOCHUS Amphiarai, et Eriphyles fil. reversus ab expeditione Troiana, patriâ relictâ Argos Amphilochium condidit, Rexque et augur apud Graecos habitus fuit. II. AMPHILOCHUS Atheniensis Philosophus, et agriculturae scriptor. Varro l. 1. de… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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