Перевод: с немецкого на английский

с английского на немецкий


  • 1 Preisnotierung

    Preisnotierung f BANK, BÖRSE direct quotation (price of one unit, or 100 units, of foreign currency, e.g. Dollar, in domestic currency, e.g. Euro; Preis einer Einheit der ausländischen Währung in inländischer Währung, z. B. 1 USD = 1,05 EUR; Gegensatz: Mengennotierung = indirect quotation = the inverse value of direct quotation = Kehrwert der Preisnotierung) im Unterschied zur Preisnotierung BANK in contrast to the direct quotation
    * * *
    f <Bank, Börse> direct quotation (price of one unit, or 100 units, of foreign currency, e.g. Dollar, in domestic currency, e.g. Euro ; Preis einer Einheit der ausländischen Währung in inländischer Währung, z.B. 1 USD = 1,05 EUR ; Gegensatz: Mengennotierung = indirect quotation = the inverse value of direct quotation = Kehrwert der Preisnotierung) ■ im Unterschied zur Preisnotierung < Bank> in contrast to the direct quotation
    * * *
    quotation [of prices], prices quoted;
    neueste Preisnotierungen latest quotations;
    [festgesetzte] Preisobergrenze price ceiling, highest price level;
    Preisordnung price code;
    Preisortssystem multiple basing point system (US);
    Preispause price pause;
    Preisphilosophie pricing philosophy;
    Preispiraterie [open-]price piracy;
    Preisplattform price plateau.

    Business german-english dictionary > Preisnotierung

См. также в других словарях:

  • Value (philosophy) — Philosophic or ethic value is a property of objects, including physical objects as well as abstract objects (e.g. actions), representing their degree of importance. The study of it is included in value theory.An object with ethic or philosophic… …   Wikipedia

  • Value — may refer to: *Value (mathematics), the value of a variable in mathematics. *Value (philosophy), the degree of importance, including the value independent on subjective valuations by any individual *Value (personal and cultural), the principles,… …   Wikipedia

  • value-free — A central concern in the methodology of the social sciences is the extent to which it is possible or desirable for them to be ‘value free’. The claim that they ought to be value free (Ger., wertfrei ) is associated with Weber : the question is… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • value — To acknowledge some feature of things as a value is to take it into account in decision making, or in other words to be inclined to advance it as a consideration in influencing choice and guiding oneself and others. Those who see values as… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Philosophy — • Detailed article on the history of the love of wisdom Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Philosophy     Philosophy     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Value theory — encompasses a range of approaches to understanding how, why and to what degree people should value things; whether the thing is a person, idea, object, or anything else. This investigation began in ancient philosophy, where it is called axiology… …   Wikipedia

  • Philosophy of Immanuel Kant —     Philosophy of Immanuel Kant     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Philosophy of Immanuel Kant     Kant s philosophy is generally designated as a system of transcendental criticism tending towards Agnosticism in theology, and favouring the view that… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Philosophy of science — is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of science. The field is defined by an interest in one of a set of traditional problems or an interest in central or foundational concerns in science. In addition to these central… …   Wikipedia

  • Philosophy of history — or historiosophy is an area of philosophy concerning the eventual significance, if any, of human history. Furthermore, it speculates as to a possible teleological end to its development that is, it asks if there is a design, purpose, directive… …   Wikipedia

  • Philosophy and literature — is the literary treatment of philosophers and philosophical themes, and the philosophical treatment of issues raised by literature.The philosophy of literatureStrictly speaking, the philosophy of literature is a branch of aesthetics, the branch… …   Wikipedia

  • Philosophy of religion — is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the philosophical study of religion, including arguments over the nature and existence of God, religious language, miracles, prayer, the problem of evil, and the relationship between religion and… …   Wikipedia

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