1 update rate
2 update rate
скорость обновления данных
период обновления
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > update rate
3 update rate
4 update rate
например, информации, снимаемой с датчиков движения (в КГА) или таблиц маршрутизации в сетиАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > update rate
5 update rate
refresh rate — частота регенерации; частота обновления
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > update rate
6 update rate
скорость обновления (информации) ;
скорость регенерации (изображения) ;
частота обновления( информации) ;
частота регенерации( изображения)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > update rate
7 update rate
1) Техника: частота регенерации (изображения), скорость регенерации (изображения), скорость обновления (информации), частота обновления (информации)2) Вычислительная техника: период обновления3) Автоматика: частота ввода коррекций, частота корректировки, частота изменений режима (напр. движений робота)4) Электротехника: частота обновления (данных) -
8 update rate
9 update rate
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > update rate
10 update rate
частота корректировки, частота ввода коррекций; частота изменений режима (напр. движений робота)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > update rate
11 update rate
szybkość aktualizacji -
12 update rate
szybkość aktualizacjiEnglish-Polish dictionary of Electronics and Computer Science > update rate
13 update rate
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > update rate
14 update rate
15 data update rate
Автоматика: периодичность обновления данных -
16 servo update rate
Автоматика: частота изменений режима сервосистемы (напр. робота) -
17 servo update rate
частота изменений режима сервосистемы (напр. робота)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > servo update rate
18 servo update rate
19 rate
1) скорость; частота; интенсивность2) степень3) масштаб4) размер || измерять5) отношение; пропорция6) производительность; объём выпуска7) расход8) сорт; разряд; класс || классифицировать9) норма; тариф; расценка || нормировать10) оценка || оценивать11) режим работы12) сила тока, величина тока (напр. в батарее)•- accident rate
- adaptive feed rate
- approach rate
- assessed failure rate
- average rate
- band rate
- breakdown rate
- broaching rate
- build rate
- burden rate
- capacity rate
- charge rate
- closely controlled feed rate
- communications rate
- compression rate
- conservative feed rate
- control rate
- controlled rate
- copying rate
- count rate
- coverage rate
- cradle roll rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise
- cross travel rate
- cutter wear rate
- cutting feed rate
- cutting rate
- cycle rate
- data processing rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deceleration rate
- delivery rate
- departure rate
- discharge rate
- downtime rate
- drilling rate
- drive feed rate
- energy fluence rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- fast axis traverse rate
- fast metal-removal rate
- fast traverse rate
- fatality rate
- feed rate
- feed-up rate
- fine feed rate
- fingertip control feed rate
- finish feed rate
- fixed-time production rate
- flow delivery rate
- flow rate
- fluence rate
- foot per minute rate
- FPR rate
- gear reduction rate
- given rate
- grinding rate
- hardening rate
- heat rate
- heat transfer rate
- high-power beam cladding rate
- hour rate
- hourly machine rate
- hourly manufacturing rate
- hourly rate
- incorrect infeed rate
- infeed rate
- information rate
- input flow rate
- integral action rate
- inventory turnover rate
- job rate
- joint rate
- labor rates
- load rate
- machine hour rate per annum
- machine tool utilization rate
- machine utilization rate
- machining feed rate
- machining rate
- man-hour per piece rate
- man-hour rate
- manufacturing rate
- material removal rate
- maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
- maximum pulse rate
- maximum-stepping rate
- measurement rate
- medium feed rate
- memory rate
- metal-removal rate
- metering rate
- milling rate
- net working rate
- operation rate
- optimal feed rate
- output rate
- perforation rate
- performance rate
- picking rate
- piece-work rate
- plunge rate
- positioning rate
- predicted failure rate
- probability rate
- probing feed rate
- process rate
- processing rate
- production rate
- productivity rate of return
- productivity rate
- programmed feed rate
- proper feed rate
- pulse rate
- pulse repetition rate
- pump delivery rate
- pumping rate
- quench rate
- quenching rate
- ramp-down rate
- ramp-up rate
- rapid air cut feed rate
- rapid approach rate
- rapid return rate
- rate of action
- rate of beam alloying
- rate of change of temperature
- rate of change
- rate of equipment use
- rate of flow of electrons
- rate of flushing the gap
- rate of inherent regulation
- rate of rise of on-state current
- rate of rise
- rate of rotation
- rate of self-regulation
- rate of speed
- rate of travel
- rate of turn
- rate of work
- reading rate
- reaming rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduction rate
- refresh rate
- reject rate
- removal rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- return rate
- revolution rate
- rework rate
- rigid production rate
- sample rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- sawing rate
- scrap rate
- self-regulation rate
- servo update rate
- slew rate
- slow rate of wear
- specific metal removal rate
- specific removal rate
- spindle axis feed rate
- spring rate
- standard production rate
- stated cutting rate
- stock removal rate
- stock turnover rate
- strain rate
- taper rate
- tapping rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of change
- time-varying rate
- tool feed rate
- tool wear rate
- tool-to-tool change rate
- top feed rate
- traverse feed rate
- traverse rate
- turning rate
- turnover rate
- update rate
- utilization rate
- volume flow rate
- volumetric flow rate
- voluntary production rate
- wear rate
- wetting rate
- wheel removal rate
- work rate
- working rate
- X-axis feed rate
- yield rateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate
20 update
1. n модернизация; доведение до уровня современности2. n корректировка, обновление3. n последний, уточнённый вариант4. n новейшая информация5. n самые последние, свежие новости, известия6. n информ. исправленная, новая версияmaking update — выполняющий обновления версии; выполнение обновление версии
7. v модернизировать; осовременивать, доводить до современного уровня, приводить в соответствие с требованиями современности8. v исправлять, корректировать; обновлятьСинонимический ряд:1. bulletin (noun) bulletin; communiquй; dispatch; notice2. current information (noun) current information; latest report; press release; revision; the lowdown; the scoop; up-to-date version3. bring up to date (verb) bring up to date; edit; modernise; modernize; reconstruct; recreate; redo; refresh; refurbish; rejuvenate; renovate; restore; revamp4. emend (verb) emend; renew; revise; upgrade
См. также в других словарях:
Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate — The Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is a method currently used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States to control spending by Medicare on physician services.[1] Enacted by the Balanced Budget Act of… … Wikipedia
Adaptive Multi-Rate — Das Global System for Mobile Communications (früher Groupe Spécial Mobile, GSM) ist ein Standard für volldigitale Mobilfunknetze, der hauptsächlich für Telefonie, aber auch für leitungsvermittelte und paketvermittelte Datenübertragung sowie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Specific absorption rate — (SAR) is a measure of the rate at which radio frequency (RF) energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic field. It is defined as the power absorbed per mass of tissue and has units of Watts per kilogram [cite… … Wikipedia
Auction rate security — An auction rate security (ARS) typically refers to a debt instrument (corporate or municipal bonds) with a long term nominal maturity for which the interest rate is regularly reset through a dutch auction. It could also refer to a preferred stock … Wikipedia
Mortality rate — Crude death rate by country Mortality rate is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit time. Mortality rate is typically expressed in units of… … Wikipedia
Total fertility rate — Not to be confused with birth rate. A world map showing countries by fertility rate, 2005 2010 … Wikipedia
Euro Interbank Offered Rate — The Euro Interbank Offered Rate (or Euribor) is a daily reference rate based on the averaged interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the euro wholesale money market (or interbank market). copeEuribor rates… … Wikipedia
Auction rate security — L expression auction rate security[1] (ARS) fait référence à un effet de créance (principalement à une obligation ou à un Municipality bond) américain, de longue échéance à l émission, dont le taux d intérêt est régulièrement mis à jour par une… … Wikipédia en Français
F-16 Mid-Life Update — (MLU) is a capability upgrade to F 16 A/B aircraft which allowed for the older F 16 A/B s to compete with modern aircraft today. The F 16A/B aircraft which entered service in 1979 was predicted to only have a service life of twenty years. But… … Wikipedia
Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory — 2 DDR SDRAM Module – oben 512 MB mit sogenanntem „Heatspreader“ und beidseitig bestückt, unten 256 MB einseitig bestückt DDR SDRAM („Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory“) ist ein Typ von Random Access Memory (RAM). Verwendet … Deutsch Wikipedia
Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction — (THERP) is a technique used in the field of Human reliability Assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken… … Wikipedia