1 unlimited mileage
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > unlimited mileage
2 mileage
noun1) (number of miles) [Anzahl der] Meilena low mileage — (on milometer) ein niedriger Meilenstand
2) (number of miles per gallon) [Benzin]verbrauch, der* * *mile·age[ˈmaɪlɪʤ]n no plhe gets bad/good \mileage from his car sein Auto verbraucht viel/wenig Kraftstoffwhat's the \mileage of your car by now? wie viel hat dein Auto mittlerweile auf dem Tacho?unlimited \mileage unbegrenzte Meilenanzahl3.* * *['maIlɪdZ]nMeilen pl; (on odometer) Meilenstand m, Meilenzahl fyou get a much better mileage (per gallon) from this car if... — dieser Wagen ist viel sparsamer im Verbrauch, wenn...
unlimited mileage (for hired car) — unbegrenzte Kilometerzahl
mileage allowance — ≈ Kilometerpauschale f
we got a lot of mileage out of it (fig inf) — das war uns (dat) sehr dienlich
it's still got a lot of mileage left in it (fig inf) — da steckt noch einiges drin
he decided there was no mileage in provoking a row with his boss — er entschied, dass es nichts bringen würde, mit dem Chef einen Streit anzufangen (inf)
* * *mileage [ˈmaılıdʒ] s1. Meilenlänge f, -zahl fa used car with a low mileage ein Gebrauchtwagen mit geringem Meilenstand;what mileage has the car done? wie viele Meilen ist der Wagen schon gefahren?;mileage indicator, mileage recorder AUTO Meilenzähler m;a two-year unlimited mileage warranty AUTO eine zweijährige Garantie ohne Meilenbeschränkung4. Fahrpreis m per Meilemileage ticket Fahrkarte f eines Fahrscheinhefts6. umg Nutzen m, Gewinn m:get a mileage out of sth etwas weidlich ausschlachten;* * *noun1) (number of miles) [Anzahl der] Meilena low mileage — (on milometer) ein niedriger Meilenstand
2) (number of miles per gallon) [Benzin]verbrauch, der* * *n.Kilometerstand m.Laufzeit -en f.Meilenlänge f. -
3 mileage
mile·age [ʼmaɪlɪʤ] nhe gets bad/good \mileage from his car sein Auto verbraucht viel/wenig Kraftstoffwhat's the \mileage of your car by now? wie viel hat dein Auto mittlerweile auf dem Tacho?;unlimited \mileage unbegrenzte MeilenanzahlPHRASES:sth has no \mileage [in it] ( fam) etw bringt nichts -
4 unlimited
< gen> (number, value, distance; e.g. mileage) ■ unbegrenzt
См. также в других словарях:
mileage — mile‧age [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] 1. an amount of money paid for each mile that is travelled by someone using a car for work: • The mileage allowance for use of a personal car for business is up to 44 cents a mile. 2. the amount of use or… … Financial and business terms
mileage — (also milage) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, weekly ▪ good, high, low ▪ cars that get better mileage ▪ Car for sal … Collocations dictionary
mileage — mile|age [ˈmaılıdʒ] n 1.) [C usually singular, U] the number of miles a vehicle has travelled since it was made ▪ Always check the mileage before you buy a secondhand car. 2.) [C usually singular, U] the number of miles someone travels in a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
unlimited — un|lim|it|ed [ ʌn lımıtəd ] adjective * with no limits relating to amount, time, freedom, etc.: It s best to rent a car with unlimited mileage. unlimited contributions/payment unlimited access: Our ISP offers you unlimited access to the Internet … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unlimited */ — UK [ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd] / US [ʌnˈlɪmɪtəd] adjective with no limits relating to amount, time, freedom etc It s best to rent a car with unlimited mileage. unlimited access: Our ISP offers you unlimited access to the Internet … English dictionary
unlimited — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, seem ADVERB ▪ almost, nearly (esp. AmE), virtually ▪ This new technology opens up almost unlimited … Collocations dictionary
Test Drive Unlimited — Infobox VG title= developer= Eden Games Melbourne House (PS2 PSP) publisher= Atari distributor= Akella (Russia) Microsoft (Japan) Moving Editora (Brazil) CD Projekt (Poland) designer= engine= Havok released= Xbox 360 vgrelease|NA=September 5,… … Wikipedia
mile·age — /ˈmaılıʤ/ noun [noncount] 1 a : distance in miles What s the mileage from here to New York? [=how many miles is it from here to New York?] 1 b : distance traveled in miles by a vehicle My old car has a lot of mileage on it. = My old car has… … Useful english dictionary
Top Tier Detergent Gasoline — is a designation given to participating gas brands in the U.S. and Canada that meet voluntary industry standards. History The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced the minimum gasoline detergent standard [… … Wikipedia
Flexcar — Infobox Company company name = Flexcar company company type = Corporation foundation = 2000 location = Seattle, Washington key people = Mark Norman, CEO J.J. Millard, CFO industry = Automotive products = revenue = operating income = net income =… … Wikipedia
Greyhound Lines — This article is about the US bus line. For Greyhound bus lines in other countries, see Greyhound (disambiguation). Greyhound Lines Greyho … Wikipedia