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См. также в других словарях:

  • unpityingly — adverb In an unpitying manner …   Wiktionary

  • unpityingly — adv. mercilessly; unsympathetically …   English contemporary dictionary

  • unpityingly — un·pityingly …   English syllables

  • unpityingly — adverb see unpitying …   Useful english dictionary

  • unmurnlíce — unmurnlíce2 adv unpityingly, without sorrowing …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • unsparingly — adv. unmercifully, unpityingly; generously, not stingily …   English contemporary dictionary

  • unpitying — adjective not feeling or showing pity. Derivatives unpityingly adverb …   English new terms dictionary

  • ruthlessly — adv heartlessly, mercilessly, pitilessly, unmercifully, unpityingly; relentlessly, remorselessly, inexorably, implacably; with a vengeance, without mercy, spitefully, unforgivingly; unscrupulously, without feeling, without compassion, without… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • unpitying — /ʌnˈpɪtiɪŋ/ (say un piteeing) adjective not feeling pity or compassion. –unpityingly, adverb …  

  • unpitying — adj. not pitying. Derivatives: unpityingly adv …   Useful english dictionary

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