1 the steps by which you reach the entrance
Общая лексика: ступеньки, ведущие к входуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the steps by which you reach the entrance
2 the voice came glimmering up the steps
Общая лексика: снизу донёсся голосУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the voice came glimmering up the steps
3 (the) steps of the house
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) steps of the house
4 (the) steps to the stage
ступени, ведущие на сценуEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) steps to the stage
5 take the steps
weighty steps — тяжёлые шаги, грузная походка
6 taken the steps
7 up the steps
8 took the steps
9 taking the steps
принимающий меры; принятие мерtaking steps — принимающий меры; принятие мер
10 taking the steps
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > taking the steps
11 descend the steps
Макаров: спускаться по ступенькам (торжественно) -
12 guide the steps of
Общая лексика: направлять (чьи-л.) шаги -
13 muffle the steps
Общая лексика: заглушать шаги, заглушать шаги (голоса, рёв) -
14 taking the steps
1) Авиация: принимающий меры2) Нефть: принятие мер -
15 up the steps
Общая лексика: вверх по лестнице -
16 taking the steps
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > taking the steps
17 up the steps
18 taking the steps
19 taking the steps
20 up the steps
(pol.) adv. on trial
См. также в других словарях:
Theatre On The Steps — The Theatre On The Steps is a theatre in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England. It was formed in 1962 in a converted church dating from 1829, on the site of an older, demolished chapel dating from 1709.Links* [http://www.theatreonthesteps.co.uk/… … Wikipedia
Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus — Developer(s) Impressions Games Platform(s) MS DOS Release date(s) 1992 Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus is a computer game dev … Wikipedia
Steps (group) — Steps Origin London, United Kingdom Genres Pop, dance pop Instruments Vocals Years active 1997–2001, 2011–present Labels … Wikipedia
STEPS Centre — The STEPS Centre (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability) is an interdisciplinary global research and policy engagement hub, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The Centre brings together development… … Wikipedia
Steps Ahead — (originally known as Steps) is a jazz fusion group and the brainchild of vibraphonist Mike Mainieri. According to the liner notes of the group s 1983 debut album (for worldwide release), entitled Steps Ahead , Steps began as a part time venture… … Wikipedia
The Mexican Spitfires — were a Sydney, Australia based indie rock–indie pop band formed in suburban Strathfield in the Strathfield Municipality in the mid 1980s. The band formed in 1986 and the original lineup consisted of Tim O Reilly on bass and vocals, Michael… … Wikipedia
The Jerk (dance) — The Jerk was a popular dance craze from the 1960s. This is basically the Monkey, but with your arms and hands moving as if you re conducting a band, crossing your wrists in front of your chest, then sweeping out, in time, or at half time, with… … Wikipedia
The Way International — Founder(s) Victor Paul Wierwille Location New Knoxville, Ohio, U.S. Origins October 3, 1942 [1] Vesper Chimes radio program[2] Key peopl … Wikipedia
The Littlest Hobo — The First Season DVD cover Genre Family Children s Melodrama … Wikipedia
The Prince (Pournelle) — The Prince is a science fiction compilation by Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling. It is part of the CoDominium future history series. The Prince is a compilation of four previously published novels: Falkenberg s Legion , Prince of Mercenaries ,… … Wikipedia
The Sandman (short story) — The Sandman Author E.T.A. Hoffmann Original title Der Sandmann Language German Published in 1816 … Wikipedia