1 unless otherwise specified / stated/ mentioned ...
• если не указано особо...English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > unless otherwise specified / stated/ mentioned ...
2 unless
1. cj если не, пока неI will come unless I change my mind — я приду, если не передумаю
2. cj разве только, если только; не считаяwe had no snow this winter, unless in the mountain districts — в этом году у нас не было снега, если не считать горных районов
unless it be for Henry nobody saw it — никто не видел этого, разве только Генри
he never does anything unless compelled to — он ничего не делает, пока его не заставишь
pay them unless you hear to the contrary — заплатите им, если только не получите других указаний
3. cj «если не», оговоркаhe will burn himself out unless he gets some sleep — он измучается вконец, если не будет спать
4. prep арх. кроме, за исключениемСинонимический ряд:under different conditions (adj.) barring this; else; except that; if not; or else; other than; otherwise; under different conditions; without this -
3 если не указано иначе
•The analysis presented here pertains to the operation of a single 6697A triode, unless otherwise specified (or stated, or indicated) (or except as otherwise noted).
* * *Если не оговорено особо / указано иначеAll the plastic strain ratios are defined by incremental plastic strains unless otherwise stated.All samples used in the reactor experiments were -140 + 200 mesh unless otherwise noted.Unless specified, velocities and lengths are normalized by the area averaged velocity.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > если не указано иначе
4 если не оговорено особо
1) Mathematics: unless otherwise specified, unless otherwise specified (or stipulated), unless otherwise stated2) oil&gas: if not specified otherwiseУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > если не оговорено особо
5 если не указано особо
1) General subject: unless otherwise indicated, unless otherwise mentioned, unless otherwise specified, unless otherwise stated2) Mathematics: unless otherwise notedУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > если не указано особо
6 если не указано особо
1. unless otherwise indicated2. unless otherwise mentioned3. unless otherwise specified4. unless otherwise statedРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > если не указано особо
7 если не оговорено иное
2) Makarov: if otherwise stated, unless otherwise specifiedУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > если не оговорено иное
8 если нет иных указаний
General subject: unless otherwise specified, unless otherwise statedУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > если нет иных указаний
9 если не указано иначе
•The analysis presented here pertains to the operation of a single 6697A triode, unless otherwise specified (or stated, or indicated) (or except as otherwise noted).
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > если не указано иначе
10 остальное
•Filler metals for brazing aluminium and aluminium alloys usually contain 4-13% silicon, with copper 0.3-4%), ( and the) balance aluminium.
•Monel, an alloy of approximately 67% nickel, the balance (or rest, or remainder) being copper, is a well-known corrosion-resistant alloy.
•Seventy percent of the upper baffle was laid down by the pump method, and the balance (or the rest) was completed by hand.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > остальное
11 indication
indication [ɛ̃dikasjɔ̃]1. feminine nouna. ( = renseignement) information uncountb. ( = mention) sans indication de date/de prix without a date stamp/price labelc. ( = directive) instruction2. plural feminine nounindications [de médicament] indications* * *ɛ̃dikasjɔ̃1) ( action d'indiquer) indicationil n'y a pas d'indication de date/lieu — no date/place is specified
2) ( renseignement) information [U]3) ( instruction) instructionse conformer aux or suivre les indications — to follow the instructions
4) ( indice) indication•Phrasal Verbs:* * *ɛ̃dikasjɔ̃1. nf1) (= signe, indice) indication2) (= renseignement) information no plporter l'indication d'origine; Il doit porter l'indication d'origine. — It must be marked with the place of origin., The place of origin must be indicated.
2. indications nfpl(= directives) instructions* * *indication nf1 ( action d'indiquer) indication; il n'y a pas d'indication d'origine the place of origin is not indicated; il n'y a pas d'indication de date/lieu no date/place is specified; sur l'indication de qn on sb's recommendation;2 ( renseignement) information ¢; n'avoir aucune indication sur qch to have no information about sth; fournir des indications précises/utiles to give precise/useful information; ses indications n'ont servi à rien/ont été précieuses his information was useless/valuable; sauf indication contraire unless otherwise indicated; quelle est l'indication donnée par le cadran? what's the reading on the dial?;3 ( instruction) instruction; se conformer aux or suivre les indications données to follow the instructions provided;4 ( indice) indication;5 ( d'un médicament) indications (thérapeutiques) indications.indication scénique stage direction.[ɛ̃dikasjɔ̃] nom féminin1. [recommandation] instruction4. [aperçu] indicationc'est une excellente indication sur l'état de l'économie it's an excellent indication of the state of the economy5. MÉDECINE & PHARMACIE6. COMMERCE -
12 если не установлено иное
Law: unless a contrary indication appears, Unless otherwise noted, unless otherwise stated, save as otherwise provided, (Соглашением) unless specified otherwise, (соглашением, договором, контрактом) unless otherwise providedУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > если не установлено иное
13 если не оговорено особо
Если не оговорено особо / указано иначеAll the plastic strain ratios are defined by incremental plastic strains unless otherwise stated.All samples used in the reactor experiments were -140 + 200 mesh unless otherwise noted.Unless specified, velocities and lengths are normalized by the area averaged velocity.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > если не оговорено особо
14 если условия контракта не предписывают (не предусматривают) обратное
notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, unless otherwise provided for by the terms of the contract, unless specified/stated otherwise4000 полезных слов и выражений > если условия контракта не предписывают (не предусматривают) обратное
15 aangeven
♦voorbeelden:de trein vertrok op de aangegeven tijd • the train left on timetenzij anders aangegeven • except where otherwise specified, unless stated otherwisenauwkeurig aangeven • specify (in detail)een geboorte/huwelijk aangeven • register a birth/marriagehebt u nog iets aan te geven? • do you have anything (else) to declare?de dader heeft zichzelf aangegeven • the culprit turned himself inde maat aangeven • beat timekunt u ongeveer aangeven waar het is? • can you indicate approximately where it is? -
16 tenzij anders aangegeven
tenzij anders aangegevenexcept where otherwise specified, unless stated otherwiseVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > tenzij anders aangegeven
17 vereinbart
vereinbart adj GEN, RECHT, VERSICH agreed* * *adj <Geschäft, Recht, Versich> agreed* * *vereinbart
agreed, settled, stipulated;
• falls (soweit, wenn) nicht anderweitig vereinbart unless otherwise agreed;
• früher als vereinbart ahead of schedule;
• nicht vereinbart unarranged;
• vertraglich vereinbart stipulated by contract;
• wie vereinbart as stipulated (arranged);
• wie vertraglich vereinbart as provided in the contract;
• wodurch wie folgt vereinbart wird whereby it is agreed as follows;
• hiermit wird vereinbart witnesseth that;
• vereinbarte Bedingungen conditions agreed upon;
• vereinbartes Darlehen contractual loan;
• vereinbarter Preis price agreed upon, contracted price;
• zu einem vereinbarten Preis at an arranged price;
• vertraglich vereinbarter Preis price agreed upon by arrangement;
• vereinbarte Qualität stipulated quality;
• vereinbarte Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit voluntary arbitration;
• vereinbartes Vorgehen concerted action;
• vertraglich vereinbarter Zahlungstermin contractual due date;
• vereinbarter Zeitpunkt stated (specified) time;
• vereinbarter Zolltarif conventional tariff. -
18 если это не оговорено иначе
Если это не оговорено иначе-- Unless otherwise stated in application sector standards, the minimum level of independence of those carrying out the assessment shall be as specified in IEC 61508-1.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > если это не оговорено иначе
19 סתם
סְתָםm. (preced.) 1) closing up. Tosef.Ab. Zar. VII (VIII), 14; Ab. Zar.69b, v. סְתוֹם, a. שְׁתָם. 2) something unknown, undefined. Ib. 74a bot. סְתַם יינן Ms. M. a. Rashi (ed. יין) wine of gentiles of which it is not known that it has been dedicated to an idol, opp. יין נסך; Ḥull.4b. Y.Ab. Zar. III, 43b bot. בס׳ חלוקין they differ with regard to a tree (Asherah) of which it is not known that is has been worshipped. Ib. סְתָמָן עובדיןוכ׳ those of them (the gentiles) not otherwise known worship an image but not a tree. Macc.3b המלוה את חבירו ס׳ he who makes a loan to his neighbor without terms, cannot claim payment before thirty days. Snh.25b ס׳ גבאי כשר a tax collector, unless known to be dishonest, is admissible as witness; ס׳ רועה פסול a shepherd, unless known to guard his flock from illicit pasture, is disqualified. B. Mets.69a (in Chald. dict.) ס׳ אריסאוכ׳ the presumption is that a tenant obligates himself, etc. R. Hash. 7b ס׳ כי אגרוכ׳ as a rule, when one rents a house etc.; a. v. fr. 3) an opinion stated without an authority, anonymous opinion. Yeb.42b, a. fr. מחלוקת ואח״כ ס׳ הלכה כס׳ where differing opinions are quoted and followed by an anonymous opinion (‘the scholars say), the latter is the practice. Ḥull.43a, a. e. הלכה כס׳ משנה the practice follows the anonymous opinion in the Mishnah. Snh.86a, a. e. ס׳ מתני׳ר׳ מאירוכ׳ wherever an anonymous opinion is stated in the Mishnah, it is B. Meïrs; in the Tosefta, etc.; a. fr.Y.Sot.I, 17b bot. כתוב לה ס׳ write the order for two men without specified names. -
20 סְתָם
סְתָםm. (preced.) 1) closing up. Tosef.Ab. Zar. VII (VIII), 14; Ab. Zar.69b, v. סְתוֹם, a. שְׁתָם. 2) something unknown, undefined. Ib. 74a bot. סְתַם יינן Ms. M. a. Rashi (ed. יין) wine of gentiles of which it is not known that it has been dedicated to an idol, opp. יין נסך; Ḥull.4b. Y.Ab. Zar. III, 43b bot. בס׳ חלוקין they differ with regard to a tree (Asherah) of which it is not known that is has been worshipped. Ib. סְתָמָן עובדיןוכ׳ those of them (the gentiles) not otherwise known worship an image but not a tree. Macc.3b המלוה את חבירו ס׳ he who makes a loan to his neighbor without terms, cannot claim payment before thirty days. Snh.25b ס׳ גבאי כשר a tax collector, unless known to be dishonest, is admissible as witness; ס׳ רועה פסול a shepherd, unless known to guard his flock from illicit pasture, is disqualified. B. Mets.69a (in Chald. dict.) ס׳ אריסאוכ׳ the presumption is that a tenant obligates himself, etc. R. Hash. 7b ס׳ כי אגרוכ׳ as a rule, when one rents a house etc.; a. v. fr. 3) an opinion stated without an authority, anonymous opinion. Yeb.42b, a. fr. מחלוקת ואח״כ ס׳ הלכה כס׳ where differing opinions are quoted and followed by an anonymous opinion (‘the scholars say), the latter is the practice. Ḥull.43a, a. e. הלכה כס׳ משנה the practice follows the anonymous opinion in the Mishnah. Snh.86a, a. e. ס׳ מתני׳ר׳ מאירוכ׳ wherever an anonymous opinion is stated in the Mishnah, it is B. Meïrs; in the Tosefta, etc.; a. fr.Y.Sot.I, 17b bot. כתוב לה ס׳ write the order for two men without specified names.
См. также в других словарях:
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