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uranyl uranate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Uranate — A uranate is a ternary oxide involving the element uranium in one of the oxidation states +4, +5 or +6. A typical chemical formula is MxUyOz, where M represents a cation. The uranium atom in uranates(VI) has two short, co linear, U O bonds and… …   Wikipedia

  • uranate — ˈyu̇rəˌnāt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary uran (II) + ate : a compound [as calcium uranate CaUO4 or ammonium di uranate (NH4)2U2O7] formed by reaction of a uranyl salt with a base or by fusion of uranium trioxide or tri… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Uranium trioxide — IUPAC name Uranium trioxide Uranium(VI) oxide …   Wikipedia

  • curite — ˈkyu̇ˌrīt noun ( s) Etymology: French, from Pierre Curie died 1906 French chemist + French ite : a radioactive mineral 2PbO.5UO3.4H2O occurring in orange acicular crystals and supposed to be a hydrous lead uranyl uranate …   Useful english dictionary

  • Actinide — The atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki had a plutonium charge.[1] The actinide or actinoid (IUPAC nomenclature) series encompasses the 15 metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers from 89 to 103, actinium thro …   Wikipedia

  • Uranylhydroxid — Kristallstruktur U6+       …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fuel — Process …   Wikipedia

  • Yellowcake — For the falsified documents, see Yellowcake forgery. Chembox new Name = Yellowcake ImageFile = Yellowcake.jpg ImageSize = 250px OtherNames = urania Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = variable, see text… …   Wikipedia

  • Urān — U, Metall, findet sich, mit Sauerstoff verbunden, als Uranpecherz (Oxyduloxyd), Uranocker (Hydroxyd), ferner in einigen seltenen Mineralien, wie Liebigit (kohlensaures U., mit kohlensaurem Kalk), Johannit (schwefelsaures U.), Uranglimmer… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Uran — Uran, chemisches Zeichen U, Äquivalent 60 (H=1) od. 750 (O=100); Metall, wurde von Klaproth 1789 in der Pechblende (Uranpecherz) entdeckt, aber erst von Peligoti. J 1840 rein dargestellt. Außer im Uranpecherz kommt das U. noch im Uranit,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • uranium oxide — noun : any of a series of oxides of uranium that are usually regarded as definite compounds but are better considered phases with a range of compositions: as a. : the dioxide UO2 or approximately UO2.0 2.6(?) obtained as a brown to black… …   Useful english dictionary

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