1 beskæftige
1занима́ть, дава́ть рабо́туbeskǽftige sig (med ngt) — занима́ться (чем-л.)
* * *concern, employ* * *vb( have i arbejde) employ;( sysselsætte) occupy, keep occupied ( fx the children must be kept occupied);( optage) occupy ( fx it occupied his thoughts);[ beskæftige sig med] be occupied with, devote one's time to,( have at gøre med) have something to do with ( fx I won't haveanything to do with it),( behandle, tage sig af) deal with ( fx we are dealing with theproblem);[ beskæftiget med] occupied with, engaged in (el. on);[ travlt beskæftiget] very busy ( med at gøre noget doing something). -
2 rumstere
vb( lave støj) make a noise;( bevæge sig rundt) move about ( fx there is somebody moving about upstairs);( være travlt beskæftiget) bustle about ( fx she was bustling about in the kitchen);( lede) rummage.
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