1 Verschwommenheit
f haziness; vagueness etc.; verschwommen* * *die Verschwommenheitvagueness; nebulousness; haziness; blurriness; fuzziness* * *Ver|schwọm|men|heitf -, no pl(von Foto, Umrissen) fuzziness; (von Anblick) haziness, indistinctness; (von Erinnerung, Vorstellung) vagueness; (von Argumenten, Begriffen) woolliness (esp Brit), vagueness* * *(something not clearly seen: Everything is just a blur when I take my spectacles off.) blur* * ** * *f.bleariness n.blurriness n.fuzziness n.haziness n.nebulousness n.vagueness n. -
2 Vagheit
3 Unbestimmtheit
f1. vagueness2. (Ungewissheit) uncertainty* * *die Unbestimmtheitindeterminateness; indeterminacy; vagueness; indetermination; indefiniteness; indeterminableness* * *Ụn|be|stimmt|heitf no pl(= Ungewissheit) uncertainty* * *die2) vagueness* * *Un·be·stimmt·heit<->f kein pl uncertainty* * *1. vagueness2. (Ungewissheit) uncertainty* * *f.indefiniteness n.indeterminacy n.indeterminateness n. -
4 Ungenauigkeit
f1. nur Sg. inexactness; imprecision; inaccuracy; vagueness; ungenau2. (Fehler) inaccuracy; ihr sind einige Ungenauigkeiten unterlaufen she got a few things slightly wrong* * *die Ungenauigkeitinaccuracy; inexactitude; impreciseness; inexactness; inaccurateness* * *Ụn|ge|nau|ig|keitfinaccuracy; (= Vagheit) vagueness* * *die1) imprecision2) inexactness* * *Un·ge·nau·ig·keit<-, -en>f3. (ungenaues Zitat) inaccuracy* * *die inaccuracy; (einer Definition) imprecision; inexactness* * *2. (Fehler) inaccuracy;ihr sind einige Ungenauigkeiten unterlaufen she got a few things slightly wrong* * *die inaccuracy; (einer Definition) imprecision; inexactness* * *f.impreciseness n.inaccuracy n.wrongness n. -
5 Flüchtigkeit
f1. nur Sg.; (Vergänglichkeit) fleeting nature; von Bekanntschaft: passing nature; von Besuch: briefness; von Blick: cursoriness; von Gruß, Kuss: perfunctoriness; von Vorstellung: vagueness3. Fehler: careless mistake, slip4. nur Sg.; CHEM. volatility* * *die Flüchtigkeitfleetingness; volatility; momentariness; cursoriness* * *Flụ̈ch|tig|keitf -, -en1) (= Kürze) briefness, brevity2) (= Oberflächlichkeit) hurried nature, sketchiness; (= Flüchtigkeitsfehler) careless mistake3) (= Vergänglichkeit) fleeting nature, briefness* * *Flüch·tig·keit1<->mit \Flüchtigkeit arbeiten to work hastily [or with hastinessFlüch·tig·keit2<-, -en>▪ \Flüchtigkeiten careless mistakes pl* * *die; Flüchtigkeit, Flüchtigkeiten1) (Oberflächlichkeit) cursoriness2) s. Flüchtigkeitsfehler3) (Vergänglichkeit) fleetingness* * *1. nur sg; (Vergänglichkeit) fleeting nature; von Bekanntschaft: passing nature; von Besuch: briefness; von Blick: cursoriness; von Gruß, Kuss: perfunctoriness; von Vorstellung: vagueness3. Fehler: careless mistake, slip4. nur sg; CHEM volatility* * *die; Flüchtigkeit, Flüchtigkeiten1) (Oberflächlichkeit) cursoriness2) s. Flüchtigkeitsfehler3) (Vergänglichkeit) fleetingness* * *f.cursoriness n.fleetingness n.momentariness n.volatility n. -
6 Undeutlichkeit
f indistinctness; vagueness; illegibility* * *die Undeutlichkeitinarticulateness; indistinctness* * ** * *Undeutlichkeit f indistinctness; vagueness; illegibility* * *f.inarticulateness n. -
7 Unklarheit
f lack of clarity; vagueness, obscurity; uncertainty; unklar; es herrscht Unklarheit darüber, ob it’s not clear whether; darüber herrscht absolute Unklarheit it’s completely unclear (as yet); weitS. it’s a complete mystery* * *die Unklarheitobscurity; lack of clarity; sketchiness* * *Ụn|klar|heitf1) lack of clarity; (über Tatsachen) uncertainty2) (= unklarer Punkt) unclear point* * *Un·klar·heit<-, -en>f2. (Undeutlichkeit) lack of clarity3. (ungeklärter Tatbestand) outstanding point* * *1) o. Pl. (Undeutlichkeit) lack of clarity; indistinctness; (Unverständlichkeit) lack of clarity (Gen. in); (Ungewissheit) uncertainty2) (unklarer Punkt) unclear point* * *es herrscht Unklarheit darüber, ob it’s not clear whether;darüber herrscht absolute Unklarheit it’s completely unclear (as yet); weitS. it’s a complete mystery* * *1) o. Pl. (Undeutlichkeit) lack of clarity; indistinctness; (Unverständlichkeit) lack of clarity (Gen. in); (Ungewissheit) uncertainty2) (unklarer Punkt) unclear point* * *f.blur n.confusion n.obscurity n.sketchiness n. -
8 Dumpfheit
f apathy, torpor* * *Dụmpf|heitf -,no pl2) (von Luft, Geruch, Keller, Geschmack etc) mustinessdie Dumpfheit der Provinzatmosphäre (fig) — the stifling atmosphere of the provinces
4) (= Stumpfsinnigkeit) dullness* * *Dumpf·heit1. (von Geräusch) muffledness2. (von Luft) stuffiness3. (von Geschmack, Geruch) mustiness* * *die; Dumpfheit (Stumpfsinn) torpor; apathy* * *Dumpfheit f apathy, torpor* * *die; Dumpfheit (Stumpfsinn) torpor; apathy -
9 Unverbindlichkeit
f1. WIRTS. freedom from obligation* * *Ụn|ver|bind|lich|keitf1) no pl (= Vagheit, Allgemeinheit) vagueness2) (= unverbindliche Äußerung) noncommittal remark* * *Un·ver·bind·lich·keit<-, -en>f2. (unverbindliche Äußerung) non-committal remark* * *die; Unverbindlichkeit, Unverbindlichkeiten1) o. Pl. freedom from obligation; (einer Person) detached or impersonal manner2) (Äußerung) non-committal remark* * *1. WIRTSCH freedom from obligation* * *die; Unverbindlichkeit, Unverbindlichkeiten1) o. Pl. freedom from obligation; (einer Person) detached or impersonal manner2) (Äußerung) non-committal remark -
10 Teigigkeit
f <kfz.antr> (Schaltung) ■ rubbery vagueness -
11 Ungenauigkeit
Un·ge·nau·ig·keit <-, -en> f3) ( ungenaues Zitat) inaccuracy -
12 Unbestimmtheit
f1. indefiniteness2. indeterminableness3. indeterminateness4. vagueness -
13 Vagheit
fvagueness -
14 Verschwommenheit
f1. bleariness2. blurriness3. fuzziness4. haziness5. muzziness6. nebulousness7. vagueness -
15 Verschwommenheiten
plvagueness -
16 die Unklarheit
- {blur} cảnh mờ, dáng mập mờ, trạng thái mập mờ, vết mực, vết ố, bết nhơ - {haze} mù, sương mù, khói mù, bụi mù, sự mơ hồ, sự lờ mờ, sự hoang mang, sự rối rắm - {indistinctness} sự không rõ ràng, sự phảng phất - {obscurity} sự tối tăm, sự mờ mịt, sự tối nghĩa, sự khó hiểu, sự không có tên tuổi, tình trạng ít người biết đến - {turbidity} tính chất đục, tính chất dày, tính chất đặc, tính chất mập mờ, tính chất lộn xộn - {turbidness} - {vagueness} tình trạng mơ hồ, vẻ lơ đãng -
17 die Unbestimmtheit
- {indefiniteness} tính mập mờ, tính không rõ ràng, tính không dứt khoát, tính không giới hạn, tính không hạn định - {indetermination} tính vô định, tính vô hạn, tính lờ mờ, tính mơ hồ, tính thiếu quả quyết, tính thiếu quyết tâm, tính do dự, tính lưỡng lự - {looseness} trạng thái lỏng, trạng thái chùng, trạng thái không căng, trạng thái giãn, trạng thái lòng thòng, trạng thái rộng, trạng thái lùng thùng, trạng thái xốp, trạng thái dễ làm cho tơi ra - tính không chính xác, tính không chặt chẽ, tính phóng, tính phóng đãng, tính phóng túng, tính không nghiêm, tính ẩu, tính bừa bâi..., bệnh yếu ruột - {uncertainty} sự không chắc chắn, điều không chắc chắn, điều không rõ, điều không xác thực, tính dễ đổi, tính dễ biến - {vagueness} tính chất mập mờ, tình trạng mơ hồ, vẻ lơ đãng
См. также в других словарях:
vagueness — index ambiguity, confusion (ambiguity), doubt (indecision), ignorance, incertitude, indistinctness … Law dictionary
Vagueness — Vague ness, n. The quality or state of being vague. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vagueness — Ambiguity is one way in which the meanings of words and phrases can be unclear, but there is another way, which is different from ambiguity: vagueness. One example of a vague concept is the concept of a heap. Two or three grains of sand is not a… … Wikipedia
vagueness — noun 1. unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not coherent in meaning (Freq. 1) the Conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness these terms were used with a vagueness that suggested little or no thought about what each might… … Useful english dictionary
vagueness — Many sentences are relatively vague; others relatively precise. A term that is perfectly precise would generate no borderline cases, and although this is often presented as a theoretical ideal it is extremely unclear that any learnable, speakable … Philosophy dictionary
vagueness — noun a) The condition of being unclear; vague. If a mans deep and conscientious regard for the truth be such that he cannot, consistently with the requisitions of his moral nature, repeat to others mere vaguenesses and uncertainties, he will… … Wiktionary
vagueness — vague ► ADJECTIVE 1) of uncertain or indefinite character or meaning. 2) imprecise in thought or expression. DERIVATIVES vaguely adverb vagueness noun. ORIGIN Latin vagus wandering, uncertain … English terms dictionary
vagueness doctrine — n: void for vagueness doctrine Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
vagueness doctrine — Under this principle, a law (e.g., criminal statute) which does not fairly inform a person of what is commanded or prohibited is unconstitutional as violative of due process. The doctrine originates in due process clause of Fourteenth Amendment,… … Black's law dictionary
vagueness — noun see vague … New Collegiate Dictionary
vagueness — See vaguely. * * * … Universalium